
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成练习册A第七课星期一 至星期五  Complete the Exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions
2. 练习《龙文》第一–二页 Practise <龙文> P1–2
3、可继续拍摄《龙文》第一-二页试唱视频发给老师 You can continue to shoot the first and second pages of the singing video of “Longwen” and send it to the teacher

30 Replies to “家庭作业2024年3月17日至2024年3月23日”

  1. YCT B Homework:

    1. Textbook page 37 – Reading: Translate the sentences into English.
    2. Activity book page 26 – part 3 & 4: Translate the sentences into English.
    3. Activity book page 28 – part 7: Translate the sentences into English.

  2. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 8 of Workbook B.
    Memorize the underlined words in Lesson 8 for the class test next week.

  3. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 熟读第九课课文《“神舟”飞天》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 9 – Shenzhou Spacecraft .

    2. 完成练习册A,第九课星期二4-7,星期三、星期四全部练习题(练习册73-81页)。
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 9 Tuesday 4-7, Wednesday and Thursday all exercises (page 73-81).

    3.朗诵古诗《敕勒歌》(课本63页)。 要求横屏拍摄,纯色(最好白色)背景,站着朗诵,拍半身,穿正装。
    To recite the classical Chinese poetry —— The Song of Chile(page 63). Requires shooting in landscape mode, against a solid (preferably white) background, standing recitation, half-body shot, wearing formal attire.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Read aloud Lesson Nine poems and upload your recordings;
      2、完成课本第88-91页综合练习 。
      Complete the questions on Text Book page 88-91.

  4. 1、完成练习册A第七课星期一 至星期五 Complete the Exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions
    2. 跟着视频练习《孙悟空打妖怪》,按视频中的节奏朗诵并拍摄视频发给老师 ,开始时请加上自我介绍“大家好,我是xxx,今年x岁。我朗诵的作品是《孙悟空打妖怪》。
    Follow the video to practice “孙悟空打妖怪” , take a video and send it to the teacher.

  5. 五年级B班
Finish the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 8 in workbook B.
Read aloud Lesson 8 《唐人街》and 《过春节》once a day.(send a recording to the WeChat group)
    3.复习第八课的生字和生词,准备下次听写。Review lesson 8 new vocabularies for dictation next week.
4.学唱歌曲《子曰》,抄写一遍歌词,给不认识的字标注上拼音。Learn to sing the song “Zi Yue”, copy the lyrics once, and mark the pinyin on the words that you do not know.

  6. 五年级A班
    Correct the misspelled words in the dictation and write each word three times. We will have another dictation next week.
    Copy and memorise the characters in lesson 7, prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the first three exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A.
    Choose a poem, article, or story that you like, recite it, and record a video to share in the group for preparation of the recitation competition on the 24th. (You can also refer to the recitation materials sent in the class group.

  7. 1.请改正今天听写错的词或句子,并把正确的抄写在作业本上,每个词或句子抄写3遍。
    很高很远/哪儿/高兴地说/都能/也/觉得/为什么/有点儿/明白了/月亮/月亮会不会跟人走?Correct any words or sentences spelled incorrectly during today’s dictation and write the correct version in the homework book three times for each word or sentence.
    2.请做第9课课文第64-65页的笔画笔顺的书写,字按顺序抄写到作业本上,每个字抄写3遍。Write the strokes and stroke order for characters on pages 64-65 of Lesson 9 in the workbook. Copy each character in order into the homework book three times.
    Read the “Read Aloud” section on page 65 of the lesson. I will randomly check during class.
    4. 完成第九课练习册A周一至周五的1,2, 3题。
    Complete Workbook A exercises 1, 2, and 3 for Lesson 9 from Monday to Friday.
    5.熟读课文第九课文,发视频或录音带到微信群。 Familiarize yourself with the text of Lesson 9 and share a video or audio recording in the WeChat group.

  8. 二年级C班:

    1. 完成第九课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 9 the rest of the questions.
    2. 背诵第九课课文。
    Recite Lesson 9.
    3. 改正听写的错别字,每个写10遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 10 times each.
    4. 学习成语《草船借箭》,理解意思,可以画一幅画。
    Learn the Chinese idioms,to understand the meaning and also please draw a picture.

  9. GCSE网课班
    1 复习书上146-147页的所有新词组,复习词卡 https://quizlet.com/gb/688673158/gcse-chinese-82-%E6%9C%AA%E6%9D%A5%E8%AE%A1%E5%88%92-flash-cards/

    2 完成147页的第6题口语录音,要求2分钟–2分半钟
    3 完成谷歌教室里的PDF 练习题

  10. 1.完成YCT活动手册 第八课(第29页到第32页)。
    Complete page 29-32 of Lesson 8 in the YCT Activity Book.

    2. 阅读第八课的生字和句子。Reading the vocabulary and the key sentences in Lesson 8.

    2. 复习写第一课 到第七课生字。 Revise the vocabulary from Lesson 1 to Lesson 7.

  11. 1, 完成练习册星期三至星期五

  12. 六年级C班作业
    1. 习第七课生词。Review the vocabulary of L7. https://quizlet.com/_9bwal7?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 练习册第七课周一至周五的第三到四题。Question 3-4 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 7, Workbook 6A.
    3. 请注意线上报考截止日期是5月7日。选计划一下争取一周做一篇找到适合自己的水平报考。有问题的部分可以微信我或发到班群。Please plan to do one of the HSK or YCT paper per week to find the right level for you. The deadline for apply the test is 7th of May. If you have any questions, you can ask me by wechat to me or to the class wechat.

  13. 学前班 B班

    Watch play list vidio clip. Pleases watch at least once a day.You can skip the clip if you have memorised the contents.

    2, 3A教科书29页5.Do it ,完成后贴在蓝色本子,或者直接贴在蓝色本子上完成。
    Complete 3A Text book page 29, 5.Do it. You can complete it on the blue notebook, or complete using a separate paper and glue it on the blue notebook.

    3, 3A 教科书30页6 Exercises 1,2
    Complete 3A Text book page 30, 6.Exercises1,2

    4,背诵《三字经》“养不教 父之过,教不严 师之过”
    Memories ‘Sanzijing’ from beginning until Yangbujiao fuzhiguo, Jiaobuyan shizhiguo

  14. 七年级A班
    1. 练习册B册65-71页周四到周五的练习
    Complete Exercise Book B Lesson 8(page 65-71) from Thursday to Friday.

    2. 能流利地朗读第8课课文;把描写卢浮宫的语句找出来,抄写在练习本上。
    Read the text aloud fluently. Find the sentences describing Lufugong and copy them into the exercise book

    Characters written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them 2-5 times in the exercise book.

  15. 二年级B班
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish parts 1,2 and 3 of lesson 9, exercise book A.
    Read aloud the text of lesson 9 every day.
    Write down a question about “为什么“ and google it, write the reason, and share it in the next lesson.

  16. 四年级B班 第22周作业
    1. 继续背诵《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。能单独找老师背诵的同学有奖励,先到先得。
    Memories 《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。There are prizes for students who can individually approach the teacher for recitation on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. 第八课练习册“星期四-星期五”的练习。
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 8, “Thursday-Friday”.
    3. 用“有的……有的……”造3个句子。
    Make three sentences using 有的… 有的…
    4. 复习第八课的课文和词语,准备听写。
    Review texts and words from Lesson 8 in preparation for dictation.
    5. 填表报名YCT的考试。本班大多数孩子去年都通过了YCT3级,所以今年考YCT4级。不清楚孩子应该报名什么等级的可以私信询问我。

  17. 六年级B班

    Complete the remaining part of Lesson 8 “Telescope” in the exercise book.

    Draw the story of the invention of the microscope and add text.

    3. 未完成朗诵或者讲述课文的同学请把音频或者视频发到群里并@老师。
    Students who have not finished reciting or narrating the text please send the audio or video to the group and @teacher.

  18. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 8,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday:
    ​yct 6 lesson8: https://quizlet.com/892103135/yct6-lesson-8-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1qqt

    ​2)Please finish the exercises at Page43&45,Yct6 Activity book;Page64,Yct6 text book
    ​请完成课本第43和45页的练习; 课本第64页的练习。

    ​3)Please read the Lesson8 mini story at least three times, and then translate into English. 请熟读第八课小故事的至少三遍, 然后翻译成英文。

  19. Year Two D Homework
    二年级D 班作业
    1, Memorise “ A Crescent Moon” on text book page 60, will check next week
    背诵课本60 页的”弯弯的月亮‘ ,下周检查
    2, Read lesson nine three times a day
    3, Complete the exercise book A for Lesson nine
    Mon: 1-6
    Tue: 1-6

  20. 第一, 三组
    1. zai找一篇关于主题1的文章,熟读,
    2. zai找一篇关于主题2的文章,熟读。
    3. 熟读到可以给全班讲述的程度。
    4. 用中文解释
    a. 文化交流
    b. 体育交流
    c. 教育交流
    d. 城市化
    e. 贫富差距
    f. 留守儿童
    5. 把上面的6个词写到一段话里
    6. REWRITE last week’s work to improve

    1. 找一篇关于主题3的文章,熟读
    2. 找一篇关于主题4的文章,熟读
    3. 熟读到可以给全班讲述的程度。
    4. 用中文解释
    a. 文化交流
    b. 体育交流
    c. 教育交流
    d. 城市化
    e. 贫富差距
    f. 留守儿童
    5. 把上面的6个词写到一段话里
    6. REWRITE last week’s to improve

  21. 三年级C半:
    1. 请完成练习册B第八课 以下习题。
    Monday: 5, 6, 7
    Tuesday: 6, 7
    Wednesday: 1, 5, 6, 7
    Thursday: 1, 2, 3

    2. 请完成链接中的作业

    3. 熟读第8课《壶盖为什么会动》并横屏拍摄视频。
    Read lesson eight until fluent then record your reading and send it to wechat group.

  22. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第八课课文《壶盖为什么会动》
    Reading the book of lesson eight “Why Does the Kettle Lid Move”.
    2 完成练习册B第八课《壶盖为什么会动》星期一和星期二的全部练习和星期三的练习1-2。
    Please complete lesson 8 “Why Does the Kettle Lid Move” in exercise book B.
    Monday: 1-7
    Tuesday: 1-7
    Wednesday: 1-2
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 诗____ 读 ____
    (2) 土 ____ 士 ____
    (3) 中____ 冲 _____
    4 写出水的三种型态(中文,英文都可以)
    Write down the three forms of water.

  23. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词 “设计与技术、教室、科学、生物、化学、物理、宗教、经济、戏剧、严格、亲切、有趣、幽默、除了…以外,还/也…、休息、厉害、奇怪、觉得/认为、容易、食堂、挣钱、习惯、中学会考、海鲜、各种各样、照顾、满意、留学交流、得到好成绩、书法、夏令营、关系、压力、庆祝、校服、比如说、干净、自信、火锅、失败” 需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。(请把这个表格贴在你的家庭作业本上并拍照给老师批改)。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 写作:写一篇关于夏令营的文章
    Writing: Write a formal article about A summer camp
    Requirements: no less than 200 words, you can refer to page 42 of the textbook for writing.
    请翻译课文中第39页第1题和 43页的第1题。
    Please translate question 1 on page 39 and question 1 on page 43 in the text.

  24. 六 年级 A班 作业:
    1.Read the text from Lesson 8 and underline any words you can’t read or don’t understand .
    Copy the words from page 79 of the textbook three times each .
    星期一: 1-4题
    星期三:1-3 题
    Complete the workbook exrcises for Lesson 8 as instructed.
    Do you know any other interesting stories about inventors ?We’ll share them in the next class .
    Practice recitation:Continue practicing the recitation by the teacher last week,or you can practice with articles you like .

  25. Review the 10 words for next week dictation.
    Write twice each and the English meaning.

  26. 学前班A reception Class:
    1. 读quizlet W20 Chinese food2 + 小猫钓鱼 的词语和句子
    2. 画出小猫钓鱼的故事,用自己的话说一说故事。

  27. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第七课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下次上课时听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 7, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next week。

    2、抄写《中文》第一册第七课练习二 (p39) 词组各5遍, Copy 5 times of each phrase in Exercise 2 of Lesson Seven.

  28. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A,第九课《数星星的孩子》星期一到星期三剩下的练习。
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 9,Mon to Wed.

    2. 熟读第九课课文,录制视频或者音频,发到班级群。
    Read Lesson 9 fluently, take a video and share in our class Wechat group.

    3. 熟读《朝代歌》我们学过的内容并背诵下来。
    Read ‘Chao Dai Ge’ fluently and memorize it.

    4. 自学班级群发的YCT4词汇第一部分,可以在没有拼音的情况下,认出并理解这些词汇的意思。
    Revise YCT4 words and phrases part 1 in our Wechat group.

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