
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第六课练习二词组各10遍,每天5个词Copy 10 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Six,5 phrases per day.

2、完成《中文》第一册课本综合练习(二)(第34页)Complete Review 2 in page 34

3、背诵课本第33页《小鸟自由地飞》并拍摄朗诵视频,发给老师。 Memorise the Reading <Bird Fly Freely> and make a video then send to me.

4、熟读并学唱《少年中国说》第一至第二页,欢迎拍视频给老师 Read the 2 pages of <少年中国说>, welcome your video.

30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年3月13日至2023年3月18日”

  1. 三年级A班
    1. 预习第九课《蔡伦造纸》。
    Preview Lesson 9 “Cai Lun Papermaking”
    Please correct the wrong phrases that were dictated in class today, and copy each phrase 3 times.
    Please find information yourself: What are the four great inventions of China? Who invented it? What impact do the four great inventions have on our current lives?

  2. 八年级&GCSE基础班
    Read the text book and send the voice recording to the class group.
    Complete the text book page 113.
    Make sentences and translate into English Page 112.

  3. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 背诵课本第33页《小鸟自由地飞》并拍摄朗诵视频,发给老师。 Memorise the Reading and make a video then send to me.

  4. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1. 第六课听写写错的字,请在听写本上每个字抄写10遍。
    Correct the wrong words in today’s dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

    2. 抄写第六课 “读一读” 的词组(第32页) 请每个词组抄写5遍。
    Copy 5 times of each phase in exercise 2 “du yi du” of Lesson Six on page 32.

    3. 完成综合练习 (二)课本第34页。Please complete the Review (2) on page 34.

    4. 背诵课本第33页阅读《小鸟自由地飞》并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Please recite the reading exercise on page 33 and take a video.

  5. 六年级B班:
    Workbook A Lesson 9 “Two Ancient Poems” Monday to Friday 1, 2, 3.

    Recite two Tang poems by Li Bai, and record or video.

  6. 四年级B班
    Continue to complete all the questions in the eighth lesson of Exercise Book B, “Sima Guang”.Some students have already done all of them, please correct the mistakes, as well as the words in the dictation book.

    2. 完成练习A册第九课《数星星的孩子》星期一到星期三Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4.
    Complete exercise Book A, Lesson 9, “The Child who Counts the Stars” Monday to Wednesday Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

    Students are invited to search the Internet for information about the astronomer of the Han Dynasty: Zhang Heng, his life events, and inventions, and his influence on future generations. It can be in the form of text narration, pictures, comic strips, or video sharing. If students have time, please make your own illustrated and beautiful PPT and share it to my mailbox:misswangart@gmail.com .

  7. 6年级A班
    Exercise A
    Mon. 1,2,3,4
    Tue. 2,4
    Wed. 1,2,3,4
    Recite the poem 《早发白帝城》
    Read loud the poem《望庐山瀑布》, and upload your record to the WeChat group.
    Review the vocabulary about , it will be tested next week.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Read aloud Lesson Eight and upload your recordings;
      Copy two times of the words on Textbook Exciese 2 and read aloud every day, ready for the test in next lesson.
      Read aloud The Great Hall and underline unrecognised words.

  8. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成第八课的补充练习,见PDF。
    Complete Exercise for lesson 8, find out from the PDF.
    2. 请把以下词语写3遍,准备下个星期听写。
    Copy the 11 words below three times, get ready for the dictation next week.
    1.壶盖 2.英国 3.科学家4.奇怪5.水蒸气6.冲出来8.常常9.试验10.蒸汽机11.一位
    3. 观看成语故事“班门弄斧”。
    4. 背一背或熟读。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    火焰山 八百里

  9. 六年级C班作业
    1. CQ复习第七课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L7 and prepare for the dictation. https://quizlet.com/_9bwal7?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ练习朗诵第七课,整备准备朗诵比赛。Read the text till fluent and prepare for the reading competition.
    3. CQ 练习册第七课周一至周五的第四到七题。Question 4-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 7, Workbook 6A.
    4. CQ准备第七课朗诵对话 (p67)。Prepare to read the dialogue on p67.
    5. COQ阅读第五课阅读课文《牛郎和织女》 p68并回答问题。Read the on p68 and answer the following questions.
    1) 牛郎为什么叫牛郎?
    2) 谁是织女? 她为什么喜欢牛郎?
    3) 为什么一天牛郎回家后找不到织女了?
    4) 是谁害得牛郎织女不能生活在一起?
    5) 牛郎织女以后又见面了吗?
    6) 中国有个成语叫“鹊桥相会”,你现在知道这成语是什么意思了吗?

  10. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 读quizlet 绘本故事《尼莫朋友多》。
    2.读quizlet W20 Chinese food2
    3. 画出《尼莫朋友多》中 尼莫去看的十位朋友。draw the ten friends that nemo vists.

  11. 学前班B Reception Class B

    Watch play list vidio clip. Pleases watch at least once a day.You can skip the clip if you have memorised the contents.

    2, 3A教科书29页5.Do it ,完成后贴在蓝色本子,或者直接贴在蓝色本子上完成。
    Complete 3A Text book page 29, 5.Do it. You can complete it on the blue notebook, or complete using a separate paper and glue it on the blue notebook.

    3, 3A 教科书30页6 Exercises 1,2
    Complete 3A Text book page 30, 6.Exercises1,2

    4,背诵《三字经》“子不学 非所宜 幼不学 老何为”
    Memories ‘Sanzijing’ -Zibuxue Feisuoyi Youbiuxue Laohewei’

    Memories ‘Deng guanquelou’

  12. Yct C class homework:

    1.请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第五册第十课的新词,并用游戏练习新词。Please use the following link to learn the new words from Lesson 10,YCT5


    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on following Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:考试、聊天儿、努力、练习、衣服
    3)Please make three sentences using the following connection words:

    4) Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  13. Year Two C Homework
    二年级C 班作业
    A, Practise the sentences for Lesson eight, read three times a day, will check next week.
    练习熟读第八课的句子, 下周课堂检查
    1, 你会不会唱中文歌?
    2, 我去公园, 姐姐也去公园。
    5,我问妈妈, 中国有多远, 妈妈说, 中国很远。
    6,哥哥比(bǐ)我高, 弟弟比(bǐ)我矮(ǎi)。
    7, 你为什么学写汉字?
    8,我不喜欢画画, 我不明白为什么星期六我去学画画。
    11,我天天早上八点起来, 晚(wǎn)上十点睡(shuì)觉(jiào), 我哥哥晚上十二点才睡(shuì)觉(jiào)。
    13,春风春雨春雪春阳, 春天真好。
    14,春天花长(zhǎng)鸟飞(fēi), 我们也跟着(zhe)看听说唱。
    16,月亮真的不是跟我们走, 它很高很远。
    17,今天的月亮又大又亮又圆, 真好看(kàn)。
    B, Memorise the ‘A Crescent Moon ‘ on Text book page 60
    C, Read the sentences and fill in the blanks, write the completed sentences.
    读句子, 填空, 并抄写下来。
    1,( ), 我也去公园。
    2,( )天我和妈妈去买东西。
    3, 我( )今天很冷, 你觉得呢?
    4,妈妈说( )个月我们会去中国。
    5, 中国的( )是北京 ( beijing) 。
    6, 我有一 ( ) 新衣服 ( yifu) 。
    7, 一( ) 花, 两 ( ) 书, 三 ( )马,四 ( ) 蛋糕, 五 ( ) 生日卡
    8, ( ) 有花?这里有花。
    9, 你( ) 什么? 我姓( xing) 王。
    10, ( )月亮跟人走?

  14. 四年级A班 王老师

    1 请做完第八课的习题。Please complete thechapter 8 all questions
    2 记熟第八课划线词汇。要听写。Remember the underlined phrases in lesson 8. To dictation.
    3. 请 组合汉字Please combine Chinese characters
    耳 + 总 overall (zǒng)=八口 心
    又+ 戈 dagger-axe(ɡē)
    缶 a narrow opening crock (fǒu)+ 工
    壮strong (zhuànɡ )+衣
    口 +下
    口+口+犬 (quǎn)
    忄+ 京
    忄+ 艹+ 亡+ 儿 荒 desolate (huānɡ)
    氵+ 去
    土+ 夬 tormented ( guài)
    亻+ 一 +史 + 吏 official ( lì )
    巠 endyceps sinensis (Jīng )+力
    石 + 匚 + 巾 + 匝surround(zā)
    求 bed (qiú ) + 攵 = 文 writing

    4 . 认真 抄写第九课习题周一到周五的第一题 very cearfully Copy the first questions of the chapter 9 Exercises from Monday to Friday

    5. 学习司马光写的诗歌 learn the poem of 司马光
    《客中初夏》 司马光
    April qing and rain suddenly clear, Nanshan when the household turn clear.
    More no catkins because of the wind, but sunflower to the sun.

  15. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习GCSE 书上128-133页所有的关于食物的词组,要求会读会认会说
    Review and learn all new vocabs on GCSE book P128-P133
    2 写作129页第4题,按照4个BULLET POINTS 写,要求最少100个字
    P129 Writing question 4, follow 4 bullet points, min 100 characters
    3 阅读132页第3题,回答问题,阅读133页第4题,完成填空题
    Read question 3 on page 132, answer the questions. Read question 4 on page 133, fill up the gap questions
    4 完成133页第6题写作,按照4个BULLET POINTS 写,最少180个字。
    Finish p133 question 6 writing task, follow 4 bullet points, min 180 characters

  16. 1 朗诵第九课课文《蔡伦造纸》
    Reading the book of lesson 9 “Cai Lun Invented the Paper”
    2 完成练习册A 第九课《蔡伦造纸》星期一和星期二的全部练习,星期三的练习1-2。
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 9 of Exercise book A “Cai Lun Invented the Paper”:
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    Wednesday 1-2
    3 写出中国古代四大发明
    List Four Great Inventions of Ancient China.
    4 区分相近的字并组词
    distinguish similar words and group words
    纸(zhǐ)_______ 底(dǐ)_______低(dī)_______
    5 写出纸的6种用途 例如:报纸
    Write down 6 uses of paper. Example: Newspaper

  17. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK
    Finish the rest questions from Exercise book B, Lesson 8.
    Be ready for dictation.
    Learn to sing this song.

  18. 二年级A班

    1. 完成第八课余下的练习题。
    Complete lesson 8 the rest of the questions.
    2. 复习第八课的划线词语,准备下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 8 underlined the phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    3. 请用“会不会”造3个句子。
    Please make 3 sentences use “会不会”
    4. 阅读课本58页“读一读”和60页“弯弯的月亮”任选其一发语音到班群。
    Read the text book P58 “Read aloud” and P60 “A Crescent Moon”. Choose one to send your recording to group chart.
    5. 观看视频学习成语“一日千里”。
    Watch the link learn the idiom “一日千里”.

  19. Homework 20230312
    Please write down lesson8‘s and reading8‘s new words every day two time.

    please practice your speaking skills, every day read once lesson 8 and reading8, and record your voice, upload to the WeChat group by Saturday.

    练习册 B practice B
    星期一 Monday67
    星期二 Tuesday4567
    星期三 Wednesday467
    星期四 Thursday467
    星期五 Friday567

  20. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A,第九课《数星星的孩子》如下练习:
    Please finish the following exercises of Lesson 9 on Exercise Book A.
    星期一:3,6,7题 Mon: Question 3,6 and 7
    星期二:6-7题 Tue: Question 6-7
    星期三:5-7题 Wed: Question 5-7
    星期四:6-7题 Thurs : Question 6-7
    星期五:3,6-8题 Fri: Question 3 and 6-8

    2. 熟读第九课课文,录制音频或者视频,发到班级群。
    Please read the text of Lesson 9 fluently, make a video and send it to our Wechat group.

    3. 继续熟读并背诵《朝代歌》中间部分(具体参考微信群消息)。
    Please memorize the middle part of “Chao Dai Ge”.

  21. 1,完成第七課, 练习册A的所有作业。
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson seven(Exercise Book A).

    2, 背诵古诗二首,下节课随堂测试。
    To recite two ancient poems of lesson Seven.

    3,课外阅读: 成语故事之天马行空
    Extra reading- read the story and think about what lesson is the idiom trying to tell us.

  22. YCT A Homework for 二零二三 年 三 月 十三 日(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. Revise the vocabularies about duration. Read them aloud.
    几年, 几个月,几天,几个星期,几个小时,几分钟
    一(yī) 年(nián),两(liǎng) 年(nián),三(sān) 年(nián)……
    一(yī) 个(gè) 月(yuè),两(liǎng) 个(gè) 月(yuè),三(sān) 个(gè) 月(yuè)……
    一(yī) 天(tiān), 两(liǎng) 天(tiān),三(sān) 天(tiān)……
    一(yī) 个(gè) 小(xiǎo) 时(shí),两(liǎng) 个(gè) 小(xiǎo) 时(shí),三(sān) 个(gè) 小(xiǎo) 时(shí)……
    一(yī) 分(fēn) 钟(zhōng),两(liǎng) 分(fēn) 钟(zhōng),三(sān) 分(fēn) 钟(zhōng)……

    Task 2. Choose the appropriate number for each sentence.
    For this exercise, please see the Word Document sent in our group.

  23. 五年级A班
    Learn the new words from lesson 7 on your own and use the same method we used in lesson 6 to explain the pinyin, radical, stroke count, memorization technique, word combinations, and example sentences for each word. Write them down in your exercise book and next week we will divide into small groups to present and discuss the new words.
    The Chinese idiom of this week
    Reading: to indicate time using”半、刻、差”and the common saying “The first step is always the hardest.
    Review the “Dynasty Song” learned in year 4.

  24. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 课堂上学习的生词,选出的20个词: “受欢迎、习惯、中学会考、海鲜、各种各样、照顾、满意、留学交流、得到好成绩、书法、夏令营、关系、压力、庆祝、礼堂、比如说、干净、自信、火锅、失败
    ” 要求会认会写,每个词造一个复合句子总共20个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making one complex sentence for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    2. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第34页(阅读3) 、第36页(阅读1)和37页(阅读4)(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 34 reading 3, page 36 reading 1 and page 37 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    3. 翻译A:Translate paragraph 4 from Reading 4 into English on page 37.
        翻译B: Translate Writing 1 the 4 sentences into Chinese on page 41.

  25. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK21 Term2 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Read and copy sentences. Contents to find from class WeChat group.

    2.Review and finish questions 1-4 on page 1-2 of the Standard Course book YCT4:
    Q1) Write the relavent Chinese word/phrase asdide each of the pictures;
    Q2) Read questions and answer;
    Q3) Find each of the words/phrases in Chinese and circle it;
    Q4) Read and match.
    Q1) 在每张图片旁边写下相应的中文词汇/短语;
    Q2) 读与回答问题。还可将答案以最简短的中文字写出来(可选);
    Q3) 找出每个给定的单词/短语的中文,并圈出来;
    Q4) 阅读与匹配。

    3.Following given music, continue to read lyrics & learn to sing the song of ‘春风吻上我的脸’ .

  26. A level班 家庭作业

    1、预习新单词,World Trade Organisation (WTO) 世界贸易组织 、 advice 建议/意见 、 arts 艺术 、 artifacts 文物 、 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) 亚洲基础设施投资银行 /亚投行、 attractiveness 吸引力 、 Belt and Road initiative 一带一路、 boarding schools 寄宿学校 、 brand / brand name 品牌 、 British Council 英国文化协会 、 bilateral trade 双边贸易、commercial group 商业集团、 Confucius Institute 孔子学院、 consortium 财团 、 constructive 积极/建设性、 contact(s) 接触/联系/人脉 、 contribution 贡献 、 co-operation 合作 、 creative talents 创意人才 、 cultural heritage 文化遗产 、 cutting-edge products 尖端产品 、 delegation 代表团 、 developed nations 发达国家、 developing nations 发展中国家、 dialogue 对话、 diverse cultures / multicultural 多元文化、 entry visa 入境签证 、 exchange of ideas 思想交流 、 exchange students 交流生/交换生 、 exchange visit programme 互访计划。下节课听写。

    2、《请投我一票》,整理之前写过的所有作文,合成在一个文档中并上传到Google classroom。

    3、A level第二年的同学逐步复习上学年所学的内容。下节课会进行口试复习。

  27. 五年级B班
Complete all the exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson7.
    Recite the lesson 7,read , self-study reading part of .
Upload the recording to the group.

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