
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有生字,准备下星期的听写Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation in next week

3、唐诗背诵 -《江南春》杜牧 并拍摄视频 Memorise the Tang Poem <Jiang Nan Spring> and send me the video

4、背诵《字·诗》第四首《天地》并拍摄视频Memorise the poem <The Sky and The Earth> and send me the video.

24 Replies to “家庭作业2021年4月19日至2021年4月24日”

  1. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete Lesson 1: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 6-7)。
    2.请熟记单词“早上-早餐,中午-午餐,晚上-晚餐”。会认数字:123456789 10 11 12(一二三四五六七八九十 十一 十二)

  2. YCT B Homework for 19-4-2021 to 24-4-2021(Ms Ying Wang王瑛): Task 1. (Compulsory) Standard course book: Read aloud the text on page 39 twice a day. Write down the English translation. 大声朗读第39页的课文每天两遍。写下英语译文。 Task 2. (Compulsory) Activity Book: Finish page 30 exercise 3 and 4. 完成活动手册中第30页的练习题3和 4。
    Task 3. (Optional) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 to 8)在线词汇练习第二级第一课到第八课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/ (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/
    Task 4. (Optional) Watch video clips. 看视频。

  3. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的20个词:“舞狮、端午节、年年有余、汤圆、粽子、春节、一般来说、素食、蔬菜、肥胖症、各种各样、火锅、肯德基、北京烤鸭、饮食习惯、健康、快餐、麦当劳、饺子、中秋节”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共20个句子,下节课准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2、 口语测试,角色扮演
    Speaking Task: A role play
    Topic: Cultural life
    Requirements: Please prepare your speaking based on the topics given. You can take notes.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 142 reading 3, and page 144 Reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  4. 8年级
    1 熟读第10课课文和阅读课文,掌握新的生字和词组
    Read fluently lesson 10 and reading article, learn new characters and phrases.
    2 完成第10课剩下的星期四和星期五的练习
    Finish lesson 10 Thursday and Friday exercises.
    3 预习第11课《郑和远航》,学习新的生字。
    Preview lesson 11, get to know new characters
    4 作业 , 写一个你最崇拜的人,要求最少200字
    Writing task: Your idol , min 200 characters

  5. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    Finish Exercise book B, rest questions of Lesson 10.
    Read the text of Lesson 10.
    3. 请按照徐老师提供的朗诵材料,三选一,完成“字 诗”朗诵视频。
    Please send the video to Ms Xu.

  6. A level班 家庭作业
    . Master the new words in the three texts of 17 units

    Oral practice about Qing Ming Festival.

    Complete exercise G on Page92.

    4、准备考A level同学,请分析《故乡》文中杨二嫂的变化,为什么会有这么大的变化?字数250-300字。

  7. Year Two B Homework
    1, Complete the Review 3 on text book page 68-71
    2, Read ‘ Curious Kid’ on text book page 66-67 three times every day
    3, Using Pinyin input method typing the sentences below:
    A, 我星期天在家学中文。
    C, 我喜欢春天。
    D, 为什么你不去公园?
    E, 昨天是我哥哥的生日。
    4, Complete the exercise book A Lesson Nine
    Mon: 3
    Tue: 4
    Thurs: 2/4/5/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5/6

  8. 三年级C 作业:Homework for year 3C:
    1.      完成练习册B第十课,星期一到星期四 1-4题。
    Exercise book B lesson 10 Monday to Thursday part 1-4.
    2.      继续读熟第十课《龟兔赛跑》。
    Read Lesson 10 fluently.
    3.      背诵古诗《苔》,听《苔》的歌曲。
    Memorize the poem《苔》and listen to the song 《苔》。  

  9. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 熟读第十课‘龟兔赛跑’直到非常流利。Read Lesson 10 ‘A Race between the hare and the Tortoise’ until very fluently.
    2. 完成课本第78至79页的‘描一描,写一写’。Complete the ‘Learn to write’ on page 78-79.
    3. 练习册3B:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Ten on Exercise book 3B.

  10. 二年级A班(Year 2A)

    1. 熟读第十课75页“读一读”, 请把音频或视频发在班群里。
    Please read lesson 10’s exercise 2 ‘read aloud’ and send your video or voice recording in the group chat.
    2. 复习第十课划线词语,下周听写。
    “春雨,种子,下吧,要发芽, 禾苗,果树,开花,种瓜”
    Revise Lesson 10’s underlined phrases, and prepare for a dictation next week.
    3. 熟读第十一课课文。
    Practice reading Lesson 11.
    4. 画一张中国地图,标出“长江”和“黄河”的地理位置。
    Draw a map of China and mark the location of the “Yangtze River” and the “Yellow River”.

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      Read aloud and memorise the text on text book page 47;
      Read aloud the phrases on Text Book excise 2 page45 and also copy once then cover, write once more.
      Follow the video sing song; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGWsom-b6Cs
      4、背诵《数字》并拍摄视频. Memorise the poem ‘Numbers’ and record video.
      shù zì
      数 字
      yī èr sān sì wǔ ,wǔ sì sān èr yī
      一二 三. 四 五, 五 四 三 二 一。
      liù qī bā jiǔ shí ,shí bǎi qiān wàn yì
      六 七 八 九 十, 十 百 千 万 亿。
      líng bàn dān shuāng liǎng ,jǐ yòu jǐ fēn jǐ
      零 半 单 双 两, 几 又 几 分 几。
      zhěng shù xiǎo shù diǎn ,jiā jiǎn chéng chú tí 。
      整 数 小 数 点, 加 减 乘 除 题。
      zhèng wù yǔ duì cuò ,háo lí jí qiān lǐ
      正 误 与 对 错, 毫 厘 即 千 里.

  11. 六B班家庭作业:
    1. 复习第十课生字词,下节课准备听写。
    Review the new words in Lesson 10, get ready for the dictation.

    2. 练习册B第十课,周一到周五1-3题。
    Complete exercise book B, lesson 10, Monday-Friday 1-3.

    3. 根据链接,熟读第十课课文。
    Follow the link, read aloud the text of Lesson 10.


  12. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 背诵第八课的阅读课文《去学校》Memorize the reading text: (Go to School).

    3、背诵《字·诗》-《时间》并拍摄视频Memorise the poem 《The Time》
    Qián zuójīn míng hòu, rì xún yuè jì nián
    前昨今明后, 日旬月季年。
    Chénhūn zhòuyè xù, chūn xià qiūdōng lián.
    晨昏昼夜续, 春夏秋冬连。
    Gāngcái yǐ guòqù, jiānglái biàn dāngqián.
    刚才已过去, 将来变当前。
    Shíkè fēn miǎoguò, guāngyīn bù huí huán.
    时刻分秒过, 光阴不回还。
    Suìyuè cuī rén lǎo, shéi néng zài shàonián.
    岁月催人老, 谁能再少年。

  13. 五年级A班
    1.Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 6;get read for dictation next lesson;
    2. Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 6 in workbook B.
    3.Read lesson 6 fluently.
    6、C小作文。根据今天看的视频和世界地球日的相关内容,写一篇小作文,写一写你可以做些什么保护环境。A piece of writing about what you can do to protect the environment.

  14. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 请完成练习册A中,第十一课《大自然的语言》如下练习题:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 11 on Exercise book A.
    Mon, Tue and Thurs: questions 1-5
    Wed, Fri: questions 1-4

    2. 熟读第十一课《大自然的语言》课文。
    Please read Lesson 11 fluently.

    3. 背诵古诗《风》,并听歌曲。
    Memorize the poem ‘Wind’ and listen to the song.

  15. 四年级C 王艺霖

    1, 请完成练习册A “大自然的语言”周一至周五剩下的练习

    Please complete the rest of the exercises from Monday to Friday in Workbook A “The Language of Nature”

    2,请完成online 练习

    Please complete the online exercises



    3,请没有完成假期口语作业的同学继续背诵历史朝代歌 3,4,5,6句的背诵(具体见微信)

    Students who have not finished their oral homework during the holiday, please continue to recite verses 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Song of Historical Dynasties (see WeChat for details).

    4,请复习11课生字词,下周听写(范围P101 读一读)

    Please review the words and phrases in Lesson 11, dictation next week (range P101 read)

    please exercise book no. 7 wrong students, according to the class Miss Liu correct correct mistakes (how…… Ah!)

  16. 本周作业:
    To complete part of the exercises of lesson 10( Exercise Book B).
    To complete comprehension exercises( HSK3).
    Read aloud Lesson 10 once a day.
    Watch the video-an image issue and think about couple of questions: what does “image” mean? Does it really/very important to us? We will have a discussion on Sunday.


  17. 王敏 4A
    1.在课文里给下面词汇划线,记熟他们,要听写。under line follow phrases in your book ,remember them,need dictation。
    2.熟读课文10遍,记熟句子。read 10 times the lesson remembe all sentences .
    3,做11课习题周一到周五第一到第四题, do EX A lesson 11 Mon-Fri questions 1-4 。
    4,给出下面词汇的意思,translate follow phrases
    阴天, 多云, 下雨,下雪,冰雹,有雾, 霜,台风,闪电, 打雷,发大水,地震,刮风, 冷,热,潮湿,干燥,温暖,凉快。舒服

    5 看视频 watch TV

  18. 三年级B班家庭作业/ Year3B Homework

    1记住第10课生字:龟 兔 乌 步 爬 回 得 意 慢 追 仍 然 第
    Write from memory the words above and prepare for dictation.
    Complete the Thursday and Friday exercise on Exercise book B of Lesson 10. From page 75 to 81.
    3 朗诵《时间》这首诗,请家长帮助横着拍摄下来 谢谢!
    Recite the poem “Time” and ask parents to help you shoot it horizontally. Thanks!
    4 预习第11课《小猫钓鱼》
    Please preview Lesson 11 《The Kitten Goes Fishing》

  19. ct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson11 and play the games. 请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第十一课的新词,用游戏练习新词https://quizlet.com/582269067/yct-4-lesson-11-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2.Please watch the video clip below and learn to sing along with it. We are going to check on Sunday.


    3)Please choose the correct “的”“得”“地”,and then put it into the brackets, according to the rules of how to use “的“”得“”地“ , if you forgot them you could review the video clips here https://youtu.be/4Rbe-LGWYO4 to get the help.

    1)你弟弟跑( )真快,我跟不上他。
    2)今天( )天气很好,我快乐( )唱起歌来。
    3)爸爸( )老师慢慢( )走。
    4)妈妈每天做( )饭很好吃。
    5)我和朋友们玩( )真高兴。
    6)妹妹很喜欢喝果汁,可是她喝( )太多了。
    7)我不喜欢那个书包( )颜色。
    8)她昨天穿了一条漂亮( )白裙子,她弟弟穿了一条黑色( )裤子。
    9)你看,蓝蓝( )天上有一朵白云。
    10)我家( )前面有很多红色( )花。

  20. @all 20210418homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read lesson 10. Please record video to upload wechat group next week.

    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson10’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    Please finish all of Practice B from Monday to Friday.
     请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids’ homework. Then upload it online to Ms Xue. Thank you

  21. 六年级A班作业
    1. 学习、复习第九课生词,准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L9, prepare for dictation.
    2. 练习册A第84页第4题,把下列诗句写完整。 Complete the following poems below.
    3. 练习册A第84页第5题,用下列字组词语,再造句。Form phrases with the given characters and make sentences.
    4. 练习册A第85页第6题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“ √”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√”on each right sentence and“×”on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    5. 课本第85页综合练习(三)第1题,照例子写出下列字的偏旁部首。Write down the radicals of each character below after the model.
    6. 课本第85页综合练习(三)第2题,照例子组词语,再造句。Form phrases and make sentences after the model.
    7. 课本第85页综合练习(三)第3题,照例子改写句子。Reconstruct the following sentences with the given words and expressions after the model.
    8. 课本第86页综合练习(三)第4题,选词语填空。Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
    9. 课本第87页综合练习(三)第5题,读课文,在正确的句子后面打“√”。Mark“√”on the right sentences according to the texts.
    10. 课本第87页综合练习(三)第6题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.

  22. Class YCT-A WEEK25 Term3 20-21 / YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Read PinYin & copy characters provided in the boxes on tian-ge paper (see PDF files from class WeChat group).

    2.Play the audio (find from class WeChat group) file while reading the text of “Let’s read” on page 50 of the Text Book. Repeat for several times everyday till fluent and remembered, and you can pronounce accurately. Then translate the text into English.
    2, 每日反复记忆课本第50页的课文。请播放发至班级微信群的音频文件,边播放边大声跟读,直至流利和发音准确。

    3.Make more sentences with the words given at bottom left on page49 of Text Book. Examples:”你吃什么?我吃米饭”; “你爱喝什么?我爱喝牛奶”。

    4.Please complete questions 1,2 & 4, pages 41 & 42, of the Activity Book.
    4,请完成活动手册第十一课的习题1,2 & 4。

    5.Please display each of the following video clips to speak or sing along.


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