
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、继续完成《中文》课本第七课练习一  Continue to complete the Exercise 1 in Lesson 7 from the Year 1 Text Book

2、练习册A第七课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

3、练习歌曲《春天在哪里》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bq7Ul7yteY Practice the song <Where is the spring> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bq7Ul7yteY

4、做《我的春天》的手工制作Do a handcraft <My Spring> by using the card I gave you in class

18 Replies to “家庭作业2018年3月26日至2018年4月14日”

  1. 郭蓉

    成人高级班作业Homework for Adult advanced Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第六册New Practical Chinese Reader 6》

    1. 课本第15页阅读《洋笑星大山》
    2. 课本第17页阅读练习1-2
    3. 准备复述《洋笑星大山》
    4. 阅读课本第18-19页《中国的根,世界的叶》
    5. 准备课本第19页2.讨论题
    6. 找一找自己喜欢的中国民歌,谈谈为什么喜欢这类的民歌。
    7. 准备课本第20页听力练习题

  2. 作业
    1 完成翻译练习
    2 观看 《请投我一票》
    3 观看至少另一部中文的电影,寄给我链接
    4 读一篇关于脸书的文章,中文和英文均可以。寄给我链接或照片

  3. GCSE B 作业
    Read lesson 10, learn new characters and words, finish exercise Monday to Wednesday.
    Finish General Exercise 3
    Finish the writing competition essay, min 200 words

  4. YCT3 家庭作业 homework,


    Make two sentences using the each word listed below. Each student need read his/her sentences in class.

    西瓜, 糖, 水果, 鸡蛋, 面包, 弟弟, 运动, 讨论, 复习, 预习, 考试, 老虎, 狮子, 野餐, 果汁, 蛋糕, 前, 钱, 远, 近, 书包, 苹果。

    Read the following sentences five times per day and translate them into English.

    千里之行, 始于足下。

    少壮不努力, 老大徒悲伤。

    莫愁前路无知己, 天下谁人不识君。

  5. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read lesson 1~9 aloud and fluent.
    Copy the vacabularies in lesson 9.
    Complete work A lesson 9:
    Monday 3,4,5,6
    Tuesday 3,4,5
    Ready for dictation after Easter Holiday.

  6. 六年级B班家庭作业 Year 6(B) Homework:

    Memorise the first 5 characters of Lesson 9 and read the first poem aloud using our 2-2-3 rythem and neck rolling method;

    Complete all exercises relating to our first poem of Lesson 9 in your Exercise Book 6A;

    Write out the first poem five times at least until you can write it out from memory. This will be the task in our test when we come back to class on 15th April.

    Translating Exercise: please translate the given article into English and then translate the English back into Chinese without refering to the original article. Once done, compare the two versions of the same story and highlight the differences.

    For the person who could not read Lesson 8 text fluently last week, please honour the penalty and recite the text.


  7. 六年级B班家庭作业 Year 6(B) Homework:

    Memorise the first 5 characters of Lesson 9 and read the first poem aloud using our 2-2-3 rythem and neck rolling method, memorise the poem by heart;

    Complete all exercises relating to our first poem of Lesson 9 in your Exercise Book 6A;

    Write out the first poem five times at least until you can write it out from memory. This will be the task in our test when we come back to class on 15th April.

    Translating Exercise: please translate the given article into English and then translate the English back into Chinese without refering to the original article. Once done, compare the two versions of the same story and highlight the differences.

    For the person who could not read Lesson 8 text fluently last week, please honour the penalty and recite the text.


  8. 二年级A班本周作业:Home work for Year 2A:

    1. 完成练习册B第62页星期一至星期三的练习。
    Complete Exerciese BookB page62 Monday to Wednesday.

    2. Copy text book p73, new words 5 times each, expressions, 4times each and 2 times for sentence.

    3 朗读并背诵课文第十课“春雨”。
    3 Read and memorise Lesson 10–’Spring Rain’.

    4. 复习第七、八、九课,并准备节后测验。包括生字,词语,句子及课文朗读背诵。测验成绩将作记录。
    4、 Review Lesson 7, 8 and 9. Ready for a test after Easter holiday. Including Characters, words and expressions, and sentence. Plus with the memorise of each Lesson. We would record the result for this test.

    5. 跟着链接看中国四大名著之一的“西游记”。

    5、 Follow the link to watch one of the four famous books of China— ‘Journey to the West’. https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLe0TwPhOCGNV-JNJ2vB1rPSJ-ZAXufdu4&v=UBCwEV2_9SE

  9. 三年级A

    1. 反复阅读第九课‘蔡伦造纸’直到流利。
    Read Lesson 9 ‘Cai Lun Invented Paper’ until fluently.
    2. 练习册3A:第九课练习星期一至星期五。
    Exercise book 3A: Monday to Friday of Lesson 9.
    3. 抄写第九课划线词语各五遍并准备下学期开学听写。
    Copy underlined words of Lesson 9 five time and prepare for the dictation.
    4. 以前练习册作业未做完的同学请补上。
    For those pupils who haven’t finished your works on Exercise book A&B please try to finish them during your Easter holiday.

  10. Adult beginners,
    Finish workbook Unit 7,
    Read and practice the text in Unit 7.

  11. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 10 times 请抄写下列的生词10 遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation after the holiday 准备假期结束后听写。
    2)Please use “看”“比”“来”“会用”to make four sentences in Chinese. 请用“看”“比”来”“会用”造四个句子。
    For example: “下午,我看半个小时电视。”“我现在比以前高很多。”“我来北京学中文。”“我会用汉语打电话。”
    3)Please translate the Chinese into English on Page 56 and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把课本第56页的中文翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4) Please finish all the handouts gave to you before holiday, 请完成假期前发给你的六页练习。
    5)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,
    Have a very nice Easter holiday!!

  12. YCT1 Homework:

    1. Complete the exercise in the handouts page 52-59. 请完成练习纸第52-59页的练习题。

    2. Copy the Chinese characters’ strokes and the examples including pinyin. 抄写汉字笔画和例字包括拼音。

    3. Summarize the radicals we learnt so far, write down the Chinese characters which contains the radical. 总结目前为止所学的偏旁部首,写出含有该偏旁部首的汉字。

  13. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework5B
    Finish the rest exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson 7.
    2、背诵并抄写第七课古诗直至能够默写。 Please recite and copy lesson 7 until you can write it out without looking.

  14. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)

    1、熟读已学过的课文; Read aloud all the text from lesson 1 to lesson 7.
    2、 第1课到第7课的生字每个写三遍。copy the new words 3 times each from Lesson 1 to 7;
    3、 第37页的”词语”每个写三遍;
    Copy the “words and expressions ” 3 times each on page 37;
    4、认真找出第1课至第7课练习作业老师纠正之处, 复习并改正。 Find out the parts needed to improve in exercise book A&B, review and do the correction.

    May I please take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy Easter Holiday!

  15. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    Revise all the Chinese characters and words from
    Unit two and Lesson 7, and prepare to take dictation.
    2.背诵今天学过的两首诗-静夜思 登鹳雀楼。
    Memorise the ancient poems that you learned today.
    Complete all questions from Exercise Book A Lesson 7
    Find an ancient Chinese poem, other than the two
    poems that you learned in lesson 7, to introduce in
    class. You can ask your parents and also you can find
    one using the internet.

  16. 五年级A班作业 Year 5A Homework
    1. 完成练习册A第七课从星期一到星期五所有剩余的练习题。
    Complete all remaining exercises of Lesson 7 Monday to Friday.
    Recite the two poems .
    Preview Lesson 8 .
    Write an essay for the writing competition , at least 200 words.

  17. 一年级A 班(YEAR 1 A)

    1, 完成练习册A第七课星期一到星期五所有问题 Complete exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily).

    2, 和爸爸妈妈一起设计制做‘复活节’卡,开学后在班上展览。Together with parent design and create a Easter Card,we will display your card in the class.

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