
一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、第一册《中文》课本第七课课文抄写两遍  Copy Lesson 7 Text twice from the Year 1 Text Book

2、抄写第七课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 7 Class exercises

3、练习《声律启蒙》第一段 Practice the first paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout)

4、尚未交作业的请继续做《我的春天》的手工制作Please continue to do a handcraft <My Spring> by using the card I gave you in class, if you haven’t handed to me yet.

23 Replies to “家庭作业2018年4月16日至2018年4月21日”

  1. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 10 times 请抄写下列的生词10 遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday准备下周日的听写。
    3)Please translate the Chinese into English on Page 54 and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把课本第54页的中文翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day and repeat after it.
    请每天观看下列的视频20分钟, 跟唱练习。

  2. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework5B
    Correct the mistakes from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson 7.
    2、默写第七课古诗两遍,下周考察。 Please write down lesson 7 without looking twice and be ready for the test next week.

  3. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read Lesson 1 to 9 aloud and fluent.
    Complete workbook A lesson 9:
    Wednesday 4
    Thuesday 4. 5
    Friday 4. 6(两句). 8
    Complete exercises in the book on P87~88.
    Ready for dictation.

  4. GCSE B
    Finish lesson 10 exercise homework Thursday to Friday
    Review lesson 10 all characters and words, next week dictation
    Preview lesson 11
    4.观看视频 ,准备毕业诗词歌曲《虞美人》春花秋月何时了

  5. YCT1 Homework:

    1. Read the text in picture one. Circle the characters you already know. 读第一张图片中的短文。把认识的汉字划圈。

    2. Copy the 8 new radicals and the characters in picture two. 抄写第二张图片中的8个新学的偏旁部首和汉字。

    3. Try to read and translate the phrases in picture three. 试着朗读并翻译图三中的短语。

    4. Complete the exercise in picture four. 完成图四中的练习。

    Use the four pictures in our WeChat group.

  6. A level
    List all the words rhyming with ang.
    列出所有ang 韵的字

    Complete the tasks in set in quizlet

    Complete the tasks in quizizz

    Continue to read about facebook and share url.

  7. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    For the students who have not yet completed all the questions, please complete and hand in next week.

    For the students who have not yet done the first step – find
    an ancient Chinese poem, other than the two poems that
    you learned in the lesson – please complete and hand in
    next week.
    For the students who have already submitted an ancient
    Chinese poem prepared over the holiday, please continue to
    prepare Step Two. Prepare to read your poem in class next
    3. 预习第八课的生字词,大声朗读课文。
    Please preview Lesson 8. This is mainly learning new
    Chinese characters and new words. Prepare by reading
    the text loudly at home.

  8. 成人初级班adult beginner:
    练习读课文read the text in unite 7,
    问家里三个人的生日记录下来 ask three family members about their birthday date.

  9. Year Two B Homework 二年级B 作业
    1, Cope the ‘A crescent moon ‘ into one A4 paper, make sure the all the witting in the middle of paper. 把课本中’弯弯的月亮’抄写在一张A4白纸上, 尽量写在纸的中间.
    2, Read question two ‘read aloud’ on the text book page 58 three times a day.把课本58页的第二题’读一读’每天读三遍.
    3, Practise the 13 new words in lesson Eight , will test nest week. 自己练习默写第八课的13个生字, 下周听写.
    4, Read the fist ten sentences in the second holiday exercise paper three times a day.把第二部分假期作业的前十个句子每天读三遍

  10. 三年级A – Year 3A
    1. 完成第三单元复习题(已发家长微信群)。
    Complete ‘Unit 3 Review’ – parents please print out the handouts sent into Year 3A WeChat group.
    2. 继续复习第九课划线词语准备下星期听写。
    Carry on revise the underlined words of Lesson 9 and prepare for the dictation next week.

  11. 六年级B班家庭作业 Year 6(B) Homework:

    Write out the second poem five times at least until you can write it out from memory;

    Complete all remaining exercises of Lesson 9 in your Exercise Book 6A;

    Revise the first poem.


  12. 五年级A班家庭作业(Y5A Homework)
    Recite the two poems fluently.
    Preview Lesson 8 .
    Write an essay for the writing competition , at least 200 words.

  13. 1.熟读第十课课文,读十遍,要背熟。reading the lesson 10 fluently need reading more the times, until memories.
    2. 做练习册第十课习题周一到周五的第2,3,4题。do the EX B book lesson 10 questions 2,3,4.
    3. 下面是第十课划线词汇,请抄写2遍,记熟,需要听写。copy follow underline phrases 2 time, memories, dictation next week.
    4.读一读下面的古诗。 read this poetry.
    Where the sunlight does not shine, Spring-like scene prevails just fine.
    Blooming moss is small as rice, Still in prime as peony nice.

  14. YCT3

    1, 利用下面的字或词各造一个句子。然后将每个句子翻译成英语。
    ‘把, 吧, 班, 帮助, 饱, 别,唱歌,出,穿,打篮球,但是,蛋糕,到,
    Make one sentence for each word listed above. Translate each sentence to English.

    2, 将下面的句子每天读5遍,并且翻译为英语。
    Read the following sentences five times per day and translate them into English.
    壁立千仞无欲则刚, 海纳百川有容乃大。

  15. 一年级B 班(YEAR 1 A)

    1. 抄写第八课的生字每字十遍。准备下周日听写。Copy and write Lesson 8′ s the new words we have learned 10 times each. Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday

    2. 跟唱《新上学歌》MV (表演):Learn this song follow the link below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ4PFjcddA4&nohtml5=False

  16. 二年级A班本周作业:Homework for Year2A

    1. 练习第10课的4-对话,直至熟练。第76页。
    1. Practice Lesson 10 Dialogue until frequently, on page 76.

    2. 预习第78页阅读。
    2.prepare Reading part on page 78.

    3. 准备本周日测验7、8、9课。
    3. Ready for the test of Lesson 7,8 and 9 on this Sunday.

    4 学习此歌:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e_F9kS8-mBI
    4. Learning this song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e_F9kS8-mBI
    qīng píng diào
    唐 李白
    táng lǐ bái

    yún xiǎng yī shang huā xiǎng róng ,chūn fēng fú kǎn lù huá nóng 。
    ruò fēi qún yù shān tóu jiàn ,huì xiàng yáo tái yuè xià féng 。
    yī zhī hóng yàn lù níng xiāng ,yún yǔ wū shān wǎng duàn cháng 。
    jiè wèn hàn gōng shuí dé sì ,kě lián fēi yàn yǐ xīn zhuāng 。
    míng huā qīng guó liǎng xiàng huān ,zhǎng dé jun wáng dài xiào kàn 。
    jiě shì chūn fēng wú xiàn hèn ,chén xiāng tíng běi yǐ lán gàn 。

  17. 六年级A班作业

    Memorise all new characters and words in Unit 3, ready for dictation next week.Memories 2 poems in lesson 9.

    Correct and complete exercise in Unit 3 Monday to Friday all questions. Bring both books next week.

    Study 3 Chinese Idioms :The crippled turtle who walked a few thousand miles,Build a road through a mountain that blocks the way, Apply every ounce of our strength.

    Revise and recite all lessons in Unit 3

    Prepare writing for competition before end of April.

  18. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1C homework)
    1. 抄写第八课的前五个生字每字十遍(第四十三页)。Copy the first 5 new words of Lesson Eight 10 times each on p43.

    2. 跟唱以及表演唐诗https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sMgS6L63WjE
    Sing and follow the performance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sMgS6L63WjE

  19. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    Oral test last weeks: You did your work experience in China or UK. Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next week.

    Idioms are used to describe the personality characteristics of the zodiac. Then make a sentence based on idioms. In total, there are twelve idioms and twelve sentences.

    Write a paragraph: What do you do on Sunday?
    Try to use words: often, sometimes, then, or, but.

    Read two texts and then answer then complete the questions, it’s on page 189 and 190of the GCSE book.

  20. 成人高级班作业Homework for Adult advanced Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第六册New Practical Chinese Reader 6》

    1. 课本第15页阅读《洋笑星大山》
    2. 课本第17页阅读练习1-2
    3. 准备复述《洋笑星大山》
    4. 阅读课本第18-19页《中国的根,世界的叶》
    5. 准备课本第19页2.讨论题
    6. 找一找自己喜欢的中国民歌,谈谈为什么喜欢这类的民歌。
    7. 准备课本第20页听力练习题

    1. 最近在叙利亚发生了什么?
    2. 为什么发生了这样的事?
    3. 世界舆论对这件事的反响是什么?
    4. 你怎么看待这件事?

  21. 成人中级班作业Homework for Adult Beginners Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第二册New Practical Chinese Reader 2》

    1. 完成课本第149-151页会话练习。Complete the conversation exercises on textbook (TB) p149-151.
    2. 完成课本第151-152页看图说话的描述。Complete the description of the pictures on TB p151-152.
    3. 准备课本第152页阅读《南方的花园》,并准备复述。Prepare the reading exercises 《南方的花园》on p152, and prepare to retell it.
    4. 到下面的网站上看看苏州的花园,准备讲讲你喜不喜欢苏州的花园,苏州花园的特点是什么?Go to the website below to see the gardens in Suzhou. Prepare to talk if you like them, and what is the distinguishing features of Suzhou gardens.
    5. 准备练习册第67-68页听力练习。Prepare the listening exercises on Exercise Book (EB) p67-68.

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