
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》第一册课本第34-35页综合练习(二)Complete Text Book page 34-35 Review 2

2、抄写第六课第32页课堂练习2词语每个各10遍 Copy Exercise 2 in Lesson 6 of Text Book (page 32)

3、练习歌曲《唐诗联唱》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qHH5F8-5Pg   Practice the song <Tang Poems> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qHH5F8-5Pg

23 Replies to “家庭作业2018年3月19日至2018年3月24日”

  1. Homework for adult beginners:
    Finish the workbook unit 6,
    Practice the date.

  2. A level class
    1. Read all the posts and comments in Terms-Theme_1 and 2 under General Revision.
    2. Reply to prove you have done it – “constructive comments – suggestions etc.”
    3. Complete ALL before 26th March
    4. Complete the essay and submit electronically.
    1. 阅读专题1和专题2的词汇的全部帖子及评论
    2. 做一点建设性的评论和建议,这是作业的唯一证据
    3. 要在26号前完成
    4. 写完元宵节作文,修改并上交电子文件。

  3. GCSE B 作业
    Please finish General exercise Three on zhongwen book
    Please finish Lesson 9 exercise book from Monday to Friday
    3.请每位同学参加中文促进会举办的作文比赛,自命题,最少200字。要求见微信群PDF 文件
    Please write a essay for national Chinese essay writing competition ,writing form see wechat class pdf files

  4. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read lessons aloud and fluent.
    Complete workbook B Lesson 8
    Wed 6
    Thu 3,4,5,6
    Fri 1,4,5,6/(2)(6)
    Preview Lesson 9.
    Copy the characters in Lesson 9.
    Ready for dictation.

  5. 三年级A (Yeae 3 A)

    1. 练习册3B:第八课‘壶盖为什么会动’ – 星期四至星期五。
    Exercise book 3B: Thursday to Friday of Lesson 8 ‘Why Does the kettle Lid Move’
    2. 抄写第八课划线词语各五遍,并准备下星期听写。
    Copy underline words 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.
    3. 阅读第65页的‘鲁班与锯子’直到流利。Read ‘Lu Ban and the Saw’ on page 65 until fluent.
    4. 预习第九课‘蔡伦造纸’。
    Prepare for Lesson 9 ‘Cai Lun Invented the Paper’.

  6. 1.读第九课课文十遍,直到读熟。记熟划线生字。reading the lesson 9 , ten times ,until fluently. remember the underline phrases. need dictation.
    2. 做完第九课的习题。complete lesson 9 all questions.
    3.完成课本第三单元的习题。complete your textbook unit 3 exercises.
    4. 用下面的单体字组成新的字。use follow single characters make a new one. e.g. 女又力= 努
    田,木,页= 米,女,攵= 阝,宀,元=
    牛,口,非= 氵,艹,两= 车, 辶 =
    木,及 = 日,免 = 日,月 =
    子,亥= “的”字右边= 艹,耂,日=
    夕, 口= 宀,豕= 走, 己=
    亻,象= 个,个,夭= 亻,卬 =
    亠,口,冖,几= 彳,曰,一,寸= 十,米=



  7. Year Two B Homework 二年级B班作业
    1, Complete the exercises for Lesson Seven in the Exercise book A
    Wed: question 3/4/6
    Fri: question 3/4/5
    完成练习册A 第七课的以下练习: 星期三: 3/4/6 题,星期四:3/4/5 题
    2, Practise all the opposite words showing in lesson eight
    3,Read Lesson eight three times a day.

  8. YCT3 家庭作业 homework,

    Make two sentences using the each word listed below. Each student need read his/her sentences in class in the next week.

    高, 矮, 胖, 瘦, 中, 肥,这些,那些, 得到, 大地, 你的, 飞快, 知识, 知道, 认识, 好了, 第一, 倒数第一,第二, 第五, 优秀, 落后。

  9. 二年级A班作业:Homework for Yr2A:
    1. 完成课本第68页综合练习三。
    1.Complete text book page68 ,Review3.

    2. 抄写课本第67页生字,每个五遍。
    2. Copy text book page 67 New characters, 5 times each.

    3. 完成练习册A第九课P61页周三至周五练习。
    3. Complete Exercise BookA Wednesday to Friday, page 61.

    4. 背诵课本第66页阅读“小好奇”.
    4. Recite text book page66, Reading “Curious Kid”.

  10. 五年级作业 Year 5 Homework
    Copy and memorise the characters in lesson 7, prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the first three exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A.
    Recite the two poems .

  11. 六年级B班家庭作业 Year 6(B) Homework:

    Read the whole text of Lesson 8 fluently, or recite the text as penalty;

    Complete all remaining exercises of Lesson 8 in your Exercise Book 6B.


  12. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    learn the 20 words of today, you need to know how to write them, copy write down five times at least,make one sentence for each word(20 sentences in total),try to use complex sentences, prepare dictation next lesson.

    Please modify the composition according to the picture. Ask for more content, use related words and idioms.

    Read two texts and then answer then complete the questions, it’s on page 166 and 170 of the GCSE book.

  13. YCT1 Homework:

    1. Complete the exercise in handouts. 完成练习纸上的题。

    2. Write few sentences to introduce your family. We will talk about it on Sunday. 写几句话来介绍你的家庭。我们周日来说一说。

  14. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    1 完成上课时发的讲义。
    Completely finish the work on the handout from the previous class.
    2 完成49-53页的综合练习(二)
    Complete ‘Review 2′ on pp.49-53 of the text book.
    3 预习第七课的生字,要求能认读。
    Preview the new characters from Lesson 7. Ensure you can recognise and pronounce each character.

  15. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework
    1、改正听写本上的错字5遍 correct the wrong character from the dictation notebook 5 times
    Finish the exercise 3-4from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson 7.
    3、背诵第七课古诗。 Please recite lesson 7

  16. 六年级A班作业
    Memorise all new characters and words in Lesson 9, ready for dictation next week

    Read lesson 9 very fluently, memories 2 poems, write from memory for the first poem next week.
    Understand the poet’s biography and main poems,able to summarise the poet and name his main poems.

    3.完成练习册6A第9课周一到周五 1到3题
    Complete exercise 6A lesson 9 Monday to Friday questions 1 to 3.

  17. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 10 times 请抄写下列的生词10 遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday准备下周日的听写。
    2)Please finish the three pages handouts gave to you on Sunday.
    3)Please translate the Chinese into English on Page 55 and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把课本第55页的中文翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,

  18. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 30-31)。

  19. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)

    1、熟读课文; Read aloud text on page 36;
    2、完成练习册A第七课星期一至星期五所有问题。Complete all the questions from Exercise A Lesson 7 from Monday – Friday.

  20. 成人高级班作业Homework for Adult advanced Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第六册New Practical Chinese Reader 6》

    1. 课本第13页复句练习题2用所给的词语完成对话
    2. 课本第14-15页综合运用练习(七)1-4
    3. 课本第15页阅读《洋笑星大山》

  21. 成人中级班作业Homework for Adult Beginners Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第二册New Practical Chinese Reader 2》

    1. 复习第二十一课(二)课文。Revise the text of L21-D2
    2. 看YouTube第二十一课课文的视频。
    3. 找出课文中课文中关于方向及方位的词汇并练习其用法。Find the vocabulary about direction and location and practice them in your live situation.
    4. 课本第149-151页会话练习

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