
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第一课生字各5遍Copy 5 times of each new word in Lesson one

2、抄写第91页27个笔画各5遍,每天抄5个,最后一天抄7个 Copy 5 times of each radicals on page 91 (total 27 radicals, but copy 5 radicals per day)


23 Replies to “家庭作业2018年11月26日至2018年11月31日”

  1. 七年级B 作业
    Read fluently lesson 4 texts, copy and write new characters and words 5 times on the exercise note book
    Finish exercise book lesson 4 Monday to Wednesday
    Make a sentence each by use above words each and write down.
    4.写作文:Plans for the future. Your school magazine seeks your opinions on your plans for the future. write an article for the school magazine. You must refer the following points:1.your main interest. 2.which subject you enjoyed the most.3why young people should or should not go to university. 4.your ideal job in the futere. write 80-120 characters in Chinese.

  2. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第八课生词并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L8 and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第八课课文并读懂课文。 Read the text of Lesson 8 fluently, and understand the text.
    3. Reading on p42
    4. 用“出去”、“出来”、“进去”,“进来”各造一句,并各画一简易图标明动作的方向。Make one sentence for each of the “出去”、“出来”、“进去”,“进来”, and draw a simple sketch to illustrate the direction of movement.
    5. 写个题为“雪天的快乐”的小故事。Write a little story under the title of “Great Fun on a Snowing Day”

  3. A level class
    1. go to the two discussion forums (Class Discussions of the Film and Class Discussions – Hometown ) to complete the exercises – plot/structure; characters/relationships; 完成课上的写作练习,在链接上找题目,答案写在各自的维基里面(Group_wiki_Vote4Me; and Hometown_wiki)
    2. Read the IRP form (RP3 form a level chinese) and Fill out the form in your Inidividual_wiki – for future use. Keep a copy yourself. only needs the title, the 10 findings and the 2+ resources 熟读链接的表格,并且在个人维基上记录你自己的内容。
    3. Explain how Paper 3 is conducted to a partner or parent – Answer any questions and record the questions in Individual_wiki (date it). 给朋友或者家长详细介绍试卷3的安排和程序。

  4. 学前A班:reception classA
    1.看图说话。look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.
    2. 学说句子:say the sentences:今天是我的生日。我们一起吃蛋糕。我们一起玩游戏。我们一边唱歌一边跳舞。祝你生日快乐!
    三字经 :教五子 名俱扬
    5.看动画:熊出没46 光头强的生日礼物

  5. 本周作业:
    1. 请完成练习册A第五课的部分练习。 周一:1,2, 3。 周二:2,3, 4 周三:2,3, 4 周四:1, 2, 3. 周五:1, 2,3
    2. 没有完成上周写作作业的同学请继续第四课狼和小羊的故事,写一个属于你自己的故事结尾。已经上交作业的同学请对自己的作文进行修改,记得要使用正确的标点符号,恰当的形容词以及人物对话。
    3. 请每天大声地朗读第五课课文。请参考课堂笔记-如何正确有效的朗读课文。

    1, Please finish part of the Exercise Book A, Lesson 5.

    2, Please continue writing the ending of the story of lamb and wolf, write an ending that you like if you haven’t handed on your writing. Please correct & improve your first writing, remember the success criteria: punctuations, ambitious adjectives and dialogue between the characters.

    3, Please read aloud the lesson 5 text everyday. Again, you can take reference from your class note-taking to make sure you read in an effective way.

  6. 复习认读已学过的词组(要求:中英互译),背诵已学过的唐诗(作业本) 会唱:种树歌https://youtu.be/mxcW68nas_o彩色的地球https://youtu.be/TibbAR-EhIQ国画https://youtu.be/IRGF1tmdTpQ读拿到的故事书,要求:学生画一幅有关这个故事的动物,人物。读后请家长问学生3个问题。1,这个故事的名字2在故事中,你喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,为什么? 3故事里都有谁?(动物,人物)请家长将答案的学生原话写在作业本上。
    Revision all the phrases that have been learned (Request: Translation from Chinese and English) 背诵已学过的唐诗(作业本) 会唱:种树歌https://youtu.be/mxcW68nas_o彩色的地球https://youtu.be/TibbAR-EhIQ国画https://youtu.be/IRGF1tmdTpQ读拿到的故事书, Ask: Students draw a story about the animals, characters. Please ask the parents three questions after reading. 1, the name of the story 2 in the story, what do you like, what don’t like, why? Who’s in the three stories? (animal, person) Ask the parents to write the answers down in their exercise books.

  7. 1, 背熟第四课,一定要会默写, learn off the lesson four and write from memory。
    2,用字典查一下下面词的英文意思:use your dictionary find out what means follow phrases 正在,突然,应该,只好,一定,最好,既不像。。。也不像, 原来
    3, 做第五课习题4-6. do the lesson 5 questions 4-6.
    4.读熟第五课, 记住故事画面。rending lesson 5 fluently remember the story each frames.
    5,读懂 课文里的时态。understand tense from the lesson

  8. 六年级B班 11月26日至2018年11月31日
    Year 6B Homework:
Copy and memorize the 15 singular characters of Lesson 5, ready for dictation next week;
    Exercise Book 6A: complete the first 3 exercises of Lesson 5 Mon-Fri;
    Write up a story with a moral in your own words, draft in English this week, we’ll compose the Chinese version as our next week’s task.


  9. 二年级B班作业Year Two B Homework
    1, 完成练习册B第四课27-30页星期五的练习
    Complete the exercise book B lesson four the Friday exercises page 27-30
    Read lesson five 3 times everyday.
    Able to say 10 kind of fruit and 10 kind of food you normal eat in Chinese

  10. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续阅读和背诵第四课’猜一猜’,并阅读第33页的‘猜谜语’直到流利。Continue read and recite Lesson Four ‘Make a Guess’, also read the ‘Make a Guess’ on page 33 until fluently.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B : please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Four.
    3. 抄写第四课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation next week.

  11. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework
    1. 朗读第五课课文及47页对话 。
    Read aloud Lesson Five “The Little Horse Crosses the River” and the “Dialogue” on page 47.

    2. 练习册A:第五课星期一至星期二的一至四部分,星期三和星期四的一, 二部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete Part 1 to Part 4 of Monday to Tuesday,Part 1 and part 2 of Wednesday to Thursday of Lesson Five.

    3. 复习第四课文生字和词语,下周听写 。
    Review the Characters and Phrase of Lesson Four, and get ready for dictation of these next week.

  12. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师
    1, 抄写第一课生字各10遍Copy 10 times of each new word in Lesson one
    2, 背诵“读儿歌” Recite “Read the Children’s Song”
    3, 抄写以下几个笔画各5遍 请看第91页和以下连接
    Copy 5 times of each radicals,please see page 91 and watch the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjTyYqMqrD
    点 横 竖 撇 捺 提 横折 横撇 横折钩 竖折 竖钩

    4, 背诵“笔顺规则” Recite “Sequence rules of stroke”

  13. 二年级A(year2A)作业:

    1 复习第四课划线词语,准备下节课听写。
    Revise lesson 4 underline words, prepare next week dictation

    2 请完成第五课星期一到星期五的1,2,3题。
    Please finish lesson 5 Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.

    3 请熟读第五课课文,每天三遍。
    Please read aloud Lesson 5, three times a day.

  14. 三年级B班作业/Year3B Homework

    1. 默记第 四课中的生字,准备下周听写。
    Please memorise all new characters and words of
    lesson 4 and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book B used
    in Lesson 4.
    Monday 5,6/7 Tuesday 6,7 Wednesday 5,6,7
    Thursday 5,6,7 Friday 5,6,7

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      Complete all the questions from Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday – Friday. Please do it daily for 20-30 minutes according to the day’s exercise
      Please copy the new words Lesson Two 8 times in the Exercise Book.
      Read aloud the rhyme on book page 10 two times daily .
      4. 复习第二课生字下星期听写测验。
      Review new words on lesson two page 7 for next week test.

  15. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 完成练习册A第五课的所有练习(课上已经完成了部分)。
    Please finish Exercise A, lesson 5, Monday to Friday(finished some parts already in class) .
    2. 熟读第五课课文,每天两遍。
    Please read aloud the text of Lesson 5, two times a day.
    Read the text book Page 38.
    Prepare for dictation next Sunday.

    Have a nice week!

  16. 25-11-2018成人课程-Adult course
    1.语法点Grammar point:都all ,both、最the most、也also。
    2.词汇vocabularies:旅游Travel、篮球 basketball、足球football、跑running、跳 jumping。
    3.复习重要句子Review important sentences:Sub+最喜欢(most like)+Object; Sub+ 喜欢(like) +Object, 不喜欢(do not like+Object。

    1.语法点Grammar point:或者Or、还是still、才only。
    2.词汇vocabularies:选择Choice、合适fit、新鲜fresh、周六周日Saturday and Sunday=weekend。
    3.复习重要句子Review important sentences:Location+ 有+ noun. 河上有一条船There is a boat on the river。

  17. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.

    Oral test: picture based
    Prepare for the next week’s oral test according to the pictures already gave. Please write down the part of each answer.
    Note: Please refer to the template sent below

    3、阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第64页(阅读1)和 第66页(阅读3)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 64 Reading 1 and page 66 Reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  18. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 25/11
    课本 course book
    Please write new words and phrases of P40 on your notebook or paper.

    练习册A Practice A

    Please read louder the class, new words and new phrases two times for each one.

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write your comments in pages 36 of practice book A, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  19. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write new words five times each 请将每个生词写五遍。The new words as following:叫,名字,绿色,漂亮
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday. 请准备好下周日的听写。
    2) Please finish question 4&5 on the handout gave you on last Sunday.请完成发给你的作业的第四题和第五题。
    QUESTION 4 : Please answer the following questions in Chinese.
    Question 5: Please read and translate the following sentences.

    3)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。

  20. 五年级A班家庭作业Y5A
    1.Please correct your Unit 1 test paper and bring it back next week.
    2.Complete question 1and 2 from Monday to Friday in the exercise book 5B, lesson 4.

  21. YCT1 homework:

    1. Read and write Lesson 9’s key sentences and key words on page 39. 读写第三十九页的第九课关键句和关键词。

    2. Read and write the texts on page 40, and also translate them into English. 读和写第四十页的课文,并翻译成英文。

    3. Continue recite the 12 Chinese zodiac animal names on page 31, we will have an oral test on Sunday. 背诵第三十一页的中国十二生肖,周日口语测试。

    4. Read the mini story on page 37,translate it into English, find the place words, for example “home”. 读第三十七页迷你故事,翻译成英文,找出地点的词,例如”家”。

    5. Watch the following video clips:

  22. 6A家庭作业
    1. 熟记第五课生字,下节课听写,完成课后练习1。Revise all new words from Lesson 5,ready for dictation next week,complete exercise 1.
    2. 大声朗读第五课课文及课后练习2。用 “又…又…,又…又…”造两个句子。Read aloud lesson 5 and exercise 2. Making 2 sentences with “又…又…,又…又…”
    3. 改正6B第四课周四周五做错的习题,完成6A第五课周一至周五练习题1-3。Correct the wrong answers in 6B Thu to Fri, complete exercise 6A lesson 5 Mon to Fri questions 1-3.


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