
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第七、八课(第十六至第二十一页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 7-8 (Page 16-21)

2、演唱《你叫什么名字》,拍视频,周五传到微信群 Recite the poem <What‘s your name?> and take a video, submit it to the WeChat by Saturday.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhmjwL3Xpt0

30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年10月2日至2023年10月7日”

  1. 一年级C班 – 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第七、八课(第十六至第二十一页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 7-8 (Page 16-21)

    2,练习声母 d t n l 儿歌 Practice song please see the link below

    3, 熟练朗读以下《儿歌》 Recite songs below:
    yī zhǐ qīngwā sì tiáo tuǐ
    一只 青 蛙 四 条 腿
    pūtōng yīshēng tiào xiàshuǐ
    扑 通 一 声 跳 下 水
    liǎng zhī qīngwā bā tiáo tuǐ
    两 只 青 蛙 八 条 腿
    pūtōng pūtōng tiào xiàshuǐ
    扑 通 扑 通 跳 下 水

    不 倒 翁
    yī gè lǎotóu
    一个老 头
    bù pǎo bù zǒu
    不 跑 不 走
    qǐng tā shuìjiào
    请 他 睡 觉
    tā jiù yáotóu
    他就 摇 头

  2. 四年级B班 第四周作业

    1. 更正听写没有写出来的词语,没写对的每个写3次(听写满分的同学不需要完成此项作业)。听写答案如下:1.首都 2.那时 3.进步 4.提高 5.水平 6.亲爱 7.广场 8.争取 9.信封 10.邮票
    Correct the phrases dictation, write each of the wrong phrase three times.
    2. 完成练习册A第一课‘星期四’的练习。
    To complete Lesson one Exercise Book A ‘Thursday’.
    3. 参考课本第7页的例句,用“是不是”造3个句子。
    Try to use ‘是不是’to make three sentences.

  3. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习上周讲解作文错误地方(语法,格式,搭配问题)
    2 复习11-12页的所有新词组,见QUIZLET 和PDF抄写纸
    review all new vocabs page 11-12 , see pdf and quizlet link
    3 完成PDF 抄写和写作作文PDF , 见微信群
    Finish vocabs practise pdf and writing task pdf, see wechat

  4. 1.完成练习册B第二课《去书店》以下练习题:星期一至星期四:1234。
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 2 of Exercise Book B “Going to the Bookstore”: Monday to Thursday: 1234.
    Read the text of lesson 2 “Going to the Bookstore”, please send the recording to the WeChat group.
    Go online or ask your parents to help you find a Chinese version of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale to read, and share it with your classmates in class next week.
    Draw a Chinese flag.

  5. 1. 完成拼音练习册第五、六课 的指定作业 To complete required Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6
    2. 完成 汉字笔画描写 To complete the Chinese characters stroke practise worksheet
    3. 孙悟空要去学本领了。如果你可以学一种本领,你想学什么?用一句话告诉我 (写在汉字笔画描写的下方)
    If you can learn a special power or skill, just like Wukong, what do you want to learn? Tell me by writing a sentence on the bottom of your stroke worksheet

  6. 1,复习生词:鼓掌,总结,下课,意义,有意义,回忆,微笑,详细,下周默写。
    An interesting lesson
    You had an interesting lesson today at school. Write an article about the lesson including the following information:
    * which lesson was a bit different to usual
    * where the visitors were from
    * what was interestion about the lesson
    * what you thought about the lesson
    Write between 130 to 180 characters.
    Use appropriate language for a formal article.

  7. 五年级A班作业:
    1.复习第一课生词,下周听写。 A
    Revise the new words of lesson 1 and get ready for dictation next week.
    2. 完成练习册第二课部分练习题。B
    Exercise book :Monday 1,2,3,4; Tuesday:2,3,4,5; Wednesday:1,2,3,4,5;Thursday:2,3,4
    Complete the survey form distributed in class.
    4. According to the video that we watched during the lesson,describe a scene of the flag-raising ceremony in Tian’an men Square and make it vivid to the reader by adding more describing words. You must include these five phrases ”国庆节,天安门广场,庆祝,升旗仪式,人山人海”.(At least 80 words)

  8. Yct D class homework 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 2, textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 容易、刚才、万、加、减

    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

    3)Please use “希望”and “将来”to make at least three sentences ,let us know your future plan.

  9. 学前班B

    Watch Playlist at list once a day. You can skip the one that you have memorised.

    2,录制视频 《春晓》发到微信班群中
    Record “Chun Xiaoning” then forward it to the class group chat on WeChat

    3,背诵 《弟子规》总序部分

  10. 七年级A班(YEAR7A)
    1. 完成练习册B第二课(第1-11页)周一至周三的练习。
    To complete Exercise Book B Lesson 2 (page 1-11)from Monday to Wednesday.
    2. 会写这9个生字-港 际 舅 先 姨 亚 零 府 权
    To be able to write the above 9 new characters (dictation on next class)

  11. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 背诵古诗《悯农》并录制视频。recite poem and record it .
    2. 录制对话《咚咚咚》
    3.复习quizlet 第二课。revise quizlet lesson 2

  12. 三年级C班:
    Complete Thursday and Friday homework in Exercise book A lesson one.
    2. 请点击下方链接完成作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    3. 背一背或读熟。
    (Memorize or read until fluent and please send a recording of your reading to the Wechat group.)
    孙悟空 下龙宫
    金箍棒 显神通

  13. 六年级B班

    Complete Exercises 1, 2, and 3 in Exercise Book B “Going to the Post Office” from Monday to Friday.

    Write each new word in “Going to the Post Office” 5 times. You can use flashcard to help memorize it. https://quizlet.com/572906502/中文第六册第二课-flash-cards/

    Please carefully check the teaching assistant’s corrections for last week’s homework. If you got the last question wrong on Monday, please make a sentence using “exception” and “appearance”.

  14. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第二课阅读《去书店》。
    Reading the book of lesson two “Going to the Bookstore”.
    2 完成练习册B第二课星期一和星期二的全部练习。
    Please complete lesson two on Exercise Book B.
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    3 比一比,再组词组。
    Compare and form phrases.
    道____ 首____
    自____ 字____
    到____ 至____
    4 填空
    Fill in the blank
    (1) 中国的全称是: ( )
    (2) 10月1号是: ( )
    (3) 中华人民共和国是( )年成立的。
    5 至少写3句话,说一说你和你的家人是怎么过中秋节和国庆节的。
    Write at least 3 sentences about how you and your family celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and China National Day.

  15. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 完成练习册第二课周一至周五的前3题。
    Complete the exercise book Lesson 2 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    2. 熟读第二课课文,语音发群里。
    Practice reading of Lesson 2, send your recording to group chat.
    3. 复习第一课划线词语,下节课听写。“在中文学校,教我们,说汉语,写汉字,读儿歌,画画儿,喜欢”
    Revise Lesson one underlined phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    4. 观看视频学习成语《人山人海》,根据你的理解画一幅画或者造三个句子。
    Watch the video and draw a picture or make three sentences according to your understanding.

  16. 六年级A班
    Before you do the workbook exercises,please read the text for Lesson 2 at least three times ,you should read it fluently.
    星期一   3 ,6
    星期三  3 ,4,6
    星期四  2 ,6
    星期五  1,4,5,7
    Complete the exercises as required in the workbook.
    Preview the unfamiliar vocabulary and readings that haven’t been covered yet. In the next class, students will explain the new vocabulary and read aloud.
    Correct the dictation and ensure that you have memorized it.
    You can have a discussion with your family about the topic of ‘collecting’ and learn what they enjoy collecting and what pleasure it brings to them.

  17. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    Please write a letter with letter format.No less than 150 words.

    Please correct the mistakes you made in the dictation and write the correctted ones for more than 3 times until you memerize them.

    3. 读熟第一课的课后阅读《给亮亮的回信》,预习第二课《颐和园》的课文。
    Please read “A Letter in Reply to Liangliang”fluently and preview the text of Lesson 2.

  18. 二年级D班作业
    Year Two D Homework
    Read the “read aloud” in text book page 11 three times a day, will check in class next week
    Complete some of the exercise book B for lesson two
    Mon: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Tue: 1/2/4/5/6
    Wed: 2/3/6
    Practise the two ways making question sentences : 1) sentence + 吗?2)verb + 不+verb ?
    Making 5 sentences in each way.

  19. 1、完成拼音练习册第七、八课(第十六至第二十一页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 7-8 (Page 16-21)

    2、演唱《你叫什么名字》,拍视频,上传到微信群 Recite the song and take a video, submit it to the WeChat . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhmjwL3Xpt0

  20. A Level class

    Group 1 第一组 – 都要交
    熟练背诵第一课, 并录音,(可以朗读录音)
    Record your response to this task:
    哪一个专题最相关, 为什么?
    要求使用给定的句型(see slide 7 and below)
    AS comprehensive as possible.

    Group 2 第二组

    new research findings, can be for theme 1, 2 3 or 4, minimum 1 piece新的-调研结果,至少一件,可以是任何专题的

    Need to cover all the topics in each sub-theme in your research and reading, at least the definition and
    examples.- 要求把每个专题里提到的概念都包括了, 至少定义和例子

    Watch the film – “please vote for me” and find more online resources – and share with class – 看指定的电影 – 分享搜集到的资源

    Read a novel – 读指定的小说-尽力多读!

  21. 四年级A班 王老师
    1.读懂第二课课文,记熟下面生词,,抄写3遍,要听写。reading and understand Lesson 2 , remember follow vocabularies,copy 3 times will dictation
    美丽 有名 走完 登上 景色 湖岸 小岛 沿着 向东走 从……到……
    一座桥 石柱 孔洞 狮子 生动
    2 完成练习册第一课周一到周五的 全部练习,complete lesson 1 Mon-Fri all Questions
    3,做练习册第二课周一到周五练习题的第一题。do EX book lesson 2 Mon—Fri question 1 。
    4 写出一个英文的地址 make a English address
    人名 门牌 路名 区名 城市 邮编 国家、
    5 给你的家人或朋友写一封信。150字左右。半学期假时交 。Write a letter to your family or friend. About 150 words. after half term hand to me.

  22. 1. 更正听写没有写出来的词语,没写对的每个写5次(听写满分的同学不需要完成此项作业)。听写答案如下:老师/在学校/学习/我们/教中文/说汉语/写汉字/读儿歌/画画/喜欢/长大/本领/以后Correct the phrases dictation, write each of the wrong phrase five times.
    Read the second lesson text ‘In the Classroom’ and have a conversation about it.
    Copy the new words learned: ‘教’ ‘室’ ‘里’ ‘书’ ‘吗’ five times each following stroke order. (You can refer to page 10 of the textbook for stroke order).
    4. 完成练习册B第二课部分练习题:星期一1,3,4
    Complete exercises from Workbook B for the second lesson: Monday 1, 3, 5.
    5.请同学们继续登入https://quizlet.com/join/9NQbYKKKz做自我复习测试 。
    ​”Please continue to log in at https://quizlet.com/join/9NQbYKKKz to take a self-review quiz.”

  23. GCSE 考试班家庭作业
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词“有意思、跟…一起、因为…,所以…、一个多小时、可是、对…好/不好、节目、比赛、酷、…的时候、打篮球、身体、踢足球、宠物、听音乐、上班、回家、睡觉、吃晚饭、看电视、棕色、游泳池、聪明、漂亮、依我来看、解决、跟…一样、一般、觉得、有礼貌、爱好、跳舞、玩儿电脑游戏、亲切、做运动、兴趣、或者、然后、离… 远/近、小时候”需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 口语-角色扮演:请根据要求准备口语,你需要把你要回答的部分写在家庭笔记本上。
    Speaking¬¬ task Role play: Please prepare to speak as required, you need to write the part you want to answer in the homework notebook.
    For oral content requirements, please refer to the WeChat parent group.

    3. 请翻译这四个句子,在课本的第 19 页写作 7。
    Please translate the four sentences, you can find them on page 19 of writing 7.

    4. 阅读一篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第49页(阅读5)(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 49 reading 5, Please write your answer in your notebook in class.

  24. 五年级C班
    (超 市 各 颜 练 许 漂 尺 刀 支 行 商 鞋 品 制 每 铅 因 呆 难 所)
    (前天 各种 颜色 漂亮 圆珠笔 离开 书包 这个 要是 英文 商店 许多 衣服 日用品 制造 铅笔 因为 只能 平时 所以)
    Review new words and vocabulary in lesson 1, and dictate next week.

    Copy the new characters in Lesson 2, copy each character three times, and make each new character into three words.

  25. YCT B homework 1-10-2023

    Part 1. Watch the video clip: https://youtu.be/QZxr9f6W6eM?si=SyUz1VrZ72WqkKvF
    Read aloud the texts on page 4, and translate into English verbally, send your voice or video recording to our group.

    Part 2. Review the words in the PDF file, then complete the short passage by choosing the correct words, translate into English at the end.

  26. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    2. 完成练习册第二课周一至周五的前3题。
    Complete parts 1,2 and 3, Monday to Friday , exercise book B, Lesson 2.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 2.

  27. 五年级B班
    1.请观看(Watch the video):庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74周年 天安门广场举行升国旗仪式。并抄写词汇:“中华人民共和国,北京,国庆节,天安门广场,庆祝,升旗仪式,人山人海”这七个词各抄写三遍。

    2.请看视频:(请在练习本上写出视频里提到的11个城市的名称) https://youtu.be/ey4qmTGLBro?feature=shared
    The 11 major capital cities of New China, why did they finalize the Beijing city? Watch the video:(Please write the names of the 11 cities mentioned in the video in your exercise book)

    Please complete all the exercises on Monday and Tuesday in Exercise Book B Lesson 2 “Go to the Restaurant”.

  28. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、练习册A 第二课周一至周五的练习1 ;
    Complete Exercise B Lesson Two Monday to Friday question 1;
    Preview Lesson Two;
    3、改正听写错误的词语并抄写至少2遍, 直到确认记住;
    Correct the wrong words those made in the dictation and copy 2 times or more making sure memorise them;
    Upload Lesson One reading recordings for those haven’t done so before this Friday.

  29. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第一课课文,理解课文含义,练习朗诵课文。Review Lesson One, understand the meaning of the text and practice reciting the text.
    2. CQ借助quizlet(https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij)复习第一课生词,请注意理解词义,会写,会使用,并准备听写这些词汇。With the help of quizlet review the vocabulary of Lesson One, please understand the meaning, be able to write them by hand, learn how to use them, and prepare to dictate them.
    3. 看视频复习如何使用的、的、地。Please watch the following video clips to review how to use 的、的、地.
    4. 请正确选择的、的或地填空(见微信群word文档)。Please correctly choose 的、的or地 to fill the gaps (see the word file in Wechat).

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