家庭作业: 2023年9月25日至2023年9月30日

一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

2、视频作业发群里:练习手舞歌曲《中秋》,并把视频发到群里Practice the song <Middle Autumn Festival> and upload your video to WeChat.

31 Replies to “家庭作业: 2023年9月25日至2023年9月30日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 1, “Traffic Lights,” in Workbook A.
    Memorize the underlined words in lesson 1″Traffic Lights” and take dictation in class next week.
    Review lesson2 “Going to the Bookstore”.
    Continue to complete the Mid-Autumn Festival crafts.

  2. 1,今天学习了第二课的19个生词,下周默写10个:个子,黑/白板,上课,自我,希望,咳嗽,成长,舌头,紧张,幸福;
    2,课堂上已经完成练习册B P2,2&3;P5 2;P6 3;P9 4&5。请缺勤的同学自行补上

  3. 1. 朗读第一课《给爷爷的信》,下周课堂上检查
    Read Lesson 1 ”A Letter to Grandfather”,will check the reading next week.
    Memorize those 15 words and words and expressions (see Page 3), prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 请用这几个词语造句(一个词语一句话):那里,提高,争取。
    Try to use these 3 words to make a sentence;
    3. 完成练习册A第一课‘星期三’的练习。 
    To complete Lesson one Exercise Book A ‘Wednesday’.

  4. 学前班B

    Watch Playlist. please watch at least once a day until.
    You can skip the clip if you have memorised it.


    Colouring the hand out “Chang e ben yue”from today’s lesson.

    Draw a picture of the moon cake you have eaten at home on your blue notebook.

    4,在你的蓝色练习本上完成教科书第11页 4. Do it
    Complete text book Page11 question 4. Do it on your blue notebook.

    Complete text book Page12

  5. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 1, textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 属、虎、猴、初中、毕业


    2.Please watch the video clip below, and learn the words for Chinese Middle of Autumn Festival


    3. Please write a paragraph in Chinese to tell us about Middle of Autumn 中秋节,at least 100 words , and must using the following words: 中秋节、八月十五、传说、嫦娥、月亮、又…又、团圆、不但…而且、月饼

    4.Please read loud , memorize the poem 《静夜思》

  6. 六年级B班

    Continue to complete Exercise Book A “In the Park” from Monday to Friday.

    Write an essay “My Mid-Autumn Festival”. Requirements: To express the emotions of Mid-Autumn Festival reunion or lovesickness, you can use keywords such as moon and moon cakes, 100 words.

  7. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第一课阅读《交通歌》。
    Reading the book of lesson one “A Song of Traffic”.
    2 完成练习册A 第一课《红绿灯》星期四和星期五的全部练习。
    Please complete Exercise Book A.
    Thursday 1-7
    Friday 1-8
    3 写出三个中国重要的传统节日。
    Please write down three important traditional festivals in China.
    4 中秋节有哪些习俗:
    (1)________ (2) ______ (3) ________
    What are the customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival?
    5 写出含有 “月” 的三个成语。例如:众星捧月
    Write Three idioms with the word “month” in them.

  8. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第一课的以下练习:
    Monday: 6, 7
    Tuesday: 6, 7, 8
    Wednesday: all
    2. 请点击下方链接完成作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    Complete the homework in the PDF below.
    4. 请背诵第一课《红绿灯》。
    Memorize lesson one then send a recording to the Wechat group.

  9. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习课上讲解的口语技巧,重新查看自己的上周口语作业如何改进
    Review oral speaking rules, go back the last week speaking homework to improve your speaking sills.
    2 复习书上10-11页的所有词组,熟练阅读11也的第4题文章,下周听写(图书馆,新音乐,节目,身体,跟。。一起,比赛,一个多小时,足球,篮球).复习词汇 https://quizlet.com/23831066/edexcel-gcse-mandarin-chapter-1-unit-1-%E6%88%91%E5%96%9C%E6%AC%A2-i-like-flash-cards/?i=2w2k7l&x=1jqW
    Review all vocabs on page 10-11, read again p10 reading 4, next week dictation vocabs 。 review with Quizlet link
    3 完成抄写练习和作文练习 ( 书11页第5题写作),PDF 见微信群和谷歌教室
    Finish word tracing and writing homework, pdf see wechat group and google classroom.

  10. 1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)
    Recite the poem and upload your video to WeChat.
    Continue to complete the Mid-Autumn Festival poster

  11. 四年级A班 王老师
    1 . 上星期第三册听写没有过一半的同学请再抄写一遍12个句子。Students who did not got half point about volume 3 in last week, please copy 12 sentences 1 time again.
    1. 看 见 绿灯往 前 走 。
    2.我 高高 兴 兴 地 走 出了 书店。
    3.我去医 院 看 病
    4.一边 说话一 边听。
    6.大家 尝 一尝 就 知 道了。
    7. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
    8.水 蒸 气 能让 壶盖动 起来。
    10.兔子飞快 地 跑了出去
    11.我怎么钓 不到鱼呢
    12.人们又被他欺 骗了。

    2,按照课本14-16页笔顺 认真抄写第二课生字5遍。According to the textbook 14-16 pages carefully copy the second lesson new words 5 times.

    3. 下面是伦敦的旅游景点,请用“ 你知道伦敦是英国的首都吗?这里 有……有……还有…… 造句。Below are the tourist attractions in London, please make sentences by
    Did you know that London is the capital of Britain ,there 有……有……还有……”
    大笨钟 Big Ben
    泰晤士河 the Thames
    大英博物馆 British Museum
    摄政街 Regency street
    白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace
    塔桥 Tower Bridge

    4. 学习古诗要会背诵,《望月怀古》。Be able to recite ancient poems,
    海上生明月 hǎi shàng shēng míng yuè
    天涯共此时。tiān yá ɡònɡ cǐ shí
    情人怨遥夜,qínɡ rén yuàn yáo yè
    竟夕起相思。 jìnɡ xī qǐ xiānɡ sī
    灭烛怜光满,miè zhú lián ɡuānɡ mǎn
    披衣觉露滋 、 pī yī jué lù zī)。
    不堪盈手赠,bù kān yínɡ shǒu zènɡ
    还寝梦佳期 hái qǐn mènɡ jiā qī 。
    Zhang Jiuling
    Ying Sun译
    As the bright moon shines over the sea,
    From far away you share this moment with me.
    For parted lovers lonely nights are the worst to be.
    All night long I think of no one but thee.
    To enjoy the moon I blow out the candle stick.
    Please put on your nightgown for the dew is thick.
    I try to offer you the moonlight so hard to pick,
    Hoping a reunion in my dream will come quick.


    5 看下面网站,没有画画的的同学请画一下你心里的中秋节,Look at the following website, please draw the Mid-Autumn Festival in your heart, ( if you did please bring it next week )


  12. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第一课课文,理解课文含义,练习朗诵课文。Review Lesson One, understand the meaning of the text and practice reciting the text.
    2. CQ借助quizlet(https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij)复习第一课生词,请注意理解词义,会写,会使用,并准备听写这些词汇。With the help of quizlet review the vocabulary of Lesson One, please understand the meaning, be able to write them by hand, learn how to use them, and prepare to dictate them.
    3. CQ练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习6 到 7。Question 6-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 1, Workbook 6A.
    4. 预习第二课课文。Preview Lesson Two.

  13. 五年级C班 李老师
    (超 市 各 颜 练 许 漂 尺 刀 支 行 商 鞋 品 制 每 铅 因 呆 难 所)
    (前天 各种 颜色 漂亮 圆珠笔 离开 书包 这个 要是 英文 商店 许多 衣服 日用品 制造 铅笔 因为 只能 平时 所以)
    Practice new words and vocabulary, and dictate next week.

    2、. 完成练习册A第一课周一到周五4-7题。
    Exercise Book A: Questions 4-7 from Monday to Friday

    Mid-Autumn Festival.

  14. Year Two D Homework
    1, Practise the 10 words and expressions below from Lesson one, dictation next week.
    2, Complete the exercise book A
    Thur: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    3, Read the question two “read aloud” on text book page 4-5 three times a day, will check in the class next week
    3, Please watch the video clip below, and learn the words for Chinese Middle of Autumn Festival, will ask questions next week.
    4,Memorise the “what a great Chinese school” on text book page 7

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Read aloud Lesson One and upload your recordings;
      Copy two times of the words on Textbook page 11;
      Write your travel experience from leaving home until boarding.

  15. Year Two D Homework
    1, Practise the 10 words and expressions below from Lesson one, dictation next week.
    2, Complete the exercise book A
    Thur: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    3, Read the question two “read aloud” on text book page 4-5 three times a day, will check in the class next week
    4,Please watch the video clip below, and learn the words for Chinese Middle of Autumn Festival, will ask questions next week.
    5,Memorise the “what a great Chinese school” on text book page 7

  16. 七年级A班(YEAR7A) – 李老师

    1. 课上听写写错的字、词,请在练习本上写5遍。
    Words and characters written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them five times in the exercise book.

    2. 9月29号中秋节,为了送给那些无法与我们共度此节的亲人和朋友一份特别的祝福,请给他们发送一条约30字的中秋节短信;或录制一段短视频,表达我们的思念和祝福。
    Please send a family member/friend a short Mid-Autumn Festival text message of about 30 words or record a short video to express our wishes.

    3. 预习第二课 《游香港》
    Preview lesson two
    * 通读课文
    Read the main text.
    * 熟悉生字和生词,每个生字抄写5遍(在课本第13-14页,“写一写”部分)
    Gain proficiency in reading and writing 18 new characters. Write each character five times (pages 13-14 in the textbook)

  17. 1.请纠正上周作业中老师画圈做错的题目。字写错的,每个字写10遍。笔画错的,按笔画顺序写2遍。句子错了,请认真写一遍并大声读出来。
    Please correct the mistakes the teacher circled in last week’s homework. For character mistakes, write each character 10 times. For stroke order mistakes, write each character twice following the stroke order. If there are errors in sentences, write them correctly and read them out loud.
    Please memorize the text on page 7, “中文学校真是好” (Chinese school is really good), and send a video to the WeChat group.
    3. 请做课文第5页的扩展与替换,根据提供的词语造句,并把课本第4-5页的“读一读”每天熟读二遍,下周课堂检查。Please do the extension and replacement exercises on page 5 of the textbook, using the provided words to make sentences. Also, practice reading “读一读” on pages 4-5 three times a day until next week’s classroom check.
    4.练习下面13组词语,下周听写。Practise the 13 words and expressions below from Lesson one, dictation next week.
    Watch the video to learn about the vocabulary and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival. There will be questions in next week’s class.

    Practice the 13 words and expressions listed below from Lesson one for next week’s dictation: “在学校” (at school), “老师” (teacher), “学习” (study), “我们” (we), “教中文” (teach Chinese), “说汉语” (speak Chinese), “写汉字” (write Chinese characters), “读儿歌” (read nursery rhymes), “画画” (draw), “喜欢” (like), “长大” (grow up), “本领” (ability), and “以后” (in the future).

    [Link to video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YmJZdy3_7G4#bottom-sheet%5D

  18. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 完成第一课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 1 the rest of the questions.
    2. 熟读并背诵课本第七页的《中文学校真是好》,音频或视频发群里。
    Read and recite 《中文学校真是好》, send your recording to group chat
    3. 观看视频,画一幅中秋节主题的画。链接在群里。
    Watch the video, draw a Mid-Autumn festival themed painting . The link is in group chat.

  19. A level class
    Group 1 第一组 – 都要交
    1. 背诵第一课, 并录音,(可以朗读录音)
    2. 练习A册
    周二: 2,3,4,5
    周三: 3,4,6
    周四: 2,3
    周五: 3,4,5

    Group 2 第二组
    1. new research findings, can be for theme 1, 2 3 or 4, minimum 1 piece新的-调研结果,至少一件,可以是任何专题的
    2. Need to cover all the topics in each sub-theme in your research and reading, at least the definition and examples.- 要求把每个专题里提到的概念都包括了, 至少定义和例子
    3. New vocabulary collected 更新后的词汇收集结果
    4. A manually produced poster to outline the 4 themes, their sub-themes 手画/写的海报-展示四个专题包括八个亚专题
    5. A manually produced poster to outline the exam format of Paper 1, 2 and 3 – 手画/写的海报-展示考卷一, 二和三 的格式与内容

  20. 六年级A班
    1.完成练习册A本Lesson 1 剩下的题目,请书写认真。
    Finish the remaining exercises in Workbook A for Lesson 1, “In the Park.
    Memorize the characters and words and be prepared for a dictation in class next week.
    If you haven’t completed the essay writing task from last week, please ensure it’s finished this week. You can refer to the requirements provided in last week’s homework.
    Read the text fluently, covering paragraphs 1, 2, and 4.
    Read the reading text ”Rodin“ and answer the questions.
    Preview Lesson Two.

  21. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1C)- 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

    2)练习(标调歌) To practice Standard tune song:
    a o e i u ü
    老大不在找o e
    最后轮到i u ü
    i u并列戴后面

    3, 熟练朗读以下《儿歌》 Recite songs below:
    Bái bái é, Cháng Cháng bó
    白 白 鹅, 长 长 脖
    Pái zhe duì wǔ xià le hé
    排 着 队 伍 下了 河
    Yáo tóu bǎi wěi chàng zhe gē
    摇 头 摆 尾 唱 着 歌
    kuài kuài lè lè yóu guò hé
    快 快 乐乐 游 过 河
    Māomī miāo miāo jiào
    猫 咪 喵 喵 叫
    chī yú mī mī xiào
    吃 鱼 眯 眯 笑
    Pǎo bù qīng qīng tiào
    跑 步 轻 轻 跳
    Lǎo shǔ táo bù diào
    老 鼠 逃 不 掉

  22. 1. 完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 7-10)
    2.学写 “月” 字,下周和大家分享一件关于月亮的趣事 To practise to write moon in Chinese, do your research and share a fun fact about the moon with your class next week
    3. 观看视频并和家人分享什么是中秋节 Watch the video clip with your family and talk to them what is Mid-Autumn Festival


  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 完成练习册A第一课《给爷爷的信》剩下的练习。
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 复习这次课上划的重点词汇,下周听写:亲爱,喜欢,信封,邮票,首都,那里,广场,那时,水平,提高,今后,争取,进步
    Please revise the following words and phrases. We’ll have dictation next class.

    Please continue to finish your paper moon cake, take a picture and share in our Wechat group.

  24. 五年级A班家庭作业
    Review the vocabulary from lesson1 for next week’s dictation.
    Complete the remaining questions in Exercise book A lesson 1.
    Rewrite the text in the third person. Pay attention to the writing format we discussed in class: place the title in the middle, and indent the beginning of each paragraph by two spaces.
    4. 熟读第一课课文,并录制发送到班级群里。
    Read the text fluently (twice a day) and send your recording to our Wechat group.
    5.背诵《水调歌头 明月几时有》,文件在微信群里。
    Be able to recite the poem(please find the file in Wechat group).

  25. GCSE 考试班家庭作业
    1. 预习新的生词表1.2的第二页在生词,需要在发下去的词汇表上做好笔记。(请把表格粘贴在家庭作业本上)。
    Preview the new vocabulary list 1.2 on the second page of New Words, you need to make notes on the vocabulary list that is handed out. (Please paste the form in your homework book).
    2. 请给以下20个词造句子: “棕色、游泳池、聪明、漂亮、依我来看、解决、跟…一样、一般、觉得、有礼貌、爱好、跳舞、玩儿电脑游戏、亲切、做运动、兴趣、或者、然后、离… 远/近、小时候”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共40个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    Please make sentences for the following 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 14 reading 1, and page 18 reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    Expansion homework: Please see the screenshot below for homework requirements.

  26. 五年级B班
    Read Lesson 1 fluently, make a record and send to our Wechat group.

    2. 练习生字和词语,下周听写。
    (超 市 各 颜 练 许 漂 尺 刀 支 行 商 鞋 品 制)
    (前天 各种 颜色 漂亮 圆珠笔 离开 书包 这个 要是 英文 商店 许多 衣服 日用品 制造)
    Practice new words and vocabulary, and dictate next week.

     3.完成第一课练习册A 的星期四和星期五的全部练习题。Complete all the exercises for Thursday and Friday in Lesson 1 Exercise Book A.
    Write a letter of recommendation to elect a head of class.



  27. YCT B homework:

    Task 1. Practice the new words in the handwriting sheet provided. Write down the English meaning.

    Task 2. Watch the video clips about Mid Autumn Festival, then produce a colourful art work relate to this festival, make sure it contains some key Chinese words learned from the video clips.

    https://youtu.be/iuzbA2I4KO8?si=oSZ824XlQFztvi9H https://youtu.be/EMMU1YJadzE?si=FCZasl6ct7JufqNo https://youtu.be/8CqNVUxjGGQ?si=yYC3IiY7anN-0wHo
    https://youtu.be/lVS9ZmEGvPU?si=4F1Ajt_dGKemd8t1 https://youtu.be/-l-APAdGbOU?feature=shared

  28. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK Y2B
    1.完成第一课练习册A 的余下所有习题,如果生字已经会了,忽略星期一到星期四的第一部分。
    Finish the rest of the questions in exercise book A of Lesson 1.
    Bready for dictation.
    Watch the video and try to report it.

  29. 学前A班:reception class
    1. quiz let 学说词语和句子:大,小,多,少,前,后,长,短,快,慢,高,矮,一条大鱼,一艘轮船……
    2. 有声绘本对话练习。请看群里发放文本。
    3. 唱儿歌, 请看群里链接。

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