
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住生字,下节课听写 Memorise the words and prepare for the dictation next week。

3、朗读第一到第五课生字,拍视频,以便老师纠正发音(班级人多,无法经常在教室里一一听取学生发音,所以需家长配合拍摄视频)Read the new words from the first to fifth lessons aloud, and take videos so that the teacher can correct the pronunciation (there are too many people in the class, and it is impossible to listen to the students’ pronunciation one by one in the classroom.)

4、背诵和学唱发下的唐诗《春晓》、《江雪》并拍视频发到群里 Recite and learn to sing Tang poems  《春晓》、《江雪》and taking video then send them to our class’ Wechat group。




29 Replies to “家庭作业2023年2月13日至2023年2月25日(2月19日放半学期假)”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete all the exercises in Lesson 7 of Workbook A from Monday to Friday.
    Write the second poem in Lesson 7 twice.
    Familiarly read and recite the two poems in Lesson 7, and can write silently, and write silently in class when returning to school.

  2. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习GCSE 书上110-113页所有的词组和好词好句,熟读文章
    Review all vocabs and sentences on page 110-113, read fluently passages.
    2 口语作业,按照书上113页4题的模板说一下你的假期经历和假期计划
    Oral speaking, use question 4 as template talk about your holiday and experience and holiday plan.
    3,完成PAST PAPER 听力和写作卷子,写作要求1A 1B 选一篇,2A 2B 选一篇,翻译必写 (see google classroom pdf & mp3 listening)
    Finish past paper listening and writing paper, please see google classroom attachement pdf and mp3 .


  3. 八年级&GCSE基础班:
    Complete Lesson 11 practice book A Mon ~ Wed
    2) 熟读课文,翻译课文1~3段落;
    Read the text book fluently, translate the paragraphs 1~3 into English
    3) 用“哪怕…都…”;“不仅…还…”造句。
    Make sentences

  4. 四年级A班 王老师
    1,读熟第七课的两首诗,背会,要默写。Read the two poems of lesson 7, recite them, and write from memory

    2. 完成第七课练习册的习题。Complete the exercises in the Lesson 7 workbook Mon-Fri

    3, 抄写 朝代歌两遍,背熟它Copy the dynasty song twice and memorize read it.
    朝代歌。 the dynasty song
    夏,商,周,秦,东西汉, xià shāng zhōu qín dōng xī hàn
    汉后- 魏,蜀,吴国 叛, hàn hòu wèi shǔ wú guó pàn
    两 晋,五 胡,十 六 国 ,liǎng jìn wǔ hú shí liù guó
    隋, 唐, 五 代, 宋, 元 , 明,suí táng ,wǔdǎi sòng yuán míng
    满 清, 民 国, 共 和 国。mǎnqīng mínguó gònghéguó.

    4、学习李绅《悯农 之一》learn the poem 《Mercy agriculture》one by Li Shen
    春种一粒粟,chun zhong yi li su
    秋收万颗子,qiu shou wan ke zi
    四海无闲田,si hai wu xian tan
    农夫犹饿死。nong fu you e si
    5,看视频 watch TV


  5. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第五课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下次上课时听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 5, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation after half term.

    2,熟练的背诵唐诗《春(chūn)夜(yè)喜(xǐ)雨(yǔ) 》,并拍视频发到群里 Recite this poem fluently.

    好(hǎo)雨(yǔ)知(zhī)时(shí)节(jié), 当(dāng)春(chūn)乃(nǎi)发(fā)生(shēng)。
    随(suí)风(fēng)潜(qián)入(rù)夜(yè), 润(rùn)物(wù)细(xì)无(wú)声(shēng)。
    野(yě)径(jìng)云(yún)俱(jù)黑(hēi), 江(jiāng)船(chuán)火(huǒ)独(dú)明(míng)。
    晓(xiǎo)看(kān)红(hóng)湿(shī)处(chù), 花(huā)重(zhòng)锦(jǐn)官(guān)城(chéng)

    3, 跟着一下视频学唱唐诗《春(chūn)夜(yè)喜(xǐ)雨(yǔ) 》,并拍视频发到群里。Watch and learn the song of this poem

  6. 二年级A班

    1 熟读并背诵第七课课文,录视频发到群里。
    Read and recite Lesson 7, send your video recording to group chat.
    2 完成第七课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 7 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    3 观看两个视频,选其中一个故事用自己的话复述,链接在群里。
    Watch two videos, choose one use your own language to tell the story.
    4 复习之前学过的成语,理解意思并每个写五遍。
    Revise the idioms which we have learned to understand and write 5times each.

  7. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1.完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五的所有问题。Please complete Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2.记住第五课的生字,下次课听写。 Please memorise the words of Lesson 4 and prepare for the dictation.

    3.朗读第一到第五课生字,请拍摄视频发在微信群里,以便老师纠正发音(班级人多,无法经常在教室一一听取学生发音,所以需家长配合拍摄视频) Please read the new words from the first to fifth lessons and take videos, so that the teacher can correct the pronunciation (there are too many students in the class, and it is impossible to listen to the students’ pronunciation one by one in the classroom)

    4.请完成今天课上的画并在对应的部分写“春”“夏”“秋”“冬”。Please complete the painting we have done in today’s class.

  8. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第六课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L6. https://quizlet.com/553704041/zw6-6-flash-cards/?new,Prepare the dictation.
    2. 熟读第六课课文,准备朗诵比赛。Read the text till fluent and prepare for the reading competition.
    3. CQ 练习册第六课周一至周五的第四到七题。Question 4-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 6, Workbook 6B.
    4. COQ根据第六课回答下列问题:Answer the questions according to the L6:
    1) 第二个成语叫什么?
    2) 这是什么时候的事?
    3) 他是一个什么样的人? 做什么工作?
    4) 他总是想什么?
    5) 他每天都去哪儿?到了那儿做什么?
    6) 他想出了一个什么“好”方法?
    7) 看着他的劳动结果他觉得怎么样?
    8) 过了几天发生了什么?
    9) 你从这个成语里明白了什么道理?
    10) 你听说过“不能一口吃成一个胖子”这句话吗?
    11) 这句话说明了一个什么意思?

  9. 三年级C班:
    Complete all remaining questions in Lesson seven.
    Recite and video At Heron Lodge then post it in the Wechat group.
    4.背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    波月洞 遇公主
    唐三藏 变老虎

  10. 学前班 reception class A
    1. quizlet W16 我的家 和 quizlet 看图说话1《洗衣服》
    2. 说一说课堂分发的看图说话《洗衣服》

  11. 六年级B班
    Continue to complete the unfinished homework of Lesson 7 “Sun Moon Lake” in the exercise book, from Monday to Friday.

    Copy the wrong words 5 times each.

    Preview the eighth lesson “Telescope”.

    Homework for the half-term holiday: write a composition of 200 words, make your own proposition, and write about a landscape (refer to the text “Sun Moon Lake”, the geographical location of the scenery, how beautiful the scenery is, etc.). You can also write a folktale (try to tell the story with colloquial words)

  12. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the question two ‘ read aloud’ on text book page 51 three time a day.
    把课本51页的第二题‘读一读’ 每天读三遍
    2, Memories the lesson 7
    3, Continue to memories the tongue twister on text book 45 ( faster)
    4, Complete the exercise book A for Lesson 7
    Wed: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Thur: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5
    星期三: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    星期四: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    5,Copy the Lesson seven onto A4 paper, please make sure the content is in the middle of the paper, no Pinyin

  13. 本周作业:
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 6 Exercise Book B.
    2, 完成补充阅读理解和写一篇短文(150字左右)
    Read the text and answer the questions;write about your family no less than 150 words.
    3, 熟读第六课课文,每天一遍。
    Read aloud Lesson 6 once a day.

  14. 1 写出下面中文对应的英文意思
    Write the English meaning of the following Chinese
    (1)月(yuè)光(guāng)(2)故(gù)乡(xiāng)(3)思(sī)故(gù)乡(xiāng)(4)静(jìng)(5) 更(gèng)
    2 背诵第七课第二首诗《登鹳雀楼》
    Recite Lesson 7 part two 《At Heron Lodge》
    3 完成练习册A第七课星期三的 2-7,星期四和星期五的全部练习
    Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Seven on Exercise Book A.
    Wednesday 2-7
    Thursday 1-7
    Friday 1-7

  15. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写十遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    2. 课堂上学习的生词,选出的22个词: “厨房、卧室、银行、邮局、超市、体育馆、地铁站、动物园、汽车站、附近、郊区、城市、小镇、海边、…极了、新鲜、安静、热闹、散步、机会、另外、互相” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共22个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 22 words, please ensure making one complex sentences for each phase word and write in your homework notebook.
    3. 预习新的生词表,请试着为词汇表做笔记(比如,近义词,反义词等)。词汇表格发在家长群里。(请把笔记写在家庭作业本上)。
    To preview new vocabulary lists, try taking notes on the vocabulary lists (eg, synonyms, antonyms, etc.). The vocab file in the parent group. (Please write your notes in your homework book).
    4. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第91页(阅读4)和第93页(阅读4) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 91 reading 4, and page 93 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  16. Yct C class homework:

    1.请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第五册第一课到第八课的新词,并用游戏练习新词。Please use the following link to learn the new words from Lesson 1 to Lesson 8, YCT5









    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on following Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:经常、特别、感兴趣、春天、夏天、兔子、可爱、下楼、习惯、健康
    3)Please make three sentences using the following words:

  17. 四年级B班
    1. 请大家继续完成练习册第七课的所有练习题,并上传到微信群。
    Please continue to finish Lesson 7 in Excersise Book A and upload to WECHAT Group.
    Use the Dictation book to copy the four ancient poems “Chunxiao”, “Minnong”, “Mountain Walk” and “Quatrains” from Lesson 7, and bring them back to school the next time you go to class. Yesterday, most of the students had already written two or three songs in the third class and got stickers. Please continue to complete them.
    Students are invited to recite and learn to recite the 4 famous Tang poems in Lesson 7 every day, and check the silent writing after returning to school.
    Watching the video helps to understand the meaning of the 4 Tang poems and the background of the poet.
    ☀2月19日是Half Term假期无课,2月26日返校上中文课。

  18. A level班 家庭作业

    1、预习新单词, land 田地/土地、 livelihood 民生 、 loan 贷款 、 low-skilled worker 低技术工人、measures 措施 、middle and lower classes (in society) 中下阶层 、 migrant workers 农民工 / 民工 、 migration 迁移 、 minimum wage 最低工资 、 non-agricultural household 非农业戶口 、 preferential policy 优惠政策 、private enterprises 私营企业、 productivity 生产力 、 prosperity 繁荣、 province 省 、public facilities 公共设施 、 reform of state-owned enterprises 国企改革 、 rights 权利 / 权益,下节课听写。


    3、A level第二年的同学开始逐步复习上学年所学的内容。

  19. 五年级A班
    1.Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 6;get ready for the dictation next lesson;(you can use Quizlet link to practise the new words.)
    2. Complete the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 6.
    3.Read lesson 6 fluently and send your recording to our Wechat group.
    4 Correct your dictation mistakes; copy three times for each word.
    According to the tasks of your group, prepare the explanation of the new words and the text ; you are going to teach your classmates about the paragraph next lesson.

  20. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Read aloud Lesson Seven and upload your recordings;
    Copy two times of the words on Textbook p62 and read aloud every day, ready for the test in next lesson.

  21. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B,第八课《司马光》如下练习:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 8 on Exercise Book B.
    星期一:1,2,4,5题 Mon: question No. 1,2,4 and 5
    星期二、三、四:1-5题 Tue to Thurs: Question No. 1-5
    星期五:1,2,4题 Fri: Question No. 1,2 and 4

    2. 作文:我的假期生活。字数不少于100字,既可以写Half term,也可以写之前的寒假和圣诞假期。内容可以参考我们课上的讨论,结构也尽量使用我们刚刚讲过的总分总结构,注意语言要通顺,请同学们写完自己多读几遍,进行修改。
    Writing:My holiday, no less than 100 words. You can write about your half term, Christmas holiday or winter holidays.

  22. 学前班B作业

    Watch playlist, you can skip the ones if you have memorised it.

    Draw a picture of your home on your blue notebook, including what we have learnt “window, curtain, light, door, vase, tea pod, tea cup, and coffee table”

    Memorise “Sanzijing” from“ximengmu” 到”duanjizhu” and send video clip to WeChat Class group.

    Complete 3A textbook page 4-5, 3 Color it and 5 do it


  23. Homework 20230212
    Please write down lesson7‘s new words every day two time.

    please practice your speaking skills, every day read once lesson 7, and record your voice, upload to the WeChat group by Saturday.

    练习册A practice A
    星期一 Monday12345
    星期二 Tuesday125
    星期三 Wednesday1234
    星期四 Thursday12
    星期五 Friday123

    writing : please choose one of topic below to write

    Topic 1: In the half term, I believe you will have a lot interesting things happening, please write one which you think most interesting things and want to share with everyone.
    Topic 2: In the UK, there are a lot of famous buildings, which one give you most impression? Please write it down and share with everyone.

  24. 五年级B班
Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 6 Exercise Book B.
Read aloud Lesson 6 until fluent,and send the recording to the WeChat group.

  25. YCT A Homework:

    Task 1. Continue revise and memorise how to introduce yourself, please see the document sent in group chat. Record a video of self-introduction if you haven’t done so. This will be the speaking test after half term.

    Task 2. Learn the following phrases and sentences, and translate them into English. For the students who have already mastered the following, please see more phrases and sentences in the document sent in group chat.
    头(tóu) 疼(téng) 眼(yǎn) 睛(jīng) 疼(téng) 耳(ěr) 朵(duo) 疼(téng) 脚(jiǎo) 疼(téng)
    1. A: 你(nǐ) 怎(zěn) 么(me) 了(le)?
    B: 我(wǒ) ( )。
    2. A: 我(wǒ) 们(men) 今(jīn) 天(tiān) 去(qù) 医(yī) 院(yuàn) 看(kàn) 医(yī) 生(shēng) 吧(ba)。
    B: 好(hǎo)的(de)。

    Have a wonderful and fruitful half term!

  26. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Finish parts 1,2 and 3, Monday to Friday, exercise book A of Lesson 7.
    Recite the text of Lesson 7, and send the video to WeChat.
    Sing this song。


  27. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK18 Term2 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Print out the PDF files (see WeChat). Read PinYin & recognise characters. Copy over each character whilst reading out loudly.

    2.Display the following links & play given audio files (see WeChat), read the texts (on pages 51&54 from the Standard Course book) accordingly with the same tone, till fluent & remembered.

    3.Complete each of the questions on pages 39-42 from the Activity Book.

    4.Display video clips of the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival:
    Spring Festival 春节 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWvbkcaCGi0
    Chinese Custom 过年的习俗 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIMBAhpw19Q
    Spring Festival 春节词汇 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e-ke4xVTqI
    Lantern Festival 元宵节 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iffm1Yy1tw
    Paper Cutting 春字 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikLd5RS9ClI
    New Year Craft 小挂饰 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn9fgvRq3vc

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