
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课练习二(第26页),每个词语抄写10遍 Copy 10 times of the phases in the Lesson 5 Exercise 2
2、背诵《春天的颜色》,并录制视频发给老师 Recite <The Colour of Spring>, and record a video

3、熟读发下的歌曲《少年中国说》第一页第一段 Familiar with the song “Shaonian Zhongguo Shuo”

29 Replies to “家庭作业2023年2月27日至2023年3月4日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 8 of Workbook B “Why the Pot Lid Moves”: Monday: 1234; Tuesday: 123; Wednesday: 1234; Thursday: 1234; Friday: 12.
    Read the text of Lesson 8。
    Please write down the unwritten poems or words in class today, and rewrite them.

  2. 6年级A班
    Exercise B
    Mon. 1,2,3,4
    Tue. 2,3,5
    Make each sentence by the above words.
    3. 朗读第八课课文,并上传语音到群里
    Read the text about , and upload the record to WeChat.

  3. 二年级A班

    1. 完成第七课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 7 the rest of the questions.
    2. 复习第七课的划线词语,下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 7 underlined the phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    “ 人有两件宝,双手,大脑,做工,思考,工作,万事,用手又用脑,事事做得好”
    3. 看视频学成语 《守株待兔》链接在群里。
    Watch the link and learn the idiom.

  4. 六年级B班

    Workbook B, Lesson 8 “Telescope” Monday to Friday 1, 2, 3.

    For the new words on page 79 of the text, copy each word 5 times.

  5. 五年级A班
    1 .完成练习册5b第六课的所有练习题。A
    1. Complete all the questions of lesson 6(Exercise Book B).
    2.Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 6;get ready for dictation next week;
    3.Read the handout you were given until fluently and send the recording to me by Saturday. Learn the new phrases。
    4.A piece of writing:You must include these five phrases:从此、赶快、着急、不慌不忙、感到.(Around 100words)
    5.Review the lesson 1 -6 to prepare for the Unit 1 and 2 test.

  6. 八年级&GCSE基础班:
    Complete the rest of the questions on Practice book A – Lesson 11.

    2) 用课堂上老师讲解的“故事山”的形式写作文。曾经回过家乡的同学们以“我眼中的家乡”为题目;没有回过家乡的同学们用“我父母/爸爸/妈妈口中的家乡”为题目。字数不低于200字,分三段。第一段交代时间地点人物,第二段具体描述在家乡的经历,第三段可用感受或愿望来结尾。
    Write an essay about your hometown, minimum 200 words with 3 paragraphs.

  7. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    Correct the wrong words in the dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

    2.抄写第五课 “读一读” 的词组(第26页) 请每个词组抄写3遍。
    Copy 3 times of each phase in exercise 2 “du yi du” of Lesson five on page 26.

    3.背诵课本第27页阅读《春天的颜色》,并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Please recite the reading exercise on page 27 and take a video.

    4.学习和背诵古诗《春夜喜雨》, 并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Please learn and recite the poem of ‘Spring Night Happy Rain’and take a video and submit to WeChat group.

  8. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习GCSE 116-117页所有的新词组。阅读119的reading,回答地题和第2题
    Review p116-117 new vocabs and read p119 reading passages, answer question 1 and question 2
    2 完成谷歌教室里的附件里的2021年AQA 的听力和阅读
    finish google classroom 2021 AQA PAST PAPER listening and reading paper, after mark yourself, upload wrong questions of reading paper
    3 复习旅行经历和旅行计划两课的词汇 https://create.kahoot.it/details/808defa9-d488-48a5-b259-d14ec650a096
    Review above vocabs about travel experience and travel plan

  9. 一年级C班-傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵《春天的颜色》,并录制视频发给老师 Recite , and record a video

  10. 本周作业:
    Copy each words and phrases three times; complete the exercises.
    Read aloud the dialogues.
    Preview the new characters of Lesson Eight.
    4, 课外阅读:成语故事之木人石心

  11. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第六课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L6. https://quizlet.com/553704041/zw6-6-flash-cards/?new,Prepare the dictation.
    2. CQ 复习课文4对话(p54),看一看、想一想“得”、“地”和“的”是怎么用的?然后选用“得”、“地”和“的”填空:Review the dialogue in lesson 6, feel and think how the “得”、“地” and“的” were used and then choose them to fill the following gaps.
    1) 妈妈常常带我们去附近 公园玩儿,我和弟弟玩 可高兴了。
    2) 我拿出了带来 纸和笔认真 画了起来。
    3) 我们每星期都有一节常识课,学一些有很意思 生活常识,老师教 很认真,学生们也都仔细 听、认真 做实验。
    4) 我爱好集邮,已经集了几大本 邮票,每当有朋友来我家,我都高兴 拿出我 的集邮册介绍给他们看。
    5) 在海洋世界里我最喜欢看 节目是海豚表演,它们有时飞快 钻入水下,有时又高高 跳出水面,更令人惊奇 是他们还会唱歌、跳舞算数学题呢!
    6) 冬天到了,蚂蚁舒舒服服 在家里晒太阳,饿 发慌 知了飞了过来,有气无力 说:“我 好邻居,能借点儿粮食给我吗?“
    7) 孩子们在到处都开着鲜花 公园里又跑又跳,又唱又笑,玩儿 开心极了。
    8) 巨人看到孩子们在他 花园里玩生气 叫起来:“这是我的花园,不准你们在这里玩儿!”孩子们听到后都吓 跑走了。
    9) 孩子们一个接一个 从洞里钻了进来,他们走到哪里,就把美丽 春天带到哪里。
    10) 古时候有个农民,总觉得自己 秧苗长 太慢,就下到地里把每棵秧苗都拔高了一点。看着“长高了“ 秧苗,他得意 唱着歌回家了。
    3. 借助quilet和 archchinese.com预习第七课。With the help of quilet and archchinese.com to preview L7. https://quizlet.com/_9bwal7?x=1qqt&i=fkwij

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      1、改正随堂测试的错字, 并将每个错字写5遍。
      Correct the incorrect words and rewrite 5 times.
      Describe ‘The Great Wall’ and ‘The Hadrian’s Wall’;
      Preview Lesson Eight and underline unrecognised words.

  12. 学前班B 作业

    Watch playlist, you can skip the ones if you have memorised it.

    Complete 3A textbook page 24-25, 6 Exercises (2)(3)

    3,熟读《三字经》从“人之初” 到“名俱扬”
    Learn by heart with Sanzijing from “renzhichu” to “mingjuyang”.

  13. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 读quizlet W17 lovely kitchen 和 quizlet 看图说话2 《春》《小河》
    2. 画出课堂学习的绘本 《不高兴的毛毛虫》中的故事并按照图画说出故事。

  14. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the Lesson eight page 54 and the dialogue page 59 on text book three time a day.
    2, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson eight
    Monday: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    完成练习册B第八课的星期一的练习题 1-6
    3, Practice writing 3 sentences for the words below ( try to using the words you know)
    练习用你学过的词语造句, 每个词造三个句子

  15. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Finish the rest questions in exercise book A of Lesson 7.
    Make sentences.
    Read aloud the dialogue on page 52 of the textbook.
    Learn this song.

  16. Yct C class homework:

    1.请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第五册第九课的新词,并用游戏练习新词。Please use the following link to learn the new words from Lesson 9,YCT5

    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on following Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:巧克力、冰淇淋、饼干、便宜、好吃、尝
    3)Please make three sentences using the following connection words:

    4) Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  17. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第8课以下练习:
    Monday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Tuesday: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Wednesday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Thursday: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Friday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    2.请点击下方链接完成作业,选择clothes and colours 这个主题。
    Please choose clothes and colours in the link below:
    4.背一背或熟读。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    取西经 路途险
    小葫芦 法通天

  18. Homework 20230226
    Please write down lesson7‘s and reading 7’s new words every day two time.

    please practice your speaking skills, every day read once lesson 7 and reading7, and record your voice, upload to the WeChat group by Saturday.

    练习册A practice A
    星期一 Monday67
    星期二 Tuesday3467
    星期三 Wednesday567
    星期四 Thursday34567
    星期五 Friday4567

  19. 3B班2023年2月27日至2023年3月4日作业
    1 写出下面中文对应的英文意思
    Write down the meaning of the Chinese words in English.
    (1) 科学家(kēxuéjiā) (2) 科目(kēmù) (3)机器(jīqì) (4)手机(shǒujī) (5) 飞机(fēijī) (6)洗衣机(xǐyījī) (7)电视机(diànshìjī)
    2 蒸汽机是谁发明 的?
    Who invented the steam engine?
    3 完成练习册B第八课《壶盖为什么会动》星期一和星期二的全部练习,星期三的练习1-2。
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 8 of Exercise book B “Why Does the Kettle Lid Moves”:
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    Wednesday 2-4

  20. 四年级A班 王老师

    1,一定要会默写第七课的二首古诗。每个人都要会背,会写。Be have to memorises write two ancient poems from lesson 7. Everyone should recite and write.
    2 看微信群,画出你想出的两首古诗的画面,听会学唱《山行》《绝句》Look at the wechat group, draw the picture of the two ancient poems you come up with, listen to learn to sing “Mountain Journey” and “Quarks”
    3,完成第八课的周一到周五练习题 的第一题Complete the first question of the Monday to Friday exercise in lesson 8
    4, 学习《节气歌》Learn the song of the Solar Terms.”
    5,网络搜索: 司马光 是个什么人Web search: Sima Guang is what a person

  21. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 课堂上学习的生词,选出的20个词: “计划/打算、帮助/帮忙、剧院、亲戚、天安门广场、有礼貌、将来、服务员、交通、预订、付款、信用卡、入住、小吃、展览、新加坡、故宫、现金/刷卡、既…又…、游学
    ” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共40个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making two complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    2. 预习新的生词表,请试着为词汇表做笔记(比如,近义词,反义词等)。词汇表格发在家长群里。(请把笔记写在家庭作业本上)。
    To preview new vocabulary lists, try taking notes on the vocabulary lists (eg, synonyms, antonyms, etc.). The vocab file in the parent group. (Please write your notes in your homework book).
    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第26页(阅读2) ,和28页(阅读1)。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 26  reading 2, and page 28 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  22. YCT A homework:

    Please review the following vocabularies, and translate the sentences in the document into English.

    多大/几岁: how old/what age 认识:to know (sb.) 生日:birthday 家里:at home
    没有:don’t have 没关系:It’s okay 去商店:go to the shop 买:to buy
    对不起:sorry 吃:to eat 手:hand 疼:hurt/pain 明天:tomorrow
    去学校:go to school

  23. 四年级B班
    Please finish Exercise Book B Monday to Wednesday Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4. And upload to the WEChat Group before 9pm on Saturday.

    2.自行找材料,发挥想象力,用A4白纸,为故事《春晓》画一幅色彩画,卡通, 国画,线描等形式不限;水彩,水粉,彩笔,蜡笔,油画棒,水墨等材料不限。
    水墨画可参考我的YT Channel : https://youtu.be/SgaLVdONbls
    Use A4 paper to draw the poem《春晓》with any style like Cartoon, Chinese painting, Line etc. Choose any of your favourite Materials eg: watercolour, acrylic, colour pens, crayons, oil pastels or ink and brush. You can look for sources online or check on my YT Channel.

    Read Lesson 8,and watch the link , continue to study the lesson.

    4. 上周没有完成抄写第七课四首故事的同学,请继续完成。
    If you have not finish writing the Four Poems, please finish it.
    Re-write the character which you missed from the Dictation book.You need read and write poems fluently from the lesson 7. I will check next week.

  24. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B,第八课《司马光》剩下的练习。
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 8 on Exercise Book B.

    2. 熟读《司马光》课文,录制视频或音频,发到班级群。
    Read the text of Lesson 8 fluently, take a video or audio and send to our Wechat group.

  25. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK19 Term2 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Read each PinYin, review & remember characters. Copy over characters whilst reading out loudly. Contents to be find from WeChat.

    2.Display the following link & play given audio files, read the texts (on pages 56&54 from the Standard Course book) accordingly with the same tone, till fluent & remembered. Translate the text of Picnic on page 56 into English.

    3.Oral practice – On Activity Book, question4 on page 43, choose each food to repeat the entire dialogue. Make sure you complete each of the questions up to page 44 from the Activity Book.

    4.Read lyrics and follow the tone given to learn the song of ‘春风吻上我的脸’. Time flies quickly, it’s the SPRING again. Enjoy!

  26. A level班 家庭作业

    1、预习新单词,expertise 专门知识/专业知识、film festival 电影节、financial centre 金融中心、 frequent 频繁、 fund 资金/经费、 global vision / horizons 环球视野 、government departments 政府部门、 harmony 和睦/和谐、higher education 高等教育、inspiration 灵感/启发、 internship 实习、London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所、meetings 会议/大会、mutual understanding 互相了解/相互理解、negotiation 磋商、officials 官员、overseas students 海外生/留学生、partnership 伙伴关系、 peace 和平 ,下节课听写。


    3、A level第二年的同学开始逐步复习上学年所学的内容。

  27. 五年级B班
    1.复习第六课的生字词语,下周听写。Revise the vocabulary in lesson 6 and get ready for dictation next week.

    2.从第六课中选一篇你喜欢的成语故事讲给你的家人听。Choose one of your favorite idioms from Lesson 6 and tell it to your parents.

    3.完成书本第53页的“综合练习(二)”,并拍照上传到群里。Complete the “Review 2” on page 53 of the book, take a picture and upload it to the group.


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