
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》课本第一册第四课课堂练习第二题,每个词组各十遍 Copy 10 times of the phrases in Question 2 of the Exercise in Class in Lesson 4, Page 21;

2、背诵第四课课本第22页练习《阅读-猜谜语》,拍视频发给老师 Recite the Reading exercise P22 and take a video;

3、练习《春夜喜雨》歌曲,并拍摄视频发给老师 Sing along with the song “Spring Night Happy Rain”, and take a video and send it to the class chat group.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr9wuXJAcTs

30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年2月6日至2023年2月11日”

  1. 1,请完成练习册A第六课部分作业。
    Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Six on Exercise Book B.
    Thursday: 1,2,3
    2, 课外阅读: 成语故事(已发送至班微信群)
    extra reading: idioms
    3, 看视频,跟读第六课课文。
    Read aloud lesson Six, once a day.

  2. 三年级A班
    Read it so well that you can recite the first poem “Thoughts in a Quiet Night” in Lesson 7 and write it twice.
    Correct the wrong phrases in the dictation of the sixth lesson, each 3 times.
    Preview the second poem of Lesson 7, “Climbing the Stork Tower”; in class next week, I will explain my understanding of these two poems in my own words.

  3. 八年级&GCSE基础班
    Read Lesson 11
    Make sentence by using the phrases above
    3)给以下多音字写出拼音并组词:乐;着;好;了;率;没;难;重Complete the polyphone exercises

  4. 三年级A班
    Read the first poem “Quiet Night Thoughts” in Lesson 7 so well that you can recite it, and copy it twice.
    Correct the dictation errors in Lesson 6, each 3 times.
    3. 预习第七课第二首诗《登鹳雀楼》;下周上课用自己的话说说对这两首诗的理解。
    Preview the second poem of Lesson 7, “Climbing the Stork Tower”; in class next week, I will explain my understanding of these two poems in my own words.

  5. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    Correct the wrong words in today’s dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

    2.抄写第四课 “读一读” 的词组(第21页) 请每个词组抄写5遍。
    Copy 5 times of each phase in exercise 2 “du yi du” of Lesson four on page 21.

    3.背诵课本第22页阅读《猜谜语》并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Please recite the reading exercise on page 22. Please take a video and submit to WeChat group.

    4.背诵古诗《春晓》并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Please recite the poem of ‘Dawn in The Spring’. Please take a video and submit to WeChat group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZkzQOdv0Q

  6. 六年级B半

    Complete Lesson 7 “Sun Moon Lake” in Workbook A. From Monday to Friday, practice questions 1, 2, and 3.

    2 .根据对课文的理解和课堂感受画一幅你专属的《日月潭》(课堂上完成的可以继续完善)
    Draw your own “Sun Moon Lake” based on your understanding of the text and classroom experience. (What is done in class can be further improved)

    3. 复习画线生词,每个生词抄写两遍,下节课听写。
    Over and over again, dictate in the next class.

  7. GCSE 网课考试班
    1 完成谷歌教室里的KAHOOT 练习题ASSIGNMENT
    finish kahoot exercise assignment in google classroom
    2 复习书上108-109页的所有词组,完成2021年EDEXCEL reading paper, 见WECHAT group and google classroom
    review all vocabs on book108-109, finish 2021 edexcel reading paper, paper see wechat group and google classroom
    3, 写一短小作文,你有个新搬来的邻居,给她说说你家附近都有什么交通设施,最好的交通是什么?为什么?最不好的交通是什么?为什么?
    Rewrite about writing task , min 150 characters

  8. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵第四课课本第22页练习《阅读-猜谜语》,拍视频发给老师 Recite the Reading exercise P22 and take a video;

  9. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第六课生词。Review the vocabulary of L6.
    2. CQ 练习册第五课周一至周五的第一到三题。Question 1-3 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 6, Workbook 6B.
    3. CQ 熟读第六课古诗《亡羊补牢》,理解其含义。Read《亡羊补牢》till fluent, and understand the poem.
    4. COQ 写一篇《亡羊补牢》读后感。Write a reflection or impression after reading 《亡羊补牢》.

  10. 五年级B班

    Read aloud lesson Six, once a day.

Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Six on Exercise Book B.
Thursday: 1,2,3

    Please correct the dictation errors in Lesson 5.

  11. 六年级A班
    Exercise A
    Tue. 2,3,7
    Read the text , and upload your voice recording to WeChat group.

  12. 1. 完成练习册A第7课中以下几道题:
    Monday: 1, 2, 5
    Tuesday: 5, 7
    Wednesday: 2, 7
    Thursday: 4, 5
    Friday: 1, 2, 6
    2. 背诵《静夜思》并拍下视频发送到微信群。
    Recite and video Thoughts on a Silent Night then post it in the Wechat group.
    3. 请完成《静夜思》Blooket 里的作业。
    4.背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    白骨精 变人形
    孙悟空 打妖精

  13. Year Two C Homework
    1, Complete the ‘Learn to write’ on text book page 50-51
    完成课本50-51 ‘描一描,写一写‘
    2, Read the lesson 7 three times a day
    3, Memories the tongue twister on text book 45
    4, Complete the exercise book A for Lesson 7
    Monday: 1/2/3
    Tuesday: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    星期一 1/2/3
    星期二 1/2/3/4/5/6

  14. Yct C class homework:

    1.请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第五册第八课的新词,用游戏练习新词。Please use the following link to learn the new words for Lesson 8, YCT5


    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:



    3.Please finish the practice in our WhatsApp group.

    4.Please read the text at Page 61 of Yct5 textbook loudly until frequently. And aslo translate into English.请大声朗读课本第61页的课文直到熟练,并翻译成英文。

  15. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish the rest questions of Lesson 6, exercise book B.
    Finish pages 46 to 47 of the textbook.
    Practice page 45 Tongue Twister.

  16. 四年级B班
    1. 请大家每天大声熟读并会背诵第七课的《古诗二首》。下节课抽查背诵。
    Please read aloud out Lesson 7 every day and try to recite the 2 poems。 We will test you on next lesson.
    Please finish the Exercise Book A Monday to Friday, Q1,2,3,4.
    3. 请大家观看视频,继续学习二十四节气。
    《24 节气》https://youtu.be/cKlNXD36Ggs
    Please watch the video and carry on to learn the The 24 Solar Terms .
    Please watch the video regards to the YuanXiao Festival.

  17. 二年级A班

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写五遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 5times each.
    2. 如果没有在课上完成“综合练习(二)的同学,请在家完成。
    If you are not complete Review 2, please finish at home.
    3. 学习绕口令“四和十”
    Learn “四和十” tongue twister.
    4.用Quizlet 复习第一课到第六课的词语,链接在群里。
    Revise lesson1 to lesson 6 the words and phrases, the link is in group chart.
    5. 学习成语《对牛弹琴》
    Learn the idiom 《对牛弹琴》

  18. Homework 20230205
    请复习第二天都课文、阅读、生字、词语、句子。Please review Lesson 4,5,6, include the lesson,reading,new words, new phrases, new settings
    please review chapter 2’s lesson and reading part, practice your speaking skills.

    下周我们进行第二单元课文朗读测试,请大家重视 谢谢!

  19. 四年A班 王老师
    1 ,朗读第七课的两首诗,背熟他们, 给下面词汇划线记住 ,并记住他们Read the two poems of lesson seven, memorize them, mark the following words below, and remember them
    春 眠 处处 不觉晓 闻啼鸟 风雨声 花落 夜来
    悯农 锄禾 日当午 汗滴 盘中餐 粒粒 皆辛苦
    2 做第七课周一到周五习题,第一到第四题。do lesson 7 questions 1-4 of Mon-Fri
    3. 翻译下面生字的意思 translate follow characters means

    晓 眠 闻 啼 悯 鋤 滴 禾 盘 餐 辛 苦

    4,回答 下面问题 Answer my questions
    1) 我们汉字的书写变化了几次?How many times have our writing of Chinese characters changed?
    2)哪本书是最早的诗歌集?Which book was the earliest collection of poetry? A 唐诗三百首 B 千家诗shi C 诗经jing
    3)哪个不是四大文明古国之一?Which one is not one of the four most ancient civilizations? A 古埃及 Egypt B古 巴比伦 Ancient Babylon C 古印度 ancient India D 希腊Greece; E 中国 China

  20. 学前班B

    Watch playlist. Once a day. You can skip the clip if you already memorised it.

    2,完成3A课本第10页练习题3, 11页练习题5并贴在蓝色练习本上。
    Complete 3A text book page 10 exercise 3, and 5. Please glue the paper-cut fork to the blue notebook.

    Draw a picture of Lantern festival on the blue notebook.

  21. 1. 请完成课本上综合练习(二)的4-6题。
    Please finish Exercise 4 to 6 of Review 2 on our Text Book.

    2. 请完成练习册A第七课《古诗二首》剩下的练习。
    Please finish the rest questions of Lesson 7 in our Exercise Book A.

    3. 熟读并背诵课后阅读中的两首唐诗《山行》和《绝句》,录制视频并发到班级群。
    Please mesmerize the two poems in Lesson 7, take a record and send to our Wechat group.

    4. 选做:可以和家长一起,试试做微信群中发的元宵节成语灯谜,下节课上会给出谜底并学习这些成语。
    Optional homework: find out the answers of the riddles in our Wechat group with your parents. I’ll give out the answers and we will learn these idioms together in next class.

    5. 复习《朝代歌》的第一句,理解意思并且会背下来。
    Review the first sentence of Chao Dai Ge and memorize it.

  22. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写十遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    2. 课堂上学习的生词,选出的22个词: “厨房、卧室、银行、邮局、超市、体育馆、地铁站、动物园、汽车站、附近、郊区、城市、小镇、海边、…极了、新鲜、安静、热闹、散步、机会、另外、互相” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共22个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 22 words, please ensure making one complex sentences for each phase word and write in your homework notebook.
    3. 预习新的生词表,请试着为词汇表做笔记(比如,近义词,反义词等)。词汇表格发在家长群里。(请把笔记写在家庭作业本上)。
    To preview new vocabulary lists, try taking notes on the vocabulary lists (eg, synonyms, antonyms, etc.). The vocab file in the parent group. (Please write your notes in your homework book).
    4. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第91页(阅读4)和第93页(阅读4) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 91 reading 4, and page 93 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  23. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、 完成《中文》练习册A第七课星期一到星期五所有问题;
    Complete Exercise A Lesson Seven Monday to Friday all questions;
    2、 用以下词组造句:雄伟;文明;愿望
    Make one of sentence with the words as above;
    Read aloud Lesson Seven.

  24. 1 写出下面中文对应的英文意思
    Write the English meaning of the following Chinese.
    (1)元(yuán)宵(xiāo)节(jié) (2)团(tuán)圆(yuán) (3)舞(wǔ)龙(lóng) (4)舞(wǔ)狮(shī) (5) 灯(dēng)笼(long)
    2 背诵第七课第一首诗《静夜思》
    Recite Lesson 7 part one 《Thought On a Silent Night》
    3 完成练习册A第七课星期一, 星期二的全部练习和星期三的1.写一写
    Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Seven on Exercise Book A.
    Monday 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8
    Tuesday 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    Wednesday 1
    4 下星期听写第七课生字
    Next week will dictate lesson 7 new words.

  25. 五年级A班作业(Y5A Homework)
    1. 抄写并记忆第五课画线的生字生词,下节课听写。A
    1.Copy and memorize the underlined words in Lesson 5;get ready for dictation next week.
    2. Finish all the exercises of “Fox and the grapes” in your workbook.
    3.Recite lesson 5 and send your recording to our Wechat group.(You may need the story map that you made during the lesson to help you.)
    a, 狐狸看到乌鸦嘴里的肉后想做什么?
    What did the fox want to do when he saw the meat in the crow’s mouth?
    b 狐狸是怎么赞美乌鸦的?
    How did the fox flatter the crow?
    c 狐狸为什么要赞美乌鸦的歌声?
    Why did the fox praise the crow’s singing?
    d 狐狸是真心赞美乌鸦吗,为什么?
    Do you think the fox was honestly praising the crow? Why?
    Write your own version of a fable.
    Read the text which you were given in class until you can read it fluently.

  26. A level班 家庭作业

    1、预习新单词,fairly well-off society 小康社会 、 fairness 公平 、farmers / peasants 农民 、 floating population 流动人口、 gap between urban and rural areas 城乡差异 、 government 政府 、 grants 补助 、 high-technology / hightech enterprises 高科技企业 、 household register 居民户口簿 、 household registration system 户籍制度制度 、 housing 住房/住屋/房屋、 in debt 欠债/负债 、 income inequality 收入不平等 、 labour disputes 劳资纠纷 、 labour-intensive industries 劳动密集型工业,下节课听写。


    3、A level第二年的同学开始逐步复习上学年所学的内容。

  27. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK17 Term2 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Print out the PDF files (see WeChat). Read PinYin & recognise characters. Copy over each character whilst reading out loudly.

    2.Display the following link or play given audio file (see WeChat), read the text (on page 49 from the Standard Course book) accordingly with the same tone, till fluent & remembered. Also read & remember the text on page 50.

    3.Complete questions 1-4 on pages 37-38 from the Activity Book.

    4.Display video clips of the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival:
    Spring Festival 春节 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWvbkcaCGi0
    Spring Festival 春节词语 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DwO2mnqr3A
    Lantern Festival 元宵节 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iffm1Yy1tw

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