
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


2、书写作业见微信群里的Word文件Handout in Wechat



26 Replies to “家庭作业2021年7月12日至2021年9月4日(暑假作业)”

  1. 学前班B(Reception class B):





  2. 8年级
    1 上传完成的期末考试试卷给老师,没有完成作文和翻译的同学继续完成
    2 假期里可以写一篇作文《我的暑假假期》,描述一下你假期做了什么,或者学到了什么,什么使你印象深刻。
    3 继续复习中文第8册里面的所有生字和词组

  3. 学前A reception class :
    请同学们在假期复习 quizlet w1-w34 的词语和句子。祝同学们假期愉快!

  4. A level班 家庭作业


    2、 2021年“华文创想曲”海外华裔青少年创意作文大赛,7月30日前交。


  5. 六B班家庭作业:
    1. 没有完成期末考试阅读理解和写作部分的同学请尽快完成并提交。
    Students who have not completed the reading comprehension and writing sections of the final exam should complete and submit them as soon as possible.

    2. 课本的最后有中文第一册到第六册的生字词,请同学们时常复习,至少做到认识并会念。
    At the end of the textbook there are vocabulary words from Chinese Book 1 to Book 6. Please review them from time to time so that you can recognize them and know how to pronounce them.

    3. 作文大赛截至日期是8月15日,欢迎同学在此之前任何时候把你们的作文发给我,或跟我讨论。微信或邮箱都可以。 收作文的邮箱是 jiajia2020uk@gmail.com
    The deadline for the writing competition is August 15th. Students are welcome to send me your composition or discuss with me at any time before then. Either WeChat or email is fine. The email address for receiving the composition is jiajia2020uk@gmail.com

  6. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 把第三册1-12课课文以及课文后的阅读每天读一课,每课读两遍。Please read one lesson every day twice for 12 lessons on Text Book Three, also the ‘Readings’.
    2. 完成课本四个单元的综合练习以及总练习。Complete the 4 reviews and the Exercises in the Textbook.
    3. 检查练习侧A和B,改正错误并把没做完的练习补做。Check through exercise books A and B, correct the mistakes, complete all works if you haven’t yet completed all.
    4. 改正期末考试的错误。Correct mistakes from your exam.

  7. 暑假作业2021.07-2021.09

    Please keep practice Book7’s new words and phrases every week.

    Keep reading each lesson from Book7 in every week

    Please follow the rules to finish the short essay before September.

    Happy holiday!

  8. 六年级A班作业

    1. 课本第119页第9题, 阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√”on each right sentence and“×”on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    2. 课本第121页第2题,在下列加点字的正确读音上打“√”。Mark“√”on the right pronunciations of the dotted characters.
    3. 课本第122页第3题,选词语填空。Choose the right words and expressions to fill in the blanks.
    4. 课本第122页第4题,照例子给下列字加上偏旁部首,再组词语。Add one radical to each given character below to make different characters and form phrases after the model.
    5. 课本第122页第5题,连词成句。(Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    6. 课本第123页第6题,读句子,用加点的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the dotted words and expressions.
    7. 课本第123页第7题,阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Reading comprehension.
    8. 阅读下面的短文,注意下面六组连词的用法,并把这六个句子翻译成英文。Read the following passage, pay attention to the usage of the following six groups of conjunctions, and translate these six sentences into English.

    d.如果…… 就……,e.除了……还……,f.无论……都……
    9. 在新冠的阴影下我们克服了各种困难,在网上完成了一年的中文学习,迎来了一年一度的暑假。请写一篇作文,回顾一年的网上学习,谈谈暑假的计划。Under the shadow of the Covid19 pandemic, we have overcome various difficulties and completed this academic year’s Chinese study online, and started the summer vacation. Please write an article to review the past year’s online study, and talk about your plans for summer vacation.

  9. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师



  10. 五年级A班假期作业
    Continue with the piece of writing for the writing competition.
    Watch the videos and learn some stories about idioms.
    Revise the characters and phrases that we have learned this year, using the links in our Wechat group.


  11. 四年级 c 王艺霖

    1 ,请每周坚持朗读(正确发音,注意三声和轻声)并书写第4册的生字和词语 以及重点句型,具体内容既最后一节课上带领大家朗读的重点。
    Please Persist in reading aloud every week (correct pronunciation, pay attention to the three tones and soft tones) and write the vocabulary and key sentence patterns in Book 4. The specific content is the focus of the last lesson.

    Please read at least one Chinese book (with pinyin assistance if you want it)

    Students who have not submitted the test papers should submit the test papers to the group as soon as possible

    4,注意安全,㊗️ 同学们暑期愉快!
    Please be safe and enjoy your summer holiday!

  12. 二年级C班 Y2C 暑假作业
    Correct the exam paper.
    2.复习《中文》第二册 ,二年级教过的生字、词和句子。
    Revise the characters ,phrases and sentences of text book 2.
    Read aloud at least one text each week, pay attention to your pronunciation.

  13. 暑假作业:

    Review all the characters, words & expressions and sentences from Book 1 to Book 5.

    2, 听故事-凯叔365夜:画一画,写一写
    Listen to the stories and make your own story books during the summer!



    While watching the videos, try to emulate all of the dialogues and practise with any native speakers you may come across ( the best ones are your parents)


  14. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    Correct the end of year exam paper.
    2.复习《中文》第二册 ,所有的生字、词和句子。
    Revise the characters ,phrases and sentences of text book 2.
    Read aloud at least one text and reading each week, pay attention to your pronunciation.

  15. Year Two B Homework 二年级B班作业
    1.请改正期末试卷, 继续完成第六题的英译汉
    Correct the end of year exam paper, continue to complete the translate exercise question 6
    2.复习《中文》第二册 1-12,所有的生字、词和句子。
    Revise the characters ,phrases and sentences of text book 2.
    Read aloud at least one text and reading each week, pay attention to your pronunciation.

  16. 三年级C班暑假作业:
    1. 请朗读微信群里的文章每周一篇,可以把朗读视频发到到群里。
    please read the articles in Wechat group every week.
    2. 请发送修改好的期末测试卷。
    Please correct the exam paper and send it to me .

  17. GCSE班家庭作业:
    Writing task: Please watch film “Nezha Rebirth” at home and write an afterthought

  18. 四年级B班 暑假作业

    1. 订正期末试卷。
    Please correct the end of term exam paper.

    2. 每周从第四册中挑选1-3篇课文或者课后阅读,大声朗读,注意语音、语调和语气。
    Please pick 1-3 texts from our book to read aloud every week.

    3. 复习我们在第四册中学过的所有生字及划线词,可以利用所发的Quizlet链接,利用生字卡和游戏协助复习。
    Please review all the new words and phrases that we’ve learnt in Book 4. Use Quizlet to help.

    4. 请同学们放假期间,继续关注我们班级微信群,老师会不定时发一些中文学习资源。最后,祝愿大家假期愉快!

  19. Class YCT A Homework WEEK36 Term3 2020-2021/YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Review & upload your completed end of year test paper.

    2.Based on each of the dialogues from Reading Part3 of the exam, please make 5 sentences accordingly, in describing the current date, and to say hello and nice to meet your friend(s) or other(s), including to introduce your name, your nationality, and the members of your family.

    3.Read the texts of each lesson while displaying the corresponding audio clips, practice speaking and pay attention to correct your pronunciation including the tones. Then recite the texts. Two days to finish one lesson thoroughly.

    4.Review all 5 Chinese ancient poems learnt and recite. Review all songs learnt from the class, and sing the five poems. For More details, please check from class WeChat group.

    5.Continue to review the handouts and remember all vocabularies, phrases and sentence patterns we’ve learnt. File of handouts, again please check from class WeChat group.

    Enjoy your learning and the summer holiday!

  20. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review words of YCT 3 exam vocabularies .请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 考试的词汇

    YCT 3 Vocabulary List

    2. Please read one lesson every day twice for 11 lessons on Text Book Yct4.

    3.Please watch the film and write down 10 new words and 5 sentences you learned from the video clips. 请观看下面的视频, 并写出10 个你从视频中学到的新词和五个句子。



  21. 看世界遗产在中国系列38集https://youtu.be/aQPFR-0nTEo

  22. YCT B Homework for summer break 2021(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. Standard course book: Read aloud the texts and mini stories from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12. 大声朗读第一至十二课的课文及迷你故事。

    Task 2. Review the Word documents for vocabulary and sentence in the group chat. 复习微信群里的词语和句子的文档。
    Task 3. Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 to 11)在线词汇练习第二级第一课到第十一课。https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级 https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/

  23. 1 朗读第1-12课课文。发音一定要正确
    Read aloud the texts of Lessons 1-12. The pronunciation must be correct please.
    2 朗读第1-12课课后的阅读课文,并且用中文写出阅读课文的意思。
    Read the reading texts from lesson 1-12, and write the general meaning in Chinese.
    3 朗读第1-12课的词语并且清楚知道这些词语的意思。
    Read the words and expressions from Lesson 1-12 and know the meaning of these words clearly.
    Copy the 12 sentences on page 109 of the textbook.

  24. 王敏 4A
    1 订正期末试卷错误。correct end exam papers mistake,
    2复习第四册课文和生字。revision volume 4 lesson 1-12 and vocabularise。
    3 网络搜索 成语 《盲人摸象》《拔苗助长》《守株待兔》,抄写他们 webside search Chinese idioms 《The blind man felt the elephant》 《Wait for gains without pains》《Uprooting》copy them。

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpe__mTQh2Q
    Once upon a time, four blind people wanted to know what an elephant looked like, but they couldn’t see it and had to touch it with their hands. The fat blind first touched the elephant’s teeth. He said, “I see, the elephant is like a big, thick, smooth radish.”
    The tall blind man touched the elephant’s ears. “No, no, the elephant is obviously a big cattail fan!” He shouted. “You’re just saying that elephants are just big pillars.”
    It turned out that the short blind man touched the elephant’s leg. But the old blind man grumbled, “Well, an elephant is not that big, it’s just a straw rope.” It turned out that he had touched the tail of an elephant.
    Four blind men quarreled and said that what they felt was what the elephant really looked like. And actually? None of them was right. Then we use the metaphor of “the blind touch the image” to look at the problem in order to generalize the whole.

      In the past, there was a farmer in the State of Song. There stood a big tree in the field he cultivated. One day, while working in the field, he suddenly saw a hare running by in front of him. The bare bumped against the big tree, broke its neck and died under the tree.
      Without any effort, the farmer happily enjoyed a meal of bare meat. He was very pleased and thought how nice it would be if every day were like this.
      Thereupon, he no longer cultivated his land, but watched by that tree and waited for the chance to pick up another hare which knocked itself dead against the tree.
      He waited and waited and watched. His field lay waste, but he never got a second hare. The people in the village laughed at him for taking the accidental for the inevitable.

    In ancient times, there was a man who wished that the seedlings in his fields grew faster and went to the fields every day to see them.
    However, one day, two days, three days, seedlings do not seem to grow at all.
    “I have to find a way to help them grow up,” he said to himself.
    One day, he finally thought of a way, and rushed to the fields, pulling up the seedlings one by one. From noon till sunset, I was exhausted.
    When he returned home, he gasped and said to his son, “But I’m exhausted and my strength is not in vain. The seedlings have grown a lot.”
    His son did not understand what was going on. He ran into the field and saw that all the seedlings were dead.

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