
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song:


张开喉咙a a a
公鸡打鸣o o o
白鹅唱歌e e e
我穿新衣 i  i  i
天上乌云 u u u
就要下雨 ü ü ü

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年9月12日至2021年9月18日”

  1. 五年级B班
    Read the text until you can read it fluently. Please click the link.
    Exercise Book A: Questions 1-3 from Monday to Friday.
    Prepare two note books (one for writing and one for making notes).

  2. 六年级A班
    Write a composition 《self-introduction 》. Unlimited number of the words.
    Preview the Lesson One, and read the text.
    Prepare a note book for writing.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

      1、大声朗读课文《在机场》数次直到流利, 发音频到班群。
      Read aloud Lesson one the text, until fluently;send the recording to groupchat。
      2、课本第一课第二页的生字,词语及专有名词抄写一遍, 默写两遍; 隔天重复一次。
      Copy the new words and phrases once, memorise, write down two times; repeat once again during the week.
      3 、完成《中文》练习册A第一课星期一到星期五所有问题;
      Complete Exercise A Lesson one Monday to Friday all questions;
      Write an essay of “Introduce myself” or “ An interesting trip” or “ A memorable trip”.
      Parents help to take photos and send to groupchat.

  3. 三年级A班
    Carefully write your name on the paper ten times.
    Preview the first lesson “Traffic Light” and read the text.
    Prepare one note book for writing.

  4. 学前班Reception class
    1.请复习quiz let 网站第一课:四季和月份read the words and sentences on w1第一课:四季和月份
    2听儿歌: https://v.qq.com/x/page/b00145xdo53.html 新四季歌https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpyDp_v12H8&feature=youtu.be 四季真有趣

  5. @all 20210912 homework
    Practice your speaking skills with lesson 1, recording your voice and send to the Wechat group.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down lesson1 ‘s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
    练习册A Practice A
    小作文练习 Writing&Speaking
    According to practice of the class, please conclusion and write down a short article. After, you can recording your voice and upload to wechat group.
    话题:1. 自我介绍 2. 最难忘的一次旅行(选择一个即可)
    Topic: 1. Introduce yourself  2. The most memorable trip
    (Choose one of the topic which is you like it)
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Xue. Thank you !

  6. 二年级C班作业
    Year 2 C homework
    1, 把第一课的课文每天读三遍。
    Read the lesson one three times a day.
    2, 把第一课学过的四个新生字“在”,“教”,“汉”,“语” 每个字写五遍。
    Cope the first 4 new word “在”, “教”, “汉”, “语” 5 times.
    Memorise your Chinese name and write 5 times.

  7. 三年级B 班作业 Y3B
    1完成练习册A 星期一到星期二的全部作业(第1-7页)
    Please complete Exercise Book A from Monday to Tuesday (Page 1-7).
    2 完成星期三(1)第7页,星期四(1)第10页的写一写和星期五第13页(1)把下面的字写完整。
    Complete the Wednesday (1) page 7 and Thursday (1) page 10 Learn to write, Friday (1) page 13 Complete the following characters.
    3 熟读并背诵第一课课文《红绿灯》
    Read and recite the lesson one《Traffic Light》fluence.
    4 写好自己的名字
    Please write your name nicely.

  8. 8年级作业
    1 继续完成课堂上的小作文(我的期望),要求字迹整洁,语句通顺,最少150个字,下周把这个作文纸带回学校交给助教老师修改
    2 预习第1课的课文,生字。
    3 把课堂上组字的游戏里的生字不会的抄写3遍。(足字旁,纟旁,双人旁,走旁,辶旁)
    4 准备好3个本子(听写本,作文本,课堂记录本),一个FOLDER 夹

  9. 请家长问一问学生问题:
    请孩子用彩笔任画一幅画-A4 纸一半,我们将贴到孩子的练习本上。
    Please ask your child questions:
    what’s name of your class? what is the classroom number? What is your teacher name? what is your name ? If you could not find mum and dad what are you going to do?
    Please draw a picture(half size of A40).we are going to stick it on their note book next week .

  10. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 翻译:如有不懂的单词,可以借助翻译工具,但是最后译成的句子要连贯,通顺。
    Task 2 (IRP)
     The total discussion time is 10-11 minutes and includes a two-minute presentation in which they focus on introducing two major written resources
     Candidates not only demonstrate their research findings but also need to analyse and express personal opinions on the topic of their research.
     The candidate then has a conversation with the T/E and the exam ends with the candidate conclusion after this conversation.

    2、 将课堂上的自我介绍写成一篇小短文,除了课上提示的内容还可以增加你想写的内容,字数至少300字。

  11. 一年级A班 (YEAR 1A)- 傅老师

    1) 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第一、二课所有练习第一至第六页
    To complete Exercise Book Lesson 1 & 2 all exercises, page 1-6

    2) 学唱并背诵《拼音儿歌》请看以下链接: Recite the Pinyin song below, watch this link:
    张大嘴巴ɑ ɑ ɑ
    圆圆嘴巴o o o
    扁扁嘴巴e e e
    牙齿对齐i i i
    嘴巴小圆u u u
    撅起嘴巴ü ü ü

    3)演唱《四声调儿歌》 看以下链接。Recite the poem and watch the link below:


  12. 五年级C班本周作业:
    Enter into my Padlet( scan the QR code),make a post to introduce yourself, including your name, your family, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Remember you could use adjectives to describe your family members and your friends.
    2, 利用archchinese.com 网站资源,预习第一课的词和课文。
    Preview Lesson One.
    星期五: 1,2

  13. 四年级 A班 王敏老师
    1. 想一想,英文信开始要写下写信人的名字,地址,日期,电话号码,中文的信也要写吗?中文信在哪里写下你的名字。Think about it, the English letter began to write down the writer’s name, address, date, telephone number, Chinese letter should also be written?Where does the Chinese letter write down your name.

    2.按笔画认真复写第一课生字在课本的第四到第六页。copy textbook page 4-6 with each stroke order.
    single characters 广 平
    left and right left small right big 信, 城, 场,提, 孙,进
    left big right small 邮 ,
    left and right same 封 ,取
    top and bottom 票 京,安,全

    3 做第四册的练习册A ,第一课练习。周一,二,三,四,五,每天的习题1-3. 请认真书写,记住每个生字。 do volume 4 Exercise Book A lesson 1 Mon-Fri each day Question 1-3 ,

    写作业时请注意!!! 三个“一 ” Notes !!!
    眼睛 到桌面 一尺 eyes to table one feet
    身体到桌边 一拳 body to desk side one fist
    指尖到笔尖 一寸 finger to nib one inch

  14. 三年级C班作业Homework for year 3C:
    1. 请准备好中文第3册的书和两本练习册以及两本作业本,其中一本用来写作文。
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday lesson and please prepare two notebooks.
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself.
    3. 读第一课《红绿灯》3-5遍。Read Lesson one a few times.

  15. GCSE 家庭作业
    1. 请试着阅读《中文》第九册课本的第一课,不会的字标注拼音,在中文书的第35页到37页。Please try to read the text lesson 4 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. In page 35 to 37.
    You need to know how to write 19 words, make one phase words and sentences for each. For example: “尚—时尚—我的朋友穿衣很时尚。”
    3、请完成中文第九册练习册B,星期一到星期五 1至3题从第17页到31页。如果家里没有打印机的同学,可把答案写在家庭作业本上。
    Complete  Lesson 4 from Monday to Friday in Chinese Workbook B, from page 17 to page 31. If you don’t have print please write down your answer into your homework notebook.
    3. In the third week, we will start to use GCSE textbook, so please prepare to buy it in advance. Please also prepare three exercise books, will check next Sunday.
    5、 GCSE书本可以在亚马逊上购买,以下是参考链接。
    GCSE books can be purchased on Amazon, the following is a reference link https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-GCSE-Chinese-Student-Book/dp/1292210842/ref=sr_1_1?crid=93ZV8WJU2ZKJ&dchild=1&keywords=edexcel+chinese+gcse+9-1&qid=1599506968&sprefix=edexcel+chinese+%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1

  16. 五年级A班家庭作业
    Write a paragraph to introduce yourself. Please find the word bank in our Wechat group.
    2. 预习第一课,词汇预习链接详见班群。
    Preview Lesson 1.

  17. 四年级B 王艺霖
    1,请同学们写一篇中文小短文《hopes and dreams》打印纸已发到同学手中,要求不少于50个字,不会写的字可用拼音代替。

    2,请完成online 练习(链接在微信群中)


  18. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Write down your Chinese name 5 times and read them properly.
    Read the Lesson one three times a day.
    3. 练习册A中,完成第一课学过的三个新生字“在”,“教”,“汉”的抄写!
    Finish exercise book A, copy three new characters about “在”, “教”, “汉”.


  19. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 请学会写自己的名字,下节课检查。
    Learn to write your name, we will check in class.
    2. 请熟读并背诵第一课课文《在中文学校》,音频或视频发到群里。
    Practice reading Lesson 1, send voice recording or video in the group chat.
    3. 完成练习册A第一课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete exercises book A, Monday to Friday the first three questions.

  20. YctC class homework:
    1)Please use the following link below to learn the new words for hobbies and self-introduction in Chinese . 请用下面Quizlet的链接学习爱好和自我介绍的两组词汇https://quizlet.com/615270894/%E7%88%B1%E5%A5%BD-%EF%BD%88%EF%BD%8F%EF%BD%82%EF%BD%82%EF%BD%89%EF%BD%85%EF%BD%93-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2)Please use the example in our WhatsApp group to write your own self introduction in Chinese , make a PPT version if you already passed your YctC 3 exam .请参考课上学习的用中文自我介绍的样本来写一份自我介绍,已经通过Yct3 考试的同学请将你的介绍做成PPT.

  21. 六年级B班作业
    1. 借助quizlet复习第一课的生字,要能认会写。Revise the new characters and vocabulary of L1 with the help of quizlet (https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij), be able to read and know how to write.
    2. 练习册A第2页第2题,写 出 下列词语的反义词。 Write an antonym for each word.
    3. 练习册A第2页第3题,比一比,再组词语 (Compare and form phrases.)
    4. 练习册A第2页第4题,照 例子连一连,写一写 (Link and write after the model.).
    5. 练习册A第2页第5题,连词 成 句。Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    6. 练习册A第3页第6题,造句。 Make sentences with the given words.
    7. 练习册A第3页第7题,读课文,填 空。 Fill in the blanks according to the text.
    8. 熟读第一课,准备下周日课上复述课文。Read the text till fluent, and prepare to retell the text in class.
    9. 请选一个你最熟悉的或者最喜欢的公园(也可以是你去过的一个地方),拍几张照片或上上网截几张图放在周日上课时用的padlet上,请构思一下你准备怎么把这个公园(或地方)介绍给大家,并在下周上课时介绍一下。请包括下面几个方面:Choose a park which you like most or a place where you had been, take some photos or search some pictures from internet, put them on the padlet which you made last Sunday. Think about how you want to introduce it to classmates next Sunday in class. You need to include the following aspects.
    1) 什么地方? Which park or place?
    2) 谁带你去的?或你和谁一起去的?Who took you there or with whom you went there?
    3) 什么时候去的?When did you go?
    4) 怎么去的?How did you go?
    5) 那里有什么有意思的事情或者美丽的风景?Are there any things interesting or beautiful scenery?
    6) 你在那儿做了什么?What did you do there?
    7) 你最喜欢哪里的什么?What do you best there?
    8) 去了那儿有什么感受?How do you feel about the park or the place?

  22. YCT B 王瑛老师 (Ms Ying Wang):

    1. Download the simplified Chinese input method. Try to type in the instruction words we learned in the lesson in a Word document. 下载简体中文输入法。试着在Word文档中输入课上学习的指令词语。

    2. Text Book: page 2 question 3&4. 课本:第二页三和四题。

    3. Oral practice: Repeat the self-introduction we practiced in the lesson. (Name, age, birthday, family members, nationality etc.) 口语练习:重复课堂练习的自我介绍。

    4. Text Book: Preview the dialogue in page 4. 课本:预习第四页的对话。

  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 预习第一课《给爷爷的信》的生字词和课文。
    Please preview the new words and text of Lesson 1.

    2. 口头作业:介绍中国的一个地方:可以是你或父母在中国的故乡,可以是你去旅游过的某个地方,也可以是你在书上或者电视上看到过的某个地方。请给大家介绍一下,你为什么选择介绍这个地方?这里的什么最有特色?比如名胜古迹、风景区、美食都可以。
    Please prepare a short speech to introduce a place in China. It can be your or your parents’ hometown, a place you visited or a place that you saw on TV or books. Please tell us why do you choose this place? Is there any historical places, beautiful views or impressive foods?

    3. 请准备两个练习本:一个是听写本,一个是作业本。在作业本上用微信群中发的字组词,越多越好。
    Please make up words using the Chinese characters given in Wechat and write them down on a notebook.

  24. Jane Wang Class YCT A Homework WEEK1 Term1 2021-2022/ 汉考YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Please prepare 2 note books, one for dictation and write from memory, the other one for writing sentences and or diary.

    2.Write an introduction in Chinese about yourself, consists of your name, your age, your nationality, you are learning Chinese and whether you like Chinese studying, what food do you like to eat etc.

    3.Sing all the Chinese songs we have reviewed on lesson last Sunday. Details see our class WeChat group.

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