
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


  • 第一至第十 二课词组 Lesson 1 – Lesson 12 Phases
  • 部首表89页 Table of Radicals P89
  • 汉字笔画名称表91页Table of Chinese Characters’ Strokes
  • 写字笔画规则表92页Table of Stroke Order

2、完成总练习P80-84, Complete Exercises

3、handout练习星期一至五(发到微信群),Handout in Wechat

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年7月5日至2021年7月9日”

  1. 学前班B(Reception class B):
    1.请复习第1-6课学过的生字和句子。Please review the words and sentences from lesson 1 to 6.

  2. 六年级A班作业
    1. 复习第十二课生词。Revise the vocabulary of L12. https://quizlet.com/_9y7oc1?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 练习册B第102页第1题, 选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    3. 练习册B第103页第2题, 照例子连一连,写汉字。Link and write after the model.
    4. 练习册B第103页第3题, 组词语。Form phrases.
    5. 练习册B第103页第4题, 用( ) 里的词语完成句子。Complete the sentences with the given words.
    6. 练习册B第104页第5题, 照例子连一连,写一写。Link and write after the model.
    7. 练习册B第104页第5题, 用下列字组词语,再造句。Form phrases with the given characters and make sentences.
    8. 课本第116页第2题, 比 一比,再组词语。Compare and form phrases.
    9. 课本第117页第3题, 选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    10. 课本第117页第4题, 连 一 连,组词语。 Link and form phrases.
    11. 课本第117页第5题,照 例 子 写 一 写。Write after the model.
    12. 课本第119页第8题, 读句子,用加点的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the dotted words and expressions.

  3. 8年级
    1 复习中文第8册1-12课所有句子,词组,准备下周期末考试
    Review lesson 1-12, prepare for next week final term exam
    2 准备华文创想曲作文比赛,内容题材不限,截止8月1日
    Start prepare writing competition, no fixed topic requirement, deadline 1st of August.

  4. 学前班A班 reception class A :
    1.复习quizlet W35 自我介绍 以及2b ,3 a 3b 所有词语和句子,准备周日期末口语测试。please revise vocabularies and sentences in 2 b, 3a and 3b and quizlet W35 自我介绍 a n d prepare for the oral test on sunday.

  5. 四年级 c 王艺霖


    Please review the students’ words in Lessons 1-12 by yourself


    Review and master the two review papers


    Please complete the online exercises



    4,11/07/2021 考试,请不要迟到
    Please do not be late for the 11/07/2021 exam

  6. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    Review lesson 1-12, prepare for next week final term exam
    Complete Exercises page 96-101

  7. GCSE班家庭作业:
    继续复习以下生字,准备下周期末考试: “赏月、逗笑、饼干、洁白如玉、默写、饭盒、哎呀、广州、包含、灯笼、风吹雨打、仰望、置身、咖啡、欣然、话筒、递交、嗓音、迫不及待、抢夺、弱小、洪亮、喝彩、旋律、期末、潮湿、沉浸、凡是、各种各样、名胜古迹、莫名其妙、亡羊补牢、年年有余、五颜六色、自相矛盾、目瞪口呆、春夏秋冬、刻舟求剑、胸有成竹、忘恩负义、万里无云、急中生智、蓝天白云、东南西北、乱七八糟、三心二意、一心一意、守株待兔”
    Pleae continue to review the following words. At the final exam, 20 words will be selected as the first part of the dictation, prepare well for next week final exam“赏月、逗笑、饼干、洁白如玉、默写、饭盒、哎呀、广州、包含、灯笼、风吹雨打、仰望、置身、咖啡、欣然、话筒、递交、嗓音、迫不及待、抢夺、弱小、洪亮、喝彩、旋律、期末、潮湿、沉浸、凡是、各种各样、名胜古迹、莫名其妙、亡羊补牢、年年有余、五颜六色、自相矛盾、目瞪口呆、春夏秋冬、刻舟求剑、胸有成竹、忘恩负义、万里无云、急中生智、蓝天白云、东南西北、乱七八糟、三心二意、一心一意、守株待兔”

  8. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    继续完成‘期末复习题以及课本’102-104页的‘总练习’,复习1-12课所学内容,准备周日期末考试。Carry on revise lessons 1-12, complete the ‘Year-end revision exercise’ from the handouts and the Exercise on page 102-104. Prepare for the exam.

  9. 1. 根据微信群内的总复习大纲认真复习本学年知识,准备期末考试。
    Prepare with the handout in Wechat, get ready for the final exam.
    2. 继续完成作文大赛作文。

  10. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1.复习1-12 课生字、词语和句子,准备下周期末考试!
    Review the characters,phrases and sentences ,be ready for the exam .

  11. 五年级A班
    Review lesson 1-12, prepare for the end of year exam.
    Complete Review 4 and Exercises(page 111-118).
    Quizlet flash card links and the handout are available in Wechat group.

  12. 1 朗读第1课到第12课课文。发音一定要正确
    Read aloud the texts of Lessons 1-12. The pronunciation must be correct please.
    2 抄写第1课到第12课生字,请记住!
    Copy the new words from lesson 1 to lesson 12, please remember!
    3 朗读第1课到第12课的词语并且清楚知道这些词语的意思。
    Read the words and expressions from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12 and know the meaning of these words.
    Read the 12 sentences on page 109 of the textbook.
    Review the homework you have done before and prepare for the exam on July 11th on Sunday.

  13. A level班 家庭作业


    2、 2021年“华文创想曲”海外华裔青少年创意作文大赛,7月30日前交。

  14. @all 20210704homework  
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read a lesson choosing from chapter 4(lesson10 or 11 or12). Please record video to upload wechat group next lesson.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson10,11,12’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    Please review Chapter 4 practice
    Please review lesson10-12 from the practice book
    作文 Writing
    华文创想曲 作文要求
    此外,请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!

  15. 四年级A班 王敏
    1,读下面的词,不认识的字要查字典 reading follow phrases understand each words dictionary can help you
    景(景色) 亲(亲爱) 远(远方)要(想要)成(成果)
    比(比例)虾(小虾)冷(冷水)未(未来) 富( 丰富)
    影(影子)辛(辛苦) 运(运动)票(邮票)城(长城)
    即(即使)直(一直)健(健康)带(领带)阳 (太阳)
    既(既然)真(真心)建(建筑)代(时代)洋 (海洋)

    2填量词 filling measure words
    块 ,件, 个 ,顶, 幅, 座, 只 ,张, 架, 把, 头 棵 条 片
    1我的房间里有 一____床,一 衣柜,一 书桌,和一 大书架。还有一 钢琴,一 凳子,两 椅子。
    2静静的小河里,几___-鱼儿在快乐的游水,河边一___ 绿色,一 ___ 老牛在喝水,那___高高的大树上,两 ___ 小鸟在喳喳叫着唱歌呢。

    3,找 反义词 find out antonym for bottom adjectives.
    大—— 开—— 直—— 深—— 空—— 快——
    瘦—— 难—— 高—— 冷—— 长—— 老——
    旧—— 重—— 乱—— 暗an—— 坏—— 丑——
    窄zhai—— 弱ruo—— 先—— 湿shi—— 粗cu—— 脏zang——

    洁jie 强 qiang 干 细 后 宽 少 美
    胖 易yi 齐 轻 亮 好 热 慢
    新 短 浅 满 小 关 弯 低

    造句 make sentences
    有…… 还有…… 第一课
    既不像……也不像…… 第五课
    于是…… 第六课
    又……又…… 第五课
    只有…… 第11课
    最好…… 第五课

  16. 三年级C班:
    Please complete all the questions in the review exercises 2.
    Cope the words in Lesson seven , eight and nine twice.

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      Complete the Exercises on Text book page 80-84;
      Complete the Review Exercise Handouts.

  17. 请自选背诵已学过的5首唐诗。

  18. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1, 继续复习1-12课所有的单词, 参看“音序生字表” 第85-86 页,为7月11日期末考试做准备
    Continually review all lesson 1-12 all vocabulary, please see “Alphabetic vocabulary” page 85-86, prepare final term exam on 11th July

    2, 继续复习“部首表” 第89 页, Continually review ”Table of Radicals” page 89.

    3、完成考试总复习练习题 (发到微信群)Complete the Review Exercise Handouts in our Y1A group Wechat

  19. 二年级A 班(Year2A)

    1. 请完成期末复习题。(已发在班群里)
    Please complete end of year revision.
    2. 复习课本104页“音序生词表”.
    Revise the text book page 104 “Alphabetic Glossary

  20. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成微信群里发的10-12课复习题。
    Please finish the exercises of Lesson 10 to 12.

    2. 复习所有四个单元做过的复习题,准备7月11日的期末考试。
    Please review all the 4 sets of exercises that the teacher prepared for our end of term exam on 11th of July.

  21. YCT B homework for 5-7-2021 to 10-7-2021 (Ms Ying Wang 王瑛)

    Review Lesson 1-11, translate the Word documents into English, check how many phrases and sentences you have mastered.

  22. Class YCT A Homework WEEK35 Term3 2020-2021 / 汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.(Mandatory)Complete exercises from handout (find from class WeChat group).

    2.(Mandatory)Continue to review the vocabulary notes, and read twice daily.
    2, (必做)继续按已打印好的词汇总结讲义来复习与记牢YCT1字、词。请每日完成读两遍。

    3.(Optional) Copy Chinese characters provided on tian-ge paper (print PDF file find from class WeChat group).

    4.(Optional) Follow the audio files given in the past, continue to read textbook and practice oral speaking. Complete and review one lesson per day.

    5.(Optional)With the help of the lyrics, continue to sing the three Chinese ancient poems of ‘迟日江山丽’,’游子吟’, ‘但愿人长久’ happily. Hope you like always and enjoy them all continuously!
    5,(可选)参看歌词,继续欢唱三首中国古诗词 – 《迟日江山丽》、《游子吟》和 《但愿人长久》。希望你刻入脑海,一直不断地喜爱下去!

  23. YctC class homework YctC 班家庭作业
    Please watch the video clip below, and prepare to talk
    about your hobbies in Chinese on Sunday.

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