
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第十二课课文《新年到》5遍(每天一遍)Copy the Lesson 12’s Text 5 times (once a day)

2、抄写第十二课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 12

3、背诵第十二课课文《新年到》并把视频发给老师Recite Lesson 12 Text and send the video to the teacher

4、完成综合练习(四)(第76-79页)Complete Review 4 Page 76-79

5、完成发下的考试总复习练习题 Complete the Review Exercise Handouts

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年6月28日至2021年7月3日”

  1. 1.看图说出第六课生词。look at pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.
    2. 请完成第六课的练习题:6.(1),(2),(3)。(36-37页)
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) 。(page36-37)

  2. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、复习以下生字,期末考试将会从中选出20个词来作为第一部份的听写: “赏月、逗笑、饼干、洁白如玉、默写、饭盒、哎呀、广州、包含、灯笼、风吹雨打、仰望、置身、咖啡、欣然、话筒、递交、嗓音、迫不及待、抢夺、弱小、洪亮、喝彩、旋律、期末、潮湿、沉浸、凡是、各种各样、名胜古迹、莫名其妙、亡羊补牢、年年有余、五颜六色、自相矛盾、目瞪口呆、春夏秋冬、刻舟求剑、胸有成竹、忘恩负义、万里无云、急中生智、蓝天白云、东南西北、乱七八糟、三心二意、一心一意、守株待兔”
    Review the following words. At the final exam, 20 words will be selected as the first part of the dictation“赏月、逗笑、饼干、洁白如玉、默写、饭盒、哎呀、广州、包含、灯笼、风吹雨打、仰望、置身、咖啡、欣然、话筒、递交、嗓音、迫不及待、抢夺、弱小、洪亮、喝彩、旋律、期末、潮湿、沉浸、凡是、各种各样、名胜古迹、莫名其妙、亡羊补牢、年年有余、五颜六色、自相矛盾、目瞪口呆、春夏秋冬、刻舟求剑、胸有成竹、忘恩负义、万里无云、急中生智、蓝天白云、东南西北、乱七八糟、三心二意、一心一意、守株待兔”
    ·       这个文艺汇演的主要内容是什么?
    ·       你对这个文节汇演哪些节目印象深刻,为什么?
    ·       选一个节目深入详细生动的描写下来,并给出你的感想。
    Writing task : Thoughts on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
    Requirement: 220 words
    Starting from the experience of watching the show, you can start your writing based on the following points.
    • What is the main content of this art performance?
    • Which programs are you impressed with in this literary festival, and why?
    • Choose a program to write down in-depth, detailed and vivid descriptions, and give your thoughts.

  3. 翁冰 学前班A reception class:
    1. quiz let W34 shopping2 说句子。
    2.复习2B 3A 3B 的字词和句子。 revise vocabularies in 2B 3A 3B 。

  4. @all 20210627homework  
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read a lesson choosing from chapter 3 (lesson7 or 8 or9). Please record video to upload wechat group next lesson.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson7,8,9’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    Please review Chapter 3 practice
    Please review lesson7-9 from the practice book
    作文 Writing
    此外,请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!

  5. A level班 家庭作业

    Complete the answers and exercises.

    2、 继续复习这学年学过的主题与次主题,文学作品,准备7月11日的考试,参考每次课后布置的作业。


  6. 1. 根据微信群内的总复习大纲认真复习本学年知识,准备期末考试。
    2. 继续完成作文大赛作文。

  7. Year Two B Homework
    二年级B 班作业
    1, Complete the exercises of the Exercise Book B Lesson 12
    Thursday: 1-6
    Friday: 1-6
    2, Complete the Review 4 on text book page 94-96
    完成课本94-96 页的综合练习4

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      Complete Exercise B Lesson Twelve Monday to Friday all questions;
      Copy twice all the words on Test book page 89;
      Complete the Review Exercise Handouts;
      Read aloud Lesson Twelve text fluently.

  8. 8年级作业
    1 复习1-12课所有的单词和词组,为7月11日期末考试做准备
    Review all lesson 1-12 all phrases and key sentences, prepare final term exam on 11th July
    2 准备期末考试作文题目《保护环境》
    Prepare final term exam writing task: Enviroment protection
    3 完成WORD 文档作业,见班级微信群
    Finish word file homework, see class wechat group

  9. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    复习1-12课所学内容,完成‘期末复习题’,准备7月11日期末考试。(期末复习题会发到微信群请家长帮助打印,复习题限两星期完成)Complete the ‘Year-end revision exercise’ from the handouts. Revise for the exam. Parents, please help to print out the handouts.

  10. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1 复习1-12课所有的单词, 参看“音序生字表” 第85-86 页,为7月11日期末考试做准备
    Review all lesson 1-12 all vocabulary, please see “Alphabetic vocabulary” page 85-86, prepare final term exam on 11th July

    2. 完成总练习(第80-84页)Complete Exercises Page 80 – 84

    3. 复习“部首表” 第89 页, Review ”Table of Radicals” page 89.

  11. 五年级A班
    Complete the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12 .
    Read the text twice a day.
    C 卓别林做了什么?
    D 他唱的第一首歌是什么?他是怎么唱的?
    E 对于卓别林的表演,观众的态度是怎样的?
    Review all the words from lesson 1 to 12 and be able to make sentences with these words.
    We will have the end of year test. Please make sure you are well prepared for it.

  12. 本周作业
    1. Review the characters, words& expressions and sentences in Lesson 1-12. Read each lesson well and prepare for the final exam on July 11.

    Oral translation of key sentences in each lesson.

    3,欢乐汉语: 独立日

  13. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1.复习课本第104 页到106页 ,音序生词表。
    Please review Alphabetic glossary from page 104 to page 106 of text book.
    Review the sentences ,page 107 of text book.

  14. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 请把第七, 八, 九课的生字和词语各写三遍。
    Please write Lesson 7,8,9 the new words and the phrases 3 times each.
    2. 请熟读七, 八, 九课课后的“读一读”。
    Please practice “Reading” of Lesson 7,8,9.

  15. 三年级C班:
    Please complete all the questions in the review exercises.
    Cope the words in Lesson four ,five and six twice.

  16. 四年级A班 王敏
    年终考试前总复习 end of year final revision
    1,连词 make phrases
    景 亲 远 要 成 比 虾 慌 冷 代 末 建
    影 辛 运 票 城 北 吓 流 冰 带 未 健

    做 进 挂 妙 苗 苦 聪 趣 坐 福 既 真
    作 近 封 抄 猫 故 闻 取 座 富 即 直
    2. 记熟量词 remember measure words
    measure words
    一座山 两条河 三棵大树 四朵花 五根木头 六个桩
    一个书包 两本书 三块橡皮 四支笔 五把尺子 六张纸
    一匹马 两头牛 三峰骆驼 四只象 五条鱼儿 六对虾
    一座楼 十八层 三个电梯 八扇门 十个公司 八家店
    一幢房 三间房 四张桌子 六个柜 七把椅子 五张床
    一个故事 二首诗 三句话, 四篇文 四段落 十个词
    3找 反义词 3.find out antonym for bottom adjectives. 大—— 小
    深shen——高gao—— 坏huai—— 冷leng—— 哭ku——
    苦ku—— 笨ben—— 难看nankan—— 老—— 生sheng病bing——
    闹nao—— 短duan—— 危wei险xian—— 慢man—— 多duo——
    4造句 make sentences
    有…… 还有……

  17. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 利用wechat群所发的quizlet链接,复习10-12课的生字和划线词。
    Please review the new words and phrases of Lesson 10 to 12.

    2. 完成书上第115页的综合练习4。
    Please finish the exercises 4 on page 115.

    3. 完成书上第117页总复习里面的练习题。
    Please finish the exercises on page 117.

    4. 复习之前发的1-9课复习题,准备7月11日的期末考试。
    Please review the handouts for Lesson 1 to 9 and prepare for the final exam on 11 of July.

  18. 四年级C 王艺霖

    Please master the key content according to the review materials in class (see screenshot).


    Please complete the online exercises





    Those of you who did not finish the material reviewed last week will continue to finish it

    4,下周观看学校表演,11/07/2021 参加考试
    Watch the school performance next week and take the exam on 11/07/2021

  19. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review words of YCT 3 exam vocabularies .请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 考试的词汇

    YCT 3 Vocabulary List

    2.Please watch the film and write down 10 new words and 5 sentences you learned from the video clips. 请观看下面的视频, 并写出10 个你从视频中学到的新词和五个句子。


  20. YCT B Homework for 28-6-2021 to 3-7-2021(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. (Compulsory) Standard course book: Read aloud the text on page 54 until fluent. 大声朗读第54页的课文直到流利。

    Task 2. (Compulsory) Activity Book: Finish page 43 exercise 5 and 6. 完成活动手册中第43页的练习题5和 6。

    Task 3. (Optional) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 to 11)在线词汇练习第二级第一课到第十一课。https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级 https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/

  21. Class YCT A Homework WEEK34 Term3 2020-2021/YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Please print the PDF file (find from class WeChat group). Read twice daily and report to me through WeChat once you have done it every day.

    2.Copy Chinese characters provided on tian-ge paper (print PDF file find from class WeChat group), help to remember YCT1 vocabularies.

    3.Follow each of the audio files given (find from class WeChat group), read textbook with the same tones. Review lesson 1 first, then the subsequent lessons. Review for one lesson each day.
    3, 对照课本播放发至班级微信群的音频文件,跟读复习第1课,(注意每个字都要读正确音与调)。完后复习其它各课。每天完成一课的复习。

    4.Read the lyrics you’ve print out in the past, in the form of singing, continue to learn the three Chinese ancient poems of ‘迟日江山丽’,’游子吟’, ‘但愿人长久’. Hope you enjoy continuously!
    4,以唱歌的形式来继续读诵你已经打印好了的三首中国的古唐诗宋词 – 《迟日江山丽》、《游子吟》和 《但愿人长久》。希望你能一直地喜爱下去!

  22. 六年级A班作业
    1. 复习第十二课生词。Revise the vocabulary of L12. https://quizlet.com/_9y7oc1?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 练习册B第96页第2题,画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。Find out and correct the wrong characters.
    3. 练习册B第97页第5题,读课文,选择填空。 Choose the right sentences according to the text.
    4. 练习册B第97页第6题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.
    5. 练习册B第98页第6题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    6. 练习册B第100页第3题,照例子写汉字,再组词语。Combine these parts to make characters and form phrases after the model.
    7. 练习册B第100页第4题, 照例子连一连,组词语。Link and form phrases after the mode.
    8. 练习册B第100页第5题, 连词成句。Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    9. 练习册B第101页第6题, 改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    10. 练习册B第102页第7题, 读课文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√”on each right sentence and“×”on each wrong sentence according to the text.

  23. 1 看拼音写词语
    (1)yán jīng (2)jiāo tōng (3)kàn bìng (4)shuì jiào
    __________ _________ _________ _________

    (5)shì yàn (6)fāng biàn (7) dé yì (8)sā huǎng
    _________ _________ _________ _______

    2 写出对应的汉字
    Write Chinese characters according to Pinyin
    (1)开dēng( ) (2) 真máng( ) (3)shū( )店
    (4)xiàn( )在 (5) yī( )生 (6)yǎn( )睛
    (7)zhī( )道 (8) pǎo( )步
    (9)guò( )来 (10) liáng( )水

    3 按要求改写句子 Rewrite the sentence as required.
    (2)方方在本子上画小狗。(加“被”字) __________________________
    (3)小猫钓不到鱼。(加“怎么…呢?) ___________________________
    (4)云云又迟到了。(加“怎么…呢?) _________________________
    4 填空:Fill in the blanks
    本 张 位 只 首 棵 条 层 支
    1. 一( )诗 2. 一( )鸟 3. 一( )书
    4. 一( )笔 5. 一( )树 6. 一( )楼
    7. 两( )兔子 8. 一( )大鱼 9. 一( )纸
    10. 一 ( ) 科学家
    5 写出带有下列偏旁的字并且组词
    Write words with the following radicals.
    (1) 犭:_____ _____(2) 纟:_____ ____ (3) 心:______ _____
    (4) 艹:______ ____ (5) 钅:______ ____ (6)讠:_____ ___
    (7) 扌:______ ___ (8) 亻:______ _____ (9) 氵: _____ _____
    6造句 Make a sentence
    (1) 马上
    (2) 决心
    (3) 得意
    (4) 诚实
    (5) 街道
    (6) 三心二意

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