
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住学过的第六课的生字,特别关注“黑、白、绿、黄、蓝”这几个关于颜色的字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 6 and to prepare for the dictation especially pay more attention to the words about the colour “Black, white, green, yellow and blue”.

3、练习歌曲《我的中国 我的课堂》歌词第1-6句Practice the  1st-6th lyrics of <MyChina My classroom> .

26 Replies to “家庭作业2021年3月08至2021年3月13日”

  1. 四年级C 王艺霖

    周一 2,6,7
    周二 2,6
    周三 2,5
    周四 2,7
    周五 3,8
    Please complete part of the exercises from Monday to Friday in Lesson 10 of Workbook B

    Please use “what” to make a sentence, one at the beginning and one at the end of the sentence, and pay attention to the punctuation. (You can view the class notes in WeChat)

    3,请完成online 练习


    Please complete the online exercise

    Please read Lesson 10 with emotion and tones, and submit it in audio or video format

    Please prepare the characters of Lesson 10.

  2. 六年级A班作业
    1. 练习册B第55页第5题,读课文,填空。Fill in the blanks according to the text.
    2. 练习册B第55页第6题,读一读,比一比,画出它们不同的地方,并把句子翻译成中文。 Compare sentences of each group and underline the different parts and translate the sentences into English.
    3. 练习册B第56页第7题,造句。 Make sentences with the given words and expressions.
    4. 练习册B第58页第4题,照例子写一写。 Write after the model.
    5. 练习册B第58页第5题,连词成句。Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    6. 练习册B第59页第6题, 照例子改写句子。Reconstruct each group of sentences with“不但…而且…”after the model.
    7. 练习册B第60页第7题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√”on each right sentence and“×”on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    8. 练习册B第62页第3题, 读课文,填空。 Fill in the blanks according to the text.
    9. 练习册B第62页第4题, 画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。Find out and correct the wrong characters.

  3. @All
    YCT B Homework(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. (Optional ) Standard course book: Preview the vocabulary and the texts in lesson 7. 预习第7课的生词和课文。

    Task 2. (Compulsory) Please complete the revision word document if you haven’t finished. 请继续完成我们群里的复习文档。

    Task 3. (Compulsory) Activity Book: Please complete question 6 on page 23. 请完成活动手册第23页第6题。

    Task 4.(Optional) Watch video clips. 看视频。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHFc_bzhic

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      1、 完成《中文》课本第三十四和三十五 页的练习;

      To complete all the exercise on Text Book page 34-35;

      2、大声朗读并抄写《中文》课本第二十一, 二十六页和第三十二页“读一读”词组各2 遍

      Read aloud and copy 2 times of each phase on page 21, 26 and 32 in Text Book exercise 2 ;
      Read aloud and recite the text on Text Book page 33.
      Write a sentence to your mother in your own way.

  4. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 109 reading 3, and page 110 Reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    Please translate from Chinese to English based on the pictures posted in the WeChat group.

  5. A level班 家庭作业
    . Master the words and dictate in the next class.


    Write down the name of one or several Chinese pop singers you like and favorite songs, and copy the lyrics of one of the songs. At the same time, talk about why you like this singer and this song.

  6. Year Two B Homework
    1. Read Lesson Eight three time everyday.
    2, Practise the opposite words showing in Lesson eight, able to say 10 pair of the opposite word
    练习第八课课文中的反义词, 并能说出10组反义词
    3. Complete the ‘learn to write ‘ on text book page 56-57
    完成课本56-57页的‘描一描, 写一写’
    4, Practise the measure word below:

  7. 翁冰 学前班A reception class :
    1. quizlet网站学说词语和句子(read vocabularies and sentence on
    W 21 excursion quizlet)爬山,走路,骑车, 跑步,划船,跳舞,唱歌,踢足球,滑冰,游泳。猫妈妈和小猫一起去钓鱼。

  8. 每天读 识字卡片: 鸟 蜻蜓 蝴蝶 黄花 粉花 红花 绿草 画画儿 看书 写字
    听音乐 睡觉 做游戏
    绘画昆虫: 蜻蜓 蝴蝶 蜜蜂 蚂蚁 瓢虫 红花 黄花 粉花 绿草 ( 请完成后 发到班群 )
    学唱唐诗 小池 https://youtu.be/SrmVnS9foAU
    背诵 / 唱 任选一种形式 唐诗 绝句 杜甫 https://youtu.be/RciLCx_-7UM
    ( 请还没有提交的同学提交到班群)

  9. 三年级C班作业:Homework for year 3C:
    Complete all remaining questions in Exercise Book B Lesson eight.
    Use “look, cover, write, check” method memorize the 11 words in lesson Eight,get ready for the text in Quizlet.
    3.请完成补充练习。Complete the additional Exercise for Lesson eight.
    4.请读熟《鲁班与锯子》Read Lu Ban and the Saw until fluently.
    5.背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    取西经 路途险
    小葫芦 法通天

  10. 8年级作业
    1 熟读第8课课文和阅读课文《活字印刷术》,熟练掌握新生字和词组 P75 P81 下周听写
    Read fluentlly lesson 8 text and reading article, Learn new characters and phrases P75 P81, next week dictation
    2 完成第8课练习册剩下的练习题
    Finish lesson 8 rest of exercises
    3 完成下面的翻译作业
    Transltate Englih to Chinese
    I loev my city .There are lots of beautiful flowers in the park.If the weather is good,I will walk to school. There are few cars because lots of people cycle to work. Everyone should protect the environment.

  11. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第八课’壶盖为什么会动’直到很流利。Continue reading Lesson 8 ‘Why Does the Kettle Lid Move’ until fluently.
    2. 阅读65-66页的‘鲁班与锯子’,试着用自己的语言复述故事。Read ‘Lu Ban and the Saw’ on page 65-66 until fluently, try to use your own words to tell the story.
    3. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson 8.
    4. 抄写第八课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.

  12. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation , three times each.
    Finish the rest questions of exercise book ,Lesson 9.
    3,用“为什么” 造3个句子。
    Use “为什么“ to make three sentences.
    4.口头作业(上课没有回答的学生): 长大了,你想做什么?为什么?
    Who do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

  13. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)
    2,朗诵第六课课文《小鸟自由的飞》Recite Lesson 6 Text:Birds Flying Freely
    3,诗歌咏唱表演: 白居易的诗 《草》Poetry chant performance
    Lí lí yuán shàng cǎo
    离 离 原 上 草,
    yī suì yī kū róng
    一岁 一枯 荣。
    Yě huǒ shāo bù jìn,
    野 火 烧 不 尽,
    Chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng
    春 风 吹 又 生
    4,诗词咏唱: 白居易的词 《忆江南》Poetry chant performance
    Jiāng nán hǎo
    江 南 好,
    Fēng jǐng jiù céng ān
    风 景 旧 曾 谙。
    Rì chū jiāng huā hóng shèng huǒ
    日 出 江 花 红 胜 火
    Chūn lái jiāngshuǐ lǜ rú lán
    春 来 江 水 绿 如 蓝,
    néng bù yì jiāng nán
    能 不 忆 江 南?

  14. 三年级B班3月8-13号作业
    1 熟读第九课《蔡伦造纸》。
    Read fluently lesson 9《Cai Lun Invented the Paper》.
    2 记住中国古代四大发明。
    造纸术 Papermaking 指南针 Compass 火药 Gunpowder 印刷术 Printing
    Remember the four great inventions of ancient China
    Famous places in China
    长城 The Great Wall
    故宫Forbidden City
    天安门广场 Tiananmen Square
    兵马俑 terracotta army
    Complete Exercise Book A Lesson 9 From Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday learn to write. (from page 67-73)
    5 用“能”造句。 Using “能”make a sentence.
    6 用“是……的”造句。Using “是……的” make a sentence.

  15. 六年级B班家庭作业:

    1. 复习第八课生字词,下节课准备听写。
    Review the new words and phrases in Lesson 8, get ready for the dictation.

    2. 完成练习册B第八课,周一到周五。
    Complete Exercise Book B, Lesson 8, Monday- Friday。

    3, 还没写完的同学请继续完成演讲(可用google slide or PowerPoint),给大家介绍一本你喜欢的书,或电影,或音乐,或你的一个爱好.
    Please make make a presentation to introduce a movie, or a song, or a book, or one of your hobbies.

  16. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第五课词语。look at the pictures in lesson 5 and say aloud.
    2.说句子 say sentences by using sentence pattern. 我喜欢吃红色的又大又甜的苹果。
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 30-31)。


  17. 四年级A班
    1:抄写第九课 Copy Lesson text 9
    2:读书课文 Read fluently the lesson text
    3:搜索司马光和张衡并且选择一个做一个5页的PPT或者画一张画并且写出他的生平。汉英任何语言计即可。 Research Sima Guang and Zhang Heng and choose one to do a Powerpoint about them of no less than 5 slides or draw a picture detailing their life stories in whichever language you choose.
    Study and read fluently the following poem
    bì yù zhuāng chéng yī shù gāo
    碧 玉 妆 成 一 树 高 ,
    wàn tiáo chuí xià lǜ sī tāo
    万 条 垂 下 绿 丝 绦 。
    bù zhī xì yè shuí cái chū
    不 知 细 叶 谁 裁 出 ,
    èr yuè chūn fēng sì jiǎn dāo
    二 月 春 风 似 剪 刀
    5: 复习7、 8 、9课的词汇和生字并且准备听写
    Revise the vocabulary of lessons 7, 8 and 9 for dictation

  18. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 完成第九课余下的练习题。
    Complete the rest of the questions of Lesson 9.
    2. 继续背诵第九课课文。
    Continue practice recite Lesson 9.
    3. 复习第九课划线词语,准备下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 9 underlined phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    Please make three sentences using “why”.
    5.学唱“春天在哪里”, 视频或音频可以发班群里。
    Learn to sing”春天在哪里”, and send video or voice recording in our group chat.

  19. @all 20210307homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read Lesson 9. Please record video to upload wechat group in next term start.
    Please practice your speaking skills, and if you can please spend around 10 mins to read Reading 9 and record video sending to wechat group.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson9’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    第三部分:Practice A
    亻、心、忄、纟、 艹、氵
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Xue. Thank you

  20. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson9 and play the games.


    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第九课的新词,用游戏练习新词

    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:回家、在哪儿、累、广场、墙、竹子

    3.Please finish Yct4 lesson 9 Activity book page36
    请完成Yct4 练习册第九课的第36页的练习

    4.Please read the text at Page46 of Yct4 textbook loudly until frequently. And aslo translate into English.请大声朗读课本第46页的课文直到熟练,并翻译成英文。

    5. Please fill in the gap in Chinese according to your own situation. 1) 2019年你去过_____? 2)我去过____. 3)你是什么____去的? 4)我是2019年__月去的。 5)你是____去的?6)我是_____去的。 7)你觉得_____? 8)有一点儿__,但是我很_____。

    6.Please watch the video clip below and learn to sing along with it.

  21. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson 8 in the Exercises Book B.
    2, 每天大声朗诵第八课课文。
    Read aloud lesson 8 once a day.
    3, 预习第九课生字。
    Preview all the characters of Lesson 9.

  22. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 请完成练习册A中,第九课的1-4题。
    Please finish question 1-4 of Lesson 9 on Exercise book A.

    2. 请完成课本第81页,读一读,写一写。
    Please finish ‘Learn to Write’ on page 81 of our text book.

    3. 熟读并背诵《朝代歌》的最后部分。
    Memorize the end part of the dynasties’ song.

    4. 学唱《朝代歌》歌曲的前半部分,具体请参考班级群里的相关内容。
    Learn to sing the first half part of the dynasties’ song.

    5. 朗读课文《数星星》。
    Read the text fluently.

    6. 把上节课听写错误的字/词,在旁边写3遍并记住。
    Please write 3 times of the words that you did wrong in your dictation last Sunday.

  23. 五年级A班作业(Y5A Homework)
    1. 抄写并记忆第五课画线的生词,下节课听写。B
    1.Copy and memorize the underlined words in Lesson 5;get ready for dictation next week.
    2. Finish all the exercises of “Fox and the grapes” in your workbook.
    3.Recite lesson 5.(You may need the story map that you made during the lesson to help you.)
    4.预习第六课,“成语故事” 。A
    4.Preview lesson 6, “Idiom stories”。
    5.Watch the video and think of three questions and write them down with your answers and send to your teacher by Saturday . I will gather the questions and make a quiz for next lesson.

  24. Qian Wang Class YCT-A WEEK21 Term2 20-21 / YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1. Read the texts of “Let’s read” (Page 40) & “Mini story” (Page 42), from the Standard Course book, 3 times each. Please display and follow the audio files sending to class WeChat group. And also translate the “Mini story” only into English.
    1, 朗读标准教程第九课的课文“Let’s read” 和 “Mini story”各三遍(请参考和播放发至班级微信群的音频文件),并将“Mini story”翻译成英文。

    2. Complete the calendar making on page 41 from the Standard Course.
    2, 请完成标准教程第41页的日历制作。

    3. Read and match the options from List A with the correct options from List B.
    3, A表和B表各有六个句子,一个含问题,一个含答案。读句子,画线将相对应的问题与答案连接起来。

    4. Understand the differences of date written in China, UK and U.S.A. In short digit form, please express the date of 7th March 2021 according to the three different ways as shown on page 36 of question 6 from the Standard Course book.
    4, 明白中国、英国和美国在日期表达上的不同。基于此,请用阿拉伯数字按照活动手册第36页第六题所示,将2021年3月7号正确地写出来。

    5. Question 7 from the Activity Book: Draw yourself portrait and write your name and your date of birth below the picture in Chinese.
    5,完成活动手册第七题: 画一张个人肖像,并在图片下面用中文写上自己的姓名和生日。

  25. Qian Wang Class YCT-A WEEK21 Term2 20-21 / YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1. Read the texts of “Let’s read” (Page 40) & “Mini story”(Page 42),from the Standard Course book, 3 times each. Please display and follow the audio files sending to class WeChat group. And also translate the “Mini story” only into English.
    1, 朗读标准教程第九课的课文“Let’s read” 和 “Mini story”各三遍(请参考和播放发至班级微信群的音频文件),并将“Mini story”翻译成英文。

    2. Complete the calendar making on page 41 from the Standard Course book.
    2, 请完成标准教程第41页的日历制作。

    3. Read and match the options from List A with the correct options from List B.
    3, A表和B表各有六个句子,一个含问题,一个含答案。读句子,画线将相对应的问题与答案连接起来。

    4. Understand the differences of date written in China, UK and U.S.A. In short digit form, please express the date of 7th March 2021 according to the three different ways as shown on page 36 of question 6 from the Standard Course book.
    4, 明白中国、英国和美国在日期表达上的不同。请用阿拉伯数字的形式按照活动手册第36页第六题所示,将2021年3月7日用三种不同的方式表达出来。

    5. Question 7 from the Activity Book: Draw yourself portrait and write your name and your date of birth below the picture in Chinese.
    5, 完成活动手册第七题: 画一张个人肖像,并在图片下面用中文写上自己的姓名和生日。

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