
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第六课练习二词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Six.

2、完成《中文》第一册课本综合练习(二)(第34页)Complete Review 2 in page 34

3、背诵《小鸟自由地飞》课本第33页 Memorise the Reading <Bird Fly Freely>

4、熟读《我的中国 我的课堂》第1-10句 Read the sentence 1-10 fluently <My China My Classroom>

24 Replies to “家庭作业2021年3月15日至2021年3月20日”

  1. 四年级C 王艺霖
    1,请完成练习册B 第10课,周一至周五剩下的练习
    Please complete Lesson 10 of Workbook B, the rest of the exercises from Monday to Friday

    Please complete the Learn to write P91-P93

    3,请完成online 练习
    Please complete the online exercise



    If you have not completed the oral assignments, please continue to submit

    Please review the characters in Lesson 10, dictation in the next lesson, range P93 “Reading”

  2. 六年级A班作业

    1. 练习册B第63页第5题,照例子连一连,写一写。Link and write after the model.
    2. 练习册B第63页第6题,读句子,用句中加点的词语造句。 Read the sentences and make sentences with the dotted words.
    3. 练习册B第64页第7题,照例子改写句子。 Reconstruct each group of sentences with “除了…以外,…还 …” after the model.
    4. 练习册B第66页第3题,选词语填空。Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
    5. 练习册B第66页第4题,改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    6. 练习册B第67页第5题,读课文,判断句子,对的打“ √” ,错的打“×”。 Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√”on each right sentence and“×” on each wrong sentence according to the text.
    7. 练习册B第67页第6题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    8. 练习册B第67页第7题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√” ,错的打“×” 。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    9. 复习第八课生词,准备听写。https://quizlet.com/_9hwmjn?x=1qqt&i=fkwij

  3. 翁冰 学前班A reception class:
    1.学说W22 Excusion2 的词语和句子。read the vocabularies and sentences on W22 Excusion2 +小马过河。今天,明天,后天,昨天,前天,上周,下周。我们一起去公园玩吧。

    2. 看动漫视频 《小马过河》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z4sxCduS0E&t=171s

  4. YCT B Homework for 15-3-2021 to 20-3-2021(Ms Ying Wang王瑛): Task 1. (Compulsory) Standard course book: Read aloud the dialogue on page 34 twice a day. Write down the English translation. 大声朗读第34页的对话每天两遍。写下英语译文。 Task 2. (Compulsory) Activity Book: Finish page 25-26 exercise 1 to 4. 完成活动手册中第25-26页的练习题1到 4题。
    Task 3. (Optional) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 to 7)在线词汇练习第二级第一课到第七课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/ (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/
    Task 4. (Optional) Watch video clips. 看视频。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyo3Rzbtl3w

  5. Year Two B Homework
    1, Read question 4 the dialogue on text book page 59 three times.
    2, Complete the exercises in Exercise book B Lesson Eight
    Mon: 1-6
    Tue: 1-6
    Wed: 1-6
    3, Read the poem “Spring Breeze” five times and if you can, please memorise it
    〔唐(táng)代(dài)〕白(bái) 居(jū)易(yì)
    春风 先 发 苑中梅, 樱杏 桃梨 次第开。
    chūnfēng xiānfā yuànzhōng méi, yīngxìng táolí cìdì kāi.
    荠花 榆荚 深村里,亦道 春风 为我来。
    jìhuā yújiá shēncūnlǐ, yìdào chūnfēng wèi wǒ lái.

  6. @all 20210314homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins and choose one of Lesson from Chapter 3(Lesson 7 or 8 or 9) to read. Please record video to upload wechat group in next term start.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson7,8, and9’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.

    课本82页的练习题 134567
    The practice of the Book (Page 82) 134567 


    Mother’s Day
    As you know, Mar 14th is Mother’s Day in the UK. This week I would like to you write down a essay and to describe Mother’s Day. You can write how you spend time with your mother together, or how do you think Mother’s Day, or others.

    Words: Around 200 words.
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Xue. Thank you

  7. 8年级作业
    1 熟练朗诵第9课古诗二首《清明》《枫桥夜泊》,学习新的生字
    Read fluently two poems p82-p83 , learn new characthers and phrases
    2 熟读阅读的诗曲二首 《送孟浩然之广陵》《天净沙 秋思》
    Readly fluently two poems p87
    3 完成第9课练习册星期一到星期三的作业
    finish lesson 9 exercise Monday-Wednesday
    4 完成书上综合练习三的所有题1-8题
    finish general exercise three on page p88-P91

  8. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson10 and play the games. https://quizlet.com/570384384/yct-4-lesson-10-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第十课的新词,用游戏练习新词https://quizlet.com/570384384/yct-4-lesson-10-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY
    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and preparing the dictation on Sunday 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:电影、为什么、忙、事情、意思、因为…所以

    3.Please finish Yct4 lesson 10 Activity book page37
    请完成Yct4 练习册第十课的第37页的练习

    4. Please finish Yct4 lesson 10 text book page50
    请完成Yct4 课本第十课的第50页的练习

    5.Please read the text at Page49 of Yct4 textbook loudly until frequently. And aslo translate into English.请大声朗读课本第49页的课文直到熟练,并翻译成英文。

    6.Please fill in the gap in Chinese according to your own situation. 1) 今年你想去_____? 2)我想去____. 3)你想____时候去? 4)我想__月去。 5)你想____去?6)我_____去。 7)你想去_____做什么? 8)我想去_____。

    7.Please watch the video clip below and learn to sing along with it.

  9. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 每天阅读第九课‘蔡伦造纸’至少两遍以上直到流利。Read Lesson Nine ‘Cai Lun Invented the Paper’ at least twice a day until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Nine on Exercise book 3A.

  10. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 课上没有做完“综合练习(三)”的同学,请课下完成。
    If you have finished “Review 3” in the class, please finish at home.
    2. 请用下面的Quizlet link复习第七,第八,第九课的字词。
    Use Quizlet link below to study the words of Lesson 7, lesson 8 and Lesson 9 .
    3. 请熟读第九课的阅读“小好奇”。
    Please practice reading “Curious Kids” of Lesson 9.

  11. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第六课词语。look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.
    2.说句子 say sentences by using sentence pattern. ……有……,…has/have…
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 36-37)。

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      Complete Exercise B Lesson Six Monday to Friday all questions (Daily);
      Read aloud the phrases 2 times on Text Book page 39 daily;
      Complete ‘ Learn to write’ on Text Book page 38 -39;
      Read aloud and recite the text on Text Book page 36.

  12. 六年级B班家庭作业:
    1. 熟读并背诵第九课唐诗的第一首《早发白帝城》,录制视频并上传到群里。请结合课堂讲解理解这首诗,并参考链接里的视频巩固你的发音。
    Read and recite the first poem of the lesson 9 《早发白帝城》, record the video and upload it to our wechat group.

    The video at the link is used as a reference for practice.

    2. 练习册A第九课周一到周五1-3题。
    Exercise book A, lesson 9, Monday-Friday, 1-3.

    3, 还没写完的同学请继续完成演讲(可用google slide or PowerPoint),给大家介绍一本你喜欢的书,或电影,或音乐,或你的一个爱好.
    Please make make a presentation to introduce a movie, or a song, or a book, or one of your hobbies.

  13. 三年级C班作业:
    1.请完成练习册A第九课,星期一到星期四 1-4题。
    Exercise book A lesson 9Monday to Thursday part 1-4.
    2.   请读熟第九课。
    Read Lesson 9 until fluently.
    3. 背一背: 或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    广寒宫 小玉兔
    抛绣球 戏师徒

  14. Class YCT-A WEEK22 Term2 20-21 / YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1. Read PinYin & copy the words provided in the boxes on tian-ge paper (see PDF files have been sent to class WeChat group). Copy the strokes according to the way and order as have demonstrated & displayed.
    1, 读拼音写汉字。请打印使用设计好的已发至班级微信群的字帖田格纸,按照笔画顺序和规则来描写;

    2. Read the text of “Let’s read” on page 45 from the Standard Course book, 3 times at least. An audio file has been sent to class WeChat group. Display and follow the file to read loudly with precise pronunciation. Please also translate the text into English.
    2, 朗读标准教程第45页的课文 “Let’s read” 至少三遍。请播放和跟随已发至班级微信群的音频文件,准确发声、大声朗读。并将课文内容译成英文。

    3. Activity Book question 2 on page 37: Write each of the listed time in Chinese, and draw the corresponding hour and minute hands on one of the clock faces.
    3, 请按上述要求完成活动手册第37页的第二题。

    4. Reading & Speaking Practice: Complete question 3 on page 38 of the Activity Book. Read each of the time in Chinese displayed within the grids and self repeat the oral conversation or with others according to the example.
    4, 阅读与说话练习: 完成活动手册第38页第三题。按顺序阅读格子里中文给出的各个时间,并按例子分别练习提问与回答。

    Optional Exercises:

    1)Telling time – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwu698Nh7dA
    2)Song of the 12 Zodiac Animals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYODZg2oe-0&list=LL&index=7&t=1s
    3) What day is it today – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQNMamzBUZo
    4) What day of the week is today – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABYB69MvNW8

  15. 五年级A班作业
    Complete the first two exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A.
    Recite the first poem .
    According to the little book which you made for your mum on Sunday, write a piece of writing titled “My mum”(don’t forget the adjectives you chose on Sunday).
    4、 看视频并提问。根据视频提出至少三个问题,连同你的答案一起于周六前发给老师,老师将收集同学们的问题做成抢答题库,由全班同学一起回答。提问及回答表现优秀的同学都可能获得5个积分。CWatch the video and think of three questions and write them down with your answers and send to your teacher by Saturday . I will gather the questions and make a quiz for next lesson.

  16. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第七课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下星期天时听写 Copy down all new Chinese characters from Lesson 7, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next Sunday.

    2、抄写第七课的五个“词语”每组五遍 Copy down the five phrases five times each.

    3, 继续练习诗词咏唱: 白居易的词 《忆江南》Poetry chant performance
    Jiāng nán hǎo
    江 南 好,
    Fēng jǐng jiù céng ān
    风 景 旧 曾 谙。
    Rì chū jiāng huā hóng shèng huǒ
    日 出 江 花 红 胜 火
    Chūn lái jiāngshuǐ lǜ rú lán
    春 来 江 水 绿 如 蓝,
    néng bù yì jiāng nán
    能 不 忆 江 南?

  17. A level班 家庭作业
    . Copy the wrong words dictated in class twice.

    Oral Practice and writing.

    Familiar with traditional Chinese musical instruments, watch a folk music performance online, and write down your thoughts. Between 250-350 words.

  18. 1 熟读第九课《蔡伦造纸》。发音一定要正确
    Read fluently lesson 9《Cai Lun Invented the Paper》. The pronunciation must be correct
    2 记住中国古代四大发明。
    (1)造纸术 Papermaking (2)指南针 Compass
    (3)火药 Gunpowder (4) 印刷术 Printing
    Please keep in mind the four great inventions of ancient China
    Complete Exercise Book A Lesson 9 Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. (page 67-73)
    4 写出纸的5种用途。例如:杂志,笔记本……
    Please writing out 5 uses of paper. for example:magazine, notebook……
    5 预习生字:鞋 厚 实 耐 帘 寒
    Please preview the characters: 鞋(xié) 厚(hòu) 实(shí) 耐(nài) 帘(lián) 寒(hán)

  19. 四年级A班
    1.认真描写课本91-93页第10课的生字。take seriously depict textbook page 91-93 vocabularies.
    2.找出读音不同的字,标上拼音,find differente pronoun words give correct pinyin.
    shù 数字,数学,数清
    jué 睡觉,觉得,觉醒
    gēng 更好,更正,更新
    kōng 天空,空间,没空
    háng 行业,行路,竖行
    shào 少年,少数,少爷
    jiān 房间,间接,中间
    guò 过去,过线,学过
    zháo 着急,看着,着火
    biàn 方便,便宜,便利
    hǎo 好处,爱好,做好
    chē 汽车,车辆,走车
    dāng 当然,当中,上当
    chāi 出差,差使,差评
    3, 给出正确答案 give correct answer
    最早的诗歌集 A 诗经 B唐诗三百首
    作者 A 司马迁 B班固
    西汉时的历史学家 A司马迁 B 司马相如
    给司马光的书起名字 A 皇帝 B 自己 C 同事
    算出π= 3.1416的人 A 张衡 B 刘韵
    月亮上有他名字的山 A 祖冲之 B 张衡
    发明造纸方法的人 A 许慎 B蔡伦
    造了地动仪的人 A 张衡 B 法雄
    司马光出生在哪里? A 光县 B司县
    世界上最早的字典叫 A 说文解字 B新华字典
    写的人是 A司马迁 B司马师
    司马光用了几年写的书 A 19年 B 9年
    4 背熟 古诗,《早春呈水部张十八员外二首》
    天街小雨润如酥 ,草色遥看近却无。
    最是一年春好处 ,绝胜烟柳满皇都 。
    bì yù zhuānɡ chénɡ yì shù ɡāo 碧玉妆成一树高,
    wàn tiáo chuí xià lǜ sī tāo 万条垂下绿丝绦。
    bù zhī xì yè shuí cái chū 不知细叶谁裁出
    èr yuè chūn fēnɡ sì jiǎn dāo ,二月春风似剪刀。

    5 .写出 15种水果的中文名称,write 15 fruits Chinese name

    6读熟 下面的句子 readsentences
    一 二 三 四 五 六 七、
    (xiānɡ jiāo xī ɡuā bō luó cǎo méi mánɡ ɡuǒ yīnɡ táo jú)。
    (pínɡ ɡuǒ táo ér shí liú shì zǐ lǐ zǐ lì zǐ lí )

  20. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    Finish text book Review 3,page 68-71.
    Be ready for dictation for Lesson 9.

  21. 本周作业:
    Read lesson Eight around once a day.
    3,看视频,记录视频中主要的内容,周日进行课堂复述。Watch the viedo and make your own notes about it, we will discuss it in the class.

  22. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 请完成练习册A中,第九课剩下的练习题。
    Please finish the rest of questions of Lesson 9 on Exercise book A.

    2. 完成课本第87页的综合练习(三)
    Finish ‘Review 3’ on page 87 of the textbook.

    3. 继续学唱《朝代歌》歌曲。
    Learn to sing the next part of the dynasties’ song.

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