
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily) , 参考:

2、记住所有生字,准备下星期听写Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation next week

3、唐诗第八篇背诵《望天门山》李白Recite the 8th Tang Poem  <Look at the Tianmen Mountain> By Li Bai


24 Replies to “家庭作业2020年5月11至2020年5月16日”

  1. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 12-13)。
    2.看动画: https://youtu.be/vmRLIak2Qmo

  2. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 15 words, make one phase words and sentences for each. For example: “尚—时尚—我的朋友穿衣很时尚。”
    2、请试着阅读《中文》课本的第五课,不会的字标注拼音,在中文书的第41页到42页。Please try to read the text lesson 5 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. In page 41 to 42.
    3、完成中文练习册A,星期一到星期三 从第34页到43页。
    Complete the Lesson 5 from Monday to Wednesday in Chinese Workbook A, from page 34 to page 43.
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each

  3. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 请用“是……的”句型把下列句子翻译成中文。Please translate the following sentences into Chinese with the“是……的” structure.
    1) Where did you buy this skirt? It is so beautiful.
    2) Who made this cake? It is so delicious!
    3) It was yesterday that we went to the park.
    4) How did you draw this picture? It has so many colour!
    5) It was me who took this photo, they were all so happy!
    2. 请借助archchinese.com自学第六课的生词,并想想看怎样才能比较容易地记住这些生词怎么写。Learn vocabulary of L6 with the help of archchinese.com

  4. A level班 家庭作业
    1、 通读三遍在班级微信群发送的《大学生阅读情况调查》文章,学习并理解文中的生词,准备文后第1到第8题,不包括作文题。
    Read through the article “Investigation of College Students’ Reading” sent by the class WeChat group three times, learn and understand the new words in the text, and prepare questions 1 to 8 after the text, excluding writing.

    2、 仔细阅读微信群中发送的《2020年“华文畅想曲”海外青少年创意作文大赛征稿启事》,构思你想写的内容。下节课上讨论。
    Read the “The Overseas Chinese Creative Composition Competition 2020” sent by WeChat Group to construct the content of your thoughts. Discuss in next class.

    3、 唐诗第八篇背诵《望天门山》李白Recite the 8th Tang Poem By Li Bai

    4、 翻译第15课短文一。
    Translate lesson 15 text one in English.

  5. 三年级B班作业
    Year 3B Home work

    1.完成《中文》练习册A 第十一课 星期一到星期五的部分练习题。
    Please complete part of questions from Exercise Book A lesson 11 Monday to Friday.
    星期一 3, 6, 7
    星期二 1, 5, 6, 7
    星期三 3, 5, 6, 7
    星期四 4, 5, 6, 7
    星期五 1, 4, 5, 6

    2. 记住第十一课的所有生字,下星期听写。
    Please memorise all the new characters of lesson 11, prepare for the test next week

    3 朗读课文和阅读 “ 小白猫和小黑猫”,请看链接http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd3/main11/index.htm

  6. Year Two B Homework
    二年级B 班作业
    1, Read the reading on text book page 66-67 three time a day, will check in class next week.
    把课本第66-67 页的阅读每天读3遍, 下周检查。
    2, Practise the 10 words and expressions :夏天 冬天 哪里 光明 这么 长大 流动 时间 湖水 河流, will test next week.
    复习下面10 个词语: 夏天 冬天 哪里 光明 这么 长大 流动 时间 湖水 河流 , 下周听写。
    3, Read the Lesson Ten 3 times, please find the polyphonic words in the Lesson Ten
    把第十课的课文读3遍, 找出课本里的多音字。

  7. 学前班A reception Class
    1.Look at the pictures and words in lesson 2 and say aloud.看图说话,认读生字词:我,他,她,是,医生,老师,邮递员,司机,护士,学生,厨师,警察
    2.看图学说句子look at the pictures and say sentences by using sentence pattern:我是学生。我在写字。
    3.听儿歌:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5If-Jl-dOLA 职业儿歌
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEZgA6CI9fE 你长大想做什么?

  8. @all 七年级作业 2020.05.10
    Please write Lesson 12’s and reading Lesso12’s new words and phrases two times in everyday.
    Please finish those practice of Unit 4, 123456
    Please read louder lesson 12 once in everyday,and please ask your parents write down comments for you in Practice B page90 part7.
    Recite Tang poems and record videos
    [宋] 朱熹
    作文 Writing
    题目一:During COVID-19 pandemic time,what I am doing stay at home?
    题目二:An interesting journey in my previous holiday.
    家人互动 Interacting with your family
    During lockdown time, the“eating”must be a topic in every family.Did you help your parents to do something? Why not choose a time and help you parents to cook one dish? Or maybe you can work with your parents and cook a meal together?  Please do it in next week and anytime. And please record the working processing. The form can be video or picture.
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you !

  9. YCT2 Homework:
    1. Read aloud lesson 9, be able to translate from Chinese to English, then compare it to the translation on page 60. 大声朗读第九课,能够从中文翻译成英文,然后对照第六十页的译文。
    2. Do exercises on activity book from page 33 to 36. For no. 5, match the questions with the answers. 做练习册第三十三页到三十六页习题。第五题,给相应的问题选答案。
    3. https://youtu.be/sRCsfmgZceQ

  10. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    Finsh the rest exercise of Lesson 10.
    prepare for dictation next week.
    Recite the text of Lesson 10.
    Cook dish or meal with your parents, please send me pictures or
    video. I think you are the best chef.

  11. 8 年纪作业
    1.熟读中文课本12课课文《达尔文》 ,学习新的词组和生字
    Read fluently lesson 12, learn new characers and phrases.
    Finish exercise book lesson 12 Monday-Wednesday
    3.继续完成中文课本上综合练习4 的练习
    Continue finish General 4 exercise in the book
    Finish pdf exercise, see wechat group
    5.开始准备和书写布置的 作文比赛的作文,详情见微信群PDF 通知
    Start prepare and write writing competition, see pdf detaiils in wechat group

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第11课‘小猫钓鱼’至少十遍直到很流利。Read Lesson 11 ‘The Kitten Goes Fishing’ at least 10 times until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson 11 on Exercise book 3A.
    3. 用‘怎’和‘地’各造一句句子。Using ‘怎’ and ‘地’ make two sentences.

  13. 1 第12课 把重要的东西放在我这儿吧 、
    练习册 第81 页 第21-25题:选择合适的问答
    lesson 12 Leave the important items with me
    Workbook Page 81: Questions: 21-25 Match the two parts of the same dialogue.
    2 第26-30题:选择合适的词语填空
    Questions 26-30: Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
    3 第82 页 第31-35题: 选择正确答案
    Workbook Questions 31-35: Choose the right answers.
    4 第83页 第36-40题 连词成句
    Page 83 Questions 36-40: Rearrange the words/phrase to make sentences.
    5 第41-45题: 看拼音 写汉字
    Question 41-45: Write the characters based on the PINYIN.
    6 知道什么情况下用“才”什么时候用“就”。
    Clearly understand when to use 才and 就.

  14. 三年级C班作业homework for year 3 C:

    1,完成练习册B第十课,星期一到星期四 1-4题。
    Exercise book B lesson 10 Monday to Thursday part 1-4.

    2,请完成page 78,79的课堂练习,并给生字注上拼音。complete page 78,79“Learn to write”,write Pinyin for each Character.

    3,订正听写中的错误,写两遍。Correct the mistakes in the dictation.

  15. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1 熟读并背诵第十课课文。
    Read and recite Lesson10.
    2 完成练习册B第十课周一至周五的前3题。
    Complete Exercise book B Monday to Friday the first three questions of Lesson 10.
    3 唐诗背诵《望天门山》李白Recite the Poem By Li Bai


  16. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成练习册B第十课的如下练习:Finish the following exercises in Lesson 10 on Book B.
    星期一 Mon:1,2,4,5
    星期二 Tue:1-4
    星期三 Wed:1-4
    星期四 Thur:1-5
    星期五 Fri:1,2

    2. 上周没有交谜语视频的同学,请继续录制并发给老师。Prepare a riddle in Chinese and make a video of it without answer, then upload it to the class Wechat group.

    3. 预习第十课课文。Preview the text of Lesson 10.

  17. 六年级B班 2020年5月10日至2020年5月17日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorize the new words learned in Lesson 10 for dictation next week.

    Complete the exercises Monday – Friday from the 6A book on lesson 10.

    3. 完成小段写作练习。用“在英国执行居家令期间,我______”作为开头描写。至少写4句话,内容要丰富有趣。

    I want you to write at least 4 sentences in continuation this opening:
    “In England, during quarantine, I ……”
    I expect your sentences to be very detailed and interesting to read. If not, there will be consequences.

  18. 本周作业:
    Please correct this week’s dictation and the exercises of Lesson 9
    Please complete Review3 from page 80 to 83.
    3, 复习第七课至第九课的字、词和课文。准备下周在线单元测验。
    Please go over the characters, words &expressions and texts from lesson 7 to Lesson 9, get ready for an online test on Sunday.
    4, 熟读课本第九课以及课后阅读材料《嫦娥奔月》(P78),做到可以用自己的话复述这个小故事。
    Read aloud the text of lesson 9 fluently. Read the story on page78 and be able retell the story.
    Watch the video and learn a story everyday.

  19. 五年级A班家庭作业
    1.抄写并记忆第十课《曹冲称象》生字, 准备下周听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters in Lesson 10 for dictation next week(10 times each).
    Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 10 in workbook B
    Read the text fluently.
    Story Daily Attendance competition:
    Watch a video everyday. You have to check in everyday and hand in a piece of drawing of the story or a video of retelling the story. When you continuously check in for one month,you may get a secret present from your teacher!

  20. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    Write lesson 9 new words 10 times each, Memories all the new words and prepare for the dictation in next week

    2. 背诵唐诗,把视频发给老师评选下次唐诗背诵比赛:Recite and memories the following poem,record it and send to teacher for the competition.

    Zhǎng gàn xíng – Cuī hào
    长干行 – 崔 颢
    Jūn jiā hé chù zhù?
    君 家 何 处 住?
    Qiè zhù zài héng táng.
    妾 住 在 横 塘
    Tíng chuán zàn jiè wèn,
    停 船 暂 借 问
    huò kǒng shì tóng xiāng
    或 恐 是 同 乡

    3, 请看以下视频,学习家庭称呼 Watch the following link, get to know family title.

  21. 认读识字卡片交通工具, 画你喜欢的交通工具 ,并用句型: 这是… 那是… 告诉爸爸,妈妈你画的交通工具。学唱:https://youtu.be/8u-ejkHRxSQ
    Read flash cards. Draw your favorite type of transportation. Use sentence patterns. This is… That’s… Tell Daddy you painted the vehicle. Sing: https://youtu.be/8u-ejkHRxSQ

  22. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    To complete Review 3 on textbook from page 54 to 56;
    2、 抄写课本第53页的“词语”,每个词抄三遍;
    To copy the words three times each on text book page 53 “words and expressions” ;
    To revise the words and “words and expressions ” from Lesson 7-9, prepare for the dictation in next lesson;
    4、背诵唐诗 《杂诗》王维 。
    To memorise Tang Poem

    1.复习YCT3 中文书第九课所有的新单词和句子,准备周日听写考试。将下面的生字和生词每个注上拼音和英文意思,然后写五遍。
    Review Yct 3 book  Lesson 9 all new characters and phrases.Prepare for the dictator on Sunday. Please write the following words five times each and also write down the English meaning and PINYIN as well.
    2)Please translate the mini story into English at page 46 of the Yct3 text book and also read it aloud for three times.
    请将Yct3课本第46页 的小故事大声朗读三遍再翻译成英文 。
    3)Please use the following words to make sentences with each word.请用下面的每个词各造一个句子。
    4)请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 20 mins every day.

  24. 4 A 王敏
    1.读熟第10,11 两课。要会背。remember reading lesson 10,11. two lessons
    2, \写会11课生字,划线的词汇,have to remember lesson 11 vocabularies and underline phrases
    自然,语言,丰富,晴天, 雨伞,搬家,化冰,树叶 观察,奇妙 ,细心,懂得
    3 查看班级微信群 ppt学习关于天气的词汇 please check wechat class group weather ppt learn new phrases
    4做练习册11课习题,周一到周五的4,5,题 都 EX book Mon-Fri
    Question 4,5
    宀 + 畐 =富 扌+ 般=搬 日+ 青=晴
    bǎo fù fù, shǒu bān bān, rì qīnɡ qínɡ
    冫+ 水=冰 亻 +匕 =化 女 +少= 妙
    bīnɡ shuǐ bīnɡ, rén bǐ huà, nǚ shǎo miào
    宀 +祭 =察 口 + 十= 叶 纟+ 田= 细
    bāo jì chá kǒu shí yè sī tián xì
    忄+ 董= 懂 又 +见= 观
    xin dǒnɡ dǒnɡ yòu jiàn ɡuān
    6 想作文 “我的家”,“我的一天” 1200字 左右

    范文 见微信

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