
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第51页练习二《读一读》每个词组各五遍 Copy the phases of the Exercise 2 on page 51 five times each

2、抄写第九课课文五遍Copy Lesson 9 Text five times each

3、课本综合练习(三)p54-56 Complete the Review 3 on page 54-56

4、背诵第九首唐诗《大林寺桃花》,视频发给老师 Recite the Tang Poem <Da Lin Si Peach Flower> and send the video to the Teacher

5、背诵课文《我的家》,视频发给老师 Recite Lesson 9 Text and send the video to the Teacher


20 Replies to “家庭作业2020年5月18日至2020年5月30日”

  1. 三年级B班作业
    Year 3B Home work

    1. 复述“ 小白猫和小黑猫”的故事,请看链接http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd3/main11/index.htm

    2. 作文— 写一篇有关你对冠状病毒的了解和可以用什么方法消灭病毒来保护自己?
    Write about Coronavirus and how can you protect yourself?

  2. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2、完成中文练习册A,星期四到星期五 从第43页到50页。
    Complete the Lesson 5 from Thursday to Friday in Chinese Workbook A, from page 43 to page 50.
    Read “Lark Bird Move Home”, on page 48 of the text, please answer the following questions:

  3. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    1, 背诵第十课课文‘ 春雨’, 下次上课检查。
    Memorise Lesson Ten, will test when we are back.
    Cope the words and expressions or sentences 5 times: 种子/种瓜/禾苗/开花/下雨/发芽/长大/我要上学/我要去公园/我要收拾房间
    3, 画一张画, 题目是‘ 我眼中的春天’ , 拍照送给老师。
    Draw a picture about the spring in your eyes, send me picture.
    4, 和爸爸妈妈一起做一道菜或者点心,记得拍照片或小视频,参加学校的美食争霸赛吧。
    Cook dish or meal with your parents, please send me pictures or
    video. You are the best chef.
    It will be no class on 24th May, see you all on 31st May, have a nice Half term holiday.

  4. 学前班A reception Class
    1.认读生字词(read the words):我,长大,想,当
    2. 说句子say the sentence by using sentence pattern:长大后我想当(医生,老师,警察,护士…)
    4. 和妈妈一起做一道妈妈爱吃的美食并拍下制作过程的图片。

  5. A level班 家庭作业
    1、 通读《大学生阅读情况调查》文章,完成第8题的作文题,下节课上展示。
    Read through the article “Investigation of College Students’ Reading” and finish question 8 writing.

    Translate lesson 14 text one in English

    3、唐诗第九篇背诵《大林寺桃花》,视频发给老师Recite the Tang Poem and send the video to the Teacher


  6. 8年级作业
    1 复习所有中文书1-12课左右单词和词组,准备6月中的期末考试
    Review lesson 1-12, review all phrases. prepare final term exam on mid of June.
    2 完成中文书总练习125页的第1题,第2题,第3题,第7题,第8题。剩下的课堂上没有完成的继续完成。
    Finish book final exerse p125-p128
    3. 请开始写《华人创响起曲》海外华裔青少年创业作文大赛,字符不超过1500字。(具体要求见微信群)
    Start writing competiton (see wechat group details)
    4 和父母一起做一道他们爱吃的美食或者给父母做一顿早(中、晚)餐或者做一道你最喜欢(拿手的美食)……
    Cook your or your parent’s favourite meal. take photos and design a poster, write following in Chinese: min 200characers.
    要求:写出制作过程,最少200字,可以加设计形式及配图,做成板报的形式(1 ,你父母或者你最喜欢的饭菜 2 你做的什么拿手饭菜 3 制作过程和步骤,需要的材料) 3 你或者父母是否满意你的饭菜 4 你认为孝敬父母的最好方式是什么 5 你认为这个活动对你来说学到了什么?)

  7. 二年级A班(Year2A)
    1 完成第十课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 10 the rest of the questions.
    2 复习第十课的划线词语,准备下节课听写。词语: 春雨,种子,下吧,要发芽,禾苗,果树,开花,种瓜。
    Revise Lesson 10 underlined phrases, to prepare dictation for next lesson.
    3 学唱歌曲 “滴答滴答下雨了”
    4 和爸爸妈妈一起做一道菜或者点心,记得拍照片或小视频,参加学校的美食争霸赛吧。
    Cook dish or meal with your parents, please send me pictures or
    video. You are the best chef.
    It will be no class on 24th May, see you all on 31st May, have a nice Half term holiday.

  8. YCT2 Homework:

    1. Recite the mini story on textbook page 42. 背诵课本第四十二页迷你故事。

    1. Review lesson 1 to lesson 9, read aloud the ‘let’s read’ and ‘mini story’ part for each lesson, and translate them into English. Then compare your translation to the ones from page 59. 复习1-9课,大声朗读每课的课文和迷你故事,并翻译成英语。然后对照第59页的翻译。

    3. Make a personalised calendar by using drawings and the phrases we learned: your birthday (你的生日), dad and mum’s birthdays(爸爸和妈妈的生日), go to places (去学校,去商店,去医院,在家……), do activities (学画画,写汉字,学跳舞,看朋友……)You may also do research to find some other words.

    4. https://youtu.be/CQNMamzBUZo

  9. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续阅读第11课‘小猫钓鱼’直到很流利。Continue to read Lesson 11 ‘The Kitten Goes Fishing’ until fluent.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson 11.
    3. 抄写第十一课划线词语各五遍并准备下节课听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next time.
    4. 熟读第82-83页和89-90页的‘龟兔第二次赛跑’和‘小白猫和小黑猫’,并用自己的语言复述故事。Read the ‘The Second Round Race between the Hare and the Tortoise’ (Page82-83) and the ‘White kitten and Black kitten’ (Page 89-90) until fluent, try to use your own language telling the stories.
    5. 和爸爸妈妈一起做一道菜或者点心,并把一些有趣的过程拍成照片或小视频,参加学校的美食争霸赛吧!Cook/bake a dish or dessert with your parents together, remember to take some photos and video clips, send them over to participate in the cooking competition.

  10. 六年级B班 2020年5月17日至2020年5月30日家庭作业 :1,请打开链接完成该页在线测试题目。别忘了在页面第一行填入你的名字。

    Open the link to complete the online test questions. Don’t forget to fill in your name on the first line of the page.




    Please make a dish or a dessert by yourself or with your family. Take 2 or 3 photos of the process of making and send them to our WeChat group with text description.

    3. 5月24日补课后的作业我会发在微信群中。

  11. half term 假期作业:
    Please make your favourite dish/dessert by yourself or with your family, Send your pictures along with instructions of how you made it 🙂 to wechat.
    2. 完成练习册B第十课部分练习并上传至班小二。
    Please finish part of the exercises on Exercises Book B, Lesson 10.
    Watch the video and think about how to weigh an elephant without a scale?
    Read aloud Lesson 10.

  12. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    1.完成第11课练习册星期一至星期五,1,2,3 部分。
    Part 1,2,3 ,Monday to Friday of Lesson 11.
    Read text of Lesson 11 aloud, twice a day.
    Recite the READING , page 78 of text book.
    4. 请听歌曲《我的中国心》。
    Listen to the song.

  13. 认读识字卡片第二本,用绘画的形式反映这段时间里最喜欢做的事情。Read the second card and draw a picture to reflect what you like to do most during this period of time.

  14. @all 七年级作业 2020.05.10
    Please complete this practice by yourself one more time.
    Recite Tang poems and record videos
    作文 Writing
    题目一:During COVID-19 pandemic time,what I am doing stay at home?
    题目二:An interesting journey in my previous holiday.
    (If you already finish this part, you don’t need to do this. And once you send to teacher, after a few days, we will give you feedback, and you can improve your writing.
    家人互动 Interacting with your family
    During lockdown time, the“eating”must be a topic in every family.Did you help your parents to do something? Why not choose a time and help you parents to cook one dish? Or maybe you can work with your parents and cook a meal together?  Please do it in next week and anytime. And please record the working processing. The form can be video or picture.
    If you already finish your work with your family, no worries, you don’t need to do more! Just write down your recipe which you use for your cooking. Take picture of your writing and send to teacher. You done.
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you !

  15. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 熟读第十课课文。Read Lesson 10 fluently.
    2. 完成练习册B上第十课剩下的练习。Finish the rest exercises of Lesson 10 on Book B.
    3. 完成课本第87页的综合练习中没有完成的部分。Finish the rest exercises of Review 3 on page 87 of our book.
    4. 美食召集令:和家人一起做一道美食,或者给家人做一道美食,可以是中式也可以是西式,可繁可简。请拍摄过程图片,并把制作过程用文字叙述出来。Please make your favorite dish/dessert by yourself or with your family, and send your pictures along with instructions of how you made it to our Wechat group.

  16. 4A Min W
    type lesson 11 first paragraph by pomputer ,
    2, 读 这个网页, 看懂嫦娥4号 watch this website about Chang’e 4。
    3. 抄写第12课生字 3 遍。 copy write lesson 12 vocabularies 3 times。
    4.给出气象中文词汇的数字, make correct number weather phrases
    1雾霾 forest fire _______
    2地震 tsunami______
    3火山爆发 locust disaster______
    4海啸, plague______
    5森林大火 debris flow______
    6瘟疫 earthquake ______
    7蝗虫灾害 volcanic eruption_____
    8泥石流 Smog ______
    9沙尘暴 sunny____
    10龙卷风 fog ____
    11台风 overcast ______
    12雷雨 hail ______
    13多云 tornado _____
    14下霜 flood ___ __
    15有雾 sandstorm _____
    16晴天 frost ___ _
    17阴天 clouding__ ___
    18发大水 typhoon__ ___
    19干燥 wet___ ___
    20潮湿 dry___ ___
    21冰雹 thunderstorm___ ___
    5. 字典查拼音 ,dictionary find pinyin
    观 现,视,舰
    晴 睛,情,请
    细 苗,雷,甸
    搬 船,般,瘢
    懂 董 薰 葷
    富 副 福,幅
    察 祭 葵,桀
    伞 全,会,合
    丰 王,壬, 手
    化 花,华 代
    冰 泳,求,承
    妙 抄,炒,钞
    叶 什,计,汁
    6 做完11课的习题, finishing lesson 11 all questings
    7.写作文《我的家》write an essay

  17. 五年级A班
    Complete the rest exercises of Lesson 10 on Book B.
    Copy and memorise the new words in lesson 10;get ready for dictation after half term.
    3、下周是half term,响应学校美食召集令,请自己或和家人一起做一道菜或甜点。把制作过程拍2,3张照片,并配以文字描述后发到班级微信群里。
    Please make a dish or a dessert by yourself or with your family. Take 2 or 3 photos of the process of making and send them to our WeChat group with text description.
    Read the text fluently and be able to retell the story with your own language. If you were Caochong, how would you weigh the elephant?You can draw a picture or write down the method and share with your friends in our class after half term.
    Story Daily Attendance competition:
    Watch a video everyday. You have to check in everyday and hand in a piece of drawing of the story or a video of retelling the story. When you continuously check in for one month,you may get a secret present from your teacher!

  18. 1完成HSK3第12课练习 练习册第84页
    Complete HSK3 Lesson 12 exercises HSK3 Workbook page 84
    Question 46-50:Distinguish the characters and fill in the blanks.
    2 完成对话
    Complete the dialogues
    (1)A: 你昨天几点离开的公司?
    B: _____________________。
    (2)A: 昨天的邮件你多长时间写完的?
    B: _____________________。
    (3)A: 你昨天工作了几个小时?
    B: _____________________。
    (4)A: 你昨天睡了几个小时?
    B: _____________________。
    3 用提示词完成句子
    Complete the sentences with the words given.
    (3)她想把这些鲜花_________________。(V 给)
    4 组词
    Match the word
    (1)清 (2)心 (3)晴 (4)请 (5)蜻 (6)眼
    (A)情 (B)蜓 (C)天 (D)睛(E)水 (F)问

  19. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2. 背诵唐诗《逢 老 人》, 把视频发给老师评选下次唐诗背诵比赛:Recite and memories the following poem,record it and send to teacher for the competition.

    féng lǎo rén Yǐn luán
    《逢 老 人》- 隐 峦
    Lù féng yī lǎo wēng
    路 逢 一 老 翁,
    liǎng bìn bái rú xuě
    两 鬓 白 如 雪
    Yī lǐ èr lǐ háng
    一 里 二 里 行,
    sì huí wǔ huí xiē
    四 回 五 回 歇。

    3, 请看以下视频,学习家庭称呼 Watch the following link, get to know family title.

  20. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    1 、 大声朗读第七、八及第九课课文并会背诵;
    Read aloud Lesson Seven, Eight and Lesson Nine text and be able to recite;
    2、 抄写两遍第三十九页, 第四十五页和第五十一页“读一读”的词语;
    Copy two times of the words “ read aloud” on p39, p45 and p51;
    Copy two times of the new words from Lesson one to Lesson six;
    4、 背诵唐诗 《凉州词》王之焕 。
    To memorise Tang Poem

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