
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14 (Page 36-42)


To use the Pinyin song to help you to memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、学唱歌曲《泥娃娃》  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL8faZWLZuk 

To learn the song 《The Mud Doll》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL8faZWLZuk


27 Replies to “家庭作业2019年11月10日至2019年11月16日”

  1. YCT2 homework:

    1 . Write down the keywords on page 8. Write Monday to Sunday in Chinese. 写下第八页的生字。用中文写出星期一到星期日。
    2. Read aloud the text on page 9 once a day. Be able to Remember them and translate them into English. 大声朗读第九页的课文,每天一遍。能够记住它们并翻译成英语。

  2. A level 家庭作业

    1 阅读 课文 Lesson 17, text 2 and its questions, p148- – Complete Lesson 17 – text 2 in exam style
    2 翻译 汉译英 (P154 -1) Translate in exam style
    3 写作文: 试分析罗雷竞选成功的意义 350字 – write the essay in 350 words
    4. 2A 作文2 小说的作者用什么方法来让读者了解他的动机和心境?Write the essay in 350 words.
    5 翻译 英译汉 (P154 -2) – Translate into Chinese
    6 口试 1 (模拟题) – AS Speaking test Task 1 – see detail in class website
    7 口试2 介绍中国电影 -AS Speaking test Task 2 – see detail in class website
    8 口试21 (模拟题) – A level Speaking test Task 1 – see detail in class website
    9 口试 22 irp +discussion A level Speaking test Task 2 – see detail in class website
    10 继续大量地阅读 – continue to read the texts in the book and online!

  3. 8年级作业
    1。熟读第3课阅读课文,掌握课上画的重点词的书写和用法. 学习课上听写的单词,下周重复听写。(美国,餐厅,周末,毕业,暑假,旅游,教堂,赚钱,厨师 ,欢迎,作家,游泳)
    Read lesson 3 reading text. review the phrases from dictation on the class.
    2 复习课上听写的所有PRE-GCSE里的形容词
    Review all adj phrases from pre-gcse vocalbulary
    3。预习第4课 ,熟读课文,了解新单词和生字
    Preview lesson 4, read texts. get know knew characters and phrases.
    Finish exercise book lesson 3 Thursday and Friday.
    5。写作练习,写一篇作文,描述一下的你的偶像,你为什么喜欢他/她,这个人有什么特别的?你学到了什么?你将来打算选择的职业是什么? 要求最少200字。
    Writing practce: write your role model. why do you like him/she?what is her/his job?what have you learn from this model?what job do you want to take in the future? min 20 characters.
    6 口语练习:题目同作文一样,要求最少描述3分钟
    Oral practice: same as writing task, min 3 mins speaking.

  4. 二年级A(Year2A)作业:

    1 课堂上没有做完第22页综合练习(一)的同学,请在家做完。
    Finish P22 Review 1, if you have not finished in the class.
    2 改正听写的错字词,每个写三遍。
    Correct the dictation, write three times each.
    3 继续复习第一课至第三课的划线词语,准备下周听写。
    Continue revise Lesson1 to Lesson 3 all the underlined words, prepare next week’s dictation .
    4 熟读并背诵发下的”小猴子开铺子”
    Practice reading and recite the hand out.

  5. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year 3B
    1. 默记第 三课中的生字词,准备下周认字考试。
    Please memorise all vocabulary of lesson 3 and prepare for
    the test next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A used in Lesson 3.
    Monday 3,4,5 / Tuesday3,4,5/ Wednesday 3,4
    Thursday 3,4,5 / Friday 1,2,3
    Preview lesson 3 and read aloud until fluent; next week we will
    check this in class.

    ps 听写没有全对的同学,需要在听写本上纠正每个错字五遍。

  6. 二年级B(Year2B)作业/Homework for Year 2B

    1 预习第三课课文内容, 大声朗读每天三遍,下节课在课堂上检查朗读情况。
    Preview lesson 3 and read aloud three times a day, next week we will check this in class.
    2 改正听写的错字,每个写三遍。
    Correct the dictation, write three times each.
    3 完成练习册B第二课的部分练习: 星期四-1/2/3, 星期五-1/2/3/5
    Complete the Exercise Book B for Lesson Two the exercise on Thursday-1/2/3, Friday-1/2/3/5

  7. 11/11/2019 GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    我最喜欢的课是…, 因为…
    Please write a short paragraph about a day at school,
    You can use the above structures as a guideline to help, Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 36 reading 1, and page 37 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  8. 六年级B班 2019年11月11日至11月16日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorize the 7 words and expressions of Lesson 3, ready for dictation next week;

    Exercise Book Lesson 3: complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri;

    Read Lesson 3 text aloud fluently and recite the 4th paragraph of Lesson 3;

    Organizing Character Flash Card. Please put Lesson 4 characters together and ready to use them in class next week.


  9. 三年级C班作业 1.完成练习册A第3课所有问题。Complete all remaining questions in Exercise book lesson three.

    2. 第3课的10个新词“看、遮、写、查”的方法写3遍,准备下周听写。Copy 10 new words in lesson 3 three times times and get ready for dictation next week.

    3. 根据老师批改以及上课讲评看一看,读一读自己的作文。Check and read your writing composition.

    4. 读《虚惊一场》几遍。Read “A False Alarm” a few times.

  10. 11/11/2019 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的10个词:“聊天儿、周末、快乐、快要、开始、就、参加、流行音乐、比赛、宠物”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共10个句子。You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    2、 请完成发下去的PDF格式里的作业
    Please complete the homework of PDF

  11. 11/11/2019 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的10个词:“聊天儿、周末、快乐、快要、开始、就、参加、流行音乐、比赛、宠物”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共10个句子。You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    2、 请完成发下去的PDF格式里的作业
    Please complete the homework of PDF

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)
    1. 继续阅读第三课’在医院里’直到流利,并阅读第23和24页的‘虚惊一场’。Continue reading Lesson Three until fluent, and read ‘A False Alarm’ on page 23&24.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Three.
    3. 抄写第三课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation next week.

  13. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第三课课文直到流利。
    Read Lesson Three “The Versailles Palace” until fluent.

    2. 背诵课文最后一段。
    Recite last paragraph of Lesson Three.

    3. 练习册A:完成第三课的剩余部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Lesson Three.

    4. 课文中划线的12个词语抄写3遍, 下周听写。
    Copy 3 times the 12 underline words of Lesson three, and get ready for dictation of these next week.

  14. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14 (Page 36-42)

    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音, 请家长给同学们看以下链接
    To use the Pinyin song to help you to memorise the pinyin:

    3)练习以下儿歌:Practice the following song
    Nǐ shuō yī, wǒ duì yī, māmā gěi wǒ zhī máoyī.
    你说一,我对一, 妈妈 给我织毛衣。
    Nǐ shuō yā, wǒ duì yā, yī qún xiǎo yā jiào gā gā.
    你说鸭,我对鸭,一 群小鸭叫嘎嘎。
    Nǐ shuō yá, wǒ duì yá, měi tiān zǎo wǎn yào shuā yá.
    你说牙,我队牙, 每天早晚要刷牙。
    Nǐ shuō yè, wǒ duì yè, qiū tiān luòyè yī piàn piàn.
    你说叶,我队叶, 秋天落叶一片片。

    4)背诵古诗: 悯 农 (请看以下视屏)Recite Poem (Min Nong) – please watch video at the following link:

    Mǐn nóng
    悯 农
    Chú hé rì dāng wǔ
    锄 禾 日 当 午,
    hàn dī hé xià tǔ
    汗 滴 禾 下 土,
    shuízhīpánzhōng cān
    谁 知 盘 中 餐,
    Lì lì jiē xīn kǔ
    粒 粒 皆 辛 苦.

  15. Year 5A homework 五年级A班家庭作业
    1 . Read the text twice a day.
    2. Exercise Book B:please complete the rest of exercises of lesson2.
    2. 请完成B练习册的第二课剩余的练习。
    3.Be able to recite the poem”Qiu Tian De Xin” next week.
    4.Read the story you have got from the teacher and be able to retell the story with your own words. Remember to bring the sheet back so you can swop with other children next week .
    5.A piece of writing about the autumn or describe your picture with 3-5 sentences(if you haven’t finished last week).
    6.Please finish your writing “How to make leaf bookmarks” if you haven’t finished during the lesson. Remember to use the connectives“首先,接着,然后,最后”.

  16. 本周家庭作业

    Please complete all the Exercises of Book B, Lesson 3

    Correct the mistakes in your Exercise BookB,Lesson Two and the writing. Please continue your writing if you haven’t finished it.

    3, 视频阅读:秋天的颜色
    Reading: The colour of Autumn

    4, https://youtu.be/G1QVyP1UC8Y
    观看以上视频,跟读第三课课文,不会读的字请注音。Watch the video and read the text of lesson Two.

    3, 阅读:课本第23页-汽车的故事
    Reading: The story of Automobile on page 23

    4,准备下周第一课的字及第三课的字和词语的听写。Please get ready for next week’s dictation: Lesson one(characters) and lesson Three (characters and words & expressions)

    1.复习YCT3 中文书第三课所有的新单词和句子,准备下周日听写考试。将下面的生字和生词每个注上拼音和英文意思,然后写五遍。
    Review Yct 3 book  Lesson 3 all new characters and phrases.Prepare for the dictator on Sunday. Please write the following words five times each and also write down the English meaning and PINYIN as well.

    2.Please translate the text into English on page16 YCT3.
    请将YCT3 课本第16页的中文翻译成英文。
    3.Please make sentences using following word: 请用下面的词语各造一个句子:

    4.请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 20 mins.

  18. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个写5遍。
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Revise Lesson 1 to Lesson 3 all the underlined words, be ready for dictation next week.
    Reading text and READING from Lesson 1 to Lesson 3.

  19. 1. 抄写和背熟第三课最后一段。copy write and recite last paragraph of the lesson 3.
    2, 做课本31-33页综合练习一。do the text book page 31- 33 review one
    3. 复习、学习下面汉字:国家guójiā、省shěng,市shì,县xiàn,镇zhèn,乡xiāng,区qǖ,路lù/街jiē,门牌ménpái,人名rén míng 然后抄写一遍 。revision and learn follow characters: country, province, city, county, town, vellige , area(district) , road/street ,door number ,person name.
    4.上网查询,中国34个省,市,自治区,直辖市,特区。汉字抄写他们webside search 34 part of the China and copy each Chracters ( province/Municipalities /Autonomous regions/Special administrative regions)

  20. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 复习YCT第五册第二课的生词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of YCT 5 L1, prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 请把YCT第五册第15页练习“Let’s compare”的表格抄到作业本上,上网做个小调查,把结果填入表格。然后请用“……和……(不)一样,……”、“……比…… + adjective,……比……更 + adjective,……最+ adjective”比较他们三个人。如:科比(Kobe Bryant)、詹姆斯(LeBron James?)和姚明一样都很高,也都是篮球运动员。詹姆斯和姚明比科比更高,姚明最高。Please copy the form on p15 of YCT 5 L2 exercise “Let’s compare” to your homework book and do a survey about 科比(Kobe Bryant)、詹姆斯(LeBron James?)和姚明(Ming Yao). Write down your result and use the pattern “……和……(不)一样,……”、“……比…… + adjective,……比……更 + adjective,……最+ adjective” to compare your results of these three people.

  21. 根据爱吃水果的牛,请学生创作一幅画: ”爱吃水果的(大象,猴子,熊猫,袋鼠,老虎)任选。学习认读这些词语。参看https://youtu.be/rHx86PQKnKc
    please create a picture according to the cow who likes to eat fruit:” You can choose any fruit (elephant, monkey, panda, kangaroo, tiger) you like. Learn to read these words. See https://youtu.be/Rhx86Pqknkc
    Recite the nursery rhymes in the exercise books, Tang poems

  22. 六年级A班作业
    1. 熟记并抄写第一到三课生字和词语每个一遍。下节课测试一到三课所有生字词语。Memories and copy all words and expressions once,test in class for lesson 1-3 next week.
    2. 熟读第一到三课课文,并用自己的话把课文内容讲给父母听。 Read aloud lesson 1-3, retell all to your parents with your own words.
    3. 完成并改正练习册1-3课里错误的题目,改正后给家长签字,下节课检查。 complete and correct all wrong answers from exercises lesson 1-3 , and to be signed by your parents , to be checked next week.

  23. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 10/11/2019
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 1,2,3and reading 1,2,3, After that, please read every day!

    Please read loudly of lesson1,2, 3 and reading 1,2,3 in everyday!

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 28 of the book,which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

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