
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页)                                                                   To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

2、继续练习并背诵儿歌   《咏鹅》、《河边两只鹅》                                                                   Continue to practice and recite two poems:《咏鹅》、《河边两只鹅》

24 Replies to “家庭作业2018年9月24日至2018年9月29日”

  1. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    Memorise lesson 1- Traffic Lights
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A
    used in Lesson 1.
    Monday 6/7,Tuesday 6,7 (8 already done)
    Wednesday 6,7
    Thursday 1,2,3,4,5 6,7
    Friday 1,2,3,4,5,6, (7 already done),8
    Talking about what your family do in the
    Mid-Autumn Festival.
    PS if do not do Mid-Autumn Festival in your family ,you can talk about a British festival.

  2. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第七页的‘交通歌‘至少十遍直到流利。Read ‘A Song of Traffic’ on page 7 ten times until fluent.
    2. 没做完练习册A的同学请完成第一课星期一至星期五所有的练习。If you haven’t finish Monday to Friday work of lesson one on Exercise book A please complete them all.
    3. 抄写第五页第二题’读一读‘词语各五遍并理解词语意思。Copy 5 times of each words under ‘Read aloud’ on page 5 and try to understand them.

  3. 1. 完成节日信息分析表. Complete the Festivals Information Analysis Table (see Learn_by_Teaching wiki on “Sample 2”. Pay attention to “the significance”)

    第二套词汇听写 – Study the second set of vocabulary and prepare for dictation and essay writing

    调研报告启动 – Start IRP – You may choose your own but discuss with me

    继续收集文章,3篇或更多,放进wiki – Continue to collect articles, summarise them and place the link or the article itself in wiki. (This week, focus on festivals)

    每周至少3小时 – You need, at least, 3 hours dedicated to this course.

    Failure to complete the above will lead to publication of your name!

  4. 本周作业:
    1. 请完成练习册A第一课,周一到周五的所有问题。Please finish the rest exercises Monday to Friday in Exercise Book A lesson 1.
    2. 请订正听写。复习所有词语,准备下周再次听写。Please correct the word errors of the dictation. Please revise all the ‘Words and expressions’ and ready for dictation.
    3. 请每天大声地朗读第一课课文。
    Please read lesson 1 aloud everyday. 4. 预习第二课。
    Preview lesson 2.

  5. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    learn the 20 words of today, you need to know how to write them, make two sentences for each word。

    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    Write a short paragraph about yourself. Use the framework to help you.

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 8, 10 and 11 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  6. 涂色,认读中秋节词汇(作业本),涂色“百家姓-父母姓氏及出生地(作业本)。按唐诗《山村》内容绘画。背诵百家姓(作业本);绕口令-我和鹅(微信),学习问答句型:你叫什么名字?你姓什么!你几岁? 答:“我…… (完整句型)。朗读唐诗《古朗月行》https://youtu.be/7V1Nw9_od_g 故事:中秋节传说https://youtu.be/KfkhYCpRVYo
    @none Mandarin speaking parents : watching https://youtu.be/GdFyWZHVSrY, counting number https://youtu.be/1RNFE4690fk. Colouring (Moon festival picture(on homework page )

  7. reception class A :学前班A
    1.学说句子:say the sentences by using. Sentence pattern: 我喜欢绿色的春天。
    2.背诵三字经第二句:recite the sentence性相近,习相远。
    3.背诵静夜思第三句:recite :举头望明月。

    6.听儿歌:https://youtu.be/zDNoPetERbM 礼貌歌
    https://youtu.be/ktFuWyVIIfg 新四季歌

  8. 7年级B班作业
    Write the wrong words five times each from the dictation and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    Finish the exercise book Wed to Fri
    Preview lesson 2, read the text fluently
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival celebrated notably by the Chinese and Vietnamese people. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, corresponding to late September to early October of the Gregorian calendar with a full moon at night。

  9. 成人班

    New words on the first page need to be reviewed and dictated in the next class.
    The dialogue on the second page requires a preview.
    The HSK2
    In the first lesson, do 2 exercises; one is to prepare questions and answers; the other is to fill in the blanks.

  10. 本周作业:
    1. 课本P12-P13 田字格生字请完成;
    2. 课本P11“词语”、“专有名词”请大声朗读5遍,并且抄写2遍;
    3. 课本P13-P14 “读一读”请大声朗读5遍,并且抄写2遍;
    4. 课本P14 “替换”–“你看见没有?”句子替换各写10遍。

  11. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第二课课文 。
    Read aloud Lesson Two “The Summer Palace” on page 11.

    2. 练习册B:星期一至星期四的一,二,三部分。
    Exercise book B: Complete Part 1, 2 and 3 of Monday to Thursday of Lesson Two.

    3. 完成上周布置的作文,给自己的朋友或家人写一封信 。
    Complete the assignment of last week: write a letter to a friend or family.

  12. Year 5A homework 五年级家庭作业
    1 . Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 1, ready for dictation next week;
    1. 抄写并记忆第一课的生词,下周听写;2. Exercise Book A: all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri .
    2. 完成第一课练习册A剩余的练习。
    3. Read Lesson 1 text fluently.
    4.A piece of writing:How to make ice-skin mooncakes.(When,where,why,how and please try to use some connectives, e.g. Fist,next,after,last…)

  13. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

    2、练习以下两首儿歌 《白鹅》、《猫 咪》 Practice the following two rhymes:《白鹅》、《猫 咪》
    Bái bái é, chǎngchǎng bó
    白 白 鹅, 长 长 脖
    Pái zhe duì wǔ xià le hé
    排 着 队 伍 下了 河
    Yáo tóu bǎi wěi chàng zhe gē
    摇 头 摆 尾 唱 着 歌
    kuài kuài lè lè yóu guò hé
    快 快 乐乐 游 过 河
    Māomī miāo miāo jiào
    猫 咪 喵 喵 叫
    chī yú mī mī xiào
    吃 鱼 眯 眯 笑
    Pǎo bù qīng qīng tiào
    跑 步 轻 轻 跳
    Lǎo shǔ táo bù diào
    老 鼠 逃 不 掉

  14. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第二课生词及其用法,并准备听写。 Revise the vocabulary of lesson 2 including how to use them, prepare for the dictation.
    2. 根据自己的情况回答下列问题。如果需要,可以用Pleco 或 Google translate 查你所需要的词。Answer the following questions according to your own situation. If necessary, you may use Pleco and Google translate to check the words you need.
    1) 你喜欢运动吗?
    2) 你喜欢什么运动?(It is even better you can answer this question with the word 和 and还)
    3) 你每天都运动吗?
    4) 你都和谁一起运动?
    3. 预习第二课课文第8-11页。Preview the text of Lesson 2, p8-11.

  15. YCT1 homework:
    1. Copy the key sentences and key words on page 5, including pinyin and translation. 抄写第五页的关键句和关键词,包括拼音和翻译。

    2. Read the dialogues on page 6, the translation is on page 59. 读第6页的对话,译文在第59页。

    3. Design your business card using the names on page 7, also write down your age and a phone number. 用第7页的名字设计一张名片,同时也写下你的年龄和电话号码。

  16. 二年级A班 (Year 2 A)

    1. 抄写课本第四页 2 读一读,词组各5遍。
    Copy text book page 4 Read aloud phrase 5 times each
    2. 请没写完练习册A星期一到星期五的同学,继续写完所有作业。
    Please continue finish lesson one Monday to Friday all exercise.
    3. 背诵绕口令“数一数”, 能背的同学可以背的快一点!
    Recite “数一数” if you can recite, please make it faster!
    4 预习第二课。
    Preview lesson two.

  17. 1,请在笔记本上抄写第二课生字三遍,记熟它们,我们在下星期听写。please copy write three times of the lesson 2 vocabularies on the note book dictation next week.
    2.读熟这些字,词:国家,省shěng,市,县xiàn,镇zhèn,乡xiāng,村cūn,地区,路(街) ,门牌,号,楼,房间号,人名,先生,夫人,太太,女士,小姐。read and understand these vocabularies : country, province, city ,county, town ,rural,village,road or street ,door No. block , room No.
    3.电脑搜索中国的传说《嫦娥奔月》。website search the story
    watch follow video.


  18. 六年级B班2018年9月24日至9月29日作业 Year 6B Homework:

    1, 熟练朗读第一课课文《在公园里》,并背诵第四、第一和第二自然段;

    Read Lesson 1 text aloud fluently and recite the forth along with the first two paragraphs;

Copy and memorize the multiple words and expressions in Lesson 1, ready for dictation next week.

    Exercise Book 6A, please complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 1.

    4,小作文,写一写关于你自己的“自我介绍”。可以介绍你的背景、家庭、兴趣爱好、长项、志愿和新学年计划, 等等。字数不限,请写在你的《作文本》里。
    Introduce yourself by telling your reader your family background, hobbies, strength, inspirations, objectives of the year… etc. No limitation on words and please write it in your essay book.


  19. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write YCT2 Lesson two’s new words on Page 8 five times each 请将YCT2第二课第八页的每个生词写五遍。
    Prepare for the dictation on Sunday. 请准备好周日的听写。
    2) Please form five sentences ,each sentence using at least two following words, 请用下面的词造五个句子,每个句子至少包括下面的两个词:1. 吃2.看3.做zuo (to do)4.中秋节5.我们6.在7.中文学校8.灯笼
    3)Please translate the following words into English and give a correct tong marks to each PINYIN.请将下面的词翻译成英文,并给拼音注上正确的声调
    1) 中秋节zhongqiujie 2)月饼yuebing 3)灯笼denglong 4)年Nina
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。

  20. 1、 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第五、六课所有练习第十一至第十五页 To complete 《Hanyu Pinyin》Exercise Book Lesson 5 & 6 all exercises, page 11-15
    Recite and memorise the rhyme
    dà gōng jī yǒu lǐ mào
    jiàn le tài yáng jiù wèn hǎo
    tài yáng gōng gong mī mī xiào
    jiǎng tā yī dǐng dà hóng mào

  21. 六年级A班作业
    Memorise and copy 8 new words in lesson 2 and wrong words and expressions from last dictation 5 times. Review expressions in Lesson 1,ready for dictation next week.

    2.和家人讨论中秋节的来历及习俗,讨论后请家长签字。熟记中国传统节日的农历时间,及习俗:春节、元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕、中秋节、重阳节、 冬至。
    Discussion with parents about Mid-autumn Festival and the legend. Memories traditional Chinese festival dates.

    Complete exercise 6B lesson 2 Monday to Friday questions 1-3 related to the words learned .

  22. 二年级B班作业year two B homework
    1,请同学检查自己每周带到中文学校的物品 please make sure to bring the items below when you come to the Chinese school:
    A, 二年级课本,练习册A/B year two text book and the exercise book A/B
    B, 家庭作业纪录本 homework record book
    C, 课堂打印格子书写本 writing eecercise book from the teacher
    D, 学校发的练习本 exercise book from the school
    E,铅笔盒,包括两支铅笔,削笔器,橡皮 pencil case
    2, 每天熟读第一课课文三遍 read the lesson one three times every day
    3, 把第一课前九个生字写在格子书写本上,要求横平竖直 copy the first 9 new words three times, please use the writing exercise book the teacher gave
    4,完成练习册A第一课星期一的第二/三/五题 complete the exercise book A , Monday, the question 2/3/5

  23. 二年级C班 Y2 C Homework
    1. 完成练习册A第一课星期一到星期五的同学,打印做完的同学不需要重复做。
    Please finish exercise book A, Lesson 1 Monday to Friday all exercise.
    Copy six new characters of Lesson 2, five times each.

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