
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、如果愿意以单人入镜的形式参加《孙悟空打妖怪》的演唱,请穿中国风服装,横屏拍摄站着演唱的视频,发到群里,我会酌情使用 If you are willing to participate in the singing of “The Monkey King Fights Monsters” as a single person, please wear Chinese style clothes, shoot a video of standing singing in horizontal screen, and send it to the group. I will use it as appropriate.

3、拍摄《声声慢》全视频-古装或中国风服装 – 我们会编辑视频发到抖音和视频号。Shoot the full video of “Slow Sound” – Chinese style costumes – we will edit the video and send it to Douyin and WeChat.

30 Replies to “家庭作业2024年1月22日至2024年1月27日”

  1. 1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)
    2.听写有错的字或没有写出来的字每个字抄写三遍以上,直到可以默写出来Students who make mistakes in dictation, please copy each word that was written incorrectly or not written out more than three times until you can write it silently.
    Recite “Sun Wukong Fights Monsters” and learn hand dance。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lfgvn41-8Y

  2. 1.读熟并背诵第七课《古诗二首》。
    Read and recite Lesson7, the two ancient poems.
    Finish the Review 2, on page 60 and 61 of text book. We have finished the most in class.
    Finish the character writing on page 65-67. We have finished the most in class.
    Finish all exercise in Lesson 6 on Exercise B. It should be 49-54 left only.

  3. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写三遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word three times.

    2. 完成练习册B,第六课星期一、星期二全部练习题(练习册35-42页)。
    To complete Exercise Book B Lesson 6 Monday and Tuesday all exercises (page 35-42).

    To review the first story —— Stand by a Tree and Wait for Hares to Come and Dash Against It and preview the second story —— Make a Mark on the Boatside to Get the Sword of Lesson 6.

    To recite the classical Chinese poetry —— Fishing in Snow (page 58).

  4. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习书上68-73页的所有新词组,完成抄写
    Review all vocabs on page 68-73, copy and trace on wordsheet, review flastcard on quizlet
    2 完成作文,见微信PDF
    Finish writing task , see wechat pdf

  5. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第四课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下星期上课时听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 4, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next week.

    2, 学唱儿歌《上下左右》Learn the song following the link

    3、继续练习和熟练背诵《孙悟空打妖怪》加上手舞, 拍摄视频并发给老师 . Recite “Sun Wukong Fights Monsters” and learn hand dance, record, and send the video to the teacher in WeChat.

  6. YCT B Homework:

    Task 1. Standard Course Book page 29: Read aloud and translate the texts, submit your recording.

    Task 2. Practice the song, and record it in landscape mode. If you like to use it as a singing task for the Chinese New Year competition, please send it to me before this Friday.


    Task 3. Translate the Chinese sentences in the document in to English.

  7. 六年级B班

    1.继续完成练习册 B 第六课剩余的部分。
    Continue with the remainder of Lesson 6 in Workbook B.

    Review all the new words in this lesson and take dictation in the next lesson.

    continue practicing “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky”.

  8. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第六课中的以下几道题。
    Monday: 1,2,3,4
    Tuesday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Wednesday: 2, 3, 4
    Friday: 1,2,3,4
    2. 请完成链接中的作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    Read lesson 6 fluently and send your recording to Wechat group.
    Learn to sing the first 48 seconds of the song Long Long’s New Year

  9. 1,完成第六课练习册星期一和星期二;

  10. 六年级C班作业
    1. 复习第五课生词 https://quizlet.com/_93ofax?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 练习歌曲《夜空中最亮的星》,歌词及youtube链接已上传到在班群微信,并按要求(见微信群中《夜空中最亮的星》文档)录像。录像时请将视频放低音量做背景音乐,并按期节奏大声唱歌。录制好后到班微信群。Practice the song of Brightest Star in the Night Sky (in the film “- Escape Plan”), and see the class wechat, and record your child’s singing with the video clip of 《夜空中最亮的星》as the music background.
    3. 用微信群中的方格纸任意抄写一段150个字以内的课文,如写毛笔大字可自选纸张。具体要求见微信群“2024 The 16th Chinese Calligraphy Competition information”并发到班微信群。Copy one paragraph of text (under 150 characters) with the grid paper in weixin and hand it in weichat.
    4. 龙年将至,请写一篇 《我的龙年心愿》的作文,也可以自命作文的题目。The Dragon Year is coming, write a composition 《我的龙年心愿》. Or you can also write a composition of your own topic.
    5. 预习第六课生词。Preview L6’s vocabulary with the quizlet list https://quizlet.com/_95nsrt?x=1qqt&i=fkwij.

  11. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 看视频小蝌蚪找妈妈画出小蝌蚪的生长过程并用自己的话简单复述故事,请录制视频发微信群。

  12. 7年级A班作业:
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 6 (page45 -52)from Monday to Wednesday.
    2. 会默写课本P51页第二行的7个生字(从“掩”到“蠢”),下次课听写。
    To prepare the dictation of 7 characters on page 51 for next class.
    3. 课堂听写写错的生字,每个字在练习本上写2-5遍。
    Characters written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them 2-5 times in the exercise book.
    4. 利用成语字典或者互联网,写出五个带“龙”字的成语,会讲其中的一个成语故事,下节课在课堂上讲。(注:写5个带“龙”字的成语,同时也是学校2月4号的新年庆祝活动之一。)
    Using idiom dictionaries or the internet, write five idioms with the word ‘龙’ (dragon), and be prepared to tell the story behind one of them. We will discuss them in the next class. (Note: Write five idioms with ‘龙’ , is also part of the school’s New Year celebration activity on February 4th.)
    5. 继续学唱《明天会更好》合唱部分的四句歌词,下节课录制视频。
    Continue learning to sing the four lines of the chorus part of “《明天会更好》,” and we will record a video in the next class.

  13. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 如果没有完成课本综合练习(二),请在家完成。
    If you are not finished Review 2, please finish at home.
    2. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写5遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 5 times each.
    3. 观看视频《龟兔赛跑》,练习复述故事给爸爸妈妈听。
    Watch the video, practice retell the story to your parents.
    4. 用Quizlet复习第一到第六课的字词。
    Use Quizlet to revise Lesson 1 to Lesson 6 the words and the phrases.
    5. 请继续学习歌曲《有你就幸福》,录制视频发给老师。
    Continue to learn the songs, send your recording to group chat.

  14. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 6,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday:

    ​YCT 6 Lesson 6: https://quizlet.com/869115626/yct66-%E4%BD%A0%E8%A1%A8%E6%BC%94%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96

    ​2)Please finish the exercises at page 33 Yct6 Activity book and Page 52 Yct6 Textbook

    ​3)Please read the Lesson6, short speechs and mini story at least three times, and try to retell the story in Chinese. 请熟读第六课的课文和小故事至少三次, 可以用中文讲小故事。

  15. 第 1、3 组
    1-翻译中文的电影简介成英文complete the translation of film introduction
    2-录音或视频预演“春节”Rehearse the Chunjie – Task 1 of Paper 3
    2a-写或改写或文稿Write-Rewite your scripts
    2c-收集几张世界各地华人过春节的图片和视频research to find images and / or clips of celebrations around the world by Chinese and others

    第 2 组
    1 翻译中文的电影简介成英文complete the translation of film introduction
    2 录音或视频预演“春节”Rehearse the Chunjie – Task 1 of Paper 3
    2a-写或改写或文稿Write-Rewite your scripts
    2b- 练习朗读及预排练Rehearse  
    2c-收集几张世界各地华人过春节的图片和视频research to find images and / or clips of celebrations around the world by Chinese and others
    3 把小说的简介译成英文(如果还没有做完)Translate the Novel introduction if you have not done so.
    4 根据简介里的某一句话扩写或改写小说Expand writing in one of the areas: background info (beginning) or when Feng is lost how Qiuhu tried to get it back.

  16. Year Two D Homework
    1, Memorise the tongue twister on text book page 45, will check next week
    背诵课本45 页的绕口令, 下周课堂检查
    2, Complete the exercise book B for lesson six
    Wed: 3
    Fri: 1-5
    星期四: 2
    3, Continue to learn the song, send your recoding to group chat when you are ready.
    4, Tell your understanding of Chinese NewYear, try to using Chinese to discuss in the class next week
    用中文讲一讲你对中国新年的理解, 下周课堂讨论

  17. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第六课《猴子捞月亮》剩下的练习:
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 6 on Exercise Book B.

    2. 请家长们协助孩子录制歌曲《给我一个拥抱》的演唱视频,并在1月28日之前发到班级群,或者发给老师。要求:横屏录制,可以使用链接里面的歌曲作为伴奏跟唱:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgdX8JK6gpw。只录一段孩子能唱熟的部分就可以,不用录从头唱到尾的整首歌。要边唱边做手势舞,背景不要太杂乱,尽量穿着喜庆鲜艳的衣服录制。谢谢合作!
    Please take the video of singing “给我一个拥抱” and upload it to our Wechat ggroup before 28 Jan.

    3. 继续完成四格漫画编故事,画四格漫画,写一个小故事,无字数要求,只要把故事讲清楚就可以。(也可以使用图上的简单说明把故事讲清楚就可以)
    According to the drawing you did last week, write a short story.

  18. 五年级A班作业(Y5A Homework)
    1. 抄写并记忆第五课的生字生词,下节课听写。1.Copy and memorize the new characters and words in Lesson 5;get ready for dictation next week.2.完成练习册A“狐狸和葡萄”的周一到周五第四、第五题。
    2. Finish all the exercises of “Fox and the grapes” in your workbook.
    Recite lesson 5 and send your recording to our Wechat group.(You may need the story map that you made during the lesson to help you. Complete your story map and sent it to the group.)
    Memorize “Qing Yu An Yuan Xi”and send the video to the Wechat group.

  19. 六年级A班作业; (Y6A Homework)
    Correct the first unit test paper and dictation according to the teacher’s guidelines.
    Complete the remaining exercises in Workbook B for Lesson Six.
    Review the characters and words from Lesson Six for next week’s dictation.
    Find at least two idioms containing the character “龙” and write them out.
    Continue practicing the song “夜空中最闪亮的星” (The Brightest Star in the Night Sky).
    Students who haven’t finished reading the idiomatic story from last week, please promptly send a recording to the teacher.

  20. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词: “卧室、银行、邮局、超市、体育馆、地铁站、汽车站、附近、郊区、城市、小镇、海边、…极了、新鲜、安静、热闹、散步、机会、另外、互相、太阳能电板、安装、最近、环保活动、垃圾分类、回收、措施、资源、足够、浪费、节约、环境问题、污染、全球变暖、食物、贫穷、十字路口、慈善、志愿者、灾难” 需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下节课会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。(请把这个表格贴在你的家庭作业本上并拍照给老师批改)。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the classroom 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 写作:写一封信给你的中国朋友,告诉他/她你在家和在学校是怎样保护环境的。
    Writing: Write a letter to your Chinese friend, telling him/her how you protect the environment at home and at school.
    Requirements: no less than 200 words, you can refer to page 97 of the textbook for writing 6.

    3. 口语测试-看图绘画,请在家准备你的答案,需要把你的答案写在作业本上,下周课堂上会有类似的看图口语测试。
    Oral test – Picture-Based. Please prepare your answers at home. You need to write your answers in your homework notebook. There will be a similar oral test on looking at pictures in class next week.

  21. 五年级B班 本周作业(homework):
1. 请改正第五课听写错误的生字词。
    Please correct the dictation errors in Lesson 5.
Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 6 Exercise Book B.

Read aloud Lesson 6 until fluent,and send the recording to the WeChat group.
    3.完成书本第53页的“综合练习(二)”,并拍照上传到群里。Complete the “Review 2” on page 53 of the book, take a picture and upload it to the group.
    Continue to learn the song “Naoyuanxiao”, and please send your singing recording to me before Sunday.

  22. 学前班B

    Watch play list, skip if you have already memorised the songs,

    Complete 3A text book page 12,13 exercises 1,2,3.

    Record ‘Shu Xingxing’ while listening the back music in the playlist using earphones.
    Please up on your best looking cloth (Chinese style would be preferred.)

  23. 1.订正今天听写中的错字,词组或者句子,每个抄写3遍,把它抄写在订正本上。1.好饿2.房间3.可是4.收拾5.洗澡6.真不少7.洗衣8.小学生9.别说10.我会收拾我的小房间11.买书12.对不起13.没关系14.孩子15.再见16.放学17.唱歌18 .生日卡19.水果20.教室。
    Correct the errors, phrases, or sentences heard in today’s dictation. Write each one three times and transcribe it in the correction book.
    2.复习1-7课的生字,下周继续听写以下词组1.玩具.2.哥哥3.姐姐4.星期.5.今天.6.告诉7.读书 8.写字 9.汉语10.两件宝 11.做工作12.用手又用脑.13.做得好 14.思考 15.万事16.朋友 17 .开心18.面包19.昨天20.这是谁的书?好好复习,争取当听写状元。
    Review the characters from lessons 1-7, and next week continue dictating the following phrases。
    Please complete the “Describe and Write” on page 50 of the text. Then, transcribe it in the copybook in stroke order, writing each character three times.
    Memorize lesson 7 and send a video here.
    Read the text on page 51 aloud twice every day with “Read-Read”. Check next week.
    6.继续学习手语歌曲《有你就幸福》,为参加线上春节演出作准备。https://youtu.be/FohcG-KuKr4?si =GseRH_x646gRFLZFlearning the sign language song “有你就幸福” (Happiness with You) in preparation for participating in the online Spring Festival performance.

  24. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Finish the rest of the questions of Lesson 7, exercise book A.
    Make sentences.
    Sing the song.

  25. 四年级B班 第16周作业
    1. 第五课练习册“星期三-星期五”的练习
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 5, “Monday-Tuesday”.
    2. 学会《给我一个拥抱》,本周要求会读会唱,跟练手势舞,本周日录制视频。【着装要求:以红色为主,尽量穿得有节日氛围一点,红色系最佳。如果没有的话可以穿白色的衣服或者戴红色的饰品】
    Learn to sing 《给我一个拥抱》and hand gesture dance in preparation for the Chinese New Year performance
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgdX8JK6gpw
    Lyrics: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%BB%99%E6%88%91%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AA%E6%8B%A5%E6%8A%B1/49931597
    Find at least three idioms containing the character “龙” and write them out.

  26. 1.完成YCT活动手册第一册, 第六课(第21页到第24页)。第1, 3题留到下周日与其他同学一起完成。
    Complete page 21-24 of Lesson 6 in the YCT Activity Book except question 1. We will do question 1 and 3 in the class on next Sunday.

    2. 练习写第六课生字 New vocabulary for handwriting

    3. 观看并练习童谣 Watch and practice the rhyme.

  27. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第六课课文《雪》。
    Reading the book of lesson six “Snow”.
    2 完成练习册B 第六课《雪》星期三的5-7,星期四和 星期五的全部练习。
    Please complete lesson 6 Exercise Book B.
    Wednesday 5-7
    Thursday 1-8
    Friday 1-9
    3 比一比 再组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    过____ 寸____
    兔____ 吐____
    4 请练唱+动作:龍龍的新年 LONG LONG NEW YEAR
    5 星期日21号听写第6课生字

  28. 三年级A班
    Complete “Comprehensive Exercise 2” in the textbook.
    Revise the words dictated in Lesson 6, at least 3 times for each word.
    Please practice the songs for celebrate Chinese New Year.

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