
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成第十二课课文里的《描一描 写一写》Complete <描一描 写一写> in Lesson 12
2、完成《中文》练习册B第十二课星期一到星期五所有问题,7月 9日交上来。 To complete the Exercise B Lesson 12 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily) , hand in on 9 July

3、记住所有生字,准备下星期听写。Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation next week

4、练习歌曲《少年中国说》,加上在学校学会的舞蹈动作,拍视频。Practice the song “Young China Talk”, add the dance moves learned in school, and shoot a video.

30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年6月19至2023年6月24日”

  1. 六年级B班
    Complete Lesson 12 of Workbook B from Monday to Friday, and the rest.

    Practice the song “When will the moon shine”. The four girls in the second row need to memorize the lyrics completely, and check them one by one in the next class.

    Our class will have a stage rehearsal next week. Please come to school wearing white tops (T-shirts and shirts are both acceptable) and black pants or skirts.

  2. 八年级&GCSE基础班作业:
    List 10 adjectives related to appearance.
    Come up with 10 adjectives related to mood.
    Write 10 adjectives about character/personality.
    Please write 10 nouns related to the place/venue.
    Last Sunday morning I did my homework, and afterwards took the bus to the city centre. My friend and I ate lunch in the restaurant near the post office. Before returning home, I bought a present for my uncle because I am going to his birthday party next Thursday.

  3. 五年级A班
    1.抄写并记忆第11课的生字, 准备下周听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters of Lesson 11 ;get ready for dictation next week.
    Continue to recite the “Chronicle of Dynasties” song.
    3. 背会自己年终演出的台词。
    Memorize the lines for your year-end performance.
    4. 写一篇作文。选择如下:
    A 端午节的故事:题目自拟,可以是你了解的端午节的故事,也可你在英国过端午节的经历(比如包粽子,做蛋袋,编五彩线,看赛龙舟等等),也可以发挥想象力,比如你坐着时光穿梭机回到了战国时期,遇到了正要投江的屈原……
    B 太空历险记:你是一个宇航员,到了月球上,在那里遇到了嫦娥……/ 由于全球变暖,地球越来越热,人们将无法在地球上生存,你不得不代表人类去寻找新的利于人类生存的家园……
    C 难忘的一件事/一次旅行或者节日,如父亲节/母亲节:记录一件在你身边发生过的难忘的事,包括什么时候,发生了什么,为什么让你很难忘……
    Write an essay. Choose from the following: (at least 250words.)
    A. The Story of Dragon Boat Festival: Choose a title of your choice. It can be a story about Dragon Boat Festival that you are familiar with, or it can be about your experience celebrating Dragon Boat Festival in the UK (such as making zongzi, creating egg pouches, weaving colorful threads, watching dragon boat races, etc.). You can also use your imagination, for example, traveling back in time to the Warring States period and encountering Qu Yuan just as he was about to jump into the river…
    B. Space Adventure: You are an astronaut who arrives on the moon and encounters Chang’e there… / Due to global warming, the Earth is becoming increasingly hot, and people will no longer be able to survive on Earth. You have to represent humanity in search of a new habitat that is conducive to human survival……
    C. Unforgettable Experience ,a trip or Festival, such as Father’s Day/Mother’s Day: Document an unforgettable event that has happened to you, including when it happened, what occurred, and why it was memorable…

  4. Homework 20230618
    Please write down chapter4‘s new words every day two time, include lesson and reading bot part.

    please practice your speaking skill reading everyday with Chaptor 4’s leeson. And record your voice, upload to the WeChat

    Please make sentences use the words and sentences types from Chapter 4

    Next week we will have chapter 4 exam, please prepare and the results will count to the final results in this year.

  5. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第十二课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下次上课时听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 12, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next week.

    2、背诵课文《新年到》, 视频发给老师 Memorize the texts (Spring Festival Is Coming)and, send the video to the teacher

    3, 手势舞演唱《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一部分后,请录视频发给老师。 注意要全部唱完,上半部有首诗舞蹈动作,后半部没有手势动作。

    注意:拍摄要求:横屏16:9 (竖屏的不能用),同色背景(如家里的一面墙);着正装(如:中是服装, 英文学校校服 或西服 等);拍胸部以上半身。
    Note: Shooting requirements: horizontal screen 16:9 (vertical screen cannot be used), the same color background (such as a wall at home); formal clothes (such as English school uniforms, Chinese New Year clothes, suits, etc.); shooting chest and upper body.
    watch the following link to learn the movement:


    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。

  6. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1.完成《中文》练习册B第十二课星期一到星期五的所有问题。Please complete Exercise B Lesson 12 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2.记住第十二课的生字,准备下周听写。Please memorise the words of Lesson 12 and prepare for the dictation.

    3.继续练习歌曲《静夜思》并把手语舞动作练熟练。 Please continue to practice the song with sign language dance movements。

  7. 三年级C班:
    Copy the 11 words below to get ready for the dictation next week.
    1.钓鱼 2.结果 3. 已经 4. 怎么 5.几条 6.专心 7.捉鱼 8.笑容9.三心二意 10.生气 11.也许
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    Read the story about raindrops.

  8. 三年级A班
    Review all new words and texts in lessons 1-6。
    Preview the twelfth lesson “Wolf is Coming” and talk about the last lesson next week.
    3. 请在家练习歌曲《读唐诗》歌词及动作。熟练每个动作,和自己要背诵的诗句,下周日进行最后一次排练。
    Please practice the lyrics and movements of the song “Reading Tang Poetry” at home. Be proficient in every movement and the verses you want to recite, and have the last rehearsal next Sunday.

  9. YCT A Homework:

    Task 1: Practice the handwriting of the poem we learnt by tracing the example provided. Then choose one of the calligraphy paper to write your own piece. Submit by taking pictures of your work.

    Task 2: Continue practice the poem: https://youtu.be/z36Ib24Ggq0
    Record your sing along (horizontal recording). Submit your recording please. Our performance is on 2-7-2023. Students may dress occasional wear.

  10. 学前班B


    What video playlist.
    “Tongnian” Please continue watch everyday and sing alone if you have not remembered it.
    “Zaofa Baidicheng” Please watch everyday if you have not yet memorised it.
    Three clips about Dragon boat festival, please watch one clip a day.


    Draw a picture of “Dragon boat race” on your Blue note book.

  11. 学前A班 reception class:
    1. 练习说quizlet W31 3b 第五课地点的词语。 say the words in quizlet W 31 3b
    2. 画出更多有关地点的画,并说句子。draw pictures about locations and tell a sentence by using the sentence patten learnt in the lesson.

  12. 1 完成中文课本上第102-104页总练习。
    Complete the Exercises from page 102-104 of the Chinese textbook 3.
    2 抄写中文课本上第109页的全部句子。
    Copy all the sentences on page 109 of the Chinese textbook 3.
    3 记住歌曲《逍遥游》(合唱)部分的歌词。
    Please remember the words to the ” Xiao Yao You ” (choruses) part of the song.
    妈妈(māmā)说(shuō) 北极星(běijíxīng)下(xià) 有(yǒu)一(yī) 片(piàn) 海洋(hǎiyáng)
    一(yī)条(tiáo) 大鱼(dàyú) 在(zài) 这里(zhèlǐ) 生长(shēngzhǎng)
    它(tā)的(de) 背(bèi) 像山(xiàngshān) 岗(gǎng)
    驮(tuó)起(qǐ) 极(jí)光(guāng) 与(yǔ) 星(xīng)光(guāng)
    它(tā)的(de) 眼(yǎn)如(rú) 日月(rìyuè)
    看(kàn)尽(jìn)了(le) 地(dì) 老(lǎo) 与(yǔ) 天(tiān) 荒(huāng)
    朗诵(lǎngsòng) (李勇锋):北(běi) 冥(míng) 有(yǒu)鱼(yú),其(qí) 名(míng) 为(wéi) 鲲(kūn)。鲲(kūn) 之(zhī) 大(dà),不知(bùzhī) 其(qí) 几千(jǐqiān)里(lǐ)也(yě)。化而为鸟(huàérwéiniǎo) 其(qí) 名(míng) 为(wéi) 鹏(péng) 鹏(péng) 之(zhī) 背(bèi),
    不知(bùzhī) 其(qí) 几千(jǐqiān) 里(lǐ)也(yě)。
    它(tā)在(zài) 波涛(bōtāo) 中(zhōng) 潜藏(qiáncáng)
    等待(děngdài)了(le) 一万年(yíwànnián) 的(de) 时光(shíguāng)
    等(děng) 有(yǒu) 一(yì)天(tiān) 风(fēng) 来(lái) 造(zào) 访(fǎng)
    吹(chuī) 它(tā) 去(qù) 海(hǎi) 滩(tān) 彼(bǐ) 岸(àn) 的(de) 方(fāng) 向(xiàng)
    妈(mā)妈(mā)说(shuō) 南(nán) 极(jí) 光(guāng) 下(xià) 有(yǒu)一(yī) 片(piàn) 海(hǎi)洋(yáng)
    海(hǎi) 中(zhōng) 沐(mù) 浴(yù) 九(jiǔ) 个(gè) 太(tài) 阳(yáng)
    长(cháng) 风(fēng) 吹(chuī) 起(qǐ) 云(yún) 霞(xiá)
    变(biàn) 成(chéng) 遮(zhē) 天(tiān) 的(de) 翅(chì) 膀(bǎng)
    六(liù) 月(yuè) 的(de) 风(fēng) 在(zài) 呼(hū) 唤(huàn)
    北(běi) 冥(míng) 的(de) 鱼(yú) 来(lái) 这里(zhèlǐ) 翱翔(áoxiáng)
    朗诵(lǎngsòng)(王若馨):是(shì) 鸟(niǎo) 也(yě), 海运(hǎiyùn) 则(zé) 将(jiāng) 徙(xǐ) 于(yú) 南(nán) 冥(míng)。南(nán) 冥(míng) 者(zhě), 天池(tiānchí) 也(yě)。鹏(péng) 之(zhī) 徙(xǐ) 于(yú) 南(nán) 冥(míng) 也(yě), 水击(shuǐjī) 三千(sānqiān) 里(lǐ), 抟(tuán) 扶摇(fúyáo) 而(ér)上(shàng) 者(zhě) 九万(jiǔwàn) 里(lǐ),去(qù) 以(yǐ) 六(liù) 月息(yuèxī) 者(zhě) 也(yě)。
    2遍 它(tā) 听到(tīngdào) 风雷(fēngléi) 振(zhèn)响(xiǎng)
    怒(nù) 激(jī) 水(shuǐ) 起(qǐ) 九(jiǔ) 千(qiān) 里(lǐ) 波(bō) 浪(làng)
    展(zhǎn) 开(kāi) 双(shuāng) 翼(yì) 扶(fú) 摇(yáo) 直(zhí) 上(shàng)
    乘(chéng) 风(fēng) 去(qù) 梦(mèng) 想(xiǎng) 深(shēn) 处(chù) 的(de) 他(tā) 乡(xiāng)。
    乘(chéng) 风(fēng) 去(qù) 梦(mèng) 想(xiǎng) 深(shēn) 处(chù) 的(de) 他(tā) 乡(xiāng)。
    4 看视频了解端午节习俗视频
    Watch the video to know about the customs of the “Dragon Boat Festival”.

  13. 1 完成中文课本上第102-104页总练习。
    Complete the Exercises from page 102-104 of the Chinese textbook 3.
    2 抄写中文课本上第109页的全部句子。
    Copy all the sentences on page 109 of the Chinese textbook 3.
    3 记住歌曲《逍遥游》(合唱)部分的歌词。
    Please remember the words to the ” Xiao Yao You ” (choruses) part of the song.
    妈妈(māmā)说(shuō) 北极星(běijíxīng)下(xià) 有(yǒu)一(yī) 片(piàn) 海洋(hǎiyáng)
    一(yī)条(tiáo) 大鱼(dàyú) 在(zài) 这里(zhèlǐ) 生长(shēngzhǎng)
    它(tā)的(de) 背(bèi) 像山(xiàngshān) 岗(gǎng)
    驮(tuó)起(qǐ) 极(jí)光(guāng) 与(yǔ) 星(xīng)光(guāng)
    它(tā)的(de) 眼(yǎn)如(rú) 日月(rìyuè)
    看(kàn)尽(jìn)了(le) 地(dì) 老(lǎo) 与(yǔ) 天(tiān) 荒(huāng)
    朗诵(lǎngsòng) (李勇锋):北(běi) 冥(míng) 有(yǒu)鱼(yú),其(qí) 名(míng) 为(wéi) 鲲(kūn)。鲲(kūn) 之(zhī) 大(dà),不知(bùzhī) 其(qí) 几千(jǐqiān)里(lǐ)也(yě)。化而为鸟(huàérwéiniǎo) 其(qí) 名(míng) 为(wéi) 鹏(péng) 鹏(péng) 之(zhī) 背(bèi),
    不知(bùzhī) 其(qí) 几千(jǐqiān) 里(lǐ)也(yě)。
    它(tā)在(zài) 波涛(bōtāo) 中(zhōng) 潜藏(qiáncáng)
    等待(děngdài)了(le) 一万年(yíwànnián) 的(de) 时光(shíguāng)
    等(děng) 有(yǒu) 一(yì)天(tiān) 风(fēng) 来(lái) 造(zào) 访(fǎng)
    吹(chuī) 它(tā) 去(qù) 海(hǎi) 滩(tān) 彼(bǐ) 岸(àn) 的(de) 方(fāng) 向(xiàng)
    妈(mā)妈(mā)说(shuō) 南(nán) 极(jí) 光(guāng) 下(xià) 有(yǒu)一(yī) 片(piàn) 海(hǎi)洋(yáng)
    海(hǎi) 中(zhōng) 沐(mù) 浴(yù) 九(jiǔ) 个(gè) 太(tài) 阳(yáng)
    长(cháng) 风(fēng) 吹(chuī) 起(qǐ) 云(yún) 霞(xiá)
    变(biàn) 成(chéng) 遮(zhē) 天(tiān) 的(de) 翅(chì) 膀(bǎng)
    六(liù) 月(yuè) 的(de) 风(fēng) 在(zài) 呼(hū) 唤(huàn)
    北(běi) 冥(míng) 的(de) 鱼(yú) 来(lái) 这里(zhèlǐ) 翱翔(áoxiáng)
    朗诵(lǎngsòng)(王若馨):是(shì) 鸟(niǎo) 也(yě), 海运(hǎiyùn) 则(zé) 将(jiāng) 徙(xǐ) 于(yú) 南(nán) 冥(míng)。南(nán) 冥(míng) 者(zhě), 天池(tiānchí) 也(yě)。鹏(péng) 之(zhī) 徙(xǐ) 于(yú) 南(nán) 冥(míng) 也(yě), 水击(shuǐjī) 三千(sānqiān) 里(lǐ), 抟(tuán) 扶摇(fúyáo) 而(ér)上(shàng) 者(zhě) 九万(jiǔwàn) 里(lǐ),去(qù) 以(yǐ) 六(liù) 月息(yuèxī) 者(zhě) 也(yě)。
    2遍 它(tā) 听到(tīngdào) 风雷(fēngléi) 振(zhèn)响(xiǎng)
    怒(nù) 激(jī) 水(shuǐ) 起(qǐ) 九(jiǔ) 千(qiān) 里(lǐ) 波(bō) 浪(làng)
    展(zhǎn) 开(kāi) 双(shuāng) 翼(yì) 扶(fú) 摇(yáo) 直(zhí) 上(shàng)
    乘(chéng) 风(fēng) 去(qù) 梦(mèng) 想(xiǎng) 深(shēn) 处(chù) 的(de) 他(tā) 乡(xiāng)。
    乘(chéng) 风(fēng) 去(qù) 梦(mèng) 想(xiǎng) 深(shēn) 处(chù) 的(de) 他(tā) 乡(xiāng)。
    4 看视频了解端午节习俗视频
    Watch the video to know about the customs of the “Dragon Boat Festival”.

  14. 四年级B班
    Students are asked to take 15 minutes a day to practice and recite “Yue Yang Tower” aloud with emotion. It is best to recite the part they participated in the performance and record it in the WeChat group.
    ***Bring a printout of “Yue Yang Tower” next Sunday.

    2.预习第十二课 《月亮上有什么》的生词和课文,自己收集有关人类第一次探月和中国重大航空进展与相关内容的资料,下周上课做分享讨论。
    Preview the twelfth lesson “What’s on the Moon”, collect materials about the first lunar exploration of mankind and China’s major aviation progress and related content, and share and discuss in class next week.

  15. 四年级B班
    Students are asked to take 15 minutes a day to practice and recite “Yue Yang Tower” aloud with emotion. It is best to recite the part they participated in the performance and record it in the WeChat group.
    ***Bring a printout of “Yue Yang Tower” next Sunday.

    2.预习第十二课 《月亮上有什么》的生词和课文,自己收集有关人类第一次探月和中国重大航空进展与相关内容的资料,下周上课做分享讨论。
    Preview the twelfth lesson “What’s on the Moon”, collect materials about the first lunar exploration of mankind and China’s major aviation progress and related content, and share and discuss in class next week.

  16. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 14 YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below

    YCT 5 ( lesson 14)

    2.Please use the following words to make three sentences:
    1)除了… 还

    3. Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。
    4. Please listen to the song, sing along with it, and record it on your phone. Please shoot yourself horizontally with good lighting.


  17. GCSE 网课班
    1 完成HSK 4的练习卷子,听力,阅读和写作,拍照答案发到群里
    Finish HSK 4 exercise paper, including listening, reading, writing, take photo of your answers and send it to wechat group.
    2 继续修改上周布置的作文比赛的作文
    continue correct your competition writing task from last week

  18. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ借助quizlet复习第十一课的生词,并准备听写。Review the vocabulary of the L11 with the help of quizlet, and prepare ( https://quizlet.com/595373631/zw6-11-flash-cards/?new)
    2. CQ练习朗读第十一课,并准备朗读比赛。Practice reading L11 and prepare for the reading
    3. CQ课本综合练习四习题1-9题。Review 4 exercises 1-9 of the textbook.
    4. CQ课本总练习(整书附录前)习题1-4题。Exercises (final) exercises 1-6.
    5. 复习第一到第十一课课文及生词,准备期末考试。Review lesson 1to 11 and the vocabulary, and prepare for the end year exam.

  19. Year Two C Homework
    A, Practice writing 3 sentences for the words below ( try to using the words you know)
    练习用你学过的词语造句, 每个词造两个句子
    2) 最
    B, Read the sentences and fill in the blanks, write the completed sentences.
    读句子, 填空, 并抄写下来
    1, 放学后你要到()()去?
    3,我早上8点()车去学校, 下()放学走回家。
    6, 你家()的个子()高?
    8,我()哥哥为什么我们今天不去公园, 他不()()我。
    9, 我家()()都有花园,()面的花园小, ()面的花园大。

    C, Watch video, learn Tangshi, record the video landscape and send to teacher before 24th June
    看视频, 学唐诗, 6月24日前提交横屏录制的视频

  20. 二年级A班

    1. 完成课本综合练习(四)和总练习。
    Complete the text book Review 4 and the next page Exercises.
    2. 继续学唱《春夜洛城闻笛》,准备下下周表演。
    Continue to learn the song, ready for the performance the week after.

  21. 本周作业:
    Complete all of exercises in Lesson 11,Exercise Book A.

    Read aloud Lesson 11 once a day.

    Finish your writing practice. Continue to wring another two paragraphs of your own story.

  22. 一、每位同学需要录一个视频:跟原曲大声唱《游子吟》同时加上手势,周日前发群里。
    Each student needs to record a video: sing “游子吟” loudly with the original song while adding hand gestures, and post it in the group before Sunday.

    Recite the following four sentences:
    (有不认识的字,请查字典标上拼音If you do not understand the word, please refer to the dictionary to mark the pinyin)

    Preview Lesson 11. Mark the pinyin on the words you don’t know.

  23. 18/6/23

    1、请熟记课堂上学习的 20个生词: “兽医、图书馆、答案、羡慕、补充、叔叔、结婚、画蛇添足、气氛、照顾、差不多、冠军、农村、技艺、传统、勇敢、智慧、民间、好奇、增添” 要求会认会写,每个词造一个复合句子总共20个句子,下周听写。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    Please memorize the 20 new words learned in class, it is required to be able to recognize and write, to create a compound sentence for each word, a total of 20 sentences, and to dictate next week. (Please write your homework in your homework book).

    2、 完成中文练习册A,星期五的所有题目从第13页到16页。
    Complete the Chinese Workbook A, the first three questions from Monday to Thursday from page 2 to page 12.
    Please recite the poem “Manjianghong”, and then practice well the movements.
    Please watch the video “Serving the Country with Loyalty”, and then practice the movements.

  24. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK
    Finish the rest questions of Exercise book A,Lesson 11.
    Recite the text of Lesson 11.
    Read aloud page 85 of textbook
    Continue to practice singing the song.

  25. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK32 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Find PDF files of MiGe Paper for Lesson 7 from class WeChat group and print. Read, remember and copy.

    2.Play the given audio files, and read the text (on page 34) of Lesson 7 accordingly. Repeat till remembered.

    3.Finish questions 1-3 from Lesson 7 of the Activity Book 4.

    4.Print the sheets of poem and song given to you with English translations, follow the audio files given to recite repeatedly. And sing along with corresponding music. Practice up repeatedly daily. Get ready and make videos A.S.A.P.. Show your reading and singing on lesson next Sunday. Upload your videos by next Monday, no late than Tuesday.
    4,打印出带有英文翻译的诗句与歌词,播放录音跟读读诵并熟记,并跟随相应的音乐跟唱。每日反复练习, 尽快准备好能够录像了。在下周日课堂上展示自己的诵读与歌唱。下周一(26号), 不晚于周二(27号)上传所录视频给老师。

  26. A level班 家庭作业



  27. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成微信群中发的第三单元(7-9课)复习题。
    Please finish the Exercise Paper for Lesson 7-9..

    2. 请复习7-9课划线词(参考作业1中发放的复习题),下周课上会进行抽查听写。
    Please revise the underlined words and phrases of Lesson 7-9. Please refer to the Exercise Paper Lesson 7-9.

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