
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第十一课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 11

2、背诵第十一课《认方向》和《大象的朋友》并把视频发给老师Recite Lesson 11 《认方向》and 《大象的朋友》 and send the video to Wechat

3、继续练习歌曲《少年中国说》加上动作,Practice the song 《少年中国说》with dance movement

4、完成YCT paper 5, 听力和阅读两部分。请将答案直接涂在答案纸上 Complete YCT paper 5, listening and reading parts. Please black your answers directly on the answer sheet

5. 做端午节蛋袋(装鸡蛋或咸鸭蛋均可),下个周日捐到常燕处,为学校优秀学生、全勤奖和最大进步奖奖品筹集资金,示范视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cMm6zSKYs&t=10s


28 Replies to “家庭作业2023年6月12日至2023年6月17日”

  1. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第十一课星期一到星期五所有问题 To complete the Exercise A Lesson 11 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵第十一课 阅读课文《大象的朋友》并把视频发给老师Recite Lesson 11 Reading 《大象的朋友》 and send the video to Wechat

    3, 手势舞演唱《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一部分后,请录视频发给老师。 注意要全部唱完,上半部有首诗舞蹈动作,后半部没有手势动作。

    注意:拍摄要求:横屏16:9 (竖屏的不能用),同色背景(如家里的一面墙);着正装(如:中是服装, 英文学校校服 或西服 等);拍胸部以上半身。
    Note: Shooting requirements: horizontal screen 16:9 (vertical screen cannot be used), the same color background (such as a wall at home); formal clothes (such as English school uniforms, Chinese New Year clothes, suits, etc.); shooting chest and upper body.
    watch the following link to learn the movement:


    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。

  2. 6年级A班
    Exercise B
    Wed. 3,4,5
    Thur. 1,2,4
    Fri. 1,3,4,5
    2.练习YCT和HSK 的模拟试卷,下周考试带2B铅笔
    Practice mock paper of YCT or HSK. Do not forget to bring 2B pencil for exam next week!
    3. 练习歌曲《万疆》
    Practice the song of .

  3. 六年级B班

    review the corresponding vocabulary of HSK again. Parents are also requested to prepare 2B pencils for their children taking the test.

    Listen to and practice “When Will the Moon Come” more.

    Students who are interested in the egg bag introduced in today’s class, please make it and bring it to school together with the egg.
    端午蛋袋的制作示范: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cMm6zSKYs&t=10s

    For students who do not take the Chinese exam, write an essay based on “I Love Summer” or “Summer Beauty”. The number of words is not limited, and the content includes your observations and feelings about summer. (What does summer look like in your eyes, what are the changes in summer, your subjective thoughts on summer).

  4. YCT A homework:

    1. Redo the mock test paper(45 minutes), transfer the answers to the answer card provided within 5 minutes. Please be aware that 2B pencil will be used in the real test, and the answer card will be read by machine.

    2. Revise the poem: https://youtu.be/z36Ib24Ggq0
    Record your sing along (horizontal recording). Our performance is on 2-7-2023. Students may dress occasional wear.

  5. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第十一课星期四和星期五所有习题。
    Complete all remaining questions in exercise book A lesson 11.
    2. 复习以下词语准备下周听写:1.钓鱼 2.结果 3. 已经 4. 怎么 5.几条 6.专心 7.捉鱼 8.笑容9.三心二意 10.生气 11.也许
    Please revise 11 words from 《小猫钓鱼》,get ready for the dictation next week.
    3. 拍摄《春夜喜雨》视频。

  6. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ借助quizlet复习第十一课的生词,并准备听写。Review the vocabulary of the L11 with the help of quizlet, and prepare ( https://quizlet.com/595373631/zw6-11-flash-cards/?new)
    2. CQ练习朗读第十一课,并准备朗读比赛。Practice reading L11 and prepare for the reading competition.
    3. CQ看视频回答问题。Watch the video and answer the questions. Florence Nightingale.
    The life and work of Florence Nightingale (dramatization) | History – True Stories
    1) 南丁格尔从小最喜欢做什么?
    2) 南丁格尔从小一直在想长大了做什么?
    3) 为什么南丁格尔能成为一名伟大的护士?
    4. CQ练习册A第十一课周一至周五的第四到七题。Question 4-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 11, Workbook 6A

  7. 八年级&GCSE基础班作业:
    Write a short paragraph about the appearance and personality of one of us your friends.

  8. 学前班B
    1, 看视频。《童年》还没有背下来的同学,请每天多跟着唱几遍。
    Watch the playlist。 Please watch and sing along more times if you have not memories the song.

    Practice “Tongnian” full song, record vocal only and then sent to me. Please use earphone or headphone for children to hear the back music and recording should record the children’s vocal only. You don’t need to record whole song at once, and in case of not sure how to record voice, video clip is too acceptable, I will edit after receive from you.

    Memorise “Zaofa Baidicheng”

    具体做法: https://youtu.be/I6cMm6zSKYs

  9. 1,抄写第十一课课后练习二词组各两遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 2 times each in Text Book of Lesson 11
Check the information, write three sentences with the theme of “summer” or “Dragon Boat Festival” (choose one of the two) and match them with pictures
    3, 复习YCT2的词汇。准备2B铅笔,为6月18日汉考做准备。
    Practice the words YCT2 and prepare 2B pencil, ready for 18th June the exam.
    4, 看视频, 学唐诗, 请未提交的同学,横屏录制视频并发送给老师(避免睡衣,尽量正装)
    Watch video, learn Tangshi, record the video landscape and send to teacher

  10. 三年级A班
    Continue to review the YCT vocabulary and prepare for the exam next week.
    Please sing the song “Reading Tang Poems” and practice the movements.
    3. 参加端午节的学校活动。
    具体做法: https://youtu.be/I6cMm6zSKYs

  11. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 练习说 quizlet w30 第四课 feeling。
    2. 画一画 再说一说你的开心法宝。
    3. 画一画再说一说 端午节吃什么。

  12. GCSE 网课班
    观看所有端午节的视频,参考里面的好词好句,完成 端午节的作文,题目自选,围绕2023年端午品佳文活动,反映端午节民风民俗,歌颂中华文化及美好生活。 完成的作文要参加华文创想曲的比赛,要求最少500字,最多1500个字,打字在比赛专用WORD 文档里,然后发回给老师nandauvergne@googlemail.com
    Watch above videos about Dragon Boat Festival, participate writing competition , type in word, email back to me by this Wednesday. Max 1500 characters, min 500 characters.

  13. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 14 YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below

    YCT 5 ( lesson 14)

    2.Please write the new words five times with Pinyin and English meaning , preparing for the dictation on Sunday

    3. Please use the following words to make two sentences: 先……然后……

    3. Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。
    4. Please listen to the song, sing along with it, and record it on your phone. Please shoot yourself horizontally with good lighting.


  14. 1 完成练习册B第12课《狼来了》星期五的全部练习。
    Complete the exercises 1-7 in Lesson 12 of Exercise book B “Wolves Are Coming” on Friday.
    2 完成中文课本上第99页综合练习(四)
    Complete the Review 4 on page 99 of the Chinese textbook 3.
    3 写出下面2 个词组的汉语拼音。
    Write the Chinese pinyin of the following 2 phrases.
    种( )子 种( )花
    4 抄写三遍YCT3词汇表中从量词 “个” 到最后一个字 “喂 “
    Copy three times from the Measure word “个:used before nouns without special measure words of their own” to the last word “喂:for greeting” in the YCT3 vocabulary.
    YCT3 词汇表下载链接:https://www.digmandarin.com/yct-3-vocabulary-list.html
    Continue to practice singing please.

  15. GCSE考试班家庭作业:

    Complete the Chinese Workbook A, the first three questions from Monday to Thursday from page 2 to page 12.
    Please recite the poem “Manjianghong”, and then practice well the movements.
    Please watch the

  16. 四年级A班 王老师
    1 复习 第一到第三课的生字,词。会背诵第四课,第七课 ,第十课,第十一课课文 ,我们有背书的测试。Review the new words and words from lesson 1 -3. have to recite lesson 4, lesson 7, lesson 10 and lesson 11。We have the test of the endorsement
    2 这周不参加yct考试的同学,请做微信里的习题,参加考试的可以下星期做。 If you don’t take the yct exam this week, please do the exercises in WeChat。taking the exam can do it next week

    3 用正确的字填进句子里。Fill in the sentence with the correct words.
    语 宇 鱼 雨 于
    1 大自然里同样会有各种各样的( )言。
    2 河里有很多小( )在快乐地游来游去。
    3 刚刚我正要出门,突然下起了大( )。( )是我只好在家等了一会儿。
    4 神舟十五号的( )航员,在太空站工作了六个月,回到了地球。
    行 航 杭 巷
    1 下午,妈妈要去银( )办点事,迟十分钟来接我。
    2 ( )州是中国很有名的大城市。是南宋时的首都。
    3 如果坐船到中国去,船要( )行一个月呢。
    4 不论是采cai煤,还是挖金矿kuang,( )道里的工作都十分辛苦。
    圆 元 员 园 远 院
    1 今天哥哥感冒,又咳嗽,又发烧,妈妈早上带他去医( )了
    2 每年的第一天是( )旦。
    3 这个饭店的餐点都很好吃,服务( )也很热情。
    4 伦敦市中心最大的公( )是 Hyde Park,离我家很( )。
    5 其实地球并不像画的那么( )。
    里 力 立 离 礼 历 理 粒
    1 农人们要( )经几个月在农田( )的劳作, 才能收到( )li。
    2 王经( )的家( )公司很远,他早上一起床,就( )刻开车上班了。
    3 为了给你买这个( )物,儿子花了不少( )气和钱呢!
    打 答 达 大 搭
    1 爷爷( )电话,叫爸爸下午3点开车送他到( )姑姑家, 爸爸( )应了。
    2 可是,突然下起了( )雨,我们就( )出租车去超市了。
    京 景 惊 经 劲 静 睛 镜 净
    1.伦敦夏天的风( )很美,当你( )过公园时,会看见美丽的花,明( )的河。
    2.南( )玄武湖公园里,湖水清澈的像一面( )子。那里的夜晚十分安( )。
    3.草丛里,鸭子闭着眼睛睡觉,突然,听到狼的叫声,它( )讶的使( )拍打翅膀飞了起来。

    4 继续复习 《无衣》Continue to review《无衣》

    岂qǐ 曰yuē 无衣?与子同袍 páo。
    王于兴师 ,修xiū我戈gē矛máo,
    与子同仇chóu !
    岂曰无衣?与子同 泽zé。
    王于兴师,修我矛máo戟jǐ ,
    与子偕xié作 !
    岂曰无衣?与子同裳 cháng。
    王于兴师,修我甲jiǎ兵 ,
    与子偕xié 行 !
    Don’t say no wear,
    My coats I share.
    Lord starts warfare,
    Spears let’s repair,
    Same rage we bear.

    Don’t say no wear,
    My shirts I loan.
    Lord starts warfare,
    Halberds let’s hone,
    Same toil we own.

    Don’t say no wear,
    My gown I lend.
    Lord starts warfare,
    Armor let’s mend,
    Same course we tend.


  17. 五年级A班
    1.抄写并记忆第11课的生字, 准备下周听写。Copy and memorise the new characters of Lesson 11 ;get ready for dictation next week.
    2.完成练习册A 第11课星期一到星期五1-3题。Complete the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 11 in workbook A.
    Continue to recite the “Chronicle of Dynasties” song.
    根据汉考报名级别(HSK or YCT),完成群里相应级别的练习题。
    Based on your registration level for HSK or YCT, complete the corresponding practice exercises shared in the group.
    5. 做端午节蛋袋(装鸡蛋或咸鸭蛋均可),下个周日捐到常燕老师处,为学校优秀学生、全勤奖和最大进步奖奖品筹集资金,示范视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cMm6zSKYs&t=10s

  18. 1,请完成练习册A第11课部分作业。
    Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Eleven on Exercise Book A.
    Thursday: 1,2,3
    Prepare for the dictation on Sunday by copying 13 words from lesson Six three times each.
    3, 课外阅读: 成语故事(已发送至班微信群)
    4, 看视频,跟读第11课课文。
    Following the video, read aloud the text once a day. https://youtu.be/2JusyJUEKG0

  19. 二年级A班:

    1. 完成十二课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 12 the rest of the questions.
    2. 完成课本91页第五题,“放假以后,你想干什么?”请用“跟,去,旅游,帮,做”写一段话。
    Please write a paragraph about your holiday, what you wants to do using “跟,去,旅游,帮,做”.
    3. 继续学唱《春夜洛城闻笛》,记住歌词。
    Continue learn to sing the songs and remember the lyrics.
    4. 做端午节蛋袋(装鸡蛋或咸鸭蛋均可),下个周日捐到常燕老师处,为学校优秀学生、全勤奖和最大进步奖奖品筹集资金,示范视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cMm6zSKYs&t=10s

  20. 五年级B班
    1.改正听写错误的生字,每个字抄写5遍。并拍照片发到微信群。Correct your dictation, write the correct one 5times,and take photos send them to wechat group.
    Preview Lesson 11, Mark each new word with pinyin and write its structure.
    Practice the song 《游子吟》with dance movement。
    5. 做端午节蛋袋(装鸡蛋或咸鸭蛋均可),下个周日捐到常燕处,为学校优秀学生、全勤奖和最大进步奖奖品筹集资金,示范视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cMm6zSKYs&t=10s

  21. 二年级B班
    Finish part 1,2 and 3, Exercise book A of Lesson 11.
    2. 复习YCT2的词汇。准备2B铅笔,为6月18日汉考做准备。
    Practice the words YCT2 and prepare 2B pencil, ready for 18th June the exam.
    Practice the song.

  22. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK31 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.(Compulsory)Review and finish the two exercises on page 30 of the Standard Course book4. And then read aloud all contents of Lesson 6 except for the Test1 on page 32.

    2.Preview contents on the first 2 pages of lesson 7.

    3.(Highest Priority )Read and memorise all lyrics intensively, and sing along with corresponding music. Practice it up repeatedly everyday. As requested, ready able to read sing confidently and make videos as soon as possible.

    4.(Optional)Find PDF files from class WeChat group and print. Review and read given words about Dragon Boat Festival repeatedly. Then hand writing all characters.

    5.Play the following two video clips and make 蛋袋. Welcome to enter the school competition.

  23. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、写一篇“端午节”的作文, 字数不限 ;
    Write an essay about Dragon Boat Festival ;
    Preview Lesson 11;
    Uploading your recordings for those has yet done.
    4. 参照示范视频做端午节蛋袋。

  24. 四年级B班
    1.请同学们打开微信里的YCT4 真题集的5套题做好,每天练一套。请将学生有疑问的题目发到群里。并用Quzlet继续练习词汇。
    1. Please open the 5 sets of questions in the YCT4 real test set in WeChat, and practice one set every day. Please post questions that students have questions to the group. And keep practicing vocabulary with Quizlet.

    2.准备好两支2 B铅笔和一块橡皮,下周汉考时使用。6月18日准时到校,不迟到。预祝大家考出好成绩。
    Prepare two 2 B pencils and an eraser for the Chinese exam next week. Arrive at school on time on June 18 and not be late. I wish you all good grades.

    Refer to the demonstration video to make a Dragon Boat Festival egg bag, and bring the ready-made egg bag and a hard-boiled egg back to school during class next week.
    Welcome to the school egg sack race.

  25. 四年级B班
    1.请同学们打开微信里的YCT4 真题集的5套题做好,每天练一套。请将学生有疑问的题目发到群里。并用Quzlet继续练习词汇。
    1. Please open the 5 sets of questions in the YCT4 real test set in WeChat, and practice one set every day. Please post questions that students have questions to the group. And keep practicing vocabulary with Quizlet.

    2.准备好两支2 B铅笔和一块橡皮,下周汉考时使用。6月18日准时到校,不迟到。预祝大家考出好成绩。
    Prepare two 2 B pencils and an eraser for the Chinese exam next week. Arrive at school on time on June 18 and not be late. I wish you all good grades.

    Refer to the demonstration video to make a Dragon Boat Festival egg bag, and bring the ready-made egg bag and a hard-boiled egg back to school during class next week.
    Welcome to the school egg sack race.

  26. 四年级B班
    1.请同学们打开微信里的YCT4 真题集的5套题做好,每天练一套。请将学生有疑问的题目发到群里。并用Quzlet继续练习词汇。
    1. Please open the 5 sets of questions in the YCT4 real test set in WeChat, and practice one set every day. Please post questions that students have questions to the group. And keep practicing vocabulary with Quizlet.

    2.准备好两支2 B铅笔和一块橡皮,下周汉考时使用。6月18日准时到校,不迟到。预祝大家考出好成绩。
    Prepare two 2 B pencils and an eraser for the Chinese exam next week. Arrive at school on time on June 18 and not be late. I wish you all good grades.

    Refer to the demonstration video to make a Dragon Boat Festival egg bag, and bring the ready-made egg bag and a hard-boiled egg back to school during class next week.
    Welcome to the school egg sack race.

  27. A level班 家庭作业




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