
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、熟悉汉字笔画名称表P91 – 将每个笔画抄写10遍,每天抄5个 Copy 5 times of each stokes  on page 91 (total 27 strokes, but copy 5-6 strokes per day)

2、复习写字笔顺规则表P92 Revise Strokes Order on P92

3、背诵第一课两首儿歌《猜一猜》和《读儿歌》Memorise Lesson 1’s Reading (Page 5) <Make a Guess>  and <Reading the Poem> 并拍摄视频发给老师

4、练习歌曲《你笑起来真好看》并学会舞蹈  Practice the song <你笑起来真好看> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-DbpJIoQ0k

29 Replies to “家庭作业2022年11月28日至2022年12月3日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete the exercises below “Who Am I” in Lesson 5 of Workbook A, Monday to Thursday: 123; Friday: 12
    Familiarize yourself with the fifth lesson. There is no need to send a voice to the WeChat group, and there will be a random check in class next week.
    Revise the lesson 4 phrases dictated today.
    Please to help children familiarize themselves with the Chinese test at home and prepare for the test next Sunday.

  2. 六年级B班
    Workbook A Lesson 5 “Giant’s Garden” Monday to Friday, 1, 2, 3.

    Use the two compact sentence patterns of “and…and…” and “want…just…” to make sentences, each with two sentences.

  3. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第一课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    请家长帮助学生理解每道习题的要求,正确回答问题。按照星期一做星期一的作业,星期二做星期二的作业,以此类推。每天不要多做。Could parents help your child to understand the questions so that they can write the correct answers. Please do Monday’s work on Monday, Tuesday’s work on Tuesday, and so on. Please do not do too much in a day, especially do not complete all the homework in one day.

    2、背诵第一课两首儿歌《猜一猜》和《读儿歌》Memorise Lesson 1’s Reading (Page 5) and 并拍摄视频发给老师

    3、熟悉汉字笔画名称表P91 – 将每个笔画抄写10遍,每天抄5个 Copy 5 times of each stokes on page 91 (total 27 strokes, but copy 5-6 strokes per day)

    4,请记住写字笔顺规则: (please remember the rule of Stroke Order) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eJ5ys03NHA

  4. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习Gcse 书上72-75页所有的新单词
    Review p72-75 all new vocabs
    2 完成书上77页第1题阅读+回答问题,完成77页翻译第一题,把中文翻译成英文写下来
    Finish book.p77 reading 1 and answer the questions, Finish p77 translation, from Chinese to English.
    3 完成书上80页写作, role models, 要按照书上4个bullet point 写,要求150-180个字
    writing :p 80, role models, min 150.characters

  5. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第四课生词。Review the vocabulary of L4. https://quizlet.com/544957602/zw-6-4-flash-cards/
    2. CQ练习册B第4课周一、周二、周四第1-3题。Question 1-3 of Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Lesson 4, Workbook 6B.
    3. CQ练习册B第4课周五第1-2题。Question 1-2 of Friday, Lesson 4, Workbook 6B.

  6. 6年级A班
    Mon. 1,2,3,4,6
    Tue. 2,3,4,6
    Read the text ,and upload your records to WeChat Group.
    Review the questions about mock test.

  7. 八年级&GCSE基础班

    1. 朗读第七课课文,并上传语音到微信群
    Read the text book Lesson 7, upload the voice recording to WeChat Group.
    2. 复习华测考试的题型
    Review the questions of mock test.
    3. 用“不仅….而且…”;“既…又…还….”造句
    Use the two compact sentence patterns of “not only…but also…” and “not only…but also…and… ” to make sentences.

  8. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Please review the questions of the mock test and be ready for the test next week.
    Read aloud and recite the text of Lesson 4.

  9. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the question two ‘ read aloud’ on the text book page 28 three times a day
    把课本28页的‘读一读’ 每天读三遍
    2, Complete the exercises for Lesson Four in Exercise book B
    Thursday: 1/2/3
    Friday: 1/2/3/4
    星期四: 1/2/3
    3, Use the Pinyin input, type the ‘clapping hands’ on text book page 30, please make sure one space for each word.
    用拼音输入把第四课30页‘拍手歌’ 打出来, 注意每个字空一格。
    4, Practice to say in Chinese the food your family buy in a week.

  10. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 5 YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below: https://quizlet.com/679441067/yct5-lesson-5-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2.Please write the new words five times with Pinyin and English meaning ,and prepare for the dictation on Sunday:

    3.Please use the video clips below to learn the family members name in Chinese.


    4. Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  11. 二年级A班

    1. 改正听写的错别字, 每个字写五遍。
    Correct your dictation,write 5 times each.
    2. 请同学们熟悉华测题型,准备下周测试。
    Please familiarise the test paper, ready for test next week.
    3. 请任选华文测试第二页学习10个字写在听写本上,每个5遍。
    Please learn 10 words on the page 2 of the test paper and write 5times each.

  12. 20221127 Home work

    Please practice your speaking skills, and read the Reading 4 everyday. Please record your voice and send to Wechat group by Saturday. If you have difficulty to read some words, please refer teacher’s speaking sample.


    Please write the new words from the Lesson 4 and Reading 4 everyday.

    练习册 B practice B

  13. 家庭作业2022年11月28日至2022年12月3日
    1 阅读第五课课文《我是谁》
    Read Lesson 5 《Who Am I》
    2 完成第五课练习册上星期一到星期四的第一题和星期五的第1,2 题。
    Complete the following exercises
    Monday 1
    Tuesday 1
    Wednesday 1
    Thursday 1
    Friday 1, 2
    3 练习华文水平测试 阅读. 一级(样卷)
    4 练习华文水平测试 阅读. 二级(样卷)

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete Exercise A Lesson Five Monday to Friday all questions;
      Read aloud Lesson Five;
      3、给爸爸妈妈/家人讲述课文故事 。
      Retell the story to parents/family members.

  14. 三年级C班:
    1. 练习册B第四课星期三、星期四和星期五。
    Exercise book B Lesson 4 、Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
    2. 读一读老师发的补充谜语,邀请家人一起猜一猜。(optional)
    Read the riddle I have sent to you then invite your family members to make a guess with you.
    3. 请完成链接中的作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    4. 背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    鹰愁涧 失白马
    遇菩萨 受点化

  15. 本周作业:
    complete part of the exercises of Lesson Four on Exercise Book B
    Tuesday: 2,3
    Thursday: 2,3,4
    Please read aloud the text of Lesson Four twice a day and please send your recording to our class’ wechat before Sunday, thank you.
    3, 欢乐汉语: 重任

  16. 第十一周:
    GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写十遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    2. 课堂上学习的20个词: “最近、特别、顿、晚餐、洗筷子、稀饭、餐厅、素菜、干净、希望、豆腐、蛋糕、健康、蔬菜、各种各样、热闹、庆祝、又饿又渴、肯德基、肥胖症” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共40个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making two complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.

    3. 阅读三篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第128页(阅读2)、第130页(阅读2) 和 第133页(阅读4)。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 128 reading 2, page 130 reading 2 and page 133 reading 4of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  17. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 完成练习册A第五课《小马过河》星期一到星期四的1-5题,以及星期五的1-4题。
    Please finish exercise 1-5 of Monday to Thursday, and exercise 1-4 of Friday in Lesson 5 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 每天朗读第五课课文,注意读出语气,读熟后录制视频或者音频发到我们的班级微信群。
    Please read Lesson 5 fluently, make a video or audio and send it to our Wechat group.

  18. 五年级A班
    1.复习第三课词汇,下周听写A 。利用Quizlet 复习交通工具相关词汇(选择部分词汇听写)。 B
    Revise the vocabulary in lesson 3 and get ready for dictation next week; Learn the transportation vocabulary by the link in Wechat group.

    Read the text until fluently and be able to recite the second paragraph; send the recording to Wechat group by Saturday.

    3、 练习册A第三课,完成周四及周五剩余的练习 。 B
    Complete the rest of the exercises of lesson 3 from Thursday to Friday. (Exercise book A)

    Read the handout that you were given in and learn the new characters.

    According to the discussion about the road safety in lesson, make a poster or brochure so we can make a display to show the other students in school.

  19. 四年级A班
    1 没有默会第四课的几位同学请好好复习,这星期重默。have not done write from memory lesson fourth of several students please review, this week. do IT again。
    2 按笔画抄写第五课生字 五遍 copy write the lesson 5 vpcabularis 5 time each with strokes order
    3 做第五课习题周一到周五的1-4题 do Lesson 5 praxis Mon _Fri Question 1-4.
    4 读一读 ,写一写 下面词汇 Read the following vocabulary
    帽子 皮鞋 手套 毛衣 皮带 袜子 长裤 短裤
    长裙 短裙 游泳裤 游泳衣 雨衣 大衣 风衣 背心
    紧身袜 内衣 外套 手杖 眼睛 口罩 护耳 围巾

    5 朗读下面短诗 reading aloud poem
    我们祖先zu xian真聪明,造zao 字就像画一样

  20. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1.熟悉汉字笔画名称表(第91页,共27个笔画)请每个笔画抄写10遍,每天写5个。Copy 10 times of each strokes on page 91 and remember the names.

    2.复习写字笔顺规则表(第92页) Review the table of stroke order rules for writing on page 92

    3. 熟练朗读第五页两首儿歌《猜谜语》和《读儿歌》Please practice the children’s poems and on page 5.

    4.今天听写写错的字,请改正并在听写本上每个字抄写10遍。Correct the wrong words in today’s dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

  21. A level班 家庭作业



  22. 学前班B班

    complete 2B text book page 35 and 37 exercises. Glue it on the blue note book.

    2, 看视频,继续练习圣诞节的三首歌 《迎主颂》, 《我们祝你圣诞快乐》,《平安夜》。
    Watch video clips and continue practice the three Christmas songs.

    3, 还没有提交视频的同学,请继续提交上来。《弟子规》入则孝 (冬则温-业无变)
    Please continue up load “Dizigui”video recording to WeChat Class group

  23. 五年级B班
    1.大声而有感情地朗读课文《狼和小羊》直到流利,并发录音到群里。(Read the text aloud untill fluently ,and send a recording to the group.)
    2. 请完成练习册B第四课《狼和小羊》的部分练习题:(Please complete part of exercise book B, Lesson 4 “The Wolf and the Lamb” ):

  24. 四年级B班
    Please review the “Level 3 Sample Paper of the Chinese Test” and watch the video with the test paper sent down.,
    https://youtu.be/EuFFXjGnvVk .
    Familiar with the question type, I will go back to school for the exam on December 4th. I hope you will ensure your attendance, not late, and not absent.
    Continue to complete P4 of the review materials, and then make sentences.P7: Rewrite the sentence.This information will be brought back on Sunday.
    Preview Lesson 5.

  25. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK11 Term1 2022-23/汉考B班三级 家庭作业🌻:

    1.(Compulsory) Print out the PDF files (find from class WeChat group). Read all the contents and memorise. Then use pencil to copy over each of the characters stroke by stroke while you read it out loudly.

    2.Play audio file (find from class WeChat group) and read the text (on page 31 from the Standard Course book) accordingly with the same tone, till fluent & remembered.
    Lesson6 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnIITx-qxk8&list=PL6zbcXZAJuLFyrsDSbomrhe-Kw0YhsQda&index=6

    3.Complete questions 4-7 on pages 22-24 from the Activity Book.

    4. Continue to complete all other assigned homework which you haven’t done.
    4, 继续完成其它未完成的分配的作业。

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