
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页)                                                                          To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3-4 (Page 7-10)

2、练习并背诵儿歌 Practice and recite two poems:《咏鹅》、《河边两只鹅》并发视频给老师

28 Replies to “家庭作业2022年9月19日至2022年9月24日”

  1. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A第一课《红绿灯》以下练习:星期一至星期四:1、2、3、4题;星期五:1、2、3题。
    Complete the following exercises of the first lesson “Red Light” in the Green Workbook: Monday to Thursday: Questions 1, 2, 3, 4; Friday: Questions 1, 2, and 3.
    2. 熟读第一课课文,并发录音到微信群里。Familiarize yourself with the first lesson text, and send voice to WeChat group.
    keep making name tags.

  2. 8年级GCSE 基础班
    1 熟练掌握第一课所有生字,要求按笔顺写好每个字,笔顺参照网站 http://www.strokeorder.info/
    Review all new characters of lesson 1, follow stroke order of each characters. see above website
    2 朗读课文,发语音到微信群里
    Recite lesson 1 passage, record your audio and sent to wechat group
    3 完成中文练习册第一课星期一到星期三的作业
    Finish lesson book lesson 1 Monday -Wednesday
    4 练习第一次词组句子 Kahoot
    Play Kahoot game of lesson 1

  3. 学前A班 reception class 翁冰
    1. 学说quiz let W1 四季和月份的词语:春天 夏天 秋天 冬天。暖和的春天 、五颜六色的春天、炎热的夏天、金色的秋天、凉快的秋天、白色的冬天、寒冷的冬天……
    2. 预习 古诗“春晓” 。课堂发的练习下周再做。

  4. YCT A homework:

    1. Please revise and write the vocabulary in the PDF file which sent to the WeChat group. Not everyone is required to memorise the writing, but try to be able to read it without pinyin.

    Method: look – copy – cover – write

  5. 一年级A班 (YEAR 1A)
    1. 完成拼音练习册第三和第四课(第七至第十页)
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3 and 4 (Page 7-10)
    2. 练习并背诵《咏鹅》和《河边两只鹅》请发视频给老师。Please practice and recite the two poems and send videos to the teacher.
    3. 练习声母b, p, m, f 歌,请看以下链接。 Practice the Pinyin b, p, m, f song. Please see the link below:

  6. 四年级 A班 王老师
    1,读熟第一课课文,记熟课文的四个主题。Read the lesson 1 and remember the five topicals
    1) 收信 2) 北京有什么? 3) 夏天计划 4) 对爷爷的保证
    2 记下现在中文书信的写法。Write down the current Chinese letters writing、
    1) 信的右上方不用写姓名,地址,日期 2) 每一段开始要后退两个字 3) 写完信后,必须写祝福的句子 4) 写信人的签名要放在信的右下角。5) 写信 时间要放在信的右下角,名字下面一行。
    1)Do not write name, address, date on the top right of the letter
    2) Two words place be set back at the beginning of each paragraph 3) end writing the letter, blessing must be written
    4) The signature of the writer should be placed in the lower right corner of the letter.
    5) The time of writing the letter should be placed in the lower right corner of the letter, one line below the name.

    3 记熟课文生词,按照这里,在课文里划线。每词抄写三遍,要听写,Remember the text new words, follow here, underline in the book. copy each phrases 3 time。dictation nextweek
    亲爱, 收到,信封,邮票 ,首都,长城,故宫,天安门,广场,看望
    水平, 提高,争取,进步,健康,孙子

    4 做 练习册习题周一到周五的3,4,5题 do EX A lesson 1 questions 3,4,5 of Mon-Fri .
    5 读一读 《三字经》节选Read the three-character Classic excerpt
    高曾祖ɡāo zēn zu
    父而身fù ér shēn
    身而子shēn ér zǐ
    子而孙zǐ ér sūn
    自子孙zì zǐ sūn
    至玄曾zhì xuán zēn
    乃九族nǎi jiǔ zú
    人之伦rén zhī lún

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      1、大声朗读第一课课文数次直到流利, 发音频到班群。
      Read aloud Lesson One until fluently;send the recording to class chat;
      Translate Lesson One text into English;
      Make one of sentence with words on Text Book page 2;
      4、用“是 …… 还是 ……“造句二个。

  7. 五年级B班
    Read the text once /day . Please click the link.
    Exercise Book A: Questions 1-3 from Monday to Friday.

  8. 六年级C班作业
    1. 练习册A第2页第2题,写出下列词语的反义词。Write an antonym for each word.
    2. 练习册A第3页第7题,读课文,填空。Fill in the blanks according to the text.
    3. 练习册A第5页第4题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    4. 练习册A第6页第5题,画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。Find out and correct the wrong characters.
    5. 练习册A第8页第3题,组词语。Form phrases.
    6. 习册A第8页第4题,选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    7. 习册A第9页第5题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    8. 习册A第9页第6题,读句子,用画线的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the underlined words.
    9. 习册A第9页第7题,读课文,选择填空。Choose the right sentences according to the text.

  9. 8年级GCSE基础A班
    1. 掌握并理解20个划线词组,下周随堂考试:
    Review the 20 key words and understand the meanings. It’s part of the in class test next week.
    2. 熟练掌握第一课所有生字,笔顺参照网站 http://www.strokeorder.info/
    Review all new characters of lesson 1, follow stroke order of each characters. see above website.
    3. 完成中文练习册第一课星期一到星期三的作业
    Complete the pratice book A lesson 1 Monday -Wednesday
    4. 请用中文阐述课堂讨论的课题 – 家长是否应该干预孩子们看漫画
    Use your own words to explain your thoughts on whether the parents should interven their kids from reading manga.

  10. 20220918homework

    Please practice your speaking skills, and read the Lesson 1 everyday. Please record your voice and send to Wechat group by Saturday. If you have difficulty to read some words, please refer teacher’s speaking sample.

    Please write the new words from the Lesson 1 everyday.

    练习册A practice A

    Please write a short essay to describe your take airplane exprience. Word:200-300.

  11. 三年级C班:
    1. 练习册A第一课:星期一至星期四1-5题。
    Complete lesson one in exercise book A, do Monday to Thursday questions 1-5.
    2. 请熟读第一课并把视频发到微信群。
    Read Lesson one until fluent, please send a recording of your reading to the Wechat group.
    3. 请点击下方链接完成作业,选择about me 和 hobbies 这两个主题。
    Please choose these two topics in the link below: about me and hobbies

  12. A level 班 李乐

    A level班 家庭作业

    1、 学习A Level考试大纲第二部分,Subject content and assessment information, 了解如何评分标准。
    Syllabus-Part two Subject content and assessment information.

    2、 复习课堂上讲解的A Level考试大纲的内容,记住要点。
    Review the syllabus.

    3、 预习新单词,下节课听写。
    Preview new words.

  13. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1C)- 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3-4 (Page 7-10)

    2, 看链接学唱声母b, p, m, f 歌, Watching the following YouTube and learn b, p, m, f Song

    3, 熟练朗读以下《儿歌》 Recite songs below:
    Xiǎo shānyáng shàng shān pō
    小山羊, 上山 坡
    shān pō shàng cǎo er duō
    山坡上, 草儿多
    biān chī cǎo biān chàng gē
    边吃草, 边 唱 歌
    bèngbèng tiào tiào zhēn kuài lè
    蹦蹦 跳跳 真快乐
    Miáo miáo yǒu zhì xiǎohuāmāo
    huā māo míngzì jiào máomao
    máomao èle miāo miāo jiào
    miáo miáo gǎnjǐn wèi máomao


  14. 六年级A班
    Exercise A
    Mon. 1,3,4,5
    Tue. 2,3,5,6
    Wed. 1,2,3,4
    2. 查询自己的农历生日
    Find your birthday date in lunar calendar
    3. 朗读第一课课文
    Read the text of

  15. 三年级B班
    1 朗读第一课课文《红绿灯》并录音
    Read the lesson one aloud and record the it.
    2 请完成第三册练习册A第一课《红绿灯》星期一至星期二的全部练习和星期三的1-4.
    Please complete the all exercises from Monday to Tuesday and 1-4 on Wednesday in lesson one《Traffic Light》in Exercises Book A.
    3 抄写三遍并知道记住这两个词语的意思:人来车往 大街小巷
    Copy three times and know to remember the meaning of the two words.

  16. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT 5 lesson 1 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习YCT5 册第一的生词


    2) Please write write the following new words 5 times each, and prepare for the dictation on Sunday. 请把下列的生词每个词写五遍,准备周日的听写:
    3)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  17. 1,请完成练习册A第一课部分练习。Please finish part of the exercises in Exercise Book A,Lesson 1.
    星期二: 2,3,4和5
    2,用以下词语造句:Make sentences by using following words. 许多,要是……就……
    3,熟读课文,并且背诵课文第三段。Read text of lesson Two. Memories the third paragraph.
    Reading: thirty-six stratagems

  18. 二年级C班作业
    Year Two C Homework
    1, 数一下自己名字中汉字的笔划, 并写在作业本上
    Count the strokes of your name and write it in the workbook
    2, 把课本第四页的‘读一读’熟读三遍
    Read the “read aloud” on the text book page 4-5 three times fluently
    3, 把课本第七页的’中文学校真是好‘每天读三遍
    Read the “ what a great Chinese school “ on text book page 7 three times everyday.
    4, 完成练习册A的部分练习
    星期一:1/2/3/5/6, 请不要做题四
    Complete the exercise book A the question 1/2/3/5/6 for Monday, please don’t do the fourth question.

  19. 二年级A班:

    1. 完成练习册A第一课周一至周五的 1, 2, 3题。
    Please complete the first 3 exercises of Monday to Friday.
    2. 请用“在”和“喜欢”各造三个句子。
    Please make three sentences each using “ 在”and “喜欢” .
    3. 请熟读课本第四页的“读一读”,下节课课上检查。
    Practice reading “Read aloud” which is on page 4 of the text book. I will check it in the next lesson.

  20. 五年级A班家庭作业
    Exercise bookA lesson1:
    Monday:question 1-7; Tuesday:3、4、6、7
    Complete you flash cards as we discussed in lesson.
    Rewrite the text in the third person.
    4、 背诵《水调歌头 明月几时有》,并拍摄视频发送给老师,学唱歌曲《但愿人长久》。如果周日上课前老师没有收到朗诵作业,请周日在课堂上给老师背诵。
    Be able to recite the poem and send your recording to your teacher and learn the song.

  21. 四年级B班家庭作业:
    1. 完成练习册A 星期一 到星期三 第4,第5,第6题。完成后请家长发到班级群,让助教李老师批改。
    2. 对照课堂笔记和第一课的课文:写信的格式,给爸爸妈妈写一封信,内容可以讲讲你在星期天中文学校的学习生活,字数包括标点在80字以内。
    3. 每天有感情地大声朗读课文 第一课《给爷爷的信》一次,注意拼音发音准确。请在星期六晚上6点前发录音到微信群。

  22. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第一课《给爷爷的信》星期一到星期五的如下练习:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.
    Mon: Question 3, 5, 6 and 7
    Tues: Question 5-7
    Wed: Question 4-7
    Thur: Question 5 and 7
    Fri: 3, 4, 5 and 7

    2. 熟读第一课《给爷爷的信》的课文,录成视频或者音频,发到Wechat群里。
    Read Lesson 1 fluently, make a record and send to our Wechat group.

    3. 复习第一课重点词汇,下周课上听写。(请提前准备好听写本)
    Please review the highlighted phrases. We’ll have dictation next class.

    4. 口头作业:选一个中国的地方,做一个简单的介绍,比如:位置,名胜和美食。下周课上讲给同学们听。
    Please prepare an introduction of a place in China. In next class, tell teachers and classmates the famous places, foods and other interesting things about this place.

  23. 背诵并绘画背诵绕口令: 七个阿姨来摘果
    背诵并绘画: 山村咏怀

  24. GCSE 考试班家庭作业
    1. 课堂作文测试中得B-、B、B+、C-、C、C+ 的同学根据要求再重新写一遍。
    Students who scored B-, B, B+, C-, C and C+ in the classroom writing test should write again as required.
    2. 课堂上学习的20个词:“有意思、跟…一起、因为…,所以…、一个多小时、可是、对…好/不好、节目、比赛、酷、…的时候、打篮球、身体、踢足球、宠物、听音乐、上班、回家、睡觉、吃晚饭、看电视”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共40个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.

    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 11 reading 4, and page 13 reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  25. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    1.完成第一课,练习册A,星期一到星期五的1,2 和3 部分。
    Finish Exercise Book A, parts 1,2 and 3 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 1.
    2. 用A4纸做一张自己的名片(中文名字,可以画自己的爱好)。
    Make your name card .
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 1.

  26. Class YCT B Homework WEEK2 Term1 2022-23/ 汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Find the two PDF files sent to class WeChat group, read aloud (2-3 pages per-day) each of the words and phrases.

    2.Add more contents based on Chinese characters or words you’ve learnt before, continue the short introduction about ‘我和我的家人’. For example, to mention whether you have pet at home and what is it. Try to read to the class next Sunday.
    2,除了给出的几点,你还可以使用学过的字词给《我和我的家人》的简介增加一点内容。比如, 你可以说一说,你家里是否有宠物,有什么宠物。争取下周日课上读给老师同学们听。

    3.Find the contents you have printed from class WeChat group about the Chinese ancient poem of ‘水调歌头·明月几时有’, practice reading and singing respectively by repeatedly display the following two video clips.
    3,找到打印出来的有关苏轼的 《水调歌头·明月几时有》的内容(见班级微信群),对照以下两个链接分别重复练习朗诵与跟唱。
    Reading朗诵 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGSQvCToXr8
    Singing唱歌 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJP8JPEmtcE

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