
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song:


张开喉咙a a a
公鸡打鸣o o o
白鹅唱歌e e e
我穿新衣 i  i  i
天上乌云 u u u
就要下雨 ü ü ü

32 Replies to “家庭作业2022年9月12日至2022年9月17日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Preview the first lesson “Traffic Lights” and read the text.
    Continue to make name tags and self-introduction at home, and share with classmates in class next week。
    Please put your name and class in the new textbook, workbook and dictation book.

    1. 家庭作业:
      A组的同学们 – 口味
      B组的同学们 – 创新
      C组的同学们 – 配料
      D组的同学们 – 外观

  2. 学前A班 reception class 翁冰
    1. 注册quizlet 学说W1 四季和月份的词语和句子:你好,老师好,我,叫,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,你好,我叫XX。我今年五/六岁了。
    2. 完成课堂分发的作业(中秋节填色和画画“关于我”)下周带回学校。

  3. 二年级A班

    1. 请熟读并背诵发下的绕口令“数一数”,音频发到群里。
    Please read and recite the tongue twister and then send the recording to the group chat.
    2. 朗读第一课课文,音频发到群里。
    Fluently read Lesson 1, and send the recording to group chat.
    3. 学会写自己的名字,请把名字写在发下的课本,练习册和听写本上,下节课检查。
    Learn to write your own name, please write down your name in your text book, exercise book and dictation book, which I will check in the next lesson.

  4. 8年级&GCSE 基础班网课
    1 ,学习掌握中秋节的介绍,传统,美食,和相关词汇
    Learn all the facts about Mid-Autumn Festival, tradition, food, all related vocabularies.
    2 ,熟读中文第8册第一课课文,跟着一下链接学习朗读课文https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl8NdKTiIcc&list=PLPcQoyI9NUICtAWXbcbn469rRiqTb8Xx-
    Read lesson 1 with youtube link to practise
    3 预习第3页的18个词组,翻译成英文写下来
    Preview 18 words on page 3, translated in English and write it down
    4 请同学们准备好课堂记录本,最后还能准备一个白板和黑色的马克笔
    Prepare a note book for classroom , and white board and marker pen is ideally.

  5. 六年级A班
    Tell me about yourself, how got your name.
    2. 预习第一课课文
    Preview the text of lesson one.
    When is your birthday in lunar year?

  6. @所有人 
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself.,include your name, age, hobbies, favourite sport or colour etc.
    Complete the exercise about mid-autumn festival

  7. 五年级A班家庭作业
    Complete the work sheets of the eight new words we learnt today.
    According the oral practice in class, write a piece of writing to introduce yourself(you could use the structure in our Wechat group to help you if you needed)
    Prepare a folder to save the flash cards you are going to make , an exercise book for writing practice and bring these in every week.
    4.背诵今天上课学习的《水调歌头 明月几时有》并学唱歌曲《但愿人长久》。
    Be able to recite the poem we learnt today and learn the song.

  8. 6年级A班
    1. 准备自我介绍,讲一讲名字的由来
    Tell about yourself, how is got the name.
    2. 预习第一课课文
    Preview the text of lesson one.
    3. 查询你的农历生日
    When is your birthday in lunar year?

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

      Complete Exercise A Lesson one Monday to Friday all questions;
      Write two“good wishes” sentences about Mid-Autumn Festival;
      Write an assay about you and your family celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in about 200 words.

  9. 五年级B班
Write a paragraph to introduce yourself. 

    2. 看两本绘本故事《中秋节》、《从前有个月饼村》(视频见微信群),并回答问题:1.你是怎样过中秋节的?2.你都知道哪些口味的月饼?3. 你还知道有关中秋节的其它名称吗?
    Read the two picture books and answer the following questions: 1. How do you spend your Moon Festival? 2. What flavours of moon cake do you know? 3. Do you know any other name for the Moon Festival?

Learn the song.

Preview Lesson 1.

    Please prepare 3 exercise books: dictation book, essay book and note book.

    写作业时请注意!!! 三个“一 ” Notes !!!
眼睛 到桌面 一尺 eyes to table one feet
身体到桌边 一拳 body to desk side one fist
指尖到笔尖 一寸 finger to nib one inch

  10. 四年级A班
    1 ,读一下课本142页第三册生字,不会的字请写出来。Read your text book page 142, Volumn 3 vocabularies please write out the words that your forgot
    2, 抄写 第三册的12个句子,记熟它们,要听写, Copy the 12 sentences of V ol 3, remember all need dictation
    1.看 见 绿灯往 前 走 。
    2.我 高高 兴 兴 地 走 出了 书店。
    3.我去医 院 看 病。
    4.一边 说话一 边听。
    6.大家 尝 一尝 就 知 道了。
    8.水 蒸 气 能让 壶盖动 起来。
    10.兔子飞快 地 跑了出去。
    11.我怎么钓 不到鱼呢?
    12.人们又被他欺 骗了。

    3 做练习册A第一课,周一到周五每天的第一题 do exercise A lesson one Mon-Fri question 1 of each days

    4 看中秋节的故事 watch story of Mid-Autumn Festival;

    回答下面视频里的问题 Answer the questions from the video below

  11. 一年级A班

    1. 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第一、二课所有练习(第一至第六页)
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1 & 2 all exercises (Page 1-6)
    2. 练习《声调歌》请看以下链接。 Practice the four tones song. Please see the link below:
    3. 练习单韵母歌, 请看以下链接。 Practice the Pinyin songs. Please see the link below:
    4.. 练习拼音儿歌 Practice the Pinyin song.
    张开喉咙 a a a
    公鸡打鸣 o o o
    白鹅唱歌 e e e
    我穿新衣 i i i
    天上乌云 u u u
    就要下雨 ü ü ü

  12. 六年级C班作业
    1. 练习册A第1页第1题,写一写。Learn to write.
    2. 练习册A第2页第3题,比一比,再组词。 Compare and form phrases.
    3. 练习册A第2页第5题,连词成句。Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    4. 练习册A第3页第6题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.
    5. 练习册A第6页第6题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    6. 写一篇关于中秋节的作文,可以是《我知道的中秋节》、《中秋节的故事》、《2022年的中秋节》等等。Write a composition about the Mid-Autumn Festival with you own title.

  13. @所有人 20220911homework

    Please find a poem which is relevant the Mid-Autumn Festival, and please record your speaking and to send the wechat group on Saturday.

    Please write down the poem from Part 1.

    Please write a short essay to describe how do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    Words: Around 200.

  14. 二年级C 班作业
    Year 2C Homework
    1, 学会写自己的名字,写十遍。
    Learn to write your own name in Chinese, please write ten times
    2, 把课本第一课的课文每天读三遍。
    Read the Lesson one 3 times every day.
    3, 学会句型: ‘我在中文学校学习’ , 练习用: ’ 我在 ( Place) do what ‘ 说五个句子
    Learn the sentence pattern: ‘我在中文学校学习” , practice: ‘我在 place do what’ , Say five sentences
    4, 看中秋节的故事, 试着用中文复述这个故事
    watch story of Mid-Autumn Festival, try to repeat the story in Chinese.

  15. 三年级B班
    1 抄写并且背诵第三册第52页第七课课文《静夜思》
    Please Copy and recite the lesson 7 “Thoughts on a silent Night” on page 52 of book 3.
    2 看视频了解中秋节的由来和习俗
    Watch the origin and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    3 中秋节是农历的几月几号?大家吃什么传统食物?
    When is the Mid-Autumn Festival in the lunar calendar? What traditional foods do you eat?
    4 记住下面这些词语
    Remember these words.
    花(huā)好(hǎo)月(yuè)圆(yuán)、月(yuè)圆(yuán)人(rén)圆(yuán)、人(rén)月(yuè)团(tuán)圆(yuán) 、 团(tuán)团(tuán)圆(yuán)圆(yuán)、春(chūn)花(huā)秋(qiū)月(yuè)、合(hé)家(jiā)团(tuán)圆(yuán)
    5 预习第三册第一课《红绿灯》
    Preview book 3 Lesson 1 “Traffic Lights”.

  16. 六年级B班作业

    Exercise Book A “In the Park” Exercise 1;

    100-word essay, choose one of the two, “The Moon in My Eyes” or “Eating Mooncakes Together

  17. 四年级B班

    1. 完成练习册A 星期一 到星期三 第1,第2,第3题。完成后请家长发到班级群,让助教李老师批改。
    2. 自行设计制作名卡,形式不限,要求字体醒目,颜色丰富。下周日带回学校。
    3. 复习第一课的生字,每天大声朗读课文,请学生在周六晚8点前发录音到班级群里。
    4. 继续完成在课堂上发的中秋节work pack,下周日带回学校。

  18. GCSE for no-Chinese background class homework
    1. Please use the quizlet link below to learn how to say family members in Chinese.请用下列的Quizlet 链接学习家族成员名称。
    2)Please write ten sentences using the following verbs:请用下面的词语各造一个句子:

  19. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1C)- 傅老师

    1) 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第一、二课所有练习第一至第六页
    To complete Exercise Book Lesson 1 & 2 all exercises, page 1-6

    2) 学唱并背诵《拼音儿歌》请看以下链接: Recite the Pinyin song below, watch this link:
    张大嘴巴ɑ ɑ ɑ
    圆圆嘴巴o o o
    扁扁嘴巴e e e
    牙齿对齐i i i
    嘴巴突出u u u
    像吹笛子ü ü ü

    3)演唱《四声调儿歌》 看以下链接。Recite the poem and watch the link below:


  20. Yct4 class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1)Please review the poem we learned on Sunday using the video clip below, and recite it in front of your family, aslo tell your parents about it请用下面的小视频复习我们周日学习的唐诗《静夜思》,并向父母背诵和讲述此诗的中文大意。


    2. Please review the new words for Lesson one of YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below:


  21. GCSE 家庭作业:

    1. 请同学们准备购买Edexcel GCSE Chinese书,另外请准备两本练习本,这周日第一节课需要检查。GCSE书本可以在亚马逊上购买,以下是参考链接。
    Please purchase Edexcel GCSE Chinese books, and please also prepare two exercise books (normal thick exercise books), which need to be checked in the first class this Sunday. GCSE books can be purchased on Amazon. Here are the reference links. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-GCSE-Chinese-Student-Book/dp/1292210842/ref=sr_1_1?crid=93ZV8WJU2ZKJ&dchild=1&keywords=edexcel+chinese+gcse+9-1&qid=1599506968&sprefix=edexcel+chinese+%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1
    2. 请写一篇小作文:关于你自己
    字数要求:120 左右
    • 你的名字,年龄,年级(英文学校)
    • 你的家人,你的爱好
    • 你为什么学中文? 你对中文的哪些方面感兴趣?你觉得学中文对于你今后有什么帮助?
    • 这一年的学习目标是什么?
    Short writing task: About yourself
    Word count requirement: around 120
    Please be sure to include the following points to write:
    • Your name, age, grade (English school)
    • your family, your hobbies
    • Why did you study Chinese? what aspects of Chinese are you interested in? How do you think learning Chinese will help you in the future?
    • What are the learning goals for this year?
    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第8页(阅读1)和第10页(阅读1)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 8 reading 1, and page 10 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  22. YCT A Homework for 12-9-2022 to 17-9-2022(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. Watch the video clips, and make a mooncake handcraft. 看视频,做月饼手工。

    Mooncake paper craft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkPuqzeeEDo
    Introduction of Mid – Autumn Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuzbA2I4KO8
    Mid-Autumn Festival history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CqNVUxjGGQ&t=62s
    Famous poem about the moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMa9NG2kR2Y

    Task 2. Review the following words. 复习以下词语。
    1. 中(zhōng) 秋(qiū) 节(jié) Mid-Autumn Festival
    2. 年(nián),月(yuè),日(rì) Year, month, date
    3. 星(xīng) 期(qī) 日(rì) /星(xīng) 期(qī) 天(tiān) Sunday
    4. 月(yuè) 饼(bǐng) Mooncake
    5. 九(jiǔ) 岁(suì) 9 years old
    6. 我(wǒ) 叫(jiào)…… I’m called (followed by name)
    7. 点(diǎn) 分(fēn) Hour, minute

  23. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 仔细阅读大纲的第一部分内容-Introduction,了解A level考试的内容。
    Read the first part of the syllabus-Introduction to understand the content of the A level exam.

    2、 将课堂上的自我介绍写成一篇小短文,字数至少300字。

  24. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Be ready to introduce yourself.
    Copy your Chinese name six times.
    Retell the story about Mid Autumn Festival.

  25. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第一课《给爷爷的信》星期一到星期五的如下练习:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.
    Mon: Question 1,2 and 4
    Tues: Question 1-4
    Wed: Question 1-3
    Thur: Question 1-4
    Fri: 1-2

    2. 请准备两个练习本:一个是听写本,一个是作业本。请同学们清晰地将自己的中文姓名和“听写本”、“作业本”字样分别写在两个本子上面。
    Please prepare two exercise books.

    3. 在“作业本”上用微信群中发的字凑成词,越多越好。
    Please make up words using the Chinese characters given in Wechat and write them down on your exercise book.

  26. Class YCT B Homework WEEK1 Term1 2022-23/ 汉考A班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Prepare a file folder and a notebook.

    2.Play videos about Mid-Autumn Festival; Print the PDF file sent to WhatsApp or class WeChat group, read pinyin, recognize & copy each of the words or phrases on designed TianGe paper.
    2,播放中秋节视频; 打印发到WhatsApp或班级微信群的PDF文件,读拼音,记住并描写田格纸上的字词和短语。

    3.Optional: Draw mooncake according to the pictures shown on lesson, and write Chinese characters on it, if you haven’t finished yet.

    4.Write a short self-introduction of “Me and My family”. Please include: what is your name, how old are you, what grade are you in, whether you have a home, your family members and how many people there are in total, what do you like to eat and do, and do you like (or how do you like) your home? Try to speak to your classmates next Sunday about what you write.
    4,请写一小段《我和我的家人》的简短介绍。请包括:你叫什么名字,你今年几岁了,你上几年级,你是否有一个家,你的家庭成员以及总共有多少人,你都喜欢吃什么和干什么,你 是不是/如何 喜欢你的家?下周日课上试试讲给你的同学听听你写的内容。

    5.Optional: Review the reading of the Chinese ancient poem of ‘水调歌头·明月几时有’, as well as the singing of it – the song called ‘但愿人长久’, we learnt the year before. Find related files from WhatsApp or class WeChat group and print out.
    5,复习著名宋词苏轼的 《水调歌头·明月几时有》的朗诵与歌唱。打印WhatsApp或班级微信群中的相关文件继续朗诵与跟唱。

    Happy learning!

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