
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页)                                                                   To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)


《你好歌》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_rDIzj6DRE

你叫什么名字? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhmjwL3Xpt0


25 Replies to “家庭作业2020年9月21日至2020年9月26日”

  1. YCT B homework:
    1. Review Lesson 1. Read aloud the mini story Cinderella. Familiarise the English play script we wrote in our lesson. Be able to translate back into Chinese, and memorise them. We will act it next Sunday. 复习第一课。大声朗读迷你故事灰姑娘。熟悉我们课堂上写的英文剧本。能够翻译成中文,并记住。我们下周日表演。
    2. Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1): 在线词汇练习二级第一课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/
    3. Print the Writing Practice PDF file I sent to the WeChat group, practice the handwriting. 打印出我发在微信群里的书写练习文件,练习写字。

  2. 六年级A班作业
    1. 复习下列词语,理解其含义,并参照PPT(See wechat) 按要求完成任务。一组词一张幻灯片(slide)。
    Revise the following vocabulary, understand the meaning, and complete the tasks according to requirement, referencing the PPT attached. One slide for one group of vocabulary.
    1) 附近,显得,显然,显眼,明显,宁静
    Slide1:用上述词汇描写S1 中的景色。Describe the scenery in slide 1 with the above words.
    2) 格子,表格,方格,米字格,格外
    Slide2:○A请解释格外的含义,并用格外造一个句子。Explain the meaning of “格外”, and make a sentence with it.
    ○B 请把其余的词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put the rest of the words on all the relevant picture(s), respectively.
    3) 艺术, 艺术家, 艺术品, 美术, 美术馆
    Slide3:○A 请解释美术馆的用途。Please explain the use of “美术馆”.
    ○B 请解释艺术和美术的异同。Please explain the similarities and differences between “艺术” and “美术”.
    ○C 请把其余的词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put the rest of the words on all the relevant picture(s), respectively.
    4) 身强体壮, 壮大, 壮观, 壮阔
    Slide4:○A 这组词中有一个词不能用来描写幻灯片中的图片,请用这个词造一个句子。There is one word in the group that cannot be used to describe the pictures in the slide. Please make a sentence with this word.
    ○B 请把其余的词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put the rest of the words on all the relevant picture(s), respectively.
    5) 教堂, 课堂 ,食堂, 礼堂
    Slide5:○A请把这四个词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put the four words on all the relevant picture(s).
    ○B 请解释“堂”的含义。Please explain the meaning of “堂”.
    6) 钟楼, 钟,表,钟表, 闹钟, 九点钟,
    Slide6:请把这几个词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put these words on all the relevant picture(s), respectively.
    7) 庄严, 村庄 ,山庄
    Slide7:请把这三个词分别复制到所有相应的图片上。Put the three words on all the relevant picture(s), respectively.
    8) 严格, 严密, 严重
    Slide8:选词填空,并翻译成英文。Please choose the correct word(s) to fill the gap(s), then translate the sentence into English.
    9) 复制, 复制品, 反复, 复习
    Slide9:选词填空,并翻译成英文。Please choose the correct word(s) to fill the gap(s), then translate the sentence into English.
    10) 随风 随便 随时 随地 随时随地
    Slide10:选词填空,并翻译成英文。Please choose the correct word(s) to fill the gap(s), then translate the sentence into English.
    2. 阅读第六页对话并回答问题:Read the dialogue on p6, and answer the following questions:
    1) 为什么方方画画画得格外好?请给出四个原因。
    2) 你觉得为什么方方那么喜欢罗丹的《思想者》?
    3) 方方和云云要一起去什么地方?为什么去那儿?
    3. 阅读第八页短文回答问题: Read the dialogue on p8, and answer the following questions:
    1) Who is Rodin (罗丹)?
    2) What happened in Rodin’s house after his 5th birthday?
    3) Why did Rodin become such a great artist?
    4) What kind of indication does Rodin’s story give you?
    4. 预习第二课生词:Preview the vocabulary of L2
    5. 自由选择作业:Optional homework

  3. GCSE班家庭作业:

    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.

    2、完成中文练习册A,星期四到星期五 从第11页到19页。
    Complete the Lesson 1 from Thursday to Friday in Chinese Workbook A, from page 11 to page 19.

    Read “wo de xiao zhi zuo”, on page 8,9 of the text, please answer the following questions:

  4. Year Two B Homework
    1, Memorise the Reading ‘What a Great Chinese School’ on the text book page 7, will test next week.
    背诵课本第七页的‘中文学校真是好’, 下周检查
    2, Complete part of the exercises for Lesson One in Exercise Book A follow the request:
    Mon: 2/3/5/6
    Tue: 2/3/4/5/6/
    Wed: 2/3/5
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5
    3. Try to listen the story again at home, able to tell the story, will ask the questions about this story next week
    在家重听一遍‘西游记-石猴出世’, 下周回答问题。

  5. 8年级作业
    1 熟读第一课课文,熟记生字和词组,小周听写hightlight 的词组
    Read fluently lesson 1 text, learn new charachers and phrases, next week dictation highlight phrases.
    2 完成练习册A 星期一 456题,星期二45 题 ,星期三456题,星期四3456 题,星期五2345 题
    Finish exercise A book Monday 4,5,6 questions, Tus 4,5 questions, Wed 4,5,6 questions, Thurs 3,4,5,6 questions, Fri 2,3,4,5 questions.
    3 画一下你家三代人的家庭树木,要求把家庭成员名称和名字标注清楚
    List your family three generations family tree, make sure mark out their family title and names,
    4 ,写一篇简短的寻人启事,要求描述出人物的相貌特征和穿戴,走失去地点,时间,联系方式和悬赏方式等。
    Write a short passage about “lost person”,descrripe this person’s Appearance and characteristics,missling places and date and time,contact method and reward ect.

    1. 一年级C 班作业 (Year 1C homework):
      To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5 and lesson 6 (Page 11-15) ;
      2、听发的 《西游记》故事, 试着讲一讲小石猴是如何成为猴子王的?请将录音发给老师。
      To listen the audio Monkey King and tell how did the little stone monkey become the Monkey King?

  6. A level班 家庭作业
    Write down all the new words you encounter in class today to expand your vocabulary. Copy the new words of the short essay 1 in the first unit and dictate in the next lesson.

    Read Appendix 4 on pages 197 to 201 of the textbook, and summarize the differences between what you said in class and what textbook said, and what improvements you need to make in your speech.

    Read Appendix 6 of the textbook, master the 7 steps in Chinese-English translation, and complete translation exercise on P207.

    Complete the task of the first episode of Three Kingdoms (the class WeChat group has been posted).

  7. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续背诵第一课‘红绿灯’,并阅读第七页的‘交通歌’直到很流利。Continue to read and recite Lesson One ‘Traffic Lights’, also read ‘A Song of Traffic’ on page 7 until very fluently.
    2. 练习册3A:星期四至星期五。Complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson One on Exercise book A.
    3. 抄写第一课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words every 5 times and prepare for dictation next week.

  8. 学前班A Reception class:
    1.看图说话Look at the pictures in lesson 2 and say aloud
    2.学说反义词:say the antonym 大-小 多-少 上-下 左-右 快-慢
    4. 背诵古诗《草》
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1kmNfEYXEA 歌曲
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlHMinUVco 跟读
    背诵古诗并发视频到微信群。please send the video to wechat group.
    5.https://www.openwhy.cn/article/detail/1276662356125880320 斑马的条纹被偷了? 听力练习:listen to the story and comple the tasks

  9. 21/09-26/09 homework year 4 C
    四年级C 王艺霖

    1,继续完成练习册A 星期一的6,7题,
    Continue to complete exercise book A
    Monday questions 6,7
    Tuesday questions 5,6,7
    Wednesday questions4,5,6,7
    Thursday questions 5,6,7 and Friday questions 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    2, 背诵第一课‘给爷爷的信’,并阅读第9页的‘给亮亮的回信’直到很流利。
    Continue to read and recite Lesson One “A letter to Grandfather”, also read ‘A letter in reply to Liang liang” on page 9 until very fluently.
    Use “是不是” to make a sentence for each of the three sentence patterns (refer to class notes for sentence structure)
    A 王多多是个什么样的人?B 他的不倒翁玩具有什么神奇之处?
    Please complete it in any of the following three different forms.
    (Video or writing or painting)
    Answer the questions based on the three-character canon story heard in class.
    A ,What kind of person is Wang Duoduo? B ,What is magical about his tumbler toy?

  10. 1.使用quizlet 复习第一课词汇,记熟课文内容。ue the quizlet to rrevision lesson ond vocabulariy remember lesson one sentencis


    2. 做练习册第一课的习题周一到周五,第4,5,6 题 ,do Exercise book Lesson one Mon——Friday Question 4,5 6 .

    3.读一读 背一背 三字经 选段 reading memorosieelecation.
    高曾祖ɡāo zēnɡ zu
    父而身fù ér shēn
    身而子shēn ér zǐ
    子而孙zǐ ér sūn
    自子孙zì zǐ sūn
    至玄曾zhì xuán cén
    乃九族nǎi jiǔ zú
    人之伦rén zhī lún

    4.填空 fill gaps
    我( )了爷爷的来信。
    我很( )信封上的长城邮票。
    我( )……。爸爸( )……。
    今年夏天, 我们全家要( )北京。
    我们去北京( )爷爷和奶奶。
    我 ( )长城,( )故宫,( )天安门。
    我的中文 水平是不是( )很大提高
    今后我( )好好学习。
    我要( )更大的进步!
    祝爷爷,奶奶( )好!

    5 学习词汇 ,写一封给亲友的信,介绍伦敦。Learn vocabulary, write a letter to relatives and friends, introduce London.
    大英博物馆dà yīnɡ bó wù ɡuǎn
    伦敦眼lún dūn yǎn
    国会大厦 大笨钟ɡuó huì dà shà dà bèn zhōnɡ
    白金汉宫bái jīn hàn ɡōnɡ
    摄政街shè zhènɡ jiē
    伦敦塔桥lún dūntǎ qiáo
    莎士比亚剧场shā shì bǐ yà jù chǎnɡ
    泰晤士河 tài wù shì hé

  11. @all 20200920 homework
    Practice five mins to practice lesson 1 and reading 1 everyday, and please record your voice, and please send to group chat in Saturday.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down lesson1 ‘s and reading 1’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
     口头小作文练习 Speaking skills practice
    找一个你喜欢的中文小笑话,练习讲一讲,并且录音发到群里。(可以参考练习册A 16页7)
    Please find a Chinese jokes and practice your speaking skills. Once you finish, please record and share to the wechat group. (You can refer the joke from the book of practice A page 16 -7)
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给庄老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhuang. Thank you !

  12. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成练习册A,第一课,星期一到星期五的5-7题。
    Please complete question 5-7 of Mon to Fri, Lesson 1, Exercise Book A.

    2. 熟读第一课课后阅读《给亮亮的回信》。
    Please read the reading fluently.

    3. 复习本课重点词汇,下周听写。(请准备一个单独的听写本)
    Review important phrases. We will have dictation next Sun.

    4. 本周请在作业本上抄写三遍“人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。”并能够背诵。给家人讲述“周处除三害”的故事。Copy, memorize and tell the story of “San Zi Jing”。

  13. 二年级A班(Year2A) 作业:

    1 背诵第一课的阅读”中文学校真是好”。
    Recite Lesson1 Reading ” What a Great Chinese School”.
    2 完成第一课余下的练习题。
    Complete the rest of the questions of Lesson one.
    3 复习划线词语,准备下周听写。
    ” 在中文学校,教我们,说汉语,写汉字,读儿歌,画画儿,喜欢”
    Revise underlined phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    4 听名人故事- “用船也能称大象”,说一说
    曹冲是怎样称出大象重量的呢? 链接在群里,可以观看视频帮助理解故事。

  14. Yct C class homework
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson 1
    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第一课的新词

    2. Please translate these sentences into English , I have put the picture in our WhatsApp group. 请将图片中的句子翻译成英文。
    3. Please put the phrases into right order.
    1)电脑 上网 新 能
    2)学校 学生 九百 有 我们 个
    3)新 想 我 手机 买 一个
    4)再说 有了 你 吧 一千八百块
    4. Please watch videos clips 请观看下面的短视频

  15. 五年级A班家庭作业:
    (A) 写下名称和拼音;
    (B) 可以采用老师提供的模板也可以自己设计和绘制你的购物单,并自己配图;
    (C) 写出你所买文具的量词。比如:一(盒)蜡笔 一(个)书包…
    1.Shopping list: write a shopping list according to the picture.
    2、朗读课文,每天两遍,并于周六前发送朗读课文录音(不需要视频)到微信群或者google classroom(A)。
    2.Read lesson 1 text twice a day. Record it when you read it on Friday and send to Wechat group before Saturday(A).
    3、 练习册A第一课周一到周五1-3题(B)。
    3.Exercise Book A: Questions 1-3 from Monday to Friday.
    4、观看视频《鸟瞰中国》,看看视频里提到了哪些你知道或者去过的地方? (C)
    5、 请收听:《人文地理之冰川化了会怎样?》小任务:冰川融化了会出现什么样的一种状况呢?你有没有什么好的办法让冰川慢一点融化?(你可以选择视频、音频、写字、画画等各种你喜欢的方式说说你的想法)链接见微信群。(C)

  16. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

    2)练习(标调歌) To practice Standard tune song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5U0JPQoF1M
    a o e i u ü
    老大不在找o e
    最后轮到i u ü
    i u并列戴后面

  17. 三年级B班/3B Homework
    1. 完成练习册A ‘星期四和星期五’的练习
    Exercise Book A, complete the exercises of ‘Thursday and Friday’.
    2. 熟读课本第7页的“交通歌”
    Read or Sing the ‘ A Song of Traffic’ fluently, page 7.
    3. 熟记第一课学过的词语:街道,交通,真是,弟弟, 妹妹,一起,看见,红绿灯,往前走,停一停。准备下周听写。
    Revise and memorise the words and expressions on page 2, ready for dictation.
    4. 看视频,‘游’上海。Watch the video to ‘visit’ Shanghai.

  18. 本周作业
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson one in the Exercises Book A.
    2, 继续听故事:中国经典四大名著-西游记之石猴出世
    Listen to the story of Pilgrimage to the west.
    Try to draw and write the plots of the story, make your own comic book.
    Online reading: enjoy the story- Havoc in heaven.

  19. 1. 看图说话Look at the pictures in lesson 2 and say aloud.



    Draw a colorful picture “Going to the beach”. (At least two of the words “boat, umbrella, bucket and fish” should be included in the painting, and there is no limit to many of them, and photos should be uploaded to the group.)


    5. Listen to the Story “Three Character Classic” series — “The Magic Tumbler”

    Please complete it in any of the following three different forms.
    (Video or writing or painting)
    Answer the questions :
    A ,What kind of person is Wang Duoduo? B ,What is magical about his tumbler toy?

  20. 每天唱跳一到两遍/ learn and practice : 功夫唐诗 -咏鹅
    看风生水起 第十六集 / watch https://youtu.be/Y-RpmSo-Xzc
    复习 révision : 山村 / https://youtu.be/bgUqwi39ozk 会背诵后 发送班群 ( please post to class WeChat )
    独坐敬亭山 https://youtu.be/7G7xJUUMkMQ – 会背诵后 请发送班群 please post to class WeChat
    画 Draw a picture Goose/ 咏鹅 – 发送到班群
    please post to class WeChat

  21. 三年级C班
    1. 练习册A 第一课:星期四、星期五。
    Complete exercise book A Lesson one Thursday and Friday.
    2. 第一课的8个词语:红绿灯、街道、宽大、交通、人来车往、弟妹、手拉手、停车 ,写3遍准备好下周听写。
    Write 8 new words in Lesson one 3 times, get ready for the dictation next week.
    3. 请读第二课《去书店》两到三遍。Read Lesson two Going to the Bookstore a few times.
    4. 拍一段视频:说说小石猴是如何成为猴子王的?Make a video to tell us how did The Stone Monkey become Monkey King?

    第5题、第6题,可以选一题完成或两题都完成。(complete one of the tasks below or both of them.)

    5. “花果山、水帘洞、美猴王、孙悟空、三更半夜”这几词写两遍。
    write “花果山、水帘洞、美猴王、孙悟空、三更半夜”five words twice.
    6. 背诵儿歌(recite)

  22. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Complete the Exercise book A, Lesson one.
    Notice: You don’t copy new characters if you can write them.
    2. 大声朗读第一课的阅读”中文学校真是好”。
    Read aloud Lesson 1 Reading ” What a Great Chinese School”.
    3 复习一下词语,准备下周听写。请准备一本听写本。
    ” 在中文学校,教我们,说汉语,写汉字,读儿歌,画画儿,喜欢”
    Revise the phrases, ready for dictation next week.

  23. 六年级B班 2020年9月21日至2020年9月27日家庭作业 :

    Complete the exercises Monday – Friday from the 6A exercise book on lesson 1.

    Writing practice: Please use words from “常常”、“开始”、“随”、“更加”、to introduce your school and refer to the example sentence form describing the characters in the text: “这是一个身强体壮的男子汉,他正在低头沉思。” Come introduce someone from your school, who can be a teacher, classmate or
    close friend.

    In response to the school’s “亲情中华,为你讲故事” autumn and winter camp, please think about your impression of 西游记. Do you know any characters in it? Who’s your favorite? We will start the discussion in the next class.

  24. Qian Wang Class YCT-A
    Homework for WEEK3 Term1 Academic Year 20-21 / YCT-A班家庭作业:

    1. Hand writing exercise:
    Write each of the characters 一二三四五六七八九十 and 你好老师
    再见很高兴不 on specified practice sheets, three times per day.
    Use ordinary pencil(s) only. And write big, avoid small.
    Also get ready for dictation on lesson next Sunday.
    1. 每日写字认字练习:
    将“一二三四五六七八九十你好老师再见很高兴不” 中的每个

    2. Reading and Translation:
    Read till fluently, and translate the text (Page 6, Lesson2 from
    Standard Course Book1) of “Let’s read” into English.
    2. 汉译英练习:

    3. Complete questions 1, 2 and 4 of Lesson 2 from Activity book.
    3. 完成活动手册上第二课的第1,2,4 共三道题。

    4. Daily Mandarin speaking practice:
    Continue to practice Mandarin speaking with your family
    member(s), using at least the following sentences:
    1) 你好/Hello;
    2) 再见/Goodbye;
    3) 你叫什么/What’s your name?
    4) 我叫xxx/My name is xxx.
    4. 每日说汉语练习:
    1) 你好;
    2) 再见;
    3) 你叫什么?
    4) 我叫xxx。

    Refer to the link below:

    5. Follow the links below to display and sing the Song of Tones,
    the Song of Initials, and the song of Finals:

    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORpsNpxmfOc
    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaYp8TsSfA8
    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta6gOpZEReo&t=294s

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