
一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、第一册《中文》课本第八课课文抄写两遍  Copy Lesson 8 Text twice from the Year 1 Text Book

2、抄写第八课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 8 Class exercises

3、背诵第47页阅读材料 《去学校》Memorise the Reading material on the page 47

4、练习《声律启蒙》第一段 Practice the first paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout)

5、在家长的帮助下学习发下的YCT1 需掌握的词语 With parent’s help, learning or revising the words and phrases of YCT1 (Handout)

23 Replies to “家庭作业2018年4月30日至2018年5月6日”

  1. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework5B
    1. 练习册B第八课周一至周五 4-6题
    Finish exercises 4-6Monday to Friday in exercise book B lesson 8.
    2. 复习本课字词 下次听写 revise words in textbook, be prepared for next lesson ‘words test’
    3.今天我们参加了“茶文化”实景课堂, 请同学们写个观后感 (字数150左右)After joining a “real view” lesson about tea culture today, please write down a passage (around 150 words).

  2. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 12-13)。
    2.看动画: https://youtu.be/vmRLIak2Qmo

  3. homework – 1. complete the essay; 完成课上的作文
    2. write 8 lines poem rhyming with -ang, 4 lines on weather, 4 lines on your home; 4句5言律诗,关于天气,压光韵。4句关于你的家,压光韵。
    3. read http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp  and tell the class next week about 1 piece of reading at least. Also be aware / read http://www.baidu.com/.  It is extremely important to read from a variety of sources – to keep a balanced view. Not many in this world could do that! You need to be above the rest.

  4. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B homework

    Memorise all the Chinese characters and words form
    Lesson 8 and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book B of Lesson 8 .
    Monday 6/7; Tuesday6/7;
    Wednesday 6/7; Thursday6/7; Friday 5/7

  5. Year Two B Homework 二年级B班作业
    1, Memorise Lesson 9, will test next week. 背诵第九课,下周测验
    2, Complete the exercises in the Exercise book A Lessson 9 完成第九课的部分练习
    Wed: 2/3/5 星期三:2/3/5
    Thur: 2/5 星期四:2/5
    3, Practise the word expression on text book page 62, will test next week. 练习默写课本第62 页的词语,下周听写
    4, Read the first 10 sentences on the spring holiday homework 3 times a day. 把春假阅读作业的前10个句子每天读三遍

  6. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read lesson 1~10 aloud and fluent.
    Copy the vocabularies in lesson 10.
    Recite Lesson 10.
    Complete work B lesson 10:
    Thursday 4,5
    Friday 4
    Ready for dictation.

  7. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    20 words reviewed in class, you need to know how to write them, make one sentence for each word, prepare dictation next lesson.

    You have read the following notice at a leisure centre,write an email inviting your friend to join you。Use the bullet points 1-4 to help you:
    1, When to go mountain climbing
    2, What time to meet up
    3, Where to meet up
    4, What to take

    Read two texts and then answer then complete the questions, it’s on page 193 of the GCSE book.

  8. 1. 请读一读第11课,回答下面问题。reading the lesson 11 answer follow questions.
    a.课文里提到了那些 天气大自然的语言?What nature languages the said in the lesson?
    b,怎样才能发现大自然的语言?How to find out the nature languages?
    2.做11课周一到周五习题1-4. do the Mon-Fri Questions 1-4 of the lesson 11.
    3. 给11课的词汇划线。Underline phrases for the lesson 11.
    自然, 语言,丰富,晴天,公园,游玩,忙着,雨伞,搬家,出门,冰化了,树叶,春天,奇妙,认真,细心,观察,才能,看见,听懂,思考。
    4.上节课听写的词汇请抄写2遍,下周还要听写。copy write the bottom lesson 1-4 phrases two times which is last week we did it. need remember we will dictation next week .
    来信,收到, 信封,邮票,放假,看望,进步,窗外,景色,有名,


  9. 三年级A (Yeae 3 A)

    1. 练习册3B:第十课‘龟兔赛跑’ – 星期四至星期五。
    Exercise book 3B: Thursday to Friday of Lesson 10 ‘A Race between the Hare and the Tortoise’
    2. 抄写第十课划线词语各五遍,并准备下星期听写。
    Copy underline words 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.
    3. 阅读第82-83页的‘龟兔第二次赛跑’直到流利。Read ‘The Second Round Race between the Hare and the Tortoise’ on page 65 until fluent.

  10. GCSE B
    Finish lesson 11 exercise book Thursday and Friday, read lesson 11 and reading, memory all words and characters, next week dictation.
    According to your Chinese test level, please download your level test and do a mock test, next week feedback to the teacher.
    3.继续背诵毕业表演诗词 《虞美人》

  11. Y5A Homework 五年级A班家庭作业
    1. Preview lesson 8 and read it fluently.
    2.After joining the “Real view “ lesson about Chinese tea culture,please write a review of this lesson. You can talk about what have you learned from the lesson;your favourite part of it and how much you enjoyed the lesson and why? What kind of topics would you like to learn about in the following live lessons?

  12. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
    1、抄写第九课生字每字十遍(课本第四十九页);Copy the new words lesson of Lesson nine 10 times each on p49;

    2、练习册A第九课星期一到星期三所有问题 。Exercise B Lesson 9 Monday to Wednesday all questions (Daily)。

    3、跟唱 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dGWsom-b6Cs

    4、 完成YCT考卷。complete YCT test paper.

  13. 一年级A 班(YEAR 1 A)

    1.抄写并默记第九课生字每字十遍, 下次听写 Copy and memories Lesson 9 new words. Be prepared for next weeks test.
    2. 家长和同学一起学唱歌曲《让爱住你家》:Parent and children learning song 《Let love live in your home》together.
    3. 继续学习和背诵唐诗:Recite the following poem:
    《Chí shàng》- bái jū yì
    《池 上》- 白 居 易
    Xiǎo wá chēng xiǎo tǐng
    小 娃 撑 小 艇
    tōu cǎi bái lián huí
    偷 采 白 莲 回
    Bù jiě cáng zōng jī
    不 解 藏 踪 迹
    fú píng yī dào kāi
    浮 萍 一 道 开

  14. YCT3

    1, 利用下面的字或词各造一个句子。然后将每个句子翻译成英语。
    Make one sentence for each word listed above. Translate each sentence to English.

    2, 将下面的句子每天读5遍,并且翻译为英语。
    Read the following sentences five times per day and translate them into English.

  15. 二年级A班作业:
    Home work for Year2A

    Complete text book ‘Exercise in class’, page81.

    Read aloud of Lesson 11 -‘Rivers’, twice a day.

    3、完成练习册A 第11课周一至周三的练习。第70页。
    Complete Exercise BookA, Exercise of Lesson 11, Monday to Wednesday, page 70.

  16. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 10 times 请抄写下列的生词10 遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday准备下周日的听写。
    2)Please translate the Chinese into English on Page 60 and then circle the picture which is not true.
    请把课本第60页的中文翻译成英文, 然后找出内容不正确的图画。
    3)Please make some sentences using following words:请用下面的词造句:
    4)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day and repeat after it.
    请每天观看下列的视频20分钟, 跟唱练习。

  17. 成人高级班作业Homework for Adult advanced Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第六册New Practical Chinese Reader 6》

    1. 课本第15页阅读《洋笑星大山》
    2. 课本第17页阅读练习1-2
    3. 准备复述《洋笑星大山》
    4. 阅读课本第18-19页《中国的根,世界的叶》
    5. 准备课本第19页2.讨论题
    6. 找一找自己喜欢的中国民歌,谈谈为什么喜欢这类的民歌。
    7. 准备课本第20页听力练习题

    1. 最近在叙利亚发生了什么?
    2. 为什么发生了这样的事?
    3. 世界舆论对这件事的反响是什么?
    4. 你怎么看待这件事?

  18. 成人中级班作业Homework for Adult Beginners Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第二册New Practical Chinese Reader 2》

    1. 准备课本第152页阅读《南方的花园》,并准备复述。Prepare the reading exercises 《南方的花园》on p152, and prepare to retell it.
    2. 到下面的网站上看看苏州的花园,准备讲讲你喜不喜欢苏州的花园,苏州花园的特点是什么?Go to the website below to see the gardens in Suzhou. Prepare to talk if you like them, and what is the distinguishing features of Suzhou gardens.
    3. 准备练习册第67-68页听力练习。Prepare the listening exercises on Exercise Book (EB) p67-68.


  19. 六年级B班家庭作业 王昊

    Copy and memorise the 16 singular characters of Lesson 10, ready for dictation next week;

    Exercise Book 6B: Finish the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri in Lesson 10.

    Preview Lesson 10 text.


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