
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页)                                                                          To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3-4 (Page 7-10)

2、练习并背诵儿歌 Practice and recite two poems:《咏鹅》、《河边两只鹅》 (详细内容会发在群里Details will be published in the WeChat)

22 Replies to “家庭作业2019年9月23日至2019年9月28日”

  1. 四年级 A班 家庭作业:
    1,流利朗读第一课课文。然后回答下面问题。readings lesson 1 fluently, answer questions.
    A, who wroten letter to him, what kind stemp he got it.
    B, what famous places of Beijing have
    C, what plan thier family have during the summer holiday.
    D, what questions he sak grandba?what promise to grandba?

    A-D 的问题想好了,做记号,口头回答。

    2,抄写生字三遍,记熟他们。要听写copy write the lesson 1 vocabularies 3 time. Remember them need dictation next week.

    3,做练习册A第一课周一到周五每天的第一到第三题do Exercise book A Monday _Friday every day questions 1_3 of lesson 1.

    4, 电脑搜索,故宫,颐和园,长城,天安门。也可以看youtube视website search the four phrases. Also watch toutube video

    5. 想想英文的信是怎么写的?找出和中文信不同的格式。think what difference between English and Chinese


  2. A level homework – 家庭作业

    Year 1 – 12年级:

    1 Prepare the folder and textbook 准备好文件夹子和课本
    2 Organise notes – 整理好笔记(重读,补齐,添加, 并存在夹子里)
    3 Watch “Please Vote for Me” and ask 3 questions about it on paper. 观看电影《请投我一票》,并准备3个问题。
    4 Create the Storyline for the video, as detailed as possible. 列出一个详细的故事情节发展图
    5 Familiarise with the website 熟悉班级网站内容 east-london.moodlecloud.com
    6 Complete the homework-monitor – Homework_Monitor_作业监测记录 – 填写作业记录

    Year 2: – 13年级

    1 Prepare the folder (and textbook) – 准备好文件夹子
    2 Organise notes – 整理好笔记(重读,补齐,添加, 并存在夹子里, 尤其是词汇)
    3 Describe the changes in Runtu and analyse the causes of the changes. – 详细描写闰土的变化,并分析原因。
    4 Familiarise with the website – 熟悉新网站内容 east-london.moodlecloud.com
    Re-Start IRP – 重启独立研究项目,可参考旧网站
    5 Complete the monitor- Homework_Monitor_作业监测记录 – 填写作业记录

  3. Year 5A homework 五年级家庭作业
    1 . Copy and memorise the 15 characters in Lesson 1;get ready for dictation next week;
    1. 抄写并记忆第一课的十五个生字,下周听写;
    2. Read the text of Lesson 1 fluently.
    3. Exercise Book A:the first three questions from Monday to Friday.
    4. Write a composition about your holiday around 120 words(If you haven’t finished).4.写一篇短文:我的假期(如果上周没有完成)
    5.Read through the story about “Chang E beng yue” and be able to retell the story next week.

  4. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第一课课文直到流利。
    Read aloud Lesson one “A Letter to Grandfather” until fluent.

    2.下列词语“信封,邮票,首都,广场,看望,水平,争取”各抄写3遍, 下周听写生字和词语。
    Copy 3 times of the following words and get ready for dictation of these next week.

    3. 练习册A:星期一,二的4,5,6部分; 星期三的4,5部分; 星期四的1-5部分; 星期五的1-4部分。
    Exercise book A: Mon and Tue: 4,5 and 6; Wed: 4 and 5; Thurs: 1-5; Fri: 1-4.

    4. 复习课堂上讲的信和信封的格式。
    Review the format for letter and envelope taught in class.

  5. Year Two B Homework 二年级B班作业
    1, Read lesson one on the text book 3 times a day.
    2, Write first six new words from lesson one 5 times on the white homework book.
    在自己订的白格子纸把第一课的前六个生字 ( 在/教/汉/ 语/写/字)写五遍
    3, Check the correction of last writing homework, please re-write the words 3 times if you made mistake.
    4, Practise your Chinese name at home, will test next week.
    练习写自己的中文名字, 下周测验听写

  6. 8年级作业
    1。复习第一课重新听写的GCSE相关的10个单词,还是错误的抄写10遍, 第2课听写的10个新的GCSE单词, 自己改正,错的每个抄写5遍。Review 10 dictation words from lesson 1, copy and write 10 times if wrong again. copy and write 5 times for the wrong words from lesson 2 dictation.
    Read fluently lesson 1 text. review new characters and words, next week dictation
    Finish exercise book 1 Monday and Tuesday
    Continue finish writing task from the class
    5。复习课堂上总结的关于朋友的GCSE 相关词汇和句子
    Review “friend” GCSE phrases and sentence.

  7. 学前班A reception class

    1.看图说话。Look at the pictures in lesson 1 and say aloud.
    2.学说短语say the phrases: 绿色的春天 炎热的夏天 金色的秋天 寒冷的冬天
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxyplHGZb-g&t=100s 儿歌

  8. 三年级B班作业

    Please memorise all the characters that you
    learnt in class from lesson 1, and prepare for
    the test next week。
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A
    used in Lesson 1.
    Monday 3,4,5 / Tuesday 3,4,5/
    Wednesday 3,4,5 Thursday 4/5 Friday 1/2/3
    Preview lesson 1 and read aloud until fluent;
    next week we will check this in class.


  9. 六年级B班 2019年9月23日至9月28日家庭作业 :


    Read Lesson 1 text aloud fluently; copy and memorize words and expressions in Lesson 1, ready for dictation next week;


    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 1, please complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri.


  10. 二年级A班(Year2A)作业:

    1. 熟读并背诵课本第七页的阅读《中文学校真是好》。
    Read and recite the text book P7Reading “What a Great Chinese School”.
    2. 练习册A 第一课周一到周五余下的练习题。
    Exercise book A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday the rest of the questions.
    3. 熟读发下的绕口令“数一数”。
    Read the hand out “数一数” fluently.
    Continue to practice writing your Chinese name, will check in the next lesson.

  11. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 复习第十一课的生词及句型,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L11 and the sentence patterns learned, prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 第55页Let’s colour and guess,为这两张画上色,并猜测是什么动物。请用“是……的”句子结构描写这两种动物的特征。” Let’s colour and guess” on p55, colour the pictures and use the sentence patterns of “是……的”to describe the characteristic features of these two animals.
    3. 请准备第56页的Mini story,试用50-100个字中文描写太阳或月亮。Please prepare the Mini story on p56, try to use Chinese to describe the sun or moon (50-100 characters).
    4. 复习第59页练习2的词汇,要求要能念会用。Revise the vocabulary of exercise 2, p56, you need to be able to read and use them.

    Please bring £15 for the textbook YCT5.

  12. 学前班B(reception class B):

    Please complete: 4.Do it (Supplementary page I.)and 5.Exercises (1),(2)(page 6)。



  13. 1. 请完成练习册A第一课所有的练习。 Please complete all the exercises of Lesson One on the Exercise Book A.

    2. 请每天大声朗读第一课的课文两遍。 Please read aloud Lesson One text twice a day.

    3. 写一段话:我的铅笔盒。具体要求详见下发的资料。
    Writing practice: My pencil Box

    4. 请完成课外阅读:叶公好龙 Extra reading: Chinese idiom story

  14. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读并背诵第一课‘红绿灯’。Read and recite Lesson One ‘Traffic Lights’.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Monday to Wednesday work of Lesson One on Exercise book A.
    3. 阅读并预习第七页的’交通歌’。Read and prepare the Reading ‘A Song of Traffic’ on page 7.

  15. 1. 朗读并背诵第一课《红绿灯》。
    Read and recite Lesson one.
    2. 完成练习册A第一课所有问题。
    Complete all remaining questions in
    Exercise Book A Lesson one.
    3. 抄写第一课上课时划出的9个新词语3
    Copy new words in Lesson one three
    times, get ready for dictation next
    4. 朗读第二课。
    Read Lesson two.

  16. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 熟读第一课阅读《中文学校真是好》。
    Practice READING of Lesson 1: “What a Great Chinese School”.
    2. 练习册A 第一课周一到周五余下的练习题。
    Exercise book A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday the rest of the questions.
    3. 复习第一课生字,本周听写。
    Revise all characters of Lesson 1,be ready for dictation.

    Have a nice week!

  17. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    Complete the Lesson 2 from Thursday to Friday in Chinese Workbook B, from page 10 to page 15.
    3、这周日开始我们需要学习Edexcel GCSE这本书,所以请务必带上。也请不要忘记准备至少两本笔记本(一本课堂笔记本,一本家庭作业本)
    We need to learn the Edexcel GCSE book start from this Sunday, please make sure to bring it. Please don’t forget to prepare at least two notebooks (one classroom notebook, one homework book)

  18. 六年级A班作业
    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 1,ready for dictation next week.

    Read lesson 1 aloud ,retell the lesson with your own words, memorise the last paragraph of lesson 1.

    Complete exercise 6A lesson 1 Monday to Friday all questions.


  19. YCT2 homework:

    1. Continue to practice numbers. Write down the numbers from 1 to 100 in Chinese. Watch the video below to assist you. 继续练习数字。用中文写一至一百。看以下视频来帮助你。

    2. Be able to introduce yourself with name, age, nationality etc. There’s an example in the video below. 能够介绍自己的名字,年龄,国籍等。下面的视频中有例子。

    3. Review the words for food and drinks. 复习食物的词语

    4. https://youtu.be/nNb7EldqDxE

  20. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 22/09/2019
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 1. After that, please read every day!

    第二部分: Second

    Please read loudly of lesson 1 and readng 1 in everyday!

    请各位家长一起配合,真心付出时间帮助您的孩子成长和学习,在练习册A 10页写下您的评论!感谢?
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 10 of practice book A, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

    1.复习YCT3 中文书第一课所有的新单词和句子,准备下周日听写考试。
    Review Yct 3 book lesson 1 all new characters and phrases.Prepare for the dictator on Sunday.
    2.Please translate the text into Chinese on page4, YCT3.
    请将YCT3 课本第4页的中文翻译成英文。
    3.请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 20 mins.

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