
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


Copy 5 times of each phrases in Exercise 2 of Lesson Nine in the Text Book.

2、 完成课本综合练习(三)p54-56

Complete the Review 3 exercises P54-56

3、做发下的YCT1 阅读练习

Complete the handout – YCT1 Reading Exercise








639 Replies to “家庭作业2019年5月13日至2019年5月25日”

  1. 一年级A班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第十课的生字, 每个字十遍并记住学过的所有的生字下次上课听写。 Write new words from Lesson 10, 10 times each, memorize the words and prepare for the dictation test next week

    2、完成《中文》练习册B第十课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 10 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily) .


    4, 继续练习诗歌《江南可采莲》- 汉乐府,Continue practice the song《江南可采莲》, please see link below:

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)

      1、完成练习册B第十课星期一到星期三所有问题 ;
      Complete Exercise B Lesson 10 Monday to Wednesday all questions;
      2、抄写课本第五十九页第十课的生字, 每个字五遍直到记住,下节课听写;
      Cope the new words five times on page 59,memorise them,will be tested in next lesson;
      3、请家长帮小朋友完成Y C T1阅读练习;
      Complete the YCT1 reading exercise;

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  2. 1. 复习第八课的生词和听写中不会的字词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L8, plus the character and vocabulary you did wrong in the dictations, and prepare for next week dictation.
    2. 请用中文表达下面的意思:Please express the followings in Chinese:
    1) It is going to rain soon, let’s go home now.
    2) The park is too far away from home, shall we take bus home.
    3) It is 12:55pm now, our class starts at 1pm, and we are going to be late, let run quickly.
    4) This blue ball is broken, you can take that white one.
    3. 准备《明日歌》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifGiLdjGRwc Please prepare the song 《明日歌》.
    4. 复习YCT四级的词汇,试做YCT四级样卷决定是否报考。(听力音频:http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_audio/Y4.mp,答案见:http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_samples/yct4_sample.pdf)Please revise the vocabulary of YCT4 and do the sample paper.
    5. 如果决定报考,请在网上报名,注意报名截止时间为: 4:00pm, 19th May。报名等具体事宜请见学校群发的微信及YCT3的群信。If your child(ren) decide to take the test, please register online and note that the deadline of the on-line submission is 4:00pm, 19th May. All the relevant information is in the wechat message from the school and the YCT3 group.

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  3. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第八课的生词和听写中不会的字词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L8, plus the character and vocabulary you did wrong in the dictations, and prepare for next week dictation.
    2. 请用中文表达下面的意思:Please express the followings in Chinese:
    1) It is going to rain soon, let’s go home now.
    2) The park is too far away from home, shall we take bus home.
    3) It is 12:55pm now, our class starts at 1pm, and we are going to be late, let run quickly.
    4) This blue ball is broken, you can take that white one.
    3. 准备《明日歌》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifGiLdjGRwc Please prepare the song 《明日歌》.
    4. 复习YCT四级的词汇,试做YCT四级样卷决定是否报考。(听力音频:http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_audio/Y4.mp,答案见:http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_samples/yct4_sample.pdf)Please revise the vocabulary of YCT4 and do the sample paper.
    5. 如果决定报考,请在网上报名,注意报名截止时间为: 4:00pm, 19th May。报名等具体事宜请见学校群发的微信及YCT3的群信。If your child(ren) decide to take the test, please register online and note that the deadline of the on-line submission is 4:00pm, 19th May. All the relevant information is in the wechat message from the school and the YCT3 group.

  4. A level homework

    1. Practise past paper of hsk, bring questions to class. 自己在网上找新式考题,有问题课上问

    2. Candidates for level 6 will focus on level 6 past papers.

    3. Everyone else will do level 5 or Level 4. 考6级的只练6级,其他同学可选4或5级

    4. Memorize the poem in full. 背诵全篇诗词

    一5. Flashcards for vocabulary up to 5000.用生词卡练习,直到5004个。

    1. How do I get an outside line? m drol maromba online RBS had set a “soft” deadline of the start of this week forbids to be made, but that was now likely to stretch into nextweek, industry sources said. The network could be valued atabout 1.5 billion pounds ($2.3 billion).

      1. How much does the job pay? generic viagra reviews canada message board Eventually the course caught up with him and when decent putts early in the final round – the kind that had been dropping earlier in the week – started to only shave the hole, the pressure on his long game became intolerable.

  5. 12-05-2019 HSK课程作业-HSK homework
    HSK3 Lesson10
    ●词汇Vocabularies: 安静Quiet、体育 sports、旧old、骑riding、方便convenient、数学 math、换change、附近nearby。
    1.“A比B+形容词+一点儿/一些/得多/多了””A is better than B+ adjective + a little / some / much / more”。
    肯定形式The positive form: 骑自行车比走路快多了。Cycling is much faster than walking.
    否定形式The negative form: 走路没有骑自行车快。Walking is not as fast as cycling.
    3.概数:Approximate Numbers
    两三、七八、two or three; seven or eight.虽然远,但是附近有两三个车站,很方便。Although far away, there are two or three stations nearby, which is very convenient.

    HSK2 Lesson 11
    ●词汇Vocabularies:上课Class、帮助help、西瓜 watermelon、正在being、洗衣机washing machine、病illness、冷cold、准allow,follow,permit.
    1.助动词“可能”Auxiliary verb “may”
    天气特别冷,我觉得可能要下雪了。he weather is particularly cold, I think it may be snowing.
    2.定语(Attributive Modifier)+的 de +中心语(Word Modified):
    昨天和我一起游泳的人。The person who was swimming with me yesterday.
    3.“比”字句using “bi”to make a comparison.
    哥哥比姐姐高。My brother is taller than my sister.

    1. Why did you come to ? extagen instructions “There is a series of precise mechanisms that have to be placed into a U.N. decision. We spoke about this and it should be dealt with in the coming days. I insisted, like Sergei Lavrov, on the necessity to go quickly,” he said.

    2. Whereabouts in are you from? cephalexin vs amoxicillin for strep throat “The announcement shows that the CBRT is ready to takeaction to calm the markets. This announcement is likely to stopthe speculation that the CBRT is against any kind of ratehikes,” JP Morgan analyst Yarkin Cebeci said in a note.

    1. A staff restaurant poplar grove pharmacy baltimore md Rather, it was a development in itself that doctors decided he was well enough to make the 34-mile (55km) journey, and it was in line with Mr Mandela’s family’s wishes that ongoing care take place in the comfort of his home.

  6. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A
    Lesson 9 Monday to Friday.
    Monday 6/7 Tuesday /6/7 Wednesday 6
    Thursday 6/7 Friday 1/2/3/4/5
    Compete Review 3 from the Text Book, pp.74-75.
    compete handout that you were given in Class.
    4. 参考下面的链接,准备YCT考试。

  7. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    1. 完成第九课练习册A部分练习题。
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A Lesson 9. Monday 6/7 ;Tuesday 6/7(done in class);Wednesday 6(done in class); Thursday 6/7;Friday 1/2/3/4/5
    Complete Review3 from the Text Book,PP.74-75.
    Complete the handout that you were given in class.

  8. reception class A 学前A
    1.Look at the pictures in lesson 2 and say aloud.看图说话。


  9. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 复习第十课生字和词语,准备下堂课听写。
    Review the Characters and Phrase of Lesson Ten, and get ready for dictation next week.

    2. 预习第十一课课文及生字。
    Preview the Lesson Eleven on page 97 and Characters on page 98.

    3. 根据YCT4的考试要求, 准备一下YCT4常用字的部分。
    Please prepare the common characters in YCT4.

    男生《国风 无衣》:https://youtu.be/9sfBR8aqu2E
    女生《诗经 蒹葭》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN1ku7TQNzk

    5. 昨天发的YCT4 的测试卷下节课带上。
    Please bring the YCT4 paper handed out yesterday for next lesson.

    1. magic story very thanks test x180 ignite force factor The president sponsored a list of primary candidates underher FPV (Frente Para la Victoria) coalition, a branch of thecountry’s dominant Peronist party. She went on television lateon Sunday vowing to campaign hard in the 2-1/2 months leftbefore the congressional midterm vote.

  10. 六年级B班 2019年5月13日至2019年5月25日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorise the 15 singular characters of Lesson 11, ready for dictation when school resumes;

    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 11, please complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri.;

    Practice reading out aloud our performing poetry piece.

    19th May is our half term break, and school resumes on 26th May.
    Please revise for your YCT/HSK exam during the break.

    About the syllabus and the pass papers, please refer to website http://www.chinesetest.cn/godownload.do for more information.


  11. 六年级B班 2019年5月13日至2019年5月25日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorise the 15 singular characters of Lesson 11, ready for dictation when school resumes;

    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 11, please complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri.;

    Practice reading out aloud our performing poetry piece.

    19th May is our half term break, and school resumes on 26th May.
    Please revise for your YCT/HSK exam during the break.

    About the syllabus and the pass papers, please refer to website http://www.chinesetest.cn/godownload.do for more information.


  12. 1. 学习第11课生字,要会默写。learn lesson 11 vocabularies have to memories them.
    2.做第11 课习题 周一到周五习题1-4 .do the lesson 11 Mon-Fri question 1-4 。
    3.读熟第11课。reading fluent the lesson 11 and need remember it.
    4.抄写yct4 其他词汇1遍,翻译成英文,copy write yct 4 one time translate to English
    2.数词(18)一1、二1、三1、四1、五1、六1、七1、八1、九1、十1、两2、零3、半2、百1、千2、第2一1、 俩2、万2、
    6.量词(22)个1、岁2、块、只3、本2、次、件2、些3、 辆3、双2、条2、一1点1儿1、公2斤、公2里2、一1下1儿1、一1会3儿1、种2、元3、张2、刻3、层3、页4、
    4.连词(13)和1、因为2、所2以2、但3是1、 或者、不2但3……而且……、虽然3、无论、一1边3……一1边3……、如4果2……那2么2……、只3要2、
    5.介词(11)在1、比3、把3、 从4、除了1、被4、离4、对2、为2了1、向1、关2于4、
    6.助词(10)的1、吗2、了1、呢、得1、过4、吧、 地1、着3、啊、
    7.叹词(2)喂、 哈、
    5,读熟发下的古诗 reading Your poem fluently, remember them

  13. 7年纪B作业
    1 熟练阅读第10课阅读文章罗斯福,复习第10课所有单词词组,下周听写考试
    Read fluently Lesson 10 reading article. Review lesson 10 all characters and phrases, next week dictation.
    Finish exercise book lesson 10 Thursday to Friday
    3.了解掌握HSK 汉考内容,类型,考试时间,词汇范围。汉考网站自行下载习题练习。
    Understand HSK4 exam structure ,type, time limits. vocabulary , please download mock exam paper to practice from http://www.chinesetest.cn/godownload.do

  14. 二年级A班(Y2A)作业:

    1. 复习第十一课的划线词语,返校后听写。
    Revise the underlined words of Lesson 11, ready for dictation when school resumes.

    2. 复习发下的YCT(二级)的词汇,共150个。
    Revise the hand out of YCT2 150 vocabulary.

    3. 继续学唱 歌曲《赋得古原草送别》.
    Continue practice the song.

  15. 本周作业:

    Please complete all the exercises of the Lesson 10, Exercises Book B.

    Please correct the mistakes on the test paper.

    Please watch the video, reading and singing four poems.

  16. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 12/05/2019

    Please read and write down those new words two times from lesson 10(text and reading).

    please read the lesson 11 two times,and writing two times those new words.

    第二部分: Second
    Practice A

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write your comments in the text book of class 11, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  17. 二年级B 作业
    year two B homework
    1, 背诵课文第十一课
    Memorise lesson 11
    2, 把第十一课的生字每个写五遍
    Copy the new words five times from Lesson 11
    3, 把课本第82-83页的“读一读”熟读五遍
    Read the “read aloud” five times on the text book page 82-83
    Complete the three exercises:
    Read the spring reading 24 sentences fluently
    B, YCT 2 考卷中的阅读
    Practise the reading exercises on the YCT 2 paper
    C, 歌曲“鸟鸣涧”
    Practise the song on YouTube

  18. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5 times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on the following Sunday ,准备开学后听写。

    2)Please use “运动一个小时…”看两个小时…”“睡半个小时…”to make three sentences in Chinese. 请用”运动一个小时…”看两个小时…”“睡半个小时…”各造一个句子。

    3)Please translate the YCT2 Lesson 11 Page 56 into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT2第十一课小故事Page 56翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。

    4)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,

    5)请复习YCT2词汇,可以用quizlethttps://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/帮助复习。Please review YCT2 vocabulary, you may use the quizelet https://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/ to help you.

    去年已考过YCT2的同学,请准备YCT 3 词汇,你可以用quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) 帮助复习。Students who already passed YCT2 last year, please prepare for the YCT 3 vocabulary . You may use the quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) to help you.

  19. Y5A Half term 家庭作业
    1.抄写并记忆第十课《曹冲称象》生字, 准备开学后听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters in Lesson 10 for dictation the week after.
    Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 10 in workbook B
    3. 请改正第三单元的考试卷上的错误。
    3.Please correct your mistakes on your Unit3 test paper.
    4. 利用课堂上发的学习材料自学《论语》精选八“孝弟者,其为仁之本与!”以及成语“毛遂自荐”;精选九“与其奢,宁俭;丧,与其易,宁戚。”以及成语“纸上谈兵”要求能够给其他同学解释这句话和成语的意思。
    4.Use the handout to learn the sentences and the Chinese idioms from Selections of Confucius’ Analects And Handan Chinese Idioms Studies. Be able to explain the meanings of the sentence and idiom to others
    5.Listen to the song “Invitation to wine” and be able to recite the lyrics(poem).

    5月19日学校放假一周,5月26日正常上课。请利用假期做好汉考复习。19th May is our half term break, and school resumes on 26th May.Please revise for your YCT/HSK exam during the break.
    *关于考试大纲及模拟习题,请参考国家汉办官网。http://www.chinesetest.cn/godownload.do。About the syllabus and the pass papers, please refer to website http://www.chinesetest.cn/godownload.do for more information.

  20. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 熟读第88-90页的‘小白猫和小黑猫’。Read ‘White kitten and Black Kitten’ on page 89-90 until fluently.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A : please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson 11.
    3. 抄写第十一课划线词语各五遍并准备下次听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next time when return to school.
    4. 按以下链接根据你的考试级别熟悉和了解YCT考试大纲,并按词汇表复习必须掌握的词汇。Click the link below to learn the information about YCT exam, and practice the words from the vocabulary chart.
    5. 按以下链接学唱‘静夜思’。Try to sing the song by following the link below.

  21. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    一、课堂上复习的30个词:“1、健康 2、快餐店 3、巧克力 4、舞狮 5、舞龙 6、年年有余 7、代表 8、象征 9、炸鸡腿/翅 10、蛋糕 11、饺子 12、春节/中国新年 13、圣诞节 14、火鸡 15、礼物 16、饮食 17、麦当劳 18、对身体不好 19、烤鸭 20、肥胖 21、各种各样 22、希望 23、最近 24、餐馆 25、让 26、蔬菜 27、火锅 28、庆祝 29、烟花 30、放鞭炮  ”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共30个句子,下节课从中选15个词准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 30 words, make one sentences for each phase word, will choose 15 words prepare dictation next lesson.
    Complete the listening and reading comprehension. See Wechat group.

  22. YCT1 homework:

    1. Continue practicing the poem.

    2. Review the YCT exercise paper given in class and correct the mistake if you had any. 复习YCT课堂发的练习题,更正错误。

    3. Preview lesson 11 from page 49 to 53. 预习第十一课从第四十九页至五十三页。

  23. 看”24节气故事, 学唱主题曲https://youtu.be/9oTV7UmN5ik

  24. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 完成练习册B,第十二课星期一到星期五,第1,2,3部分练习。
    Finish Exercise book B, Lesson 12,part 1.2.3.
    2.朗读第 十二课课文《放假了》。
    Read the text of Lesson 12 .
    Please recite the poem and practice the song every day.

    送别 李叔同



  25. 6A家庭作业
    1. 抄写并熟记第11课所有生字,下节课听写。抄写上节课听写错误的生字词语每个3遍。Memorise all words in lesson 11,ready for dictation next week.Copy the Wrong words and expressions 3times from last dictation.
    2. 预习第11课。完成练习册6A 第11课周一到周五习题1-3。Prepare lesson 11.Complete 6A Lesson 11 Monday to Friday questions 1-3.
    3. 每天听歌曲并大声朗诵《沁园春·雪》准备六月底的朗诵歌曲。Listen, read aloud daily and memorise “Snow- to the tune of Qin Yuan Chun” preparing to deliver the recitation in June.

  26. 6A家庭作业
    1. 抄写并熟记第11课所有生字,下节课听写。抄写上节课听写错误的生字词语每个3遍。Memorise all words in lesson 11,ready for dictation next week.Copy the Wrong words and expressions 3times from last dictation.
    2. 预习第11课。完成练习册6A 第11课周一到周五习题1-3。Prepare lesson 11.Complete 6A Lesson 11 Monday to Friday questions 1-3.
    3. 每天听歌曲并大声朗诵《沁园春·雪》准备六月底的朗诵歌曲。Listen, read aloud daily and memorise “Snow- to the tune of Qin Yuan Chun” preparing to deliver the recitation in June.

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    “Pope Francis is saying what every faithful lay Catholic knows: to be effective in the modern world, the Church must refocus on what Christ actually taught us: to proclaim God’s love and good news for the poor, the vulnerable and the forgotten,” Salt said in a statement. “For too long, right-wing activists have distorted and co-opted Catholic teaching to suit their agendas. Pope Francis put a stop to that today.”

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