
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住学过的第六课的生字,特别关注“黑、白、绿、黄、蓝”这几个关于颜色的字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 6 and to prepare for the dictation,especially pay more attention to the words about the colour “Black, white, green, yellow and blue”.

23 Replies to “家庭作业2019年3月4日至2019年3月9日”

  1. 二年级B班作业
    Year two b homework
    1, 把下面的汉字每个写十遍,请写在白格子书写本子上
    “九”,“八”,“也”, “觉得”, “明”, “地”,亮”, “很”, “跟”
    please write the 10 words 10 times on the white writing exercise book
    2, 把第八课的课文每天读三遍
    Read the lesson eight 3 times a day
    3, 练习用两种不同的方法改句子为问句,
    A, 普通句+“吗”?
    B, 普通句中,用动词+不+动词?或,形容词+不+形容词?
    Practise the question sentences by using two ways
    A, sentence + 吗?
    B, using verb+not + verb ? or adj + not + adj?
    4, 把课本58页的第二题“读一读”读三遍
    Read the question two ” read aloud” on the text book page 58 3 times.

  2. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第八课‘壶盖为什么会动’至少十遍直到流利。Read Lesson Eight ‘Why Does the Kettle Lid Move’ at least 10 time until fluent.
    2. 练习册3B:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Eight on Exercise book 3B.
    3. 订正上星期默写的错别字并且每个字写三遍。Correct the mistake from your last week test and write each correct words three times.

  3. 7年纪B
    Review lesson 7 all words from texts and reading texts, next week dictation.
    Study all the idiom underlined from the text on the class.
    Finish lesson 7 exercise book Wednesday to Friday.
    4。写一篇作文,你参过的一处名胜古迹/风景区/建筑,要求写出 1. 地点,时间,和谁去的,为什么去那里 2。形容出这个地方的风景和历史,你是否喜欢这个地方 3。你学到/了解了什么东西 4, 你将来打算去参观什么地方? 自命题,最少200字, 把课堂上学过的成语运用到作文当中
    Writing a passage about a Historical sites/natural view you visited . please including following points: 1. places, time, who did you come with?why you choose to visit there?2.describe the view and history of this place, if you like this place, why/3.what did you learn from this place/ 4, where do you plan to visit in the future? Min 200 characters. try to use the idioms learned from the class.

  4. Year 3 Homework

    Read aloud and familiarize your self with the text in Lesson 6
    for 3-5 MINS very day and prepare for dictation by learning
    TEXT CONTENT next week.

    Complete ‘Review 2′ on page 49-53.

  5. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第三课生词。look at pictures in lesson 3 and say aloud.


  6. 03-03-2019成人课程作业-Adult course homework
    1句型复习Sentence review:S+V+了+Duration+O;S+V+了+Duration+O+了。
    他学习了一刻钟。He has studied for a quarter of an hour.
    他工作了半个小时了。He has been working for half an hour.
    2词汇Vocabularies:想think, miss ,want、想想think about、聊聊talking,chatting、请 please、有点儿a little bit、还still、更好些better、一刻钟 quarter of an hour、半个小时half an hour、差short of 、 两天two days 、三个月three months、感兴趣interested.

    1句型复习Sentence review:疑问句“…, 好吗”The Interrogative Sentence.
    你明天下午给我打电话,好吗?Is it ok that you call me tomorrow afternoon?
    “再”The Adverb–again,one more.
    我们明天再约吧。Let’s make another appointment tomorrow.
    我让学生写作业。I let students write homework.
    找大卫有什么事情吗?Is there anything to look for David?
    2词汇Vocabularies:想想think about,告诉tell, 叫人Call people.

  7. @all


    Please correct the dictation from your last week test and write three times each.

    Please read fluently and recite Lesson 9.

    3. 请完成第九课周一到周五的1,2,3题。
    Please finish Lesson 9 Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.

    4. 请复习第八课划线词语,准备下周听写。
    划线词语:月亮,跟人走,为什么, 很高很远,哪儿,都能,觉得,高兴得说,明白了。
    Please revise Lesson 8 underlined words, prepare next week dictation.

  8. 1. 学习第八课,读熟课文。learn the lesson 8 reading fluent this unit。
    2. 学习传统游戏中文名称:捉迷藏zhuō mí cáng,荡秋千dàng qiū qiān,跷跷板qiào qiào bǎn,跳绳子tiào shén zi,跳房子tiào fáng zi,滚铁环gǔn tiě huán, 打弹弓dǎ dàn gōng,打陀螺dǎ tuó luó. 斗鸡dòu jī learn some traditional games Chinese name.
    3. 做第八课习题,周一到周五的第四到第六题。do the questions 4-6 of the lesson 8 of Mon-Fri.

  9. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 03/03/2019
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from class7. After that, please read two times.

    Please write down those new words two times from class 8. And read two times.

    第二部分: Second

    Read loudly of the class 8, and trying to do everyday if you can. On the other hand, you speak to your parents as a sleep story.

    请各位家长一起配合,真心付出时间帮助您的孩子成长和学习,在练习册B 60页写下您的评论!感谢?
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write your comments in pages 60 of practice book B, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  10. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 复习第七课四首古诗,准备下堂课听写。
    Review 4 poems of Lesson Seven, and get ready for dictation next week.

    2. 练习册A:完成第七课剩余部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Lesson Seven.

    3. 朗读课本65页对话及66页读儿歌。
    Read clearly the “Dialogue” on page 65 and “Read the Children’s Song” on page 66.

  11. Homework

    Complete the exercises in Ch8 (p68 – p72) 完成从68页到72页的所有练习,可以只抄题号和答案
    learn all the vocabulary in this flashcard set (Ch8 and Ch1) – 练习这两章的生词
    organise your notes – 整理好笔记

  12. 六年级B班 2019年3月4日至3月9日家庭作业
    Year 6B Homework:

Read Lesson 8 text aloud fluently and copy and memorise all 17 singular characters;

Exercise Book 6B Lesson 8, please complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri;

    Use our learned folk stories in our textbook as references, research and choose your favourite Chinese folk story and write a draft.


  13. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 请完成l练习册A第九课周一到周五的1,2,3题。
    Please finish exercise book A, Lesson 9 Monday to Friday part 1,2,3.
    Read the text of Lesson 9.
    Sing the song for your parents and describe your drawing.

  14. 本周作业:

    Please complete part of exercises of the Lesson 8 Exercises Book B.

    2, 观看视频:汉字解密-史字的由来
    Please watch the video:

    Please watch the video, reading and singing four poems.

  15. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第六课的生字, 每个字十遍并记住学过的所有的生字下次上课听写。 Write new words of Lesson 6, 10 times each, memorise the words and prepare for the dictation test next week.

    2, 完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期二所有问题 Complete Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Tuesday all questions

  16. 五年级A班作业
    1. 复习第八课生字,准备下周听写。
    1.Review new vocabularies in Lesson 8 for dictation next week.
    2.Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 8 in workbook B.
    3.Please correct the mistakes on your Unit 2 test paper and bring it back next week.
    4.利用课堂上发的学习材料自学《论语》精选四:“父母在,不远游,游必有方” 以及成语“洞鉴古今”。要求下周能够给其他同学解释这句话和成语的意思。
    4.Use the handout to learn the sentence and Chinese idiom from Selections of Confucius’ Analects And Handan Chinese Idioms Studies. Be able to explain the meanings of the sentence and the idiom to others next week.

  17. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    Please copy the new words 8 times in Lesson six and memorise all of them for the dictation test in next lesson;

    Complete all the questions in Exercise book B Lesson 6 from Monday – Wednesdays. 

  18. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word.

    Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next week.

    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 128 reading 2, and page 130 reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  19. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。

    2)Please use “比……大” “比……高很多”和”也是”to make three sentences in Chinese. 请用“比……大” “比……高很多”和”也是”造三个句子。

    3)Please translate the text on Page 39 in to English 请将课本地39页翻译成英文。

    4)Please watch the video clips for at least 20mins every day, 请每天观看下列的视频20分钟以上。
    The Lyric for the song:
    Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ yā?
    Where is spring?
    Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ?
    Where is spring?
    Chūntiān zài nà qīngcuì de shānlín lǐ.
    Spring is in the green of the mountain trees.
    Zhèlǐ yǒu hóng huā yā.
    There are red flowers here.
    Zhèlǐ yǒu lǜ cǎo
    There is green grass here.
    Hái yǒu nà huì chàng gē de xiǎo huánglí.
    And also the singing yellowbird.
    Dī li li dī li dī li li di li li di li li
    嘀哩哩 嘀哩 嘀哩哩 嘀哩哩 嘀哩哩
    Di li li di li di li li di li li di li li.
    Dī li li dī li dī li li di li li di li li
    嘀哩哩嘀哩 嘀哩哩 嘀哩哩 嘀哩哩
    Di li li di li di li li di li li di li li.
    Chūntiān zài nà qīngcuì de shānlín lǐ.
    Spring is in the green of the mountain trees.
    Hái yǒu nà huì chàng gē de xiǎo huánglí.
    And also the singing yellowbird.

  20. YCT1 homework:
    1. Recite “The Months” from handouts. 背诵“大小月”。
    2. Read aloud the two rhymes “Make a Guess” and “the Children’s Song” in handout. 朗读“猜谜语”和“读儿歌”。
    3. Be able to read and understand the key sentences and key words in handout page 26. 会读并理解第二十六页的关键句和关键词。
    4. Review the first 6 strokes in the list. 复习前六个笔画。

  21. 读故事书,认读识字卡片2。学习服装,交通词汇。用句型:我会穿,我会戴。学唱:https://youtu.be/8u-ejkHRxSQ交通工具歌
    please listen 1A, 1B ,2A CD. memories Clothes, Trafic phrases .

  22. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第四课生词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L4, and prepare for the dictation.
    tóu, yǎnjīng, gēbó, dùzi, yāo, tuǐ, jiǎo, yá
    head, eyes, arms, tummy, waist, legs, feet, tooth
    2. 熟读第四课第9-20页,并准备听写。 Read the page 19-20 of Lesson 4 fluently, and prepare to do the dictation.
    3. 写一个关于你生病或不舒服的小短文。你要告诉老师或者你的朋友,因为生病你不能去上学或者不能和小朋友出去玩。也要写写你的家人是怎样照顾你的。Write a short passage about your experience of either you were not well or fell in ill. You needed to let your teacher or your friends know that you could not go to school or could not to go out with your friends. Please also include how your parents looked after you.

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