
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课练习二词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Five.

2、练唱《唐诗联唱四首》 Practice the Song < Tang Poem Lian Chang> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwS0xeZJHY


20 Replies to “家庭作业2019年2月25日至2019年3月2日”

  1. A level homework
    1. Read through the entire sample text and add the new words into this set of flashcard – NEW BOOK NEW WORDS 通读提供的课文,并记录所有的生字,不必重复输入。
    2. Visit the publisher’s website and download the sound files to your home computer, practise. 下载听力练习, 从第八课开始练
    3. Write an essay based on “If you have a busy job and you have to look after your family, how do you maintain the balance of work and life?” 300 words.写作文,你将来会怎么样保持工作与生活的平衡。

  2. 7年纪B作业
    1 学习第7课课文和单词,熟读课文,了解成语和句子意思
    Learn lesson 7 all characters and sentences, read text fluently.
    Finish lesson 7 exercise book Monday and Tuesday
    Writing task:My Break/Holiday
    要求写出以下几点:1 。半学期假期你做了什么? 2。你是否喜欢这个假期?为什么? 3,你认为假期和朋友或者家人哪个好? 为什么? 4。你最喜欢或者印象最深刻的假期是什么? 做了什么? 5, 下一个假期你打算做什么? 要求最少200字。

  3. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    1.默记第 六课中的生词以及相关词语,准备下周听写。
    Please memorise all new vocabulary from lesson 6
    and prepare for the dictation next week.
    打开 听见 马上 他们 我们 自己 过来 过去 冬天 下雪 下雨 别争了
    2. 熟练地朗读课文-雪。
    Practice reading lesson 6 aloud until fluent.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book B Lesson 6.
    Monday 2/7;
    Tuesday 7
    Wednesday 2/6(done in the class)/ 7;
    Thursday 2/6(done in the class);
    Friday 2/7

  4. 六年级B班 2019年2月25日至3月2日家庭作业
    Year 6B Homework:


    Read Lesson 7 text aloud fluently and memorise all vocabularies;

    Read ‘The Story of Taurus and Vega’ on Pg68 and be able to tell the story in your own words or recite it.


  5. 24-02-2019成人课程作业-Adult course homework
    1.标注语音语调标注Labeling voice intonation: 今天的作业你做完了吗?刚做完,你呢?今天这些题特别难,我看不懂,不会做, 你能帮我吗?电话里讲不明白,你来我家吧,我给你讲讲。好啊,我锻炼完了就过去。Have you finished with your homework today? Just finished, what about you? These questions are particularly difficult today. I don’t understand, I don’t know it. Can you help me? It is not clearly to explain on the phone, you come to my house, I will tell you. Ok, I will go after exercises.
    2.语法 Grammar:
    V 得/不+complements of Possibility.
    “呢”询问住所:“N+呢”:to ask about location.

    1.标注语音语调标注Labeling voice intonation:
    A.今天晚上我们一起吃饭吧,给你过生日。Let’s have dinner together this evening and celebrate you a birthday.
    B.今天?离我的生日还有一个多星期呢!Today? There is more than a week to my birthday!

    A.下个星期我要去北京,今天过吧。 I am going to Beijing next week, let’s celebrate today.
    B.好吧,离这儿不远有一个中国饭馆,走几分钟就到了. Ok, there is a Chinese restaurant not far from here, just a few minutes away.
    2.语法 Grammar:
    还(2)–语气副词The Modal Adverb表示动作或状态的延续。就–时间副词,The Adverb of Time It is used for emphasis, indicating that the speaker thinks sth happened early or went fast and well. 强调说话人认为事情发生得早,进行的快,顺利。
    离 -Verb
    It is indicates the distance from a place, moment or purpose.
    “呢”语气助词-The Modal Particle 用于陈述句尾,可用在形容词位于句和动词谓语句后边,表示确认事实,使对方信服,含有夸张的语气。
    It is used at the end of a declarative sentence or after a sentence with an adjectival or verbal predicate to confirm a fact and convince someone in an exaggerative mood.

  6. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续背诵‘古诗二首’并熟读和理解57-58页的‘古诗二首今译’。Continue to recite ‘Two Ancient Poems’ and read the ‘Contemporary Translations of the Two ancient Poems’ until very fluently.
    2. 抄写‘古诗二首今译’一遍。Copy ‘Contemporary Translations of the Two ancient Poems’ once.
    3. 写出五个和元宵节有关的词语,并造一个和元宵节有关的句子。Write 5 words about ‘Yuan Xiao Jie’, and also make a sentence which related to Yuan Xiao Jie.

  7. 二年级A(Year 2 A)作业:

    1. 练习册B 第八课余下的问题。
    Please finish Exercise book B Lesson 8 the rest of the questions.

    2. 请熟读课本第59页的对话。
    Please read aloud P59 Dialogue until fluent.

    Please read aloud and recite Reading “A Crescent Moon”.

  8. 五年级A班作业
    1.Preview lesson8.
    2.A piece of writing about the Spring Festival.(Around 150 words.)
    3.利用课堂上发的学习材料自学《论语》精选三:“兴于《诗》,立于礼,成于乐。” 以及成语“不遗余力”。要求下周能够给其他同学解释这句话和成语的意思
    3.Use the handout to learn the sentence and Chinese idiom from Selections of Confucius’ Analects And Handan Chinese Idioms Studies. Be able to explain the meanings of the sentence and the idiom to others next week.
    4.Go over all the characters and words from lesson 1-6 and get ready for dictation next week.

  9. 本周作业:

    1,请抄写第七课的两首古诗:游子吟及江雪,每首两遍, 并且翻译这两首古诗。
    Please copy the poem “ A Traveller’s Song” and “Fishing in Snow” twice and translate the poems.

    Read Lesson 7 aloud every day and recite the poems.

    3, 预习第八课
    Please preview Lesson Eight.

  10. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 第七课课文及阅读部分一共四首古诗抄写2遍。
    Copy 4 poems in Lesson Seven twice.

    2. 练习册A:完成第七课星期一和星期四的4-6,星期二4-5,星期三4-8,星期五的1-5。
    Exercise book A: Complete Mon & Thur 4-6,Tue 4-5, Wed 4-8, Fri 1-5.

    3. 订正听写的错别字,错字重新写3遍 。
    Correct the mistakes in your dictation, write them correctly 3 times.

    4. 背诵第七课四首古诗。
    Recite 4 poems in Lesson Seven.

  11. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Please translate two of texts in page 123 writing 1 and writing 2.
    write your answer in your notebook of class.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 119 reading 1, and page 122 reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  12. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。
    2)Please use “觉得”和”怎么样”“会不会”to make three sentences in Chinese. 请用“觉得”和“怎么样”“会不会”造三个句子。
    For example: 你觉得中国新年好玩吗?
    3)Please translate the following text in to English 请将下面的短文翻译成英文:

    4)请每天观看下列的视频20分钟以上。 Please watch the following video clips at least 20mins every day .

  13. 看动画

  14. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
    1、大声朗读并抄写中文课本第26页练习二“读一读”词语各五遍并默记, 下周考试;
    Please read aloud and copy the new words 5 times on page 26 in the Text Book, it will be tested in next lesson.

    Complete all the questions in Exercise book A Lesson 5 from Thursday – Friday . 

    Copy 2 times the “Words and expressions” of “The colour of Spring” on Text Book page 27.

  15. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第一到三课生词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L1-3, and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第三课课文中的小故事,并准备听写与该故事有关的一句话。 Read the mini story of Lesson 3 fluently, and prepare to do the dictation (one sentence related to the little monkey in the mini story.
    3. 下面是二月三号做的听写,如果你还有不会的,请自学,下周听写会重复听写部分内容。The following is the dictation which we did on 3rd of Feb.. If you still do not know all of them, please learn yourself and they will be repeated in the dictation.
    1) 很难,2)一个半小时,3)什么题?4)听懂了,5)有时间
    2) 学汉语不太难,只要你天天都写汉字、读中文书。
    4. 根据课文中的小故事写一个小短文“小猴子做错了什么?结果呢?后来呢?”。Write a short passage “What did the little monkey do wrong? What was the consequence? And then?”

  16. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    1, 用老师在课堂上教的方法用白纸叠一只纸船,下周带到学校
    Follow the instruction we learn in the class, use paper to make a boat, bring it to the class next week
    Memorise the lesson seven, will test next week

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