
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第一、二课(第一至第六页)                                                                          To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song:


张开喉咙a a a

公鸡打鸣o o o

白鹅唱歌e e e

我穿新衣 i  i  i

天上乌云 u u u

就要下雨 ü ü ü

27 Replies to “家庭作业2018年9月9日至2018年9月15日”

  1. 三年级B班作业/ Year 3B Homework

    1.默记今天所学的生字-吃 饭 喝 -下周听写。
    Please memorise words we learnt today and prepare for the dictation next week。
    2.完成今天所发的讲义。please complete the handout that given out in class. including
    A short description of yourself include your name, age, where you live, your family, your hobbies and what do you want to be in the future

  2. 五年级B班(Year5B)一 刘老师
    1. 请抄写以下关于假期的生词。
    Please copy the new words (5times each).

    2. 请写一篇日记:我的假期,字数不限。Please write a diary about your holiday (try to use the new words).

    3. 请抄写论语精选之一:不学诗,无以言。 Please copy the Analects from “Selections of Confucius” (three times).

    4. 请抄写邯郸成语之一:跛鳖千里 Please copy the idiom from “Handan Chinese Idioms”( three times).

  3. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 把自己的名字在格子本上准确地写五遍。Use one of your exercise book (方格本), write your name correctly 5 times.
    2. 阅读第一课‘红绿灯’至少十遍直到流利,并试着背诵。Read Lesson one ‘Traffic Lights’ at least 10 time until fluent, try to memorise it.
    3. 练习册A:星期一至星期二。Complete Monday and Tuesday work of Lesson one on Exercise book A.

    1. 五年级B班(Year 5B)一 刘老师
      1. 请抄写以下关于假期的生词。 Please copy the new words (5times each). 暑假,愉快,假期,天气,暖和,坐飞机,参观,美食,度过,丰富多彩。
      2. 请写一篇日记:我的假期,字数不限。Please write a diary about your holiday(try to use the new words).
      3. 请抄写论语精选:不学诗,无以言。 Please copy the Analects from “Selections of Confucius” (three times).
      4. 请抄写邯郸成语:跛鳖千里 Please copy the idiom from “Handan Chinese Idioms”( three times).

  4. 二年级A班 作业/Year2 A Homework

    1. 请把自己的名字写五遍。
    Please write your Chinese name five times.
    2. 抄写第一课生字每个10遍。
    Copy lesson one new words ten times each.
    3. 完成练习册A 第一课星期一到星期五1,2,3题。
    Complete exercise book A Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.
    4. 大声朗读第一课, 最好能背下来。
    Read aloud lesson one,try to memories.

  5. 一年级C班作业:
    1、完成拼音练习册第一课(第一至第三页); To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1 (Page 1-3);
    Repeat practice four tones;
    3、”a o e “带四声调每个写3遍;
    Write “a o e ” 3 times with 4 tones;
    4、大声朗读唐诗 “咏鹅”。
    Read aloud poem “Geese” .
    作者: 骆宾王


  6. A level Homework

    1) Explore homeschoolworld.eu/cando 浏览CANDO网站,熟悉各种练习

    2) Complete self-introduction in writing – 写完自我介绍,放到Individiual_WIKI里

    3) Complete Family related phrases and rhyming words – 写完和家庭有关的词汇(至少3个),找出压韵的字,不少于12个

    4) Write a sentence of each word, (>=10 sentences) OR write a story to include 10 or words, 每一个压韵的字,造一个句子,或写一篇短文把所有的字都用上。

    5) Find 3 articles (in Chinese) related to family and review them in writing. (main ideas, main characters, main story/argument) – 找3篇中文的关于家庭的文章,放进article WIKI里,并写评语和综述。

  7. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    The 17 words learned in the class require make phrase, and then make a sentence for each(a total of 17 phrases and 17 sentences), try to use complex sentences.

    2、预读《中文》第一课课文,不会的字标注拼音,并完成中文练习册A第八课练习,星期一到星期二的练习,从1 页到7页。
    Pre-read the text lesson 1 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. Complete the lesson one of the Chinese Workbook A, from page 1 to 7.

    Writing: My summer life
    Requirements: 200 words or more
    Content could include:
    The first paragraph: When? with who? Where did you go?
    The second paragraph: What happened? what have you done? Specifically, describe more about the meaningful and memorable things you have experienced.
    The third paragraph: Your feelings for this summer vacation. What is your next summer vacation plan?

    Please prepare three notebooks. A dictation book (already gave in the class), a homework book, a homework notebook and exercise book in class.

  8. 1.学会自我介绍:你好,我叫xxx,我今年x岁了!
    Introduce yourself by using sentence pattern:Hello,my name is xxx,I’m x years old.



    1. 学前班B(Reception B)

      Introduce yourself by using sentence pattern:Hello,my name is xxx,I’m x years old.



  9. 学前班B(Reception B )
    Introduce yourself by using sentence pattern:Hello,my name is xxx,I’m x years old.



  10. 学前班B (Reception B)

    Introduce yourself by using sentence pattern:Hello,my name is xxx,I’m x years old.



  11. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第一课“给爷爷的信”至少3遍直到流利。
    Read Lesson one “A Letter to Grandfather” at least 3 times until fluent.

    2.课本第四页词语及专有名词各抄写3遍, 下周听写。
    Copy 3 times the “Words and expressions” and “Proper nouns” on page 4. Get ready for dictation of these next week.

    3. 练习册A:星期一至星期三。
    Complete Monday to Wednesday works of Lesson one on Exercise book A.

    Read clearly the “Dialogue” on page 7 and “Reading” on page 9.

  12. 七年级B 班作业:
    Please review lesson 1, read text lesson, find out the new words which you do not know and leaning its meaning.
    2. 写出20个关于与机场和旅行有关的词汇。
    Please write 20 words related with airport and travel
    please prepare one exercise book for yourself, we will use it at class.

  13. 学前班A
    1.学会自我介绍:introduce yourself by using sentence pattern 你好,我叫xxx。
    2.听儿歌 数字歌https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QO_v7UvYUWg
    4.学唐诗:静夜思 第一句 :床前明月光

  14. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师
    1) 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第一、二课所有练习第一至第六页
    To complete Exercise Book Lesson 1 & 2 all exercises, page 1-6

    2) 背诵《拼音儿歌》 Recite the poem below:
    张大嘴巴ɑ ɑ ɑ
    圆圆嘴巴o o o
    扁扁嘴巴e e e
    牙齿对齐i i i
    嘴巴小圆u u u
    撅起嘴巴ü ü ü

    3)背诵《四声调儿歌》 看以下链接。Recite the poem and watch the link below:
    一声一声手臂 放放平

  15. Yct 2 homework YCT2 家庭作业

    1)Please put English and Pinyin for the Yct1 vocabularies on the page given you on Sunday.将周日发给你的YCT1级的词语标上英文意思和拼音。
    2)Please watch the video clips below at least 20 minutes each day,try to sing along with it.请每天至少观看下列短片20分钟,试着跟唱和重复句子。

  16. 五年级A班家庭作业(Year5A)
    1. Revise vocabularies on holiday(handout), get ready for the dictation next week.
    2. Write a composition about your holiday. Around 120 words. Think about: Who?When? Where?What happened?How were you feelings?
    3.Preview Lesson 1。

  17. 二年级C班家庭作业 HOMEWORK
    1. 抄写第一课生字每个10遍。
    Copy all characters of Lesson 1, ten times of each.
    Read aloud and recite text of Lesson 1 .
    Spoken homework: Try your best to use new characters and phrases to introduce yourself with . Be ready to present in class next week.

  18. YCT1 Homework:
    1. Write number 1 to 10 in Chinese, including pinyin, 3 times. 用中文写数字1至10,包括拼音, 写3遍。

    2. Copy the dialogues written in the class,including pinyin. 抄写课堂上的对话,包括拼音。

  19. Year two B homework 二年级B班作业
    1, write your name in Chinese 8 times, please memorise it, will ask to write on the white board next week. 默写自己的中文名字8遍,下周课堂检查
    2, Practise the sentences in Chinese of your name/ age/ birthday 练习用中文说出自己的名字/年龄/生日
    3, count the strokes of your name for each of the character 数出自己中文名字的笔划
    4, make sure to tidy up and pack up your Chinese school bag by yourself: 学习自己收拾书包
    A, one text book,/exercise爸爸84妈妈78 book A/ exercise book B, at moment we only have the book of year 1, hopefully will get year two books soon.三本书,一本教材,两本练习册,现在是一册,希望不久有二册
    B. Homework record book 作业纪录本
    C. 10 pages exercise book 课堂写字本
    D. Pencil case 铅笔盒

  20. 1.做练习册A第一课周一到周五每天的第一,二,三题。do Ex A lesson one question 1,2,3,
    2.完成 给你的习题(2张), finish the two page term start test papers
    3. 读懂课文 ,想想课文分成几段?说了几件事?reading and understand the lesson .how many paragraph there are? how many things they talk about
    4. 写一写中文的信和英文的信不同点。(用英文)学习:地址, 姓名,邮编,日期 几个词, 每个词抄写3遍。write what different between Chinese and English letter use English write , Learn : address name post cord date,copy write three times.

  21. 6年级A班作业

    1. Memorize and copy all the words learned in lesson 1 five times.
    2. Preview lesson 1 and read aloud
    3. Complete exercise in 6A from Monday to Friday questions 1-3.

  22. 二年级B班作业 Year two B homework
    1,正确 书写自己的中文名字8遍,下周课堂检查 correctly write your Chinese name 8 times, will check next week.
    2,练习 用中文表述自己姓名/年龄/生日 practise the sentences in Chinese of your name/ age/ birthday
    3,为自己的姓名数笔划,并写下来 Count the strokes of each character of your Chinese name, also write down the numbers in Chinese.
    4, 自己收拾中文书包,每周必带包括:tidy up the Chinese school bag yourself, the things need to bring to school:
    A, 课本,一年级课本及AB 练习 册,目前二年级课本尚未到 text book year 1 and AB exercise book year 1, at moment we have not receive year two books.
    B, 家庭作业纪录本 (已自制)homework record book ( everyone has one already)
    C, 课堂书写练习本,10页(自制)the exercise book which will be used in classroom, we will use it to check students’ writing skill. ( 10 pages, you may need to cope at home)
    D,铅笔盒,两只铅笔,一块橡皮,一个削笔器 pencil case.

  23. 六年级B班作业 / Year6 Homework :
    Read the text of Lesson 1 and copy each of the 17 new learnt words once a day.
    Complete exercises 1-3 from Monday – Friday, Lesson 1 of Workbook A.
    Oral Practice –
    Firstly, recall in your mind all that was mentioned during last lesson such as what to do and what not to do while inside & outside the classrooms, during lesson and break times; stick to the correct posture no matter of sitting or writing; the correct distance of how far apart from the desk to place the chair and keeping all chair-legs on the ground at all times. You also need to recall the methods you have been taught to learn and memorize Chinese characters in a more efficient manner – dividing the characters into simple forms and arranging the similar characters together, comparing the similarities and differences to help you memorize them all precisely.

    The following are preferences only for students who have spare time and are interested in doing so.

    1*) 阅读学习所发课外书 <> 。
    Finish reading the first book given at the start of the lesson.
    2*) 借助拼音经常读一读所发<>,对照英文翻译加强理解,并在理解的基础上读熟和记忆。
    Using the PinYin if it helps, keep reading <> regularly till fluent and memorized. Explanations can be found by reading the relevant part in English.
    3*) 借助所发课余书 <> 欣赏和抄写三字经。经常性地练习书写和抄经,对培养定力和开发注意力颇有好处。
    Enjoy <>, and practice the proper writing of Chinese characters in a traditional way according to book given – <>. Copying scriptures on a regular basis would contribute to developing a better concentration.

    Hoping everyone make good progress in the New Academic Year !

  24. 请家长准备学生练习本,周日带到课堂。
    练习回答问题:你叫什么?我叫,你姓什么? 我姓。看故事:https://youtu.be/lhK9v59zX4Q
    读故事的Reading story https://youtu.be/-d0-w2EpXSQ

  25. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. YCT3 标准教程第2页练习题3 Let’s find. YCT 3 Standard Course Book page 2, exercise 3 Let’s find.
    2. YCT3 标准教程第2页练习题 4 Let’s arrange. YCT 3 Standard Course Book page 2, exercise 4 Let’s arrange.
    3. 熟记YCT3 标准教程第1课的生词,准备听写。Memorise the vocabulary of L1 and prepare for the dictation.

    You may use the websites to help you learn the new words:
    1. linedict.com
    2. https://quizlet.com/313922104/yct-3-1-flash-cards/?new

    Please prepare two exercise books for use in class.

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