
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第51页第九课练习二《读一读》每个词组各五遍 Copy the phases of the Exercise 2 of Lesson 9 on page 51 five times each

2、背诵第九课第53页阅读内容《放学歌》并拍成视频发给老师Memorise Lesson 9 Text <My Home> and the Reading <After School>, and make a video

3、完成课本综合练习(三)p54-56 Complete the Review 3 on page 54-56

4、在家长的帮助下,完成YCT 1 Paper 2 (发在群里)With the help of parents, complete YCT 1 Paper 2

5、继续拍《龙文》视频 Please continue to complete the video of 《龙文》if you haven’t done so.

30 Replies to “家庭作业2024年5月6日至2024年5月11日”

  1. 1. 朗读课文(第 49 , 50 和51 页)
    Please read aloud Standard Course Book page 49, 50 and 51.

    2. 完成活动手册里第43和第44页的作业
    Complete the tasks in the Activity Book (page 43 and page 44).

    3. 学习唱 捕鱼歌 Learn to sing “Fish catching” song.

    4. 复习第四课和第五课的生字 Revise vocabulary in Lesson 4 and 5.

  2. 抄写YCT三级形容词+代词,两遍中文,一遍英文,一遍拼音。
    Copy the adjectives and pronouns in YCT3 Word List. Twice in Chinese, Twice in pinyin and once in English.

    This is the only homework. Please treat it seriously. Master characters well from 4th Grade, because you cannot rely on pinyin too much anymore.

    Next week we are going to pick 20 characters/phrases for dictation as usual.

  3. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习第6单元所有的词组,P124—P125
    Review all chapter 6 vocabs , pay attention on today’s lesson vocabs
    2 完成书上122页第1题写作,要求最少180个字。
    Finish writing 1 p122, min 180 characters
    3 参考老师发的年终表演节目文档,找到自己的名字下的关于中国发明的朗读表演稿子。熟练阅读并练习自述,每人自述最少30秒,(不需要和老师的稿子一模一样,但需要陈述全面和清楚地表达出这个发明的来源,历史,发展等)最晚在6月7日录好横屏视频发给老师,
    Start prepare presentation about the Chinese invention item (under your name), min 30 secs, deadline video7th of June. Landscape way of recording.

  4. 1、抄写《中文》第一册第九课课文3遍,下周课堂上背写
    Copy the text of Lesson 9 three times each, we will write from memory on next class

    2、继续练习YCT 1 词汇1-88的中英文含义和发音,根据老师的意见重点练习上次读错的词
    Please continue practice the words 1-88 of YCT 1.

    3、完成课本综合练习(三)p54-56 Complete the Review 3 on page 54-56


    Learn the song《世上只有妈妈好》and take a video

  5. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises in Exercise Book B Lesson 10 : Monday and Thursday: 1234; Tuesday and Wednesday: 123.
    Read the text of Lesson 10 and send a voice message to the WeChat group.
    Please help children practice the YCT3 exam at home. The test pepper will be post in the WeChat group.
    Please practice the poem.

  6. 学前B班 作业

    1, 看视频,每天都至少看一遍, 背下来的同学可以跳过不看。
    Watch the playlist once a day, you can skip the song if you have already memorised it.

    2,完成3B教科书第11页 练习题第五题 Do it
    Complete the 3B textbook page 11 exercise 5 Do it

    3, 背诵古诗《绝句》《相思》下周课上检查
    Memorise Jueju and Xiangsi, I will test next week during the lesson.

    Continue practice Xingfu de haizi Aichangge. If you have not record your song then please do so and forward it to the WeChat class group.

  7. 1. 考试组: 谷歌教室里的词汇练习,认读全部,并用中文口头解释。
    2. 第一,三组:
    a. 认读一页以上的词汇,同样的谷歌教室的练习。
    b. 同时选择确定自己的HSK级别,然后进行练习。
    3. 全班同学:经投票决定6月30号全班演唱

  8. 学前A班reception class
    : 1. 说出职业:医生,护士,老师,警察,服务员,厨师,清洁工,理发师,收银员,邮递员,消防员,建筑工人和农民。
    2.学说句子: 我是老师,我在学校工作。 我是学生,我在上课。
    3. https://youtu.be/oB43bjH-n_w?feature=shared 有趣的职业

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete the HSK questions.
      Read the poem while listening the recordings;
      Read Lesson 11 and the new words.

  9. 七年级A班:
    1. 会默写第10课的17个生字。​
    To learn 17 characters on page 94 by heart.​

    2. 练习册B册72-81页周一到周三的练习​
    Complete Exercise Book B Lesson 8(page 53-64) from Monday to Wednesday.​

    3. 熟读第10课课文​
    Read the text aloud fluently. ​

    4.观看《木兰辞》视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3du6jIVhpko&t=27s

  10. Year Two D Homework
    1, Read Lesson 11 three times a day.
    2, Write the list of first 7 new words from lesson 11 five times
    3, Complete the exercise book A for lesson 11
    Mon: 1-6
    4,Practise the Yct 2 paper, focus on second part of reading
    复习Yct2, 重点在阅读部分

  11. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 10,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below,writing the following words five times each and prepare for the dictation on Sunday:离、大概、藏起来、公里、国家
    ​Quizlet YCT6( lesson 10 )月亮离我们多远?: https://quizlet.com/910119738/yct6-lesson-10-%E6%9C%88%E4%BA%AE%E7%A6%BB%E6%88%91%E4%BB%AC%E5%A4%9A%E8%BF%9C-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96

    ​2)Please finish the exercises at Page55&56,Yct6 Activity book;Page81, Yct6 text book
    ​请完成练习册第52和53页的练习; 课本第81页的练习。

    ​3)Please read the Lesson 10 Short speech at least three times, and translate into English.

  12. 二年级C班:

    1. 完成第十一课余下的练习。
    Complete Lesson 11 the rest of the questions.
    2. 背诵第十一课课文,下周检查。
    Recite Lesson 11, will check in the next lesson.
    3. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写五遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 5 times each.
    4. 请用“从…到…”造三个句子。
    Please make three sentences using “从…到…”
    5. 观看视频,学唱《明日歌》。
    Watch the video, learn to sing the song.

  13. 四年级B班 第27周作业
    1. 第十一课练习册“星期一-星期三”的练习。
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 10, “Monday-Wednesday”.
    2. 自行熟悉YCT4 编号为151-200的词汇
    Familiarize yourself with the YCT4 vocabulary numbered 151-200.
    3. 抄写第十一课的生字,每个5次
    5 times for each of the vocabulary words in lesson 11

    4. 还没有报名YCT4考试的同学请抓紧时间报名,请没有报名的孩子家长麻烦私信我一下不报名的原因
    If you have not yet registered for the YCT4 exam, please let me know the reason if you decide not to take the test.
    5. 熟悉《将进酒》,我们班今年学期末文艺汇演的节目是配音长安三万里中《将进酒》的片段。视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mT421171C/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=c430a6d9cd45ba66ecde91504a84652d

  14. 五年级C班本周作业
    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写五遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word five times.

    Complete Monday all exercises for lesson 11 in Exercise Book A (page87-90).

    The writing assignment sent in the WeChat group.

    Read aloud the text in Lesson 10 – The Old Man of Princeton

  15. 1, 学完了第十课,抄写课本P105生字

  16. 六年级A班 作业:
    Correct your dictation,write 5 times each.
    Please complete Lesson 11 the rest of the questions in Exercise Book A .
    Memorize the characters from Lesson 11 and we’ll have a dictation in class next week .
    Write and draw the story of “Florence Nightingale” in your own words on the paper provided by the teacher.
     Perform a recitation of “If Li Bai Wasn’t There” for the end-of-term show; every student must participate.
    6.根据自己报考的级别自行练习YCT 或者是HSK模拟试卷。
    Practice YCT or HSK mock exams according to the level you have applied for.

  17. 六年级C班作业
    1. 复习第八课生词。 Review the vocabulary of L8. https://quizlet.com/_9hwmjn?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 练习册第八课周一至周五的第5题。Question 5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 8 Workbook 6B.
    3. 准备汉考。Prepare for the Hanyu Shuiping test.
    请注意线上报考截止日期是5月7日。选计划一下争取一周做一篇找到适合自己的水平报考。有问题的部分可以微信我或发到班群。Please plan to do one of the HSK or YCT papers per week to find the right level for you. The deadline for applying the test is the 7th of May. If you have any questions, you can ask me by WeChat to me or the class WeChat.
    HSK 3 & HSK 4, YCT 3 & YCT 4 vocabulary lists:
    New HSK Vocabulary (2024 | PDF Available) (mandarinbean.com)
    New HSK 4 Word List (with pinyin & translation & PDF) (mandarinbean.com)
    YCT 3 Vocabulary List (Download PDF) (digmandarin.com)
    YCT 4 Vocabulary List (Download PDF) (digmandarin.com)
    4. 准备才艺表演诗朗诵《黄河颂》。Prepare for the talent show poetry recitation “Ode to the Yellow River”

  18. 五年级A班
    1.抄写并记忆第九课《神州飞天》生词, 准备下节课听写。
    Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 9 for dictation next lesson.
    Study the YCT vocabulary list provided in class,review and reinforce your knowledge and test your vocabulary proficiency.
    Create a table or a mind map to show the timeline from Shenzhou 1 to Shenzhou 18 and you can draw it in your writing book or use your computer to make it and add some pictures. Your timeline should include launch and return dates, the astronaut(s),main facts and any fun facts you’d like to include.

  19. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵第九课第53页阅读内容《放学歌》并拍成视频发给老师Memorise Lesson 9 Text and the Reading , and make a video

    3, 继续背诵《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一和三部分:
    已经可以熟练背诵或朗读的同学可以学唱《笠翁对韵》 ‘一东’,第一部和第三部分:请参看以下视频
    https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UJQ67Y_1M_Y (第一部分)
    https://www.iqiyi.com/v_1qqa1av2zgk.html?vfrm=2-3-0-1 (第三部分)

    《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’
    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。
    shān duì hǎi,huá duì sōnɡ。sì yuè duì sān ɡōnɡ。
    ɡōnɡ huā duì jìn liǔ,sāi yàn duì jiānɡ lónɡ。
    qīnɡ shǔ diàn,ɡuǎnɡ hán ɡōnɡ。shí cuì duì tí hónɡ。
    zhuānɡ zhōu mènɡ huà dié,lǚ wànɡ zhào fēi xiónɡ。
    běi yǒu dānɡ fēnɡ tínɡ xià shàn,nán lián pù rì shěnɡ dōnɡ hōnɡ。
    hè wǔ lóu tóu,yù dí nònɡ cán xiān zǐ yuè;
    fènɡ xiánɡ tái shànɡ,zǐ xiāo chuī duàn měi rén fēnɡ。

  20. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第10课课文《龟兔赛跑》
    Reading the book of lesson ten “A Race between the Hare and the Tortoies”.
    Please complete lesson nine “Cai Lun Invented Paper”
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 塞____ 赛 ____
    (2) 龟 ____ 电 ____
    (3) 布____ 步 _____
    4 抄写YCT3 单词表,从”唱歌“开始到”疼“,每个词抄3遍
    Copy YCT3 Vocabulary list from: to sing to hurt, copy each word 3 times.
    5 学唱《千字文》

  21. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    Complete reading and translation, please see the PDF.

  22. 六年级B班

    Continue to complete the rest of the exercise book Qu Yuan from Monday to Friday.

    Write the new words three times each in Lesson 10, and dictate in the next lesson.

    Make each one of the sentence with “spirit” and “for”.

    Students who want to take the HSK exam, please do a set of simulation papers (send to the WeChat group) according to the registration level. There is no need to do the listening part, and relevant listening exercises will be done in class.

  23. 1.请抄写并记忆第11课生字, 准备下节课听写。
    江河 古老 中国 一条河 名字 长江 最长 黄河 母亲河
    Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 11 for dictation next lesson.
    2.请完成练习册A第11课从星期一到星期五所有题。 Complete the exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 11 in workbook A.
    Read aloud of Lesson 11, send your recording to group chat.
    4, please practise the Yct 2 listening and reading test below 做下面yct2 听力和阅读 https://mandarinbean.com/yct-2-test-01-listening/ https://mandarinbean.com/yct-2-test-01-reading/
    Learn to this song.
    https://v.douyin.com/i26SJHn2/ RkP:/ d@N.JV 07/27

  24. 二年级B班
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Recite the text of lesson 11.

  25. 五年级B班
Complete the rest exercises of Lesson 10 on Book B.

Copy and memorise the new words in lesson 10,get ready for dictation next week.
    Reading :”A Story of Little Julien” and write the structure of each new word.
    4.要求每位同学朗读《子曰》,录音并上传到群里。To read “Zi Yue”, record it and upload it to the group.

  26. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第十一课《大自然的语言》如下练习:
    Please finish the followed questions of Lesson 11
    星期一、星期二、星期四:1-5题 Mon, Tue and Thur: Question 1-5
    星期三、星期五:1-4题 Wed and Fri: Question 1-4

    2. 请家长协助孩子们做YCT4的练习,我会把试题发在班级群里。
    Please finish the YCT4 practice in our Wechat group.

    3. 我们班学期末的演出曲目是《上春山》,请同学们有空的时候,对照班级群发的歌词,尽量熟悉这首歌,为之后的表演做准备。
    Learn “ Shang Chun Shan” by the video and lyrics in our Wechat group.

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