
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第51页第九课练习二《读一读》每个词组各五遍 Copy the phases of the Exercise 2 of Lesson 9 on page 51 five times each

2、抄写第九课课文《我的家》五遍Copy Lesson 9 Text five times (Once a day)

3、背诵第九课课文《我的家》及最后阅读内容《放学歌》并拍成视频发给老师Memorise Lesson 9 Text <My Home> and the Reading <After School>, and make a video

4、课本综合练习(三)p54-56 Complete the Review 3 on page 54-56

5、继续拍《少年中国说》视频 Please continue to complete the video of 《少年中国说》if you haven’t done so.

29 Replies to “家庭作业2023年5月8日至2023年5月13日”

  1. 6年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A《第十一课》
    Exercise A
    Wed. 1,2,5,6
    Thur. 2,4,6
    Review the vocabulary of Lesson 11, it will be tested next week.
    3. 请同学们遵守学校的校规校纪。规范自己的言行举止,爱护学校环境。
    Please observe the school’s rules and regulations. Regulate your own behaviour and take care of the school environment.

  2. 三年级A班
    Please modify the phrases in the lesson 10 dictated in today’s class, at least three times each.
    Preview Lesson 11 “Kitten Fishing”
    Continue to learn to sing “Reading Tang Poetry”.

  3. 六年级B班

    You can choose to do HSK4 or HSK3 for the real Chinese test questions posted by the teacher in the group (the listening part is not required), and parents can also help their children find the right level.

    In the spelling test, each new word written incorrectly is copied 3 times.

    Continue to practice the song “When Will the Moon Come” link: https://youtu.be/1_U3B0zWbg8

  4. YCT A homework

    1. Please review the mock test papers, learn from the mistakes, add the vocabularies to your flash cards. For the students whose mark is below 30 out of 40, you need to do the test again at home. I will send the document to our group. The parents need to mark the papers against the answers on the last page, and let me know the results. Thank you!

  5. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 背诵第九课课文《我的家》及最后阅读内容《放学歌》并拍成视频发给老师Memorise Lesson 9 Text and the Reading , and make a video

    3, 背诵唐诗《逢 老 人》 Memorise the poem and watch the link below.
    féng lǎo rén Yǐn luán
    《逢 老 人》- 隐 峦
    Lù féng yī lǎo wēng
    路 逢 一 老 翁,
    liǎng bìn bái rú xuě
    两 鬓 白 如 雪
    Yī lǐ èr lǐ xíng
    一 里 二 里 行,
    sì huí wǔ huí xiē
    四 回 五 回 歇。

    4, 继续练习《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一部分:请参看以下视频
    (Practice and Recite part 1 of “Li Weng Duiyun” )
    已经可以熟练背诵或朗读的同学可以学唱《笠翁对韵》和学习手势舞动作- ‘一东’,第一部分:请参看以下视频

    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。

  6. 四年级 A班
    1,抄写第十一课生字三遍,找出每个字的同音字 Copy the eleventh lesson new words three times to find out the homophone of each word.
    e.g. feng 丰——封 fu 富 ——
    qing 晴—— ye 叶 ——
    guan 观—— xi 细 ——
    hua 化—— cha 察 ——
    ban 搬 —— san 伞 ——
    miao 妙 —— dong 懂——
    yan 言 —— bing 冰——
    2,做 11课 练习周一到周五第一到第三题 do Lesson 1 1 Exercises Mon- Fri Question 1-3
    3 学习抄写中国区划名称,Study and copy the name of the Chinese division.
    1)municipality directly under the Central Government: 北京 上海 天津 重庆
    2)municipality: 西藏, 广西, 宁夏, 新疆,内蒙古
    3)special area; 香港 澳门
    4) provinces : 黑龙江,辽宁 ,吉林,河北,河南,陕西,甘肃,青海,贵州,云南,四川,广东,湖南,湖北,江西,福建,浙江,江苏,安徽,山东,山西,海南,台湾,
    4.找出反义字Adjective opporsite words
    弯——直 美 —— 高—— 大——
    亮—— 粗—— 红 — 黑—— 新—— 老—— 松—— 空—— 好—— 轻—— 深—— 圆—— 笑—— 苦—— 努力— 冷——
    多—— 长—— 胖—— 干净— 早—— 快—— 前—— 进——
    5 用 什么,为什么 怎样 谁 什么时间,哪里 各造一句。use what why who how when where make sentences one each
    6 继续复习 《无衣》Continue to review《无衣》

  7. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1.第九课听写写错的字, 请在听写本上每个字抄写10遍。
    Correct the wrong words in today’s dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

    2. 抄写第九课课文《我的家》两遍。Copy twice the text of Lesson Nine.

    3.抄写第九课 “读一读” 的词组(第51页) 请每个词组抄写3遍。Copy 3 times of each phase in exercise 2 “du yi du” of Lesson Nine on page 51.

    4. 完成课本综合练习(三)(第54-56页)Please complete Review 3 on page 54 to 56.

    5. 背诵第九课课文《我的家》和阅读《放学歌》请拍摄视频发在微信群里。Recite the text and reading on page 48 and 53.Please post the videos to the WeChat group.


    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete HSK paper;

      Read aloud until fluently with the assigned parts and uploading your recordings.

  8. GCSE 网课班
    1 完成202年EDEXCEL 的听力和写作卷子,见谷歌教室附件
    Finish 2020 Edexcel listening and writing paper, see google classroom attachment .
    2 完成HSK 4 剩下的阅读和写作卷子第一部分,见谷歌教室
    Finish hsk 4 rest reading task and writing task 1, see google classroom attachment

  9. 八年级&GCSE基础班家庭作业:


    今天是八月三十号星期一,是我们大学开始上课的第一天。前天我看到很多学生都回到宿舍来了。但是我不是前天回来的,我上星期四就回来了,因为我得回来预备功课 。

    Please translate the Chinese contents to English and answer the 3 questions.

  10. 二年级A班

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写5遍。
    Correct your dictation, write the correct one 5times.
    2. 熟读十一课课文,语音发群里。
    Practice reading of Lesson 11, send your recording to group chart.
    3. 完成十一课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 11 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    4. 继续复习YCT2 词汇表。
    Continue revise YCT2 vocabulary lists.

  11. 学前班B作业

    1, 看视频,背下来的视频可以跳过不看
    Watch the playlist, you may skip the song if you have memorised it .

    2,完成3B教科书第12-13页 练习题1,2
    Complete the 3B textbook page 12-13 exercise 1,2

    Practice “Tongnian” 4th verse, And make video recording for the 2nd verse and up load to WeChat class group. If you have not up load the video for the 1st verse, please continue doing so.

    Ask your dad or mum what is their job and draw a picture dad or mum’s work on the blue notebook.

  12. A level班 家庭作业


    2. 翻译练习(英译中):课本,第209-211 页


  13. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第十课以下习题:
    Monday: 5, 6, 7
    Tuesday: 5, 6, 7
    Wednesday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    2. Fill in the blanks.
    3. 请熟读第十课《龟兔赛跑》并录制视频。
    Read lesson ten until fluent ,pay attention to pronunciation of “一”, the speed of your reading and the pauses and your tone.
    4. 点击链接完成作业。
    5. 学唱歌曲《春夜喜雨》。

  14. 1 朗诵第十二课课文《狼来了》
    Reading the book of lesson 12 “Wolves Are Coming”.
    2 抄写YCT3词汇表中第1个( 家)到60个(现在)的字或者词,每个写3遍。
    Copy the first (home) to 60 (now) words or phrases in the YCT3 vocabulary, and write each word 3 times.
    YCT3 词汇表下载链接:
    Vocabulary download link: https://www.digmandarin.com/yct-3-vocabulary-list.html
    3 YCT2 词汇表下载链接:
    4 继续练唱《逍遥游》
    Continue to practice singing please.

  15. Yct C class homework:

    1) 请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第五册第十二课的新词,并用游戏练习新词。Please use the following link to
    Practice new words of Lesson 12

    2) Please finish the Yct test paper as the PDF document in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 中YCT3 & YCT4 的考试练习。

    3) Listen to the song , and sing along with it.

  16. Homework 20230507
    Please write down lesson11‘s new words every day two time.

    please practice your speaking skills with lesson 11 everyday. And record your voice, upload to the WeChat.

    星期一 Monday12345
    星期二 Tuesday1234
    星期三 Wednesday1234
    星期四 Thursday12345
    星期五 Friday1235

  17. Year Two C Homework
    1, Practise the words in Lesson Ten, ready for the dictation next week.
    2, Use the words below to make sentences, each word make two sentences.
    A, 为什么
    C, 喜欢
    E, 要
    用列出的词语造句, 每个词造两个句子。
    3, Practise the words for YCT2

  18. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:

    1. 完成past paper 中的所有练习,请看群里发的文件。
    Complete all the exercises in the past paper, please see the files posted in the group.

    2. 作文一篇,请看群里消息。Writing task, please find it in the group chat.

  19. 四年级B班 4B
    Complete exercise book A of Lesson 11, from Monday to Friday, questions 1 to 4 (for the second question, please read it aloud to strengthen recognition.)

    2.自行打印YCT4 样卷及词汇。链接如下,学生需要完成四级样卷,请家长帮助学生并确认报考等级。
    Use the link, to print the YCT4 sample paper and vocabulary by yourself. Students need to complete the grade 4 sample paper. Parents are asked to help the students and confirm the grades for the exam.

    ***请家长在5月13日前为学生的汉考报名,填表。如有任何疑问请私信练习。 报名链接如下http://lms99999.mikecrm.com/1aKtGHq 。截止日期:2023年5月13日晚8时。
    ***Parents are requested to register and fill in the form for the student’s Chinese test before May 13. If you have any questions, please send me a private message .
    The registration link is as follows http://lms99999.mikecrm.com/1aKtGHq.
    Closing date: May 13 2023, at 8pm.

  20. 1,完成第九课练习册A的全部练习。
    Please complete all of the exercises in Exercises Book A from lesson Nine.

    Watch the video, read lesson 9 fluently once a day.

    3, 练习歌曲:天空中最亮的星
    Practice singing the song with the music.

  21. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第十二课《月亮上有什么》如下练习:
    Please finish the following exercises of Lesson 12.
    星期一:1-5 Mon: 1-5
    星期二:1-4 Tue: 1-4
    星期三:1-5 Wed: 1-5
    星期四、星期五:1-4 Thur & Fri:1-4

    2. 熟读第十二课《月亮上有什么》的课文,录制视频或者音频,发到我们的班级群。
    Read the text of Lesson 12 fluently, take a video and upload to our Wechat group.

    3. 熟读《礼运大同篇》里面自己分配到的部分,并抄写下来(抄写自己分配到的语句所在的整句),如果家中有笔墨的鼓励用笔墨抄写,请家长拍照(1)书写过程同学的照片(2)写完的作品。
    Read your own’s part of “The Great Together” fluently. Write your sentence down and ask our parents to take some pictures for you and your work.

    4. 参考班级微信群发的《YCT4词汇的第三部分》进行复习,对这些词汇,希望同学们可以在不看拼音的情况下,能够认识。
    Refer to the document in our Wechat group and revise words and phrases to prepare for YCT4.

  22. 五年级A班作业
    1.抄写并记忆第九课《神州飞天》生字, 下周听写。并请用本周成语“人山人海”造句。
    Copy and memorise the new characters in Lesson 9;get ready for dictation next week.
    Complete the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 9 in workbook A
    Recite the first 6lines of “Chao Dai Ge” and send your recording to our group.
    According to the task assigned to you, continue to prepare a PowerPoint (one to two pages) and presentation content (can refer to historical reference books shared in the group and search for related information online) for the dynasty you will be presenting.
    Complete the YCT4 test paper shared in our group(if you didn’t do it last week.)
    According to the teacher’s recommendation, the registration for HSK should be completed before this Saturday.

  23. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Be ready for dictation.
    Recite the text of Lesson 10.
    Continue to practice this song.

  24. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK27 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Print out the MiGe papers(find files from our class WeChat group)I’ve designed for this week. Read all the contents and memorise. Then hand write each character.

    2.Play the given audio files, read the texts (pages 19 & 21) of the Standard Course book 4 till fluent & you can remember.

    3.Complete each of the questions, Lesson4 of Activity Book4.

    4.Review the Let’s Match, page20 of the Standard Course book.
    4,回顾完成课本第二十页的’Let’s match’部分。

    5.Read & remember lyrics and sing along with corresponding music repeatedly everyday.

  25. 五年级B班
    Complete the rest of Exercise Book A in Lesson 9. 
    Reading until fluent.
    Copy each new word five times (the first word is required to write pinyin).
    3.录音歌曲《游子吟》,并上传到群里,或者私发给我。Record the song and upload it to the group, or send it to me privately.
    Review all the new words in Lesson 9 and take dictation next week.

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