
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第十二课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 12

2、完成发下的2份考试总复习练习题 Complete the 2 Review Exercise Handouts

3、周日7月17日测试,需要听写从第一课至第十二课里的20个生字 Next Sunday, exam, there will be 20 words dictation from Lesson 1-12. Please be prepared.

25 Replies to “家庭作业2022年7月11日至2022年7月16日”

  1. 8年级
    1 复习今天课上讲得翻译,注意重点词语的讲解
    Review queen’s speech translation from English to Chinese
    2 认真复习课上讲得关于环境保护主题的重点词语,按照bullet point重新写一遍考试最后一道题作文
    Review all enviroment protection related vocals
    3 完成观看电影《美人鱼》,重点注意电影里里关于环境污染,保护,对生活影响等相关词语。
    Finish watching movie 《mermaid》,pay attention to enviroment protection vocabs.

  2. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 掌握第8单元短文一、二、三的生词(中英文),下节课听写。

  3. 四年级B


    Please complete the general exercise at the end of the textbook


    Those who have not submitted the video homework will continue to submit (due on Wednesday). Pay attention to the horizontal screen shooting, wearing Chinese costume, smiling with no background noise


    please practice the whole book, next week’s exam 1-2pm (don’t be late)

    please copy the wrong dictation words five times and remember them.

  4. 三年级A班
    Review all the content from Lessons 1 to 12, new words and phrases in the text, and take the final exam next week.
    Continue to practice “Tomorrow Song” and record video next Sunday.

  5. 学前班 reception class:
    1. 复习2B 、 3A、 3B 准备下周口语测试。 revise 2b 3a and 3B and prepare for the oral test next week.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Copy two times of the words on Text Book page 107;
      Re-write Lesson Twelve in about 150 words;
      Read Lesson Twelve 3 times;
      4、 熟背《本草纲目》歌词,会唱歌曲。
      Memorise the lyrics of “ Compendium of Materia Medica
      ” and able to sing.

  6. 3B 家庭作业2022年7月11日至2022年7月16日
    1 请完成中文课本第三册第99-104 综合练习4和总练习
    Please complete the Comprehensive Exercise 4 and Overall Exercises on page 99-104 of the Chinese Textbook 3.
    2 请同学们给校长,老师,同学, 家长或者自己写一封信,说说自己学习中文的收获。
    Please write a letter to the headmistress, teacher, classmate, parents or yourself on what you learnt Chinese or achievement at LMS this year.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Copy two times of the words on Text Book page 107;
      Re-write Lesson Twelve in about 150 words;
      Read Lesson Twelve 3 times;
      4、 熟背《本草纲目》歌词,会唱歌曲。
      Memorise the lyrics of “ Compendium of Materia Medica
      ” and able to sing.

  7. 二年级C班作业
    Year Two C Homework
    1, 熟读并用电脑汉语拼音输入下面的10句话, 这是考试的一个内容, 阅读会下周在课堂检测。
    Please read fluently and type the 10 sentence below using computer Chinese pinyin input, this is one of the task for the year end of exam, reading will test in the class next week.
    2)我喜欢去学校, 我们在教室里读书,在家里讲中文。
    4)对不起, 我今天不去学校,明天也不去学校。
    5)上个星期天妈妈给我买了新玩具, 爸爸给我买了一本书。
    6)我会写汉字唱中文歌, 还会收拾书包,我会做的事可真不少。
    8)月亮真的不是跟我们走, 它很高很远 , 它看起来跟我们走。
    9)鱼在水里游来游去, 鸟在天上飞来飞去, 我们在地上走来走去。
    2, 未提交视频作业的同学继续提交, 注意横屏拍摄, 背景无杂音
    Those who have not submitted the video homework will continue to submit , Pay attention to the horizontal screen shooting with no background noise
    下周我们有简单的考试, 请同学准时上课。
    we have a simple exam next week, please attending to the class on time.

  8. 三年级C班:
    Copy the words in Lesson four,five and six.
    Complete the exercises of lesson 4-6 see PDF below.

  9. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 请完成发下的练习题。
    Complete the hand out.
    2. 未提交视频作业的同学继续提交(周三截止)注意横屏拍摄,中式服装
    Please submit your video if you haven’t done.

  10. YCT C homework YCT C 班 家庭作业
    YCT3 homework
    1)Please sing along the following song and record it by yourself or your parents, must be landscape recording, and then sending it to YCTC class whatapp group as soon as possible.
    2) Please review all the new words for Yct3 text book using the quizlet link below, and prepare for the end of term exam on this Sunday.
    3) Please translate the following key sentences into Chinese, and prepare for the end of term exam on this Sunday.
    1)We all have Chinese Classes.
    2) That is great!
    3)Can I play football with you together?
    4) I am drawing a picture.
    5) Let me have a look.
    6)I am looking for my mom.
    7) I like Chinese dumplings the best.
    8)Have some more.
    9)Can I help you?
    10)I can put it on by myself.
    11) I don’t know how to make a cake, but I know how to draw a cake.
    12) Don’t go out jogging.
    13)What is lost?
    14)Who runs fast?
    15)Pass me the watermelon.

    YCT5 homework

    2) Please review all the new words for Yct5 text book using the quizlet link below, and prepare for the end of term exam on this Sunday.
    3) Please translate the following key sentences into Chinese, and prepare for the end of term exam on this Sunday.
    1) Are you interested in Chinese Kung fu?
    2)I want to be like my dad, too.
    3)Elephants have long noses.
    4) Rabbits are even cuter.
    5)Do you live on the 3rs floor or the 4th floor?
    6)She plays the piano for a while every morning.
    7) Every one has their own habits.
    8) This photo was taken 20 years ago.
    9)How young they were back then.
    10)The one standing is my teacher.

  11. 复习学过的唐诗-作业本,识字卡片
    Please revision Flash Cards

  12. 6年级A班
    Complete the Exercise on page 121 of the book.
    2. 请没有提交个人视频的同学,尽快横屏录制唱歌视频。
    Make a song individual video.

  13. 1.请订正课本第111页综合练习四及课本第115页总练习. Please correct all the exercises from P.111 to P.118 of the Text Book.

    Please go over all the characters and phrases, get ready for the dictation and the test next week.

  14. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1. 请同学们在家看一部电影《神笔马良》,然后写出一篇150左右的观后感。
    Watch a movie “Magic Pen Ma Liang” at home, and then write a review of about 150.
    Click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb0Z1_W-QRQ
    Please come up with 3 questions for this movie that we will discuss in class.

  15. 六年级B班作业
    1. 练习册B第96页第2题,画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。Find out and correct the wrong characters.
    2. 练习册B第97页第5题,读课文,选择填空。 Choose the right sentences according to the text.
    3. 练习册B第98页第6题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.
    4. 练习册B第98页第7题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    5. 练习册B第100页第3题,照例子写汉字,再组词语。Combine these parts to make characters and form phrases after the model.
    6. 练习册B第100页第4题, 照例子连一连,组词语。Link and form phrases after the mode.
    7. 练习册B第100页第5题, 连词成句。Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    8. 练习册B第101页第6题, 改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    9. 练习册B第102页第7题,读课文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√” on each correct sentence and“×” on each wrong sentence according to the text.
    10. 练习册B第103页第2题, 照例子连一连,写汉字。Link and write after the model.

  16. 五年级A班:
    Complete the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12 .
    Read the lesson12 text twice a day.
    Review all the words from lesson 1 to 12 and be able to make sentences with these words.
    We will have the end of year test. Please make sure you are prepared.

  17. YCT B homework:

    1. Review the vocabulary in “Let’s learn” part from Lesson 1 -8, and answer the part 1 questions in the Word document shared in our WeChat group. 复习一到八课单词,回答文档中的第一部分题。

    2. Watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHFc_bzhic) and answer the part 2 questions in the Word document shared in our WeChat group. 看视频, 回答文档中的第二部分题。

  18. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK



  19. @所有人 本周作业 请大家认真学习歌曲,把老师布置到你的部分 认真完成。谢谢。

  20. 五年级B班
    Please complete the exercise on page 115 of the textbook,and send pictures to the group.

Please review the text and new words in lesson 1-12 and get ready for the final exam next week.

  21. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成群中发的第四单元复习题。
    Finish the exercises of Lesson 10-12.

    2.未交视频作业《送别》的,请继续录制并提交,穿戴整齐,背景干静,横屏录制。请用以下链接中的歌曲作为伴奏录制。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2ChBN3C_TI 录好后请发到班级群或者直接发给老师。

  22. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) 傅老师

    1, 继续复习1-12课的所有生字,请参看 ‘音序生字表’ (87-88页), 要求会认,会写。Review, read and memorize all Chinese characters we have learned from lesson 1 to lesson 12. Please see pages 87-88 ‘Alphabetic Vocabulary’.

    2, 完成 ”一年级期末复习题 (1-12课)“ 的练习题,我已把练习题发到群里。Complete the end-of-year revision questions that I have posted in the Wechat groups.

  23. Class YCT A Homework WEEK35 Term3 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Continue to read, copy and remember all given contents. See class WeChat group for designed handwriting practice papers.

    2.Read and sing along repeatedly continuously. Get ready and to make videos soon. Preparing for school annual Talent Show for July this summer. Using provided music pieces (see Class WeChat group).
    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP4tNeL2wMI
    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSRAjqd2Sko
    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGx4fDuEzrA

    3.Read and sing poems.

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