家庭作业2022年4月4日至2022年4月23日 (Easter Holiday)

一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


1、第一个星期:完成练习册A第七课星期一 至星期五 First Week: Complete the Exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions

2、记住所有生字,准备听写Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation

3、第二个星期:抄写生字4、5课生字 Copy the words of the Lesson 4 and 5 (Handouts)

4、用发给你的卡片画一幅以春天为主题的画,可以画,也可以用花园里的花花草草黏在卡片上,创作一幅你眼中的春天,用所学的字描述春天 Use the card I gave you to draw a picture of the Spring, you can also pick up some flowers and grass to stick on the card to make your own Spring. Please use the words you learnt to describe the Spring.

5、学习和背诵歌曲《谁说瓷母不可能》1-3页, 拍摄视频发到群里 Practise and memorise the song <谁说瓷母不可能> Page 1-3,make a video.

Have a nice Easter Holiday!


25 Replies to “家庭作业2022年4月4日至2022年4月23日 (Easter Holiday)”

  1. 六年级B班作业
    1. 复习第八课生词: 出发、朝霞、彩云、里、河岸、轻舟、万重山。Review the vocabulary.
    2. 看视频,学朗诵古诗《早發白帝城》。Watch the video, learn to recite the poem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAlEaW53AO8
    3. 练习册A第70页第3题,把下列诗句写完整。Complete the poems below.
    4. 练习册A第70页第4题,在下列画线字的正确解释上打“√”。Mark“√” on the right explanations of the underlined characters.
    5. 练习册A第71页第5题,在正确的句子后面打“√”。Mark“√” on the right sentences.
    6. 练习册A第71页第6题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with“√” on each right sentence and“×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    7. 练习册A第73页第2题,照例子连一连,写汉字。Link and write after the model.
    8. 练习册A第74页第4题,选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    9. 练习册A第76页第4题,读句子,用画线的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the underlined words.
    10. 任选一题写一篇作文《伦敦的春天》或《愉快的复活节》。

  2. 本周作业
    1,抄写补充生词( HSK3的生词,已经发送到班群)每词三遍,用读,写和遮盖的方式抄写。
    Copy new words and expressions, each of them copy three times. Please use “say it, write it and cover it “ method to practise.

    2, 大声补充资料上的朗读四组对话,可以参考课文的拼音部分。
    Read aloud talking about the four dialogues,please take reference from the texts in Pinyin.

    3, 作文: 复活节假期日记
    Write a diary entry about your Easter holiday.

    How many guests attended the party? Who are they?



  3. 六年级A班
    1. 完成练习册B第10课,星期四和星期五的所有练习题
    Complete Exercise B
    Thur. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    Write a essay about Easter Holiday with any topic.
    3.根据上课的朗诵指导, 继续练习诗朗诵二首,并上传语音到群里
    According to the example in the classroom, continue read the poetry, and send the record to the Wechat group
    Review the vocabulary, it will be tested after holiday.

  4. 翁冰 学前班reception class:
    1. 看视频背诵古诗《凉州词》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iDr3oI8vVo
    2. 看视频:《跟着书本去旅行》 001 寻访河西走廊——春风不度玉门关://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sq4y1C7ac?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click

  5. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册B第八课《壶盖为什么会动》星期一到星期五所有内容。
    Complete the lesson 8 of Exercise Book B “Why Does the Lid Move” from Monday to Friday.
    Read the text.
    Copy the phrases in the lesson 8 text three times each, and dictate them in class after returning to school.
    Watch and sing along to two videos:


  6. 三年级C班:
    1. 请有感情地朗诵《小猫钓鱼》,横屏拍摄,背景简洁,正式着装。
    Read or Memorize 《小猫钓鱼》with emotion, use the techniques we talked about in the class,
    Record with clear background and neat outfit.
    2. Blooket homework
    3. 请完成新教材使用调查意见表。
    Please complete the form below.
    4. 背一背或熟读。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    历千辛 受万苦
    回大唐 传经书

  7. 8年级
    1 熟读第10课课文,语音录制发到群里
    Read lesson 10 fluently and record with audio ,sent to wechat group
    2 熟读第10课阅读课文,语音录制发到群里
    Read lesson 10 reading article, record with audio and sent to wechat group
    3 完成第10课练习册星期一到星期五所有的题
    Finish lesson 10 Monday-Friday all exercises.
    4 复习第1-9课所有的重点词组和成语,开学后抽查听写
    Review lesson 1-9 all key words and phrases, we will have a dictation after the holiday.

  8. Year Two C Homework
    二年级C 班作业
    1, Memorise the lesson nine
    2, Complete the exercises in Lesson Nine
    Mon: 2/3/4/5
    Tue: 2/4
    Wed: 2/3/5
    Thu: 2/5
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5
    星期一: 2/3/4/5
    3, Use “why” to make 3 sentences
    用”为什么” 造三个句子
    4, Draw a picture about the spring in your eye, and use the words and expressions you know to write 5 sentences about the spring in Chinese.
    Have a nice Easter holiday!

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

      1、 复习第一课到第八课的生字、词,开学听写;
      Revise all the characters and phrases from Lesson 1 to Lesson8 and get ready for the dictation after Easter holiday;
      2、 写一写清明节的习俗有哪些;
      Write the traditional Chinese custom about “Qi Ming”;
      Write an essay about ‘The Great Hall’.

  9. 3B家庭作业2022年4月4日至2022年4月23日
    1 区别读音相同或相近的字并组词
    distinguish words that sound the same or similar and make new ones.
    (1)街: 节: 家: (2)道: 到: (3) 交: 叫:
    (4)停: 听: (5)拉: 那: 哪: (6) 通: 东:
    (7)王: 往: (8)店: 点: (9)童: 同:
    (10)故: 古: (11)报: 抱: (12)钱: 前:
    (13)等: 灯: (14)现: 见: (15)士: 是:
    (16)量: 两: (17)问: 温: (18)少: 烧:
    (19)真: 针: (20)虎: 护: (21)次: 吹: 欢:
    (22)眼: 很: (23)第: 弟: (24)推:谁: 堆:
    (25)鼻: 比: (26)最: 嘴: (27)才: 采:
    (28)劳: 老: (29)分: 粉: (30)动: 东
    (31)字: 自: (32) 天: 甜: (33)只: 知: 直:
    (34)诗: 思: (35)汽: 气: (36)中: 冲:
    (37)机: 几: (38)两: 凉: 亮:

    2 了解清明节的来历,背诵下面这首古诗
    To understand the origin of Qingming Festival, recite the following ancient poem.
    3 写一篇关于春天的文章或者诗歌
    Write an essay or poem about spring.
    4 复活节快乐!

  10. 二年级A班(year2A)

    1. 请复习第七,八,九课的划线词语,返校后听写。
    Revise Lesson 7, 8, 9 underlined words and phrases, ready for dictation when the school start.
    2. https://quizlet.com/gb/686302323/lesson-7-9-characters-flash-cards/
    3. 请写下你在复活节假期做了什么,至少三句话.
    Write down what you did in Easter holiday, at least three sentences.
    4. Draw a picture about the spring in your eye, and use the words and expressions you know to write 3 sentences about the spring in Chinese.
    Have a nice Easter holiday!

  11. 20220403 homework

    Please practice your speaking skills and record your Lesson 8 and reading 8, then send to the wechat group Saturday.

    Please write new words from Lesson 8 and Reading 8 every day write once.

    练习册 practice B
    星期一 Monday 67
    星期二 Tuesday 4567
    星期三 Wednesday 4567
    星期四 Thursday 4567
    星期五 Friday 567

    1. 可以参考学习课文中的格式,概括、远、近、引用、总结。
    3. 大概300字左右。

  12. Yct C class homework:

    Yct3 level homework:
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT 3 Lesson9 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 第九课的生词


    2) Please make 5 sentences using the following words each time. 请用下面五个词各造一个句子:

    3)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

    4)Please translate the following sentences into Chinese 请将下面的句子翻译成中文:
    1)Why are your mum crying?
    2. She lost something .
    3. What did she lose?
    4. She lost her bag.
    5. What things are inside her bag?
    6. Lots of money .
    7. Don’t cry anymore, let’s look for it together.
    8. Look, my mum’s bag is over there!
    9. Great! You found it. Smile.

    Yct5 level homework:
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT textbook 5 Lesson5 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习YCT5 lesson 6课本第六课的生词https://quizlet.com/683997536/yct5-lesson6-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2)Please translate following sentences into English.请将下面的句子翻译成英文。

    1)Is this your daughter?
    2)No, she is Aunt Huang’s daughter.
    3)Your son is really handsome and very young.
    4)My uncle like taking photos a lot.
    5)This photo was taken five years ago, look, this boy wear black shoes is my older brother.

    3)Please record five day’s date and weather during Easter holiday. For example: 2022年4月15 日,星期五,晴天

  13. 五年级A班作业
    Complete all the exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson7.
    Recite the two poems .
    According to the poem that we learned, write a piece of writing titled “My mum”,including appearance, character traits and emotions…(don’t forget the adjectives you chose for your mum).
    Revise all the characters and phrase from lesson 1 to lesson8 and get ready for the dictation after Easter holiday.
    A 用皮影演绎《游子吟》的故事,并用皮影演绎一段你和妈妈之间的小故事,拍摄视频发送给老师。(根据上课时老师讲的人物制作要点,自己绘制人物,制作过程视频详见微信群。每位同学必须完成)
    B 用皮影讲述成语故事《守株待兔》和《刻舟求剑》。(同学们可根据自己情况选择完成)
    A. Make your own Shadow Puppets theatre and perform the Traveller’s Song and the story between you and your mum with your shadow puppets. A video will be sent to the Wechat group to help you with making your shadow puppets. Everyone has to complete this task as a part of the whole class’s performance.
    B. Retell the two stories of lesson 6 with your shadow puppets theatre and set your video to your teacher.(optional)

  14. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第八课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,开学后听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 8, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation after Easter.

    2, 抄写第八课的课堂练习 2 (读一读)(第45页)的词组各3遍, using Lesson 8 Exercises in Class, exercise 2 (Read Aloud) (page 45) and copy each phrase 3 times.

    3,背诵第八课课文《我去学校》 memorize and recite (I am going to school)

    4, 背诵唐诗《池上》,请看一下链接; memorize and recite poem 《池上》, watching the following link:

    《Chí shàng》- bái jū yì
    《池 上》- 白 居 易

    Xiǎo wá chēng xiǎo tǐng
    小 娃 撑 小 艇
    tōu cǎi bái lián huí
    偷 采 白 莲 回
    Bù jiě cáng zōng jī
    不 解 藏 踪 迹
    fú píng yī dào kāi
    浮 萍 一 道 开

  15. 四年级A班
    1 读熟背会第十课。会默写。read fluently lesson 10 memories write it.
    2.完成第十课的习题周一到周五。complete all lesson 10 exercises
    3.找出下面字的反义词 Adjective opporsite words
    弯——直 美 —— 高—— 大—— 亮—— 粗——
    红 — 黑—— 宽—— 新—— 老—— 松——
    尖——秃 空—— 好—— 轻—— 利—— 深——
    圆—— 笑—— 悲—— 苦—— 努力— 冷——
    多—— 矮—— 长—— 胖—— 干净— 乱——
    早—— 快—— 暖—— 香—— 前—— 进——
    4.书写短文200字《我的节日》write a assey 200 words 《我的节日》
    5 看36 汉字 卡通。 See the 36 Chinese character cartoon

  16. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第十课《问答》剩下的问题。
    Please finish the rest questions of Lesson 10 in Exercises Book B.

    2. 请完成课本第87页“综合练习(三)”
    Please finish Review 3 on page 87 of our text book.

    3. 请熟读或者背诵《朝代歌》全部内容,录制视频发到班级微信群。
    Please memorize dynasty song, make a video and upload it to our Wechat group.

    4. 请从学过的课文或者课后阅读中任选一篇,或者从老师发到Wechat群中的文章中选择一篇,有感情地朗诵出来,录制视频并在4月17日之前发到班级群。
    Please choose your favourite text, read out aloud, make a video and upload it to our Wechat group.

  17. YCT B Homework(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. Standard course book: Read aloud and record the mini story on page 31, and write down the English translation.

    Task 2. Activity book: Exercise 1-4 on page 21 and 22. 活动手册第21和22页的习题1-4。

    Task 3. Watch video clips. 看视频。
    Food ordering: https://youtu.be/uxmKlwTg-DU
    Rap “I like to eat Chinese food”- https://youtu.be/2sDjvG2ig0Y

  18. GCSE班作业:
    Complete all the task3 speaking questions given in class

    Please review the GCSE vocabulary at home according to the GCSE vocabulary posted in the group


  19. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK
    Finish review 3 of textbook,page 68 to page 71.
    Correct the dictatiom,five times each.
    3.完成第十课练习册A, 周一到周五的前三题。
    Finish exercise book B, part 1,2 and 3 of Lesson 10 ,from Monday to Friday.
    Read aloud by different roles to text of Lesson 10.

  20. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 根据课堂上学习的如何进行口语练习,再完善第9页的口语练习,下节课课堂上请同学进行口语练习。
    Oral exercise.
    2、 熟读《故乡》,分析水生和宏儿之间的友谊传达了什么主题。

  21. 五年级B班
Complete all the exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book A lesson7.
Recite the four poems, reciting will be tested on after the Easter holiday.
    3. 用自己的话说说《敕勒川》这首诗的意思。
    Describe the meaning of the poem “ChìlèChuān” in your own words.
    4. 把《杂诗》这首诗改编成一 个小故事(可以口述,也可以写下来)发群里。
    Adapt the poem 《Za Shi》into a short story (which can be spoken or written) and sent to the group chat.
    5.大声朗读 59页的对话,直到流利。
Read aloud the dialogues(page 59).
Revise all the characters and phrase from lesson 1 to lesson 8 and get ready for the dictation after Easter holiday.
    Continue to practice the essay for the recitation competition.

  22. Class YCT A Homework WEEK24 Term2 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Complete the handwriting of given contents. Find from class WeChat group.

    2.Read aloud and recite the text on page 49. Read the text (suggested 2-3 times per day and no less than 6 times in total) till fluent and you can recite it.

    3.Review and complete questions 1-4 of Lesson 10 from the Activity Book2.

    4.Continue to read and to remember Chinese characters about the given fruits and animals.

    5.Complete each of the extra curriculum tasks assigned.
    5, 完成分配的每项额外课程任务。

    Have a happy Easter holiday, everyone!

  23. 1,请复习试卷第一题的所有偏旁部首(见笔记)

    Please review all the radicals of question 1 (see notes).


    Please recite the Song of the Dynasty (see exercise)


    please review the words of Easter students (see class notes)


    please review all the English words from L1-L9, and write dictation after the festival

    enjoy your holiday!happy easter!

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