
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、用练习本抄写《中文》第一册第三课练习二(第14页)词组各10遍 Use exercise book to copy 10 times of each phrases  in Lesson three Exercise 2 (Page 14).

2、第三课字练习 Handout – Lesson 3 Words Practise

3、综合练习 (一)- 《中文》课本P16 Complete the Review (1)

4、背诵《大小月》,拍视频给老师 Memorise <大小月>,  take a video recording and send to teacher.

26 Replies to “家庭作业2022年01月24日至2022年01月29日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Copy the underlined words in the sixth lesson “Snow” three times each.
    Practice poetry recitation at home in groups and record in class next Sunday.
    Learn to sing gesture dance with video.

  2. 六年级A班
    1. 写一篇作文 关于你的家人,比如《我的妈妈》 或者《我的爸爸》…
    Write a composition about your family. For example , and so on.
    Review the vocabulary about lesson 7 . It will be tested next week.
    3. 没有提交视频的同学,继续横屏录制《正月十五闹花灯》的视频,并发给我。
    Take a video, and send to the teacher.

  3. 三年级C班:
    1. 完成练习册B第6课,星期一至星期四,第一题到第四题。
    Exercise Book B Lesson 6,Monday to Thursday part 1-4.
    2. 请熟读第六课《雪》并录制视频或音频发到微信群。
    Read lesson six until fluent then record your reading and send it to wechat group.
    3. 请完成第五课的复习题。

  4. 六年级B班作业
    1. 熟读成语故事一、《亡羊补牢》,准备复述。Read the idiom story one《亡羊补牢》 , prepare to retell.
    2. 练习册B第34页第2题,读拼音,写汉字 。Write one character for each Pinyin.
    3. 练习册B第34页第3题,照例子写汉字,再组词语。Write characters and form phrases after the model.
    4. 练习册B第34页第4题,改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    5. 练习册B第35页第5题,读课文,填空。Fill in the blanks according to the text.
    6. 练习册B第35页第6题,读课文,判断句子,对的打“ √” ,错的打“×” 。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the text.
    7. 练习册B第35页第7题,阅 读 短 文,判 断 句子,对的打“√” ,错 的打“×” 。 Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    8. 练习册B第37页第2题,读汉字,写拼音。Write Pinyin for each character.
    9. 练习册B第37页第4题,比一比,再组词语。Compare and form phrases.
    10. 练习册B第38页第5题,选 词语 填 空。Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
    11. 准备春节联欢节目《正月十五闹花灯》,请看微信群的附件。Prepare the performance for Chinese New Year.
    Line 1&2 項倩
    Line 1&2 刘美祯
    Line 3&4 石凯麟
    Line 3&4 商陈轩辕
    Line 5&6 陈俊毅
    Line 7&8 陈哲涵
    Line 9&10 王梓皓
    Line 10&11 武博文
    Line 12&13 余凯灵
    Line 12&13 郭洛飞

  5. 学前班reception class:
    1. 学说quizlet W17 L2 lovely kitchen 中的词语。
    2. 完成手工:虎年红包等手工。

  6. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    To complete all the excises on text book from page 55~58;
    To continue practice retell Lesson for those who couldn’t /retell properly;
    To memorise the words on Text book page 54 and make 2 sentences for each words;
    To memorise all the new words from lesson 1-6, will be tested in next Lesson;
    To write two Chinese New Year greeting sentences.

  7. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 完成第六课余下的练习题。
    Complete the exercises of Lesson 6.
    2. 学习颜色:红色, 黄 色, 蓝色, 绿色 黑色,白色,橙色,棕色,米色,灰色. 涂完颜色的年画可以发在群里。
    Learn to write the colours. Complete the colouring and send to group chat.
    3. 用Quizlet复习第一至第六课字词。
    Revise Lesson 1 to Lesson 6 using Quizlet.

  8. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 掌握第9单元短文二、三生词(中英文)。
    Master words.
    2、 完成第82-85页口语作业,听力练习、词语练习及翻译练习。
    Exercise S ,L, G and T.
    3、 今年上半年参加考试的同学回看《请投我一票》,复习电影的主题、拍摄手法、三位参加竞选的学生在不同竞选时的状态以及家长是如何帮助自己的孩子等细节。
    Please vote for me.

  9. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第七课剩下的练习题。
    Please finish the rest of the questions of Lesson 7 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 有感情的熟读并背诵第七课课后阅读的两首唐诗《山行》和《绝句》,录制视频或者音频放到班级群。
    Please memorize the other two poems in Lesson 7, make a video or audio and send to our class Wechat group.

    3. 看班级群里发的动画视频。
    Please watch the videos which were sent in our Wechat group.

  10. YCT B Homework for 24/1/2022 to 29/1/2022        (Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1.  Watch the video clips, and review the vocabularies. Please see a word document in the group chat. 看视频, 练习词语。请见群里的Word文档。
    Body parts:

    Task 2.  Watch the video clip. Read aloud the texts on page 19, and record your reading.  Write down the translation or include it in your recording.  看视频。大声朗读第十九页课文,然后录制朗诵。写出译文或者在录像里说出来。

  11. Year Two C Homework
    1, Memorise the Lesson Six
    2, Read the ‘ tongue twister’ on text book page 45 two times a day.
    3, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson Six
    Tue: 4
    Thurs: 2/3/5
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/5/6

  12. 8年级作业
    1 熟读第6课课文+阅读文章(点金术),朗读《点金术》,发录音到群里
    Read fluently lesson 6 and reading article, read alound《点金术》,record and sent to wechat group
    2 完成第6课练习册星期四和星期五的作业
    Finish exercise lesson 6 Thursday and Friday
    3 观看下面视频,写一写视频里讲了什么故事,最令你感动的是哪一部分?你在这个视频里学到了什么中国的传统?你是如何在海外庆祝中国新年的?要求最少180个字
    Watch below video, write min 180 characters (what about this story ?which part most impressed you?what did you learn about Chinese tradition from this video?how did you celebrate Chinese new year while abroad )

  13. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Finish the rest questions of exercise book B, Lesson 6.
    Recite the text.
    3.大声朗读READING 绕口令。
    Read aloud READING, page 45 of the textbook.

  14. 四年级B


    please complete the rest of exercise book A, Lesson 7 Monday to Friday


    . Please tell your family and friends the educational significance of the poem “Benjamin Farmers” and explain it in vernacular Chinese


    Please recite two poems “Chunxiao” and “Min Nong”, and submit them in voice or video form


    Please complete the coloring of the pictures handed out in class

    please review the characters of L7 and we will dictation next week

  15. 本周作业:
    星期二:2,3, 4
    To complete part of the exercises of lesson 8(Exercise Book B)
    Read aloud Lesson 8 once a day.

    3. 3,跟唱《龙的传人》,请横屏录制个人演唱视频,并发送到班群。歌词已经发送到班群。Sing along with the video, please send your recording to Whchat.


  16. Yct3 homework

    1. Please watch the following video clip, and learn the song.请跟着视频学习下面的新年歌曲

    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成我们班WhatsApp group Yct3 照片中的练习。

  17. 五年级A班作业
    1. 继续阅读故事书《我就是喜欢我》,下周可以用自己的话讲述故事。
    Reading: read the story “Frog is Frog” and be able to retell the
    Story with your own words next week.
    Recite the children’s folk “Da Nian Chu Yi Niu Yi Niu”.
    Correct the mistakes on your Unit 1 test paper and copy the corrected words 3 times each.
    Preview lesson 8 (Text and Reading P63 to p70).
    Watch the video and answer the questions.

  18. @all 20220123 homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read Lesson 6. Please record video to upload wechat group in next Saturday.

    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson6’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.


  19. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第四课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下星期上课时听写 Copy down all-new Chinese characters from Lesson 4, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next week.

    2, 抄写第四课的课堂练习 2 (读一读)(第21页)的词组各3遍, using Lesson 4 Exercises in Class, exercise 2 (Read Aloud) (page 21) and copy each phrase 3 times.

    3, 学唱《上下左右歌》加上课上教过的动作。Learn to sing “Up, Down, Left and Right” plus the movements taught in class.

    4, 练习《你笑起来真好看》,拍摄视频并发给老师。Practice the song, make a video and then send it to the teacher


  20. 3B班2022年01月24日至2022年01月29日家庭作业
    1 请完成练习册B第八课《壶盖为什么会动》星期一至星期二的全部练习。
    Please complete the Exercises Book B Lesson 8《Why Does the Kettle Lid Move》from Monday to Tuesday.
    2 写出三个新年祝福语
    Please write three Chinese New Year’s greetings.
    3 观看视频故事《春节的来历》
    Please watch the video about 《The history of the Spring Festival》.

  21. GCSE 班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.

    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 113 reading 3 and page 115 reading 5 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your class NOTEBOOK.

    3. 写一段话,请根据113页的写作4,重新写一段话。
    Writing task: According to page 113 writing 4 fill in the blanks about yourself, rewrite a paragraph about yourself.

    4. 请没交朗诵视频的同学务必在这周交上。上面链接是比较好的朗诵视频,可供同学们参考。
    Students who did not submit the recitation video must submit it this week. The link above is a good recitation video for students to refer to.

  22. 1、读熟第七课两首古诗,默写它们。Read the two ancient poems in lesson seven, and write them silently
    2,给生字 和字意划线 Line the new words and the words
    农 sleep
    晓 birds song
    啼 farmers
    眠 dawn
    辛苦 drop
    滴 every where
    粒 all
    皆 hear
    闻 small particles; measure words
    处 work hard

    3 做练习册A 第七课习题 周一到周五 1-4 题 do EXA lesson 7 Mon-Fri Question 1-4

    4, 看微信 画唐诗,see wechat draw peom .
    5,学习悯农 一
    春种一粒粟 ,chūn zhòng yī lì sù
    秋收万颗子 。qiū shōu wàn kē zǐ
    四海无闲田 ,sì hǎi wú xián tián
    农夫犹饿死 。nónɡ fū yóu è sǐ

  23. 1、读熟第七课两首古诗,默写它们。Read the two ancient poems in lesson seven, and write them silently
    2,给生字 和字意划线 Line the new words and the words
    农 sleep
    晓 birds song
    啼 farmers
    眠 dawn
    辛苦 drop
    滴 every where
    粒 all
    皆 hear
    闻 small particles; measure words
    处 work hard

    3 做练习册A 第七课习题 周一到周五 1-4 题 do EXA lesson 7 Mon-Fri Question 1-4

    4, 看微信 画唐诗,see wechat draw peom .
    5,学习悯农 一
    春种一粒粟 ,chūn zhòng yī lì sù
    秋收万颗子 。qiū shōu wàn kē zǐ
    四海无闲田 ,sì hǎi wú xián tián
    农夫犹饿死 。nónɡ fū yóu è sǐ

  24. 五年级B班
    1.你将要给在英国的孩子做一个关于中国春节的介绍,你可以选用Google slide 或者PowerPoint,插入合适的图片并加以文字说明。内容包括:什么是春节?在中国,人们如何过春节的?春节期间人们做什么?吃什么?穿什么?等等……
    You are going to give a presentation about Chinese Spring Festival to some children in the UK. You can use Google Slide or PowerPoint, insert the appropriate pictures and add the text description. What is the Spring Festival? How do people celebrate the Spring Festival in China? What do people do during Spring Festival? What do they eat? What do they wear? etc…

    This year is the Year of the tiger. Please write down at least five idioms with the word “tiger” in them. And please write down”one to ten” idiom blessing language.

    Read aloud following the video until you are fluent.

  25. Class YCT A Homework WEEK16 Term2 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Review characters find from class WeChat group for designed TianGe paper.

    2.Read till fluent (at least 5 times) and recite the texts on pages 29, 30 & 31 of the YCT Standard Course book2.

    3.Review and complete all the questions (1-6), as stated on lesson, from Activity Book2.

    4.Continue to read and remember lyrics (refer to PinYin and stroke orders provided. Find from class WeChat group.)and sing with action according to given music pieces. Make videos very soon according to class requirements.
    4,继续阅读和记住歌词(参考提供的拼音和笔画顺序。见班级微信群。),跟随相应的音乐按照课堂要求练习演与唱。按要求迅速完成视频录像。个人视频拍摄要求 – 横屏16:9; 分辨率 1080 Pixels; 正装: 唐装,其它喜庆节日装,或西装。严禁睡衣类; 最好有统一的或者单一/单色的背景,至少要做到背景整洁无杂物;拍摄中请避免镜头摇晃、录入闲杂人与物,以及录入其它噪音。

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