
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第一课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)


Please remember the name of the strokes:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry8zvLN-B2A

请家长帮助学生理解每道习题的要求,正确回答问题。按照星期一做星期一的作业,星期二做星期二的作业,以此类推。每天不要多做。Could parents help your child to understand the questions so that they can write the correct answers. Please don Monday’s work on Monday, Tuesday’s work on Tuesday and so on. Please do not do too many a day, especially do not complete all the homework in one day.

3、学习《你笑起来真好看》歌曲 ,请跟着手舞To learn the song of <你笑起来真好看>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-DbpJIoQ0k

4、记住所有的生字,下星期听写。学校会免费送学生一本练习本作为听写本。另外今年也各送了学生一本大田字格练习本供练习写字用。Prepare for the dictation of the new words in Lesson 1.

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年11月29日至2021年12月4日”

  1. 四年级B 王艺霖


    please complete the rest of exercise book A, Lesson 5 Monday to Friday


    . Please print out the “de” exercise paper and fill in the blanks according to last week’s notes (PDF file is in wechat group).


    Please complete the exercise “Describe and write” in Lesson 5.


    Please review level-1 Chinese characters for those who participate in the Chinese Test (the file is in the wechat group)


    please practice characters in L5 and the first 4 lessons as well, dictation next week again


    please urge the students to complete the first 4 lessons of bamboo slips


    You can click the link to continue the online exercise of “de” last week

    Parents should check the results of dictation and correct the vocabulary they have not mastered

  2. 8年级
    1 熟读第5课课文《三个和尚》,学习新的生字和词组
    Read fluently lesson 5, learn new characters and phrases
    2 把描述三个和尚的所有课上讲的形容词抄写下来
    Write down all adjective words that collected to describe three monks during the lesson
    3 完成课后练习册作业第5课的星期一-星期三
    Finish lesson 5 exercise book Monday -Wednesday
    4 完成作文 (我的理想圣诞假期),描述一下你一般圣诞节如何庆祝,和谁一起庆祝,你是否喜欢庆祝圣诞节,为什么,你最期待的礼物是什么?去年你收到的礼物是什么?你是否喜欢,要求最少180个字
    Writing task : My ideal Christmas . min 180 characters
    5 ,背诵《生查子除夕》,横屏录制自己那句诗歌的视频,发给老师,要求背景干净,有节奏有感情的背诵出来。
    Record videos of your part of poem sentence.

  3. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第一课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、请记住笔画名称,Please remember the name of the strokes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry8zvLN-B2A

    3,请记住写字笔顺规则: (please remember rule of Stroke Order) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eJ5ys03NHA

    请家长帮助学生理解每道习题的要求,正确回答问题。按照星期一做星期一的作业,星期二做星期二的作业,以此类推。每天不要多做。Could parents help your child to understand the questions so that they can write the correct answers. Please do Monday’s work on Monday, Tuesday’s work on Tuesday and so on. Please do not do too many a day, especially do not complete all the homework in one day.

    4、记住所有的生字,下星期听写。。Prepare for the dictation of the new words in Lesson 1.

    5 背诵和演唱《山村咏怀》,watch the link below. Learn to sing and dance the poem:
    Shāncūn yǒnghuái – shào yōng (běisòng)
    《山村咏怀》 – 邵雍 (北宋)
    yī qù èr sān lǐ
    一去 二 三 里
    yān cūn sì wǔ jiā
    烟 村 四 五 家
    tíng tái liù qī zuò
    亭 台 六七 座
    Bā jiǔ shí zhī huā
    八 九 十 支 花

    6、学习《你笑起来真好看》歌曲 ,请跟着手舞To learn the song of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-DbpJIoQ0k

  4. 翁冰 学前班reception class:
    1.quizlet 网站学说词语和句子:read the words and sentences:今天是我的生日。我们一起吃蛋糕。我们一边唱歌一边跳舞。祝你生日快乐!
    2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duU2Adf3oNs 妙妙的生日派对

  5. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 请改正听写的错别字,每个字写五遍。
    Please correct today’s dictation, write each word 5times.
    2. 熟读或背诵第五课课文。
    Read or recite Lesson 5.
    3. 完成练习册A第五课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 5 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    4. 学唱歌曲《把未来点亮》的前两段,歌词已发给同学们。
    Learn to sing the first two paragraphs of the song.

  6. YCT B Homework for 28/11/2020 to 4/12/2020 (Ms Ying Wang王瑛):
    Task 1. Watch the video clips, and review the following sentences. Please translate them into English. 看视频, 练习下列句子。请翻译成英文。
    1. 铅(qiān) 笔(bǐ) 在(zài) 椅(yǐ) 子(zi) 下(xià) 面(mian)。
    2. 书(shū) 包(bāo) 在(zài) 桌(zhuō) 子(zi) 上(shàng) 面(mian)。
    3. 铅(qiān) 笔(bǐ) 在(zài) 书(shū) 包(bāo) 里(lǐ)。
    4. 书(shū) 包(bāo) 里(lǐ) 有(yǒu) 书(shū) 和(hé) 铅(qiān) 笔(bǐ)。
    5. 我(wǒ) 的(de) 房(fáng) 间(jiān) 里(lǐ) 有(yǒu) 床(chuáng),桌(zhuō) 子(zi) 和(hé) 椅(yǐ) 子(zi)。
    6. 房(fáng) 间(jiān) 里(lǐ) 没(méi) 有(yǒu) 电(diàn) 视(shì)。

    Task 2. Read aloud the mini story on page 16, and record your reading. 大声朗读第十六页的迷你故事,然后录制朗诵。

    Task 3. Watch the video clip and learn the song. 看视频,学歌曲。

  7. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册B第四课剩下的练习题。
    Finish Exercise Book B lesson 4 rest questions.
    Copy lesson 4 text underlined words 3 times each, dictated next week.
    Continue to search for riddles, and a guessing contest will be held in the last lesson of the term.

  8. 六年级A班
    Mon. 1,2,3,7
    Tue. 1,2,3,4
    Wed. 2,3,6
    Review vocabulary, it will be test on next week.

  9. 六年级B班作业
    1. 练习册B第25页第6题,读课文,判断句子,对的打“ √” ,错的打“×”。 Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and“×” on each wrong sentence according to the text.
    2. 练习册B第27页第2题,照例子写汉字,再组词语。Combine these parts to make characters and form phrases after the model.
    3. 练习册B第27页第3题,在下列加点字的正确读音上打“√”。Mark “√” on the right pronunciations of the dotted characters.
    4. 练习册B第27页第4题,选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    5. 练习册B第28页第5题,照例子改写句子 。Reconstruct the sentences below with the given words after the model.
    6. 练习册B第29页第7题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×” 。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.
    7. 练习册B第30页第3题,选词语填空。 Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
    8. 练习册B第31页第4题,改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    9. 练习册B第31页第5题,标出下列句子的先后顺序。Put the following sentences below in the correct order.
    10. 练习册B第32页第7题,阅读短文,判断句子,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√” on each right sentence and “×” on each wrong sentence according to the passage.

  10. 五年级A班
    Correct the errors in your dictation and copy each words 3 times with Pinyin .Practise the characters and get ready for the dictation next week.
    2. 练习册:周一:1、4、5;周二:1、2、5;周三:2、5;周四:1、5;周五:3、5
    Exercise book A lesson 3:
    Monday:1,4,5; Tuesday:1,2,5;Wed:2,5;Thursday:1,5;Friday:3,5
    3.看视频回答问题 。
    Watch the video and answer these questions.(见微信群)
    Complete the picture writing.
    Practise the songs. Please check the link in our Wechat group.
    Read the text aloud twice a day.

  11. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Correct your practise, five times each.
    Be ready for dictation.
    Recite part of song lyric.
    Learn to sing this song.

    ㊗️ 大家本周愉快!

  12. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Complete Exercise B Lesson Four Monday to Friday all questions;
    Read the poems and make video with one sentence.

  13. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 掌握第15单元短文一、二、三的生词(中英文),完成第133页练习S,W。
    Exercise S,W.
    2、 完成第135页到137页单元练习G、T。
    Exercise G, T.
    3、扫描课本封底的二维码,选择“Download supporting resources”,选择第15单元,完成第134页听力练习。
    Exercise L on Page134.

  14. 1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT 3 Lesson4 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 第四课的生词

    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成我们班WhatsApp group Yct3 照片中的练习。

    3)Please write the following words 5 times each, get ready for the dictation on Sunday 请将下面每个生词写5遍,准备好周日的听写:

    Yct5 level homework:
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT textbook 5 Lesson3 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习YCT5 课本第三课的生词https://quizlet.com/645406437/yct5-%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E8%AF%BE-%E7%94%B5%E6%A2%AF%E5%9D%8F%E4%BA%86-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2) Please write the following words 5 times each, get ready for the dictation on Sunday 请将下面每个生词写5遍,准备好周日的听写:楼、电梯、空调、窗户、住

    3.Please answer the following question in Chinese 请用中文回答下列的问题:你小时候和现在一样吗?有什么不一样?你将来会和现在一样吗?

  15. 三年级B班11月29-12月3号作业
    1 请完成练习册A第五课《我是谁》星期三1,5-7练习。
    Please complete the Exercises Book A Lesson 5《Who Am I》. Wednesday 1 and 5 to 7.
    2 请完成练习册A第五课《我是谁》星期四至星期五的全部练习。
    Please complete the Exercises Book A Lesson 5《Who Am I》from Thursday to Friday.
    3 请用 “知道” 和 “又…又” 造句
    Please make a sentence use “知道” “又…又”.
    4 请写一句含有 “春” 字的诗句(古诗或者现代诗都可以)
    Write a poem containing the word “春” 。

  16. 三年级C班:
    1.   完成第一单元测试题。
    Complete assessment paper for unite one.
    2.  第1、2课词语各写两遍。
    Copy new words in lesson 1,2 twice.
    3.   课外阅读《小白生病》。
    Extra reading: Little white is sick.
    4.   背诵或熟读儿歌(recite or read fluently)
    鹰愁涧 失白马
    遇菩萨 受点化

  17. Class YCT A Homework WEEK11 Term1 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Read PinYin & copy characters. Contents find from class WeChat group.

    2.Activity Book: Please complete rest questions from Lesson4, and question 1,2 from Lesson5.

    3.Print file. Read, recite and sing as stated.

    4.Please display each of the following videos.
    1)八种颜色- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySPatiyLWAo
    2)十二色- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xOGqPCd_K4
    3)方向歌- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0EaOQcwI5M
    4)日常生活- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbPmAAi1Ev8

  18. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第五课《小马过河》周一到周五剩下的练习题。
    Please finish the rest exercises of Lesson 5.

    2. 看图说话,借助我们发的图片,把《小马过河》的故事讲给爸爸妈妈或者其他家庭成员听。
    Retell the story to your family members with the pictures provided.

    3. 复习第五课重点词,下周听写。
    Please review the highlighted words and expressions in Lesson 5. We’ll have dictation next class.

    4. 请听下面链接中的歌并且学唱。

  19. 1,完成第四课,练习册B的所有作业。
    To complete all the questions of Lesson Four ( exercises Book B).
    2, 朗读四课课文,每天一次。
    Read aloud Lesson 4 once a day.
    3, 续写第四课-狼和小羊
    To continue the story, you have to write at least two paragraphs, but you can write as many as you want! We’re looking forward to reading your wonderful stories.

    4, 欢乐汉语:包饺子


  20. GCSE 班家庭作业:
    1、复习这两周学过的40个生词“偶像、弹钢琴、刻苦、成功、幼儿园、影迷、农民、媒体、摄影、演员、导演、乐器、毕业以后、博客、支持、一部电影、语言、文化、成、义工、过节、面对面、对…不好、生活、感到、不错、动画片、电视剧、流行歌曲、报纸、交网友、发短信、看地图、用处、脸书、微信、社交、浪费时间、试过、比赛” 每个生词写两遍,另外需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. Write each word TWICE. In addition, you need to complete the vocabulary sent it this Sunday, 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation.

    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 127 reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your class NOTEBOOK.

    3. 作文:我的偶像 Role models
    a. who is your role model?
    b. what has this role model done that interests you?
    c. what do you want to do in the future as a result of this role model’s influence?

  21. 四年级A班 王敏
    1. 记熟第五课里划线词汇,要听写。remember lesson 5 underline phrasas need dictation next week
    2. 看微信的连环画 ,仿照例子,画一画,并把第五课的中相关的句子写出来。Look at the WeChat comic strip, follow the example, draw a picture, and write out the relevant sentences in lesson 5.
    3 完成第五课的周一到周五习题。complete the EX A lesson 5 Mon-Fri all Questions
    4,背诵《象形字》 recite 《pictogram》
    我们祖先ancestors;真 clever,造字就像画一样
    禾鸟虫鱼马牛羊,按照according to实物把字创create

    5. 流利唱会《听我说,谢谢您》学习歌曲的动作。Fluent singing party “Listen to me, Thank you” to learn the action of the song.
    送给你小星星 送你花一朵
    你在我生命life中 太多的感动 affect
    你是我的天使 angel; 一路指引point (the way);我
    无论岁月变幻 change irregularly; 爱你唱成歌
    听我说谢谢你 因为有你
    温暖了四季 谢谢你
    感谢有你 世界更美丽
    我要谢谢你 因为有你
    谢谢你 感谢有你 把幸福传递transmit

  22. 五年级B班
    1.大声朗读课文3遍,不需要发录音到群里。(Read the text aloud 3 times ,don’t need to send a recording to the group.)
    2. 请完成练习册B第四课《狼和小羊》的部分练习题:(Please complete part of exercise book B, Lesson 4 “The Wolf and the Lamb” ):
    3.请你依照下列顺序改正听写错误的字,并抄写它到会写为止。(Please correct the wrong dictation in the following order and copy it until it can be written.)

  23. 二年级C班作业
    Read or recite Lesson 5.
    2,完成练习册A第五课星期一的练习 1-6
    Complete Lesson 5 Monday question 1-6
    3, 完成课本第34页的‘写一写’
    Complete the exercise on text book 34
    Learn to sing the first two paragraphs of the song.

  24. @所有人
    20211128 Homework

    Please spend 5 mins every day to practice chapter 1 (lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson3)
    Please update to the wechat group in the Saturday.
    This part will as one of the test part in next week, please be aware.

    Please write the chapter1 new words and new phase once everyday.

    Please write those easy wrong words everyday.

    Please use the new sentences form to practice making new sentences.

    写作练习 writing
    Please write a city which is you like it.
    If you have finished this part last week, you just need follow the mark and copy write again. If you haven’t write this part, please write.

    Please be aware, this will also as one of part chapter test as well.

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