
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十六至第二十一页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 16-21)

2、练习歌曲《你叫什么名字?》,并将唱歌视频发给老师Practice the song <Ni Jiao Shen Me Ming Zi> and send your video to me.

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年9月27日至2021年10月2日”

  1. @all 20210926 homework
    每天请花一分钟时间读一下课本第二页的词语部分,并且请记录好录音,周六发到群里。Practice use one mins to practice new phrases everyday, and please record your voice, and please send to group chat in Saturday.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down lesson1 ‘s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
    练习册A Practice A
    造句练习 Writing

  2. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A第一课剩下的练习题(星期四和星期五)。
    Please finish Exercise Book A first lesson rest question (Thursday and Friday ).
    Copy the line-drawing phrase in the first lesson text 5 times each,dictation next week.
    3. 观看《百家姓》2个视频,并会背诵前16个姓氏。
    Watch 2 videos of “Hundred Family Surnames” and recite the first 16 surnames.

  3. 在作业本上画动物 Draw animals :熊猫, 大象,猴子,袋鼠,长颈鹿
    背诵Recite:古朗月行 https://youtu.be/7V1Nw9_od_g
    学唱 Learning and sinig ; 咏鹅https://youtu.be/t7q70yhQ3Ro
    七个 阿姨来摘果https://youtu.be/kw6y9ISlXF0
    认读卡片Reading flash cards:颜色 水果 动物

  4. 四年级A班 王敏
    1,记熟第一课的每个句子,下星期要默写。remember lesson one all sentences next week need write from memory
    2, 学习关于地址的几个汉字,每个字抄写三遍。study Characters about Chinese address,copy time each
    省 sheng province 市 shi city 区 qu area; district
    门牌 pai door number
    3. 按照笔顺抄写课本第二课 的生字 第14,15,16页, 记住生字。 copy vocabularise of lesson 2 with each stroke order , need remember all
    4. 做 练习册B 第二课 周一到周五 习题1-3 ,do the Ex B lesson 2 Mon-Fri Question 1-3

    5,继续学习 古诗,要求背下来 learn Chinese poetry,have to recit
    张九龄 Zhang Jiuling
    hǎi shàcng shēng míng yuè tiān yá gòng cǐ shí
    海 上 生 明 月,天 涯 共 此 时。
    As the bright moon shines over the sea,
    From far away you share this moment with me.
    qíng rén yuàn yáo yè jìng xī qǐ xiāng sī
    情 人 怨 遥 夜,竟 夕 起 相 思。
    For parted lovers2 lonely nights are the worst to be.
    All night long I think of no one but thee.
    miè zhú liáng guāng mǎn pī yī jué lù zī
    灭 烛 怜 光 满,披 衣 觉 露 滋。
    To enjoy the moon I blow out the candle stick.
    Please put on your nightgown for the dew3 is thick.
    bù kān yíng shǒu zèng hái qǐn mèng jiā qī
    I try to offer you the moonlight so hard to pick,
    Hoping a reunion in my dream will come quick.

  5. 六年级B班作业
    1. 借助quizlet复习第一课的生字,准备听写。Revise the new characters and vocabulary of L1 with the help of quizlet (https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij), prepare to do dictation next week.
    2. 练习册A第9页第5题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    3. 练习册A第9页第6题,读句子,用画线的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the underlined words.
    4. 练习册A第9页第7题,读课文,选择填空。Choose the right sentences according to the text.
    5. 练习册A第12页第3题,照例子连一连,写汉字。Link and write after the model.
    6. 练习册A第12页第4题,照例子填空。Fill in the form after the model.
    7. 练习册A第13页第5题,改病句。Correct the following sentences.
    8. 练习册A第15页第3题,照例子去掉下列字的部首,再组词语。Write characters and form phrases after the model.
    9. 练习册A第15页第5题,读课文,回答问题。Answer the following questions according to the text.
    10. 练习册A第16页第6题,连词成句。Put the given words int he correct order to make sentences.
    11. 参考微信中的图片将下面的句子编写成一个小故事。Reference to the pictures in WeChat and make the following sentences into a story.
    爸爸妈妈星期六下午三点带小孩高高兴兴地去公园。 兴奋地、开心地
    在公园里到处都有鲜花、绿草。 到处都是
    我们走到了(一条小河的)河边,河边有很多红色的花、绿色的草,河面格外宁静, 河水映照着河边的大树和绿草。
    看到了很多人在写生。 许多、好多
    我来到一个画家的旁边,看到他画的画,真美丽! 到了、走到

  6. 六年级A班
    星期四 :1,2,3,4,5
    星期五 :1,2,3,4,6
    Finish exercise A lesson 1:
    Fri. 1,2,3,4,6
    Read text《Rodin》, and send the voice record to wechat group.
    Preview the text of Lesson 2.

  7. 学前班reception class:
    1.quiz let 看图说话。quiz let W3 第二课going to the beach.
    2。看视频小猪佩奇 《去海边玩》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRaav0ZetP4

  8. 3年级B班9月27-10月1号作业
    Please complete the Exercises Book B Lesson 2 《Going to the Bookstore》from Monday to Tuesday.
    2 请完成星期三1.写一写。
    Please complete Wednesday 1 Learn to write.
    3 请完成星期四1 写一写和2读一读。
    Please complete Thursday 1 Learn to write and 2 Read aloud.
    4 请完成星期五1.把下面的字写完整和2 选词语填空。
    Please complete Friday 1.complete the following characters and 2.choose the right words to fill in the blanks.

  9. 三年级C班homework for year 3C:
    1. 完成练习册A第7课,星期一至星期四,第一题到第四题。第一题写生字,“楼、千、更、层”这四个生字还没教可以先不写。
    Exercise Book A Lesson 7,Monday to Thursday part 1-4. The first exercise “learn to write”, there are four word “楼、千、更、层” we haven`t learnt yet ,you don’t need to write them.
    2. 背诵《静夜思》并拍下视频发送到微信群。
    Recite and video Thoughts on a Silent Night then post it in the Wechat group.
    3. 请完成《静夜思》gimkit 上的作业。

  10. 1,抄写补充生词( 15个HSK3的生词,已经发送到班群)每词三遍,用读,写和遮盖的方式抄写。
    Copy 15 words and expressions, each of them copy three times. Please use “say it, write it and cover it “ method to practise.

    2, 大声朗读补充资料上的四组对话,1和2组对话已经在课堂上练习过。请熟读。
    Read aloud talking about the four dialogues: Plan for the weekend, At home, talking about the travel plan and Preparing for the trip.

    3, 朗读拼音课文(也可以挑战根据句子的拼音写汉字)
    Read aloud Texts in Pinyin.

  11. 一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第五、六课(第十一至第十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 5-6 (Page 11-15)

    2,看以下视频练习六个复韵母 ai ei ui ao ou iu 的发音,Watching the following Youtube Pinyin song, practice the pronunciation of: ai ei ui ao ou iu

    3, 熟练朗读以下《儿歌》 Recite songs below:
    Bái bái é, Cháng Cháng bó
    白 白 鹅, 长 长 脖
    Pái zhe duì wǔ xià le hé
    排 着 队 伍 下了 河
    Yáo tóu bǎi wěi chàng zhe gē
    摇 头 摆 尾 唱 着 歌
    kuài kuài lè lè yóu guò hé
    快 快 乐乐 游 过 河
    Māomī miāo miāo jiào
    猫 咪 喵 喵 叫
    chī yú mī mī xiào
    吃 鱼 眯 眯 笑
    Pǎo bù qīng qīng tiào
    跑 步 轻 轻 跳
    Lǎo shǔ táo bù diào
    老 鼠 逃 不 掉


  12. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    1. 完成第一课练习册余下的习题。
    Finish the rest questions of exercise book A, Lesson 1.
    Review the phrases of Lesson 1, be ready for dictation.
    Recite the text of Lesson 1.

  13. GCSE 班家庭作业:
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 13 reading 3, and page 14 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  14. 8年级
    1 完成练习册星期三到星期五的所有练习题
    Finish exercise book A Wed to Friday
    2 练习默写第一课第3页词组,下周听写
    Practise phrases on p3, next week dictation
    3 作文:如果你是学校的校长,你会如何布置毕业典礼的 会场?在毕业典礼上你会对同学们说些什么?要求最少100个字。
    Writing: If you are the headteacher, how will you prepare the graduation ceremony venue. What speech will you make to the graduating students? min 100 characters

  15. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the question two “read aloud” on text book page 4-5 three time every day.
    把课本第4-5 页的第二题“读一读”每天读三遍
    2, Read and memorise the “ what a great Chinese school” on text book page 7
    3, Complete the Exercises on the exercise book A lesson one
    Thursday: 1/2/3/4/5/6
    Friday: 1/2/3/4/5

  16. 五年级A班
    1 每天读两遍课文,读熟以后把你最满意的朗读录音发到群里。
    Read the text and the Dialogue(the text book page 6) twice a day and send me the recording that you think it’s the best.
    Exercise book A lesson 1: complete questions 4-6 from Monday to Friday.
    3、写作练习:如果课堂上没有完成,请继续完成改写课文。将课文中的第一人称改写成第三人称。Rewrite the text in third person(if you haven’t finished).
    Reading :Read the text “Four Little Hares” and answers the questions.

  17. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 改正听写的错字,每个字写五遍。
    Correct the dictation, write the correct words 5times each.
    2. 背诵《中文学校真是好》,请发音频或视频到群里。
    Recite 《中文学校真是好》,send voice or videos in our group chat.
    3. 完成第二课练习册B周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 2 exercise book B Monday to Friday the first three questions.

  18. 四年级B

    1,请完成练习册A 周一至周五剩下的练习
    Please complete the remaining exercises in Workbook A from Monday to Friday

    2,请完成online 练习
    Please complete the online exercise


    Please write a letter to your future self in a Chinese letter format, with no limit on the number of words (please refer to the notes for the format)

  19. Yct C class homework:

    Yct3 level
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT 3 Lesson1 vocabularies ,and write each word 3 times,preparing for the dictation on Sunday.请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 第一课的生词,每个生词写三遍,准备星期日的听写


    2)Please translate the following sentences into English:
    有, 五年级、六年级和七年级都有汉语课。

    Yct5 level homework:
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT textbook 5 Lesson1 vocabularies ,and write each word 3 times, preparing for the dictation on Sunday.请用下面的Quizlet link学习YCT5 课本第一课的生词,每个生词写三遍,准备星期日的听写

    https://quizlet.com/616676650/yct5-lesson1-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY 2)Please make 5 sentences using the following words:请用下面的词造5个句子:

    1. 对……感兴趣
    2. 特别
    3. 和……一样
    4. 帮助
    5. 当然

  20. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Complete Exercise A Lesson one Monday all questions;
    Copy two times of the new works learnt in the lesson;
    Memorise the 4 phases and make one sentences with each of the phase;
    Translate Lesson two the 1st paragraph into English.

  21. A level班 家庭作业

    Knowledge related to the Mid-Autumn Festival.


  22. YCT B homework ( Ms Ying Wang):

    1. Read aloud the text and the mini story on page 4 and 6 in the textbook. Write down the English translation. 大声朗读课本第四和第六页的课文和迷你故事。写下英语译文。

    2. Activity Book: Complete exercise 2 on page 1, exercise 3 and 4 on page 2, exercise 5 on page 3.

    3. Watch the following video clips: 看以下视频:



  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 练习册A第一课《给爷爷的信》星期一到星期五剩下的题。
    Please finish the rest of the questions of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 复习课上划出的重点词,下周课上听写。(请提前准备好听写本)
    Please review all the highlighted words and phrases. We’ll have diction next class.

    3. 分配到口语作业的四位同学,请为下周课上的发言做准备,并在周六前把所要讲的地方告诉老师。
    Four of us have been allocated an oral homework. Please prepare for it and tell teacher your topic before Saturday.

  24. 五年级B班
    1. 请点这链接跟读短文《四只小兔》到流利,并录音上传到群里。Please click this link ,Read until fluent and upload the recording to the group.

    2.小作文练习 Writing
    According to practice of the class, please conclusion and write down a short article.

    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then send to the Wechat group on Saturday.Thank you !

  25. Class YCT A Homework WEEK3 Term1 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Read PinYin & copy characters. Details see WeChat group.

    2.Recite the text (see class WeChat group). Under the same title, write a passage about your family. As discussed on lesson, please include: How many members in your family; Details of each member, such as name, age roughly, things you like or food preferred, etc; Whether you have a pet (what?) at home; Do you like your family and members?
    2,背诵发至微信班群的文字内容。在同一标题(- 我的家)下,写一段关于你家的文字。如课上所讨论,需至少包括:你的家庭成员及人数;每个成员的细节,如姓名、大致年龄、喜欢的东西或食物等;你家里是否有猫、狗、鱼或鸟;及你喜欢你的家人和成员吗?

    3.Watch video clips repeatedly.
    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVeQfGNa0eo
    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqqd_u8f-sU

    4.Re display video clips, to watch or to sing along again.
    1-1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFgTLZQ-_3w&t=6s
    1-2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYPskx-5hBU
    2-1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJP8JPEmtcE
    2-2) https://v.qq.com/x/page/w0306hnmwyk.html
    2-3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZkzQOdv0Q

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