
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第十一课课文《认方向》5遍(每天一遍)Copy the Lesson 11’s Text 5 times (once a day)

2、抄写第十一课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 11

3、背诵第十一课《大象的朋友》并把视频发给老师Recite Lesson 11 Reading 《大象的朋友》 and send the video to me.

4、练习歌曲《种太阳》Practice the song 《种太阳》

26 Replies to “家庭作业2021年6月14日至2021年6月19日”

  1. 8年级作业
    1 继续复习1-12课所有生字关联的象形字,为期末考试做准备
    Reivew all characters and related phrases, prepare final term exam
    2 完成12课课后练习册星期四和星期五的作业
    Finish lesson 12 exercise book Thursday and Friday
    3 完成综合练习四1-8题
    Finish general exercise 4 question 1-8

  2. 1, 请演唱“朝代歌” 并录制视频【原图】提交到群里,要求如下:
    Please sing “Dynasty Song” and record the video [original picture] to submit to the group, the requirements are as follows

    Horizontal screen recording!
    Horizontal screen recording!
    Horizontal screen recording!

    The video background should not be too messy, clean and tidy, and avoid background sounds.

    3)请大声演唱, 可适当加些动作(如拍手?or 轻微摇摆or 摊手……等,不要过多,适当即可)
    Please sing loudly, and add some actions appropriately (such as clapping your hands or shaking your head slightly or spreading your hands… etc., not too much, just appropriate)

    Please dress neatly, with beautiful colors, and no pajamas.

    Sing the first 8 sentences only once, and sing the last four sentences twice.
    即 :
    “南北朝并立………皇朝至此完” (唱两遍)
    which is :
    “Three Emperors and Five Emperors…” (Sing it again)
    “The Northern and Southern Dynasties stand side by side… the dynasty is over” (sing twice)

    Sing according to the melody sung by the girl in the video, and don’t let the boy recite the part.


    7)???截止时间 17/06/2021 (星期四)11:59pm,过期未提交视频的同学将在全校汇报演出中无法出现,也将不能获得任何评奖,请同学们按时完成任务!加油?
    The deadline is 17/06/2021 (Thursday) 11:59 pm. Students who have not submitted their videos will not appear in the school report performance and will not receive any awards. Please complete the tasks on time! Come on ?

    2 请完成online练习 (端午节测试高阶和初阶)
    Please complete the online exercises (advanced and elementary in the Dragon Boat Festival test)



    3 请完成端午节香包的制作并写上班级和名字,拍照原图上传到群里。
    Please complete the herb bag of the Dragon Boat Festival sachet and write the class and name, take the original picture and upload it to the group.

    enjoy your Dragon Boat Festival?

  3. @all 20210613homework  
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read a lesson choosing from chapter 1 (lesson1 or 2 or3). Please record video to upload wechat group next lesson.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson1,2,3’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    Please review Chapter 1 practice from page 25 to page28
    Please review lesson1-3 from the practice book

    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    1. 横屏录制
    2. 录制膝盖以上、或者全身
    3. 穿一些正式、活泼的衣服

  4. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续练习‘二十四节气歌’,每个同学只需按照名单准备自己的段落并拍摄视频(请横屏拍摄),视频递交截止日:6月16日。Continue to sing the song ‘二十四节气歌’. Please prepare your own paragraph, once ready please record a video clip and hand it in by 16/06.(请把Youtube的Playback speed调到0.75)


    2. 观看以下视频学习唐诗‘清明’,‘悯农’,‘山行’ 和 ‘梅花’,并将每首诗抄写一遍。





  5. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 13 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2、完成中文练习册B第二课星期一到星期五4至7题 从第2页到16页。
    Complete the Lesson 2 exercises 4-7 from Monday to Friday in Chinese Workbook B, from page 2 to page 16.
    Read “feng fu duo cai de Zhong qiu xi su”, on page 17,18 of the text, please answer the following questions:
    Please practice the song “虞美人-春花秋月何时了”,link: https://youtu.be/hxbLu23hyAs

  6. 三年级c班:
    Complete all remaining questions in Exercise Book B Lesson twelve.
    2.抄写并记忆第十二课的词语至少三遍,准备好下周听写。 狼来了、干活儿、捉弄、大声、喊叫、立刻、根本、撒谎、被他欺骗、端午节、粽子、龙舟、屈原
    Memorize the new words in lesson twelve get ready for dictation next week.
    Please continue to learn the song Tai and recording the video send it to me by 16/06/21.

  7. 学前班B(reception class B):
    请按照原调和节奏来准备自己选择到的句子(Please follow the original harmonic rhythm,prepare your own sentance)。(横屏录制Horizontal screen recording!),录像提交截止到周四晚上10:00。(The deadline is 17/06/2021 Thursday 10pm. )着装要求:尽量以唐装为主,没有唐装、旗袍的,也请着装整齐,颜色搭配漂亮,杜绝睡衣。
    If you don’t have a Tang Costume(chinese-style clothing) ,please dress neatly, with beautiful colors, and no pajamas. 朗诵和演唱声音要响亮!(Please sing loudly!)

    2. 听故事《西游记》第2集《悟空学艺》:https://www.openwhy.cn/activities/1249599233354186752/article/detail/1271958267272167424

    3.看动画:为什么端午节要吃粽?划龙舟?(Watching the cartoon Dragon Boat Festival)

  8. 学前班A reception class:
    1. quiz let w 32 location 2 and w32 《聪明的小鸭子2》练习说句子 say the sentences in quizlet w32
    2. 听故事 《聪明的小鸭子》并简单说故事。 listen to the story and try to retell the story.

  9. 六B班家庭作业:
    1. 结合每课生字词,复习7-9课课文内容。默写李白的《早发白帝城》和《望庐山瀑布》
    Please review lesson10-12。Recite and copy Li Bai’s 《早发白帝城》and《望庐山瀑布》.
    2. 理解7-8课的以下词组和句型,并用每一个词组造一个句:
    Understand the following phrases and sentence patterns and make one sentence each.

    3 继续完成作文大赛的作文

  10. Year Two B Homework
    1, Please rewrite the dialogue text of Lesson 12 into a narrative text
    2, Complete the ‘learn to write’ on text book page 88-90
    完成课本88-90 页的‘描一描,写一写’
    3, Read the Lesson 12 three times everyday.
    4, If you haven’t send the video, please send no late than Thursday 17th June
    如果你还没有完成视频录制, 请尽快录制, 在周四前发送。

  11. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Send the video to teacher.
    Finish the questions of reviews.


    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      1、朗诵并横屏录视频《画》及课堂上分配到的一句话尽快发给我;(横屏录制,截止时间 17/06/2021 (星期四)11:59pm,过期未提交视频的同学将不能参加学校评奖)
      Record when reciting poem Hua and the lines were given in last lesson;(Horizontal screen recording)
      Copy three times and read Lesson Eleven fluently;
      Copy the ‘Words and expressions’ three time on text book page 64.

  12. A level班 家庭作业

    1、抄写新单词,单词表发在微信群和Google classroom中,下节课听写。
    Master the new words

    2、 翻译:端午节是在农历五月初五。夏至时节,天气湿热,病菌繁殖快,人容易得病。于是人们在端午会大扫除,并用不同的方法来驱赶蚊蝇。后来因为南方的一位爱国诗人屈原在这一天跳江自尽,于是有了端午节起源与屈原有关的说法。人们会在端午节吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂香草。

    Oral exercise.

  13. 五年级A班
    Read the text twice a day.
    Complete the “Dragon Boat Festival booklet”.
    3. B结合同学们所了解的端午节的知识,自己定题目写一篇和端午节有关的小作文。题目可以是《如何包粽子》(可以参考杨老师录制的包粽子视频,链接如下https://youtu.be/PT7c6-z9VyA ,别忘记使用连接词“首先,接着,然后,最后等”),也可以是《端午节小故事》或者是端午节产生的联想等等。
    A piece of writing about the Dargon Boat Festival.
    Who is Newton and why is he famous?
    When Newton had finished cooking, his guests didn’t come then where did he go?
    c. 客人们为什么不敢去打扰他?
    Why didn’t the guests disturb Newton?
    d. 客人们决定怎么做?
    What did the guests decide to do?
    When Newton remembered his guests, what did he do?
    f. 从牛顿的故事里你学到了什么?
    What have you learnt from the story?

  14. 本周作业:
    Complete Exercises from page115 to page118 in the text book.

    2, 写作练习:洗衣服,详见微信群。
    Writing: How to wash the clothes.

    3,看视频,跟读 《沁园春 长沙》并且将拍摄好的视频于本周三发送到班微信群,谢谢
    Watch the video,read aloud and copy        CHANGSHATune:“ SPRING IN A PLEASURE GARDEN”, please send your video to class wechat no later than this Wednesday,thanks.




  15. 二年级A班(Year 2A):

    1. 请把第一,二,三课的生字和词语各写三遍。
    Please write Lesson 1,2,3 the new words and the phrases 3 times each.
    2. 请用Quizlet 复习字词。
    3. 请还没有录制视频的尽快录制,截止周三(16日)
    Please record your video and submit by Wednesday (16th)
    4.看动画:为什么端午节要吃粽?划龙舟?Watching the cartoon Dragon Boat Festival

  16. 1 观看视频了解端午节的起源
    Watch the video to know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.
    2 写出四个中国重要的传统节日
    Write down four important Chinese traditional festivals.
    3 复习抄写第六课,第七课和第八课生字加汉语拼音标注,每个字写3遍。
    Review and copy the new words in Lessons 6,7 and lesson 8 with Pinyin, please write each word 3 times.
    4 请家长配合把《鹿鸣》中自己朗诵的一句话录下来,最好穿上中式服装。注意:横屏录制!
    Please record the sentences you recite in 《鹿鸣》 into a video, preferably wearing traditional Chinese clothes.
    Please: Horizontal screen recording!

  17. 1 唱会《竹石》背熟诗词Sing the song 《竹石》Memorized the poem
    咬定青山不放松Biting into green hills, thou never loose clutches,
    立根原在破岩中Deepening thy roots in broken rocks where thou grow,
    千磨万击还坚劲,Standing strong still over sundry twists and smutches,
    任尔东西南北风。Ignoring any winds, wherever they blow.

    2 读汉字,换偏旁 Change Radical for follow words. E.g. 话- 活
    该- 如- 最- 喝- 拍- 钱- 跳- 过- 要- 抱- 群- 猴- 突- 边- 拉- 爬- 刚- 觉- 时- 起- 跟- 话- 问- 救- 盘- 谁- 滴- ,明- 怎- 园-

    3.翻译成汉语 Translate bottom words into Chinese.
    overcast snowing hailstone foggy frost typhoon lighting thunder thunderstorm flood raining weather forecast cloudy windy sunny
    Apple pear cherry clementine long-an mango strawberry apricot lychee pomelo watermelon banana plum peach pineapple grapes

    4. 填空: filling the gap
    1.大自然的( )多么( )、多么( )啊!只有( )学习,细心   ( ), 你才能看得见,听得懂。让我们做个爱学习、爱( )的好学生吧。
    2.只有司马光不( )。他很快想出了一个( ), 找来一块大石头,( )向水缸砸去。水缸破了,水流了出来,那个小朋友( )了。大家都说:“司马光真 ( ).
    3.小马听了妈妈的话,又跑到河边,( )过了河。( ),河水( )老牛说的那样浅,( )松鼠说的那样深。
    4.于是,猴子们( )树上,一只拉着一只,一直( )水里。( )最下面的小猴子( )去捞月亮。他的手刚( )水, 月亮就不见了。猴子们觉得很( ).
    5.这个数星星的( )叫张衡, 是一千九百年前的( )。他(
    )学习,长大后成了( )的天文学家。
    6.( )弯弯挂天边,( )弯弯停江边。( )红红水中游,太阳红红( )。( )尖尖手中握( )尖尖冲上天。苹果( )树上挂,( )圆圆一串串。
    7.人有语言,( )也有语言吗?有的,大自然的语言可( )
    8.白云飘在蓝天上,明天一定是个( )。
    9( )打开飞船的门,看见月球上( )都是( ),到处都是( )和( ),看不见一只( ),听不到一点儿( )。月球是一个非常( )的( )。 七月二十四日, 他们( )月球上的( )和( ),( )回到了地球。

    1. 11, 唱会《竹石》背熟诗词Sing the song 《竹石》Memorized the poem
      咬定青山不放松Biting into green hills, thou never loose clutches,
      立根原在破岩中Deepening thy roots in broken rocks where thou grow,
      千磨万击还坚劲,Standing strong still over sundry twists and smutches,
      任尔东西南北风。Ignoring any winds, wherever they blow.

      2 读汉字,换偏旁 Change Radical for follow words. E.g. 话- 活
      该- 如- 最- 喝- 拍- 钱- 跳- 过- 要- 抱- 群- 猴- 突- 边- 拉-
      爬- 刚- 觉- 时- 起- 跟- 话- 问- 救- 盘- 谁- 滴- ,明- 怎- 园-

      3.翻译成汉语 Translate bottom words into Chinese.
      overcast, snowing, hailstone, foggy ,frost ,typhoon ,lighting ,thunder ,thunderstorm ,flood, raining, weather forecast ,cloudy ,windy, sunny,
      Apple, pear ,cherry ,clementine ,long-an, mango strawberry, apricot, lychee ,pomelo, watermelon, banana plum ,peach ,pineapple, grapes

      4. 填空: filling the gap
      1.大自然的( )多么( )、多么( )啊!只有( )学习,细心   ( ), 你才能看得见,听得懂。让我们做个爱学习、爱( )的好学生吧。
      2.只有司马光不( )。他很快想出了一个( ), 找来一块大石头,( )向水缸砸去。水缸破了,水流了出来,那个小朋友( )了。大家都说:“司马光真 ( ).
      3.小马听了妈妈的话,又跑到河边,( )过了河。( ),河水( )老牛说的那样浅,( )松鼠说的那样深。
      4.于是,猴子们( )树上,一只拉着一只,一直( )水里。( )最下面的小猴子( )去捞月亮。他的手刚( )水, 月亮就不见了。猴子们觉得很( ).
      5.这个数星星的( )叫张衡, 是一千九百年前的( )。他(
      )学习,长大后成了( )的天文学家。
      6.( )弯弯挂天边,( )弯弯停江边。( )红红水中游,太阳红红(
      )。( )尖尖手中握( )尖尖冲上天。苹果( )树上挂,( )圆圆一串串。
      7.人有语言,( )也有语言吗?有的,大自然的语言可( )
      8.白云飘在蓝天上,明天一定是个 ( )。
      9( )打开飞船的门,看见月球上( )都是( ),到处都是( )和( ),看不见一只( ),听不到一点儿( )。月球是一个非常(
      )的( )。 七月二十四日, 他们( )月球上的( )和( ),( )回到了地

  18. YctC class homework:

    Please watch the video clip below , sing along with the video and making a video for school talent show this year as soon as possible. The deadline to hand in the video clip to me is this Saturday before 8:00pm. The lyrics in in our WhatsApp group.请反复观看练习歌曲《声律启蒙》,请家长尽快帮忙录制视频,再由老师统一编辑做为参加学校才艺演出节目。最后的上交视频的期限是本周六晚上八点。歌词在我们班WhatsApp group.


  19. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 复习4-6课的生字和划线词,下周课上抽查听写。
    Please review the new words and underlined phrases of Lesson 4 to 6. We’ll have dictation next class.

    2. 请用word cloud“星星”肚子里的字组词,越多越好,把结果写进padlet网页里(标上自己的名字)。
    Please finish the word cloud game and input your answer into padlet.

    3. 完成老师发到群里的4-6课练习题。(建议打印出来,无法打印的请把题号写上,然后写上自己的答案)
    Please finish the exercises of Lesson 4 to 6 which can be found in our wechat group.

  20. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第十二课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下节课听写 Copy down all new Chinese characters from Lesson 12, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next Sunday.

    2,抄写以下词语个五遍:copy down the following phrases 5 times each.

  21. Class YCT A Homework WEEK32 Term3 2020-2021/YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Follow each of the audio files given (find from class WeChat group), read texts accordingly with exactly the same tones, to review Lessons 5 & 4.
    1, 对照课本播放班级微信群给出的音频文件,在跟读练习中复习第5和第4课课文,注意更正音调。

    2.Dispaly each of the video clips, continue to read fluently and gain further understanding of the ancient Chinese poems of ‘迟日江山丽’, ‘游子吟’ 和 ‘但愿人长久’.
    2,播放各个视频,继续读熟和进一步理解三首中国古诗 《迟日江山丽》、 《游子吟》 和 《但愿人长久》。

    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BopftRq5MQI
    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZFpdkQnTGs
    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHSfNWRg7BY

    3.Find the PDF file with both the lyrics and translation to the 3 poems from class WeChat group and print. Read poems repeatedly till fluent, and you can singing along with the songs given easily and able acting with confidence. Get ready to be able to record and submit your videos preferably prior to Friday 18th June.

    1) https://m.ximalaya.com/ertong/16495508/101832868
    2) https://www.9ku.com/play/536578.htm
    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJP8JPEmtcE

  22. 六年级A班作业
    1. 练习朗诵第九课两首古诗。Practice reciting the two ancient poems from Lesson 9.
    唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 李白 早发白帝城
    唐诗三百首 望庐山瀑布 李白 诗朗诵
    2. 复习第十一课生词,准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L11, and prepare for the dictation. https://quizlet.com/595373631/zw6-11-flash-cards/?new
    3. 复习阅读文章《寻找光明的人》,p105。Revise the Reading《寻找光明的人》, p105.
    a. 看视频《The Miracle Worker》、《假如给我三天光明》,了解海伦。Watch the video 《The Miracle Worker》,《假如给我三天光明》and understand Helen.
    《The Miracle Worker》
    b. 回答下列问题:Answer the following questions:
    1) 海伦是一个什么样的人?
    2) 她是怎么学习写作的?
    3) 她最后成为了一个什么样的人?
    4) 海伦的故事让你懂了一个什么道理?
    你也可以把回答问题写成一篇读后感。You may write an article about your impression after reading《寻找光明的人》and watching the videos instead of answering the questions.
    4. 复习、预习第十二课生词。Revise and preview the vocabulary of L12
    5. 学习中国国歌
    中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》 Zhōngguó guógē “yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ”
    起来! qǐlái!
    不愿做奴隶的人们! Bù yuàn zuò núlì de rénmen!
    把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! Bǎ wǒmen de xiěròu, zhù chéng wǒmen xīn de chángchéng!
    中华民族到了最危险的时候, Zhōnghuá mínzú dàole zuì wéixiǎn de shíhòu,
    每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 měi gèrén bèi pòzhe fāchū zuìhòu de hǒushēng.
    起来! Qǐlái!
    起来! Qǐlái!
    起来! Qǐlái!
    我们万众一心,冒着敌人的炮火, Wǒmen wànzhòngyīxīn, màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ,
    前进! qiánjìn!
    冒着敌人的炮火, Màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ,
    前进! qiánjìn!
    前进! qiánjìn!
    前进!进! Qiánjìn! Jìn!

    March of the Volunteers
    Arise! ye who refuse to be bond slaves!
    With our very flesh and blood, let us build our new Great Wall!
    China’s masses have met the day of danger,
    Indignation fills the heart of all of our countrymen.
    Arise! Arise! Arise! Many hearts with one mind,
    Brave the enemy’s gunfire, march on!
    Brave the enemy’s gunfire, march on!
    March on! March on! on!
    6. 上网搜索日本入侵中国的史实。Search online for the history when Japan invaded China.

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