
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第十课课文练习二词组各5遍 Copy 5 times of each phrases in Exercise 2 of Lesson Ten in the Text Book.

2、抄写课文《花园》五遍 Copy Lesson 10 Text Book 5 times

3、背诵课文并把视频发给老师 memorise Lesson 10 Text Book and send the recite video to me

4、考汉考的同学请做群里的汉语水平考试YCT1 paper 3、4、5 Please complete the YCT1 paper 3,4,5 if you are taking the YCT1 exam

5、《我的中国 我的学堂》视频拍摄 – 尚未发视频给我的继续拍摄 Please continue recording the video <My China My Classroom> and send it to me,  deadline 13/06/21

下个星期日30/05/21无课,学校放夏季学期半学期假 (Half Term Break)

Happy Half Term!

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年5月24日至2021年6月5日”

  1. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 请给课堂上复习的20个成语定义:“各种各样、名胜古迹、莫名其妙、亡羊补牢、年年有余、五颜六色、自相矛盾、目瞪口呆、春夏秋冬、刻舟求剑、胸有成竹、忘恩负义、万里无云、急中生智、蓝天白云、东南西北、乱七八糟、三心二意、一心一意、守株待兔” ,再试着每个成语造一个句子总共20个句子。

    Please give the 20 idiom definitions reviewed in class, then try to make a sentence for each idiom, totaling 20 sentences.

    2、 完成PDF文件中的作业,请见家长群
    Complete the homework in the PDF file, please see the parent group

  2. 学前班B班(reception B)
    Listen to:Journey to the West: The Birth of the Stone Monkey: https://www.openwhy.cn/article/detail/1251667957684039680
    Mini Task:Could you tell me how the stone monkey was born? What happened to Tiangong after the birth of stone monkey? How did the stone monkey become the monkey king? (You can choose video, drawing, etc to finish the task)
    2. 学唱三字经歌曲Learn the “Three Character Classic” song :https://youtu.be/oxyplHGZb-g

  3. @all 20210523homework  
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read a lesson choosing from chapter 4 (lesson 10 or 11 or12). Please record video to upload wechat group next lesson.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson10,11,12’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    Chapter 4 practice from page 112 to page116
    第四部分:Fourth 写一写
    请完成 HSK4的练习题目,请及时下载群里图片。
     请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Xue. Thank you!

    另外记得,下周是half-term holiday. 没有课。

  4. 三年级C班作业: Homework for year 3C:
    1.请完成YCT3 考卷3。
    Complete the YCT3 paper 3.
    Listen to the story about Longping Yuan.
    Please continue to learn the song Tai.

  5. A level班 家庭作业

    1、抄写新单词,单词表发在微信群和Google classroom中,下节课听写。
    Master the new words

    2、 翻译(中译英):改革开放由邓小平提出和创立,是在1978年12月后,开始实施的一系列以经济为主的改革措施,可总结为“对内改革,对外开放”。改革开放是中华人民共和国历史上的重大决策,使中华人民共和国经济高速发展。2001年中国加入世界贸易组织,大力发展进出口贸易,2010年中国的国内生产总值(GDP)超越日本、成为全球第二大经济体。


  6. 8年级作业
    1 完成HSK 4级课上测试的听力和阅读部分,答案见微信群
    Finish hsk 4 listening and reading parts, see pdf in wechat group
    2 完成HSK 4级写作部分,发照片给助教老师批改
    Finish hsk4 writing part, sent to teacher assistant
    3 练习朗诵《沁园春雪》,按照课上布置的句子横屏摄像,富有感情的朗诵,朗读技巧见视频链接
    take video of talent show <沁园春雪》recite, see above link for your reference
    4 下周HALF TERM 休息,祝同学们假期愉快
    next week half term, no lesson, wish you all have a nice break.

  7. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework

    1, 学唱和背诵唐诗’ 竹枝词‘ , 并录制视频, 请横屏录制16:9。
    Learn to sing and recite the Tang poem “Zhuzhi Ci”, and record the video . Please record 16:9 horizontally.
    竹(zhú)枝(zhī)词(cí) ( 唐(táng))刘(liú)禹(yǔ)锡(xī)
    杨(yáng) 柳(liǔ) 青 青 江 水 平,
    闻(wén) 郎(láng) 江 上 唱 歌 声。
    东 边(biān) 日 出 西 边(biān) 雨,
    道(dào) 是 无 晴(qíng) 还 有 晴.
    2, 参照以下链接33-39页,继续学习YCT 2级词汇
    Click the link below, on the vocabulary section (page 33-39), continue to learn the YCT 2 vocabulary.
    3, 练习第十一课的词语: 长江/江河/古老/国家/它们/名字/最远/双亲/从西流到东/唱着歌, 下次上课听写
    Practice the words in Lesson 11:长江/江河/古老/国家/它们/名字/最远/双亲/从西流到东/唱着歌, will dictate next time in class .

    下个星期日30/05/2021无课,学校放夏季学期半学期假 (Half Term Break)
    Happy Half Term!

  8. 1 完成课本综合练习(四)中文书第99-101页
    Please completed textbook review exercises(四).
    See page99-101
    2 复习抄写第一课和第二课生字加汉语拼音标注,每个字写3遍。
    Review and copy the new words in Lessons 1 and 2 with Pinyin, please write each word 3 times.
    灯(dēng) 街(jiē) 道(dào) 宽(kuān) 交(jiāo)通(tōng) 忙(máng) 往(wǎng) 弟(dì) 妹(mèi) 拉(lā) 停(tíng) 店(diàn) 童(tóng) 话(huà) 故(gù) 报(bào) 课(kè) 拿(ná) 现(xiàn) 等(děng) 吃(chī) 饭(fàn) 呢(ne) 付(fù) 钱(qián)
    3 读一读 Read aloud
    lù míng
    yōu yōu lù míng , shí yě zhī píng 。
    wǒ yǒu jiā bīn , gǔ sè chuī shēng 。
    chuī shēng gǔ huáng , chéng kuāng shì jiāng。
    rén zhī hào wǒ , shì wǒ zhōu háng 。
    yōu yōu lù míng , shí yě zhī hāo 。
    wǒ yǒu jiā bīn , dé yīn kǒng zhāo 。
    shì mín bù tiāo , jūn zǐ shì zé shì xiào 。
    wǒ yǒu zhǐ jiǔ , jiā bīn shì yàn yǐ áo 。

  9. 四年级C 王艺霖

    Students who participate in the Chinese test should pay attention to check the email to obtain test information

    Please complete comprehensive exercises (4) p115–116 and “general exercises p117–119”

    Please complete the online exercise (see the WeChat group for the link)

    Please continue to recite historical dynasties songs and submit video assignments.

    Attention please, no lessons for next week, enjoy your holiday!

    All the best to everyone!

  10. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 用课堂上学的PPT复习YCT三级词汇和语法(PPT会发微信群)Use PPT to revise YCT3 vocabulary and grammar (PPT file will send in WeChat group).
    2. 完成YCT3模拟试卷 (试卷和听力MP3发微信群)Complete the YCT mock exam paper (paper and listening audio will send in WeChat group).
    3. 按以下链接学唱‘二十四节气歌’ Use the link below to sing the song ‘二十四节气歌’.


  11. YCT B Homework for 24-5-2021 to 5-6-2021 Half term break(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. (Compulsory) Standard course book: Read aloud the mini story on page 46, and the dialogues on page 49, write down the English translation. 大声朗读第46页的迷你故事,和第49页的对话,写下英语译文。

    Task 2. (Compulsory) Activity Book: page 37 and 38 question 1, 2, 4. 完成活动手册中第37和38页的练习题1, 2, 4。

    Task 3. (Compulsory) Please do YCT 1 or YCT 2 mock test. 请做YCT 1 或YCT 2 的模拟测试https://test3.chinesetest.cn:36165/?p=9999903

    Task 4. (Compulsory) Watch the video clip and learn the poem. 看视频学古诗 -回乡偶书。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_gJEgC8buo&t=100s

  12. 1,完成第十二课《李时珍》,练习册B的全部练习。
    Please complete all of the exercises in Exercises Book B from lesson 12.


    Please review the HSK4 or YCT4 vocabularies ( depends on which exam you will take). If you don’t know the characters yet, you can use at Chinese as a guide.

    4,看视频,跟读 《沁园春 长沙》并且抄写一遍,相关字帖已经发送到班微信群。
    Watch the video,read aloud and copy        CHANGSHATune:“ SPRING IN A PLEASURE GARDEN”

    5, 欢乐汉语:我爱京剧

  13. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第十一课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下节课听写 Copy down all new Chinese characters from Lesson 11, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next Sunday.

    2,抄写一下词语个五遍:copy down the following phrases 5 times each.
    方向, 早上, 太阳,前面,后面,左面,右面

    3,背诵第十一课课文 (认方向)并把视频发给老师, Memories and recite lesson 11 text (Directions), and send the recite video to me

    4, 模仿视频中演唱唐诗(江南好),我会把视频发到我们班的群里。Watch the video to learn the lyrics and dance moves. I will send the video in our WeChat group.

  14. 五年级A班
    Complete the rest exercises of Lesson 10 on Book B.
    Copy and memorise the new words in lesson 10;get ready for dictation after half term.
    Read the text fluently and be able to retell the story with your own language.
    E 小于连看到了什么?小于连想了几个办法?
    F 小于连最后是怎么做的?
    Read the text on page 91 and try to answer the questions below:
    A Why did the Belgians build a little boy’s statue in the street?
    B Where did people celebrate?
    C What did they celebrate for?
    D Did the enemies give up? What did they do?
    E What did Yulian see?How many ideas did he think of?
    F What did Yulian do at last?

  15. 六年级B班家庭作业:
    Copy and memorise the words in lesson 12, get ready for dictation.
    Exercise book 6B lesson 12. Complete the exercises of Mon-Fri.
    3, 复习第10,11,12课文的生词和内容,下节课开始用在线测试的方式总复习。
    Memorise the words in lesson 10,11,12,review the texts, get ready for online test.

  16. 王敏4年级 A
    1,抄写 yct 4 的二段形容词, 在二段里找到配对的反义词,并第二段相应的词 后面 写上数字 例 好 1 坏 1 copy two paragraphs adjective words ,Find the paired opposite meaning in the second paragraph and write the number after the corresponding words in the second paragraph
    好-1、大-2、快-3、远-4、胖-5、冷-6、多-7、新-8、长-9、高-10、便宜-11、男-12、漂亮-13、有名-14、够-15、忙-16、安静-17、圆- 18、凉快-19、幸福、快乐-20、饱- 21、对-22、高兴-23、老-24、容易-25、认真-26、准时-27、可爱-28、生病-29、安全-30、甜-31、舒服-32、熟悉-33、聪明-34、干净-35 清楚-36、一样-37、勇敢-38、特别-39、紧张- 40

    短、贵、 生气、年轻、马虎、 错、 矮、暖和、 饿 、难过、 迟到、小2、女、 慢、 近、 难、 坏、1 难看、 瘦、 热、 少、 方、旧、 讨厌、健康、 危险、 模糊、不同、 胆小、 一般、 辣、无名、 闲、闹、 陌生、笨, 脏、 不足、难受、 放松
    2 读一读三字经的节选Read a three – word excerpt
    see wechat
    3. 学习古诗《竹石》learn the poem 《竹石》 拼音, 见 微信
    Insist that Castle Peak does not relax 1, the root original in the broken rock 2. A thousand blows still strong 3, Ren Er east and west north and south wind 4.


  17. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation ,three times each.
    Finish the rest questions of Lesson 12, exercise book B.
    Recite the poem and sing it.

    30/05/2021没有中文课,学校放夏季学期半学期假 (Half Term Break)

    Happy Half Term!

  18. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1、 请完成课本第115页上的“综合练习四”。
    Please finish the Exercises 4 on page 115 of our book.

    2、 请学唱唐诗《风》,并录制视频。
    Please learn to sing “the Wind”, record it and send it to our wechat group.

    Please listen to the stories about Longping Yuan.

    Please learn the words and phrases of YCT4

  19. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
    Complete Exercise A Lesson Nine Monday to Friday all questions (Daily);
    2、考汉考的同学请做汉语水平考试YCT1 (2) paper;
    complete the YCT1(2) paper if you are taking the YCT1 exam;
    Watch video learning song;
    Memorise the new words and will be tested in next lesson.

  20. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 完成第十二课余下的练习题。
    Complete the exercises of Lesson 12.
    2. 复习划线词语,下节课听写。
    “ 放假,以后,旅游,动物园,海洋公园,游泳,帮妈妈做,点儿家务活儿,假期,快乐”
    Revise the underlined phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    3. 完成94-95页综合练习(四)。
    Complete Review 4 on page 94-95

  21. 六年级A班作业
    1. 练习朗诵第九课两首古诗。Practice reciting the two ancient poems from Lesson 9.
    唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 李白 早发白帝城
    唐诗三百首 望庐山瀑布 李白 诗朗诵
    2. 复习第十一课生词https://quizlet.com/595373631/zw6-11-flash-cards/?new
    3. 查网了解南丁格尔。Search web to know Florence Nightingale.
    The life and work of Florence Nightingale (dramatisation) | History – True Stories
    4. 练习册A第92页第7题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.
    5. 练习册A第94页第3题,照例子写出下列字的偏旁部首,再写一个新字。Find and write down the radicals of characters below and make different characters with them after the model.
    6. 练习册A第94页第4题,写出带有下列偏旁部首的字。Write characters with the given radicals.
    7. 练习册A第94页第4题,选字填空。Choose the right characters to fill in the blanks.
    8. 练习册A第95页第5题,读句子,用画线的词语造句。Read the sentences and make sentences with the underlined words and expressions.
    9. 练习册A第97页第3题,照例子写汉字,再组词语。Combine these parts to make characters and form phrases after the model.
    10. 学习了《白衣天使》,想一想南丁格尔是一个什么样的人?你向她学到什么?写一篇读后感。可以自定题目,也可以结合新冠疫情写一篇文章。写的好的文章老师会帮你修改并向2021年“华文创想曲”海外华裔青少年创意作文大赛投稿。

  22. Class YCT A Homework WEEK30 Term3 2020-2021/ YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Remember all YCT1 vocabularies (including to read all the reading parts) and read all the given Chinese sentence patterns. Find both files from class WeChat group.
    1,记住所学所有YCT1词汇(包括练习供阅读的内容),熟读给出的所有中文句型。 (请按课上交代的顺序完成。文件请见班级微信群)。

    2.Please do follow the link below to test your computer/equipment as well as to do the mock test of YCT1 repeatedly. The link is usable until before 3rd June. https://test3.chinesetest.cn:36165/?p=9999903

    3.Make sure you complete all the YCT1 sample exam papers (find from class WeChat group), try to timing it yourself. And repeat each of them at least once if you can.
    3, 保证完成发至班级微信群的所有YCT1考试样卷,试着自己计时。如能,请将每份模拟试卷至少重复做一遍。

    4.Follow each of the audio files given (find from class WeChat group) to read accordingly with exactly the same tones, to review Lessons 9 & 8.
    4, 播放班级微信群给出的音频文件,在跟读和正音练习中复习第9和第8课。5.Please view each of the following video clips and singing along daily.



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