
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第一、二课(第一至第六页)   (扫描作业已发群里)                            To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6) (Please see the scanned papers)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song:


张开喉咙a a a
公鸡打鸣o o o
白鹅唱歌e e e
我穿新衣 i  i  i
天上乌云 u u u
就要下雨 ü ü ü

27 Replies to “家庭作业2020年9月6日至2020年9月12日”

  1. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 在练习本上正确地将自己的中文姓名写五遍,并试着说出每个字的偏旁部首。Please write your name in Chines correctly 5 times and try to spot out the main radical.

    2. 看视频了解中国百家姓,并跟着朗读读和背诵前三十二个姓氏。Watch the videos below to learn “百家姓”, and read aloud till fluently then try to recite.


    3. 抄写一遍以下三十二个姓氏。Copy the following top 32 Chinese family names from ‘百家姓’


  2. 六年级A班作业Homework for Year 6A
    一、 复习第一课的生字、生词准备听写。Revise the new characters and vocabulary, prepare for dictation.
    二、 练习册A第12页第4题照例子填空。Question 4 on p12 of workbook A, fill the form according to the examples.
    三、 练习册A第13页第5题改病句。Question 5 on p13 of workbook A, correct the following sentences.
    四、 练习册A第13页第6题阅读课文,判断对错。Question 6 on p13 of workbook A, read the text and judge if the flowing claims are wrong or correct.
    五、 练习册A第15页第5题读课文,回答问题。Question 5 on p15 of workbook A, read the text and answer the questions.
    六、 练习册A第16页第6题连词成句。Question 6 on p16 of workbook A, arrange the word given to make meaningful sentences.

  3. A level 班
    A level班 家庭作业
    1、准备好一本作业本,用中文写下AS 大纲中考试内容和考试形式,包括主题和次主题以及次主题中讨论的内容,3张考试卷中的内容,时间,以及你觉得需要特别注意和提高的地方。
    Prepare a workbook and write down as following, the test content and test format in ‘Specification_GCE_AS_level_L3_in_Chinese’, including themes and sub-themes as well as the content discussed in the sub-themes. Regarding to 3 test papers, the content in, the time, and what you think needs special attention.

    2、阅读AS考试大纲的第二部分‘Subject content and assessment information’,用中文写下自己觉得需注意的地方,下节课讨论。
    Read the second part of ‘Specification_GCE_AS_level_L3_in_Chinese’.

    Read a Chinese novel you like, recommend Cao Wenxuan’s novels, such as “The Straw House”

  4. 绘画一副自然的画,并请学生用中文说出: 句型: 这是什么? 这是…。那是… 星星,云,月亮,太阳,山,树,由家长标注汉语。

    学唱Singing : 我是小小太空人https://youtu.be/IpM0yaN3B7M
    故事story :夸父逐日 https://youtu.be/k3EAwCBlc_U
    Draw a natural picture . Use “ this is, that is , introduce phrases: 星星,月亮,云,山,树

  5. @all 20200906 homework
    Practice your speaking skills with lesson 1, recording your voice and send to the Wechat group.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down lesson1 ‘s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
    练习册A Practice A
    小作文练习 Writing&Speaking
    According to practice of the class, please conclusion and write down a short article. After, you can recording your voice and upload to wechat group.
    话题:1. 自我介绍 2. 最难忘的一次旅行(选择一个即可)
    Topic: 1. Introduce yourself  2. The most memorable trip
    (Choose one of the topic which is you like it)
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给庄老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhuang. Thank you !

  6. 8年级作业
    1 请家长们配合准备好中文第8册的书和两本练习册,下周上课需要
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday lesson
    2 预习中文书第8册第一课《开学典礼》的生字和生词
    Preview lesson 1 <开学典礼》 , preview all characters and phrases.
    3. 复习第7册学过的所有的生字和词组
    Review all vocabulary from zhongwen book 7
    5 用以下5个词组写一段话在作文本上,要求最少100字 (喜欢,回家,挑剔,打折,购物,食物)
    Write a short passage with above phrases, min 100 characters. write on your writing exercise notebook.

  7. 1. 请准备好中文第3册的书和两本练习册,下周上课需要
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday lesson
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself.
    3. 读第一课《红绿灯》3-5遍,把视频或音频发到微信群。
    Read Lesson one a few times.

  8. 学前A班Reception Class:
    学会自我介绍:introduce yourself by using sentence pattern

    1.你好,我叫xxx ,我今年五(六)岁了。
    2.看图说话:look at pictures in lesson1 and say aloud .
    3.学说短语:绿色(暖和)的春天; 炎热的夏天; 金色(凉快)的秋天; 寒冷(白色)的冬天
    4. 请使用quizlet 网站复习词语。
    5.听儿歌: https://v.qq.com/x/page/b00145xdo53.html 新四季歌

  9. 1. 请准备好中文第3册的书和两本练习册,下周上课需要
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday lesson
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself.
    3. 读第一课《红绿灯》3-5遍。Read Lesson one a few times.

  10. Year Two B Homework
    A, Read the 10 sentences below 3 times a day, will check in class next week
    把下面十个句子每天读三遍, 下周检查
    1. 我爱我的爸爸妈妈和爷爷奶奶。

    2. 天上有太阳, 山下有石头。

    3. 我家的后面有个小花园。

    4. 一年有四季, 春 夏 秋 冬。

    5. 东 南 西 北, 四个方向。

    6. 我是一个小学生。

    7. 左手有花, 右手有草。

    8. 我家有五口人。

    9. 我是一个小学生。

    10. 我坐校车去学校。

    B, Cope the 10 sentences above to the A4 white paper, please use pencil and write your Chinese name on the top。
    把上面的十个句子抄在一张A4 白纸上, 请用铅笔并写上自己的中文名字
    C, Practise the five questions below in Chinese,will check in the class next week
    用中文练习下面的五个句子, 下周课堂提问
    1, what is your name?
    2, How old are you?
    3, how many people are there in your family?
    4, what is your favourite colour?
    5, how many students in your class?

  11. 王艺霖
    year 4 C homework

    1. 请准备好中文第4册的书和两本练习册,下周上课需要
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday lesson
    Please get ready two notebooks. One for composition and one for important notes.

    3,2 预习中文书第4册第一课《给爷爷的信》的生字和生词
    Preview lesson 2 《给爷爷的信》 , preview all characters and phrases.
    4,读第一课《给爷爷的信》3遍。Read Lesson one a few times.

  12. YCT2 Homework:

    1. Review the YCT1 vocabulary, do the word search on page 2. List as many words as you can, and translate them into English. 复习YCT1生词,做第二页的单词搜索。列出尽可能多的词,然后翻译成英文。

    2. Match the sentences on page 2, then read aloud and translate into English. 做第二页的句子连线, 然后大声读出来并翻译成英文。

    3. Preview Lesson 1 May I sit here? 预习第一课 我可以做这儿吗?

    4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAGJVPXaHHk

  13. 学前班B(reception class B):

    1. 熟记课堂口令。



    nǐ hǎo qǐng xìe xìe duì bù qǐ bù kè qì meíguāxì
    你 好、请、 谢谢、对不起、 不客气、没关系。

  14. 1 完成句子
    (6)忙了一天,你怎么____________ 也不累。
    (7) 你怎么还没________? 我们在饭店等你半小时了。
    2 完成对话

  15. YCTC 班homework:
    1.Please answer the following questions in Chinese. 请用中文回答下面的问题。
    2. 请参考下面的句式,写一篇有关暑假的短文。Please write a short article about your summer holiday, using the following the sentences like: 我吃了…我喝了…;我去了…;我和…一起玩游戏;我很开心/高兴,因为…;我不高兴,因为…
    3.请完成放在WhatsApp group中的练习题。Please finish the question in WhatsApp group.
    4: Please watch the video clips:

    Happy Birthday (生日快乐) |
    At School (在学校)

  16. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第一、二课(第一至第六页) (扫描作业已发群里)
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6) (Please see the scanned papers)

    2、练习单韵母儿歌 请看以下链接 Practice the Pinyin Song please watch following link:
    张大嘴巴ɑ ɑ ɑ
    圆圆嘴巴o o o
    扁扁嘴巴e e e
    牙齿对齐i i i
    嘴巴小圆u u u
    撅起嘴巴ü ü ü

    3.练习声调歌 请看以下链接 Practice the Pinyin Song please watch following link:

  17. GCSE 家庭作业
    1. 课堂作文测试中得B-、B、B+、C 的同学根据要求再重新写一遍,没有交作文的同学请在家完成
    1. Students who scored B-, B, B+, and C in the classroom writing test should write again as required. Those who have not sent article to me , please complete it at home.
    2. 请试着阅读《中文》第九册课本的第一课,不会的字标注拼音,在中文书的第1页到2页。Please try to read the text lesson 1 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. In page 1 to 2.
    The following is the electronic version of this book:http://www.hwjyw.com/jc2020/zw(xx)B/keben1/kb9.pdf
    3. In the third week, we will start to use GCSE textbook, so please prepare to buy it in advance. Please also prepare three exercise books, will check next Sunday.
    4. GCSE书本可以在亚马逊上购买,以下是参考链接。
    GCSE books can be purchased on Amazon, the following is a reference link https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-GCSE-Chinese-Student-Book/dp/1292210842/ref=sr_1_1?crid=93ZV8WJU2ZKJ&dchild=1&keywords=edexcel+chinese+gcse+9-1&qid=1599506968&sprefix=edexcel+chinese+%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1

  18. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 希望拿到书的家长,请尽快跟常副校长或者薛老师联系去取书。不方便取书的,请在下周上课前将第四册《中文》第一课的第1到10页内容打印出来,并打印练习册A第1-17页的内容,方便孩子上课和课后练习使用。For those who want to get the new books, please contact Ms Chang or Ms Xue. For those who want to print the books, please print page 1 to 10 of ‘Chinese’ and print page 1-17 of exercise book A.

    2. 预习第一课《给爷爷的信》的生字词和课文。Please preview the new words and text of Lesson 1.

    3. 准备2个练习本。Please prepare two notebooks.

    4. 准备课堂留的口头作业。Please prepare the oral homework.

  19. Y5A五年级A班Homework
    1.Continue to complete your name card(If you haven’t finished or Ms Yang wrote in the Wechat group to ask you to correct your spellings).
    2.Complete the Quarantine Memory Book which will be sent to our Wechat group.
    3.Preview lesson 1.
    4.Prepare two note books (one for writing and one for making notes).

  20. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Please copy your Chinese name five times.
    Find the phrases you don’t know which Ms Xu posted in the PPT, three times each.
    Oral homework: Please choose 3 prases to make sentences.

  21. 五年级B班本周作业:
    Enter into my Padlet weblink: https://padlet.com/yingliulondon/3sym62bbbnczdeob make a post to introduce yourself, including your family, your hobbies, your friends, etc. You could use adjectives to describe your family members and your friends.
    2, 利用archchinese.com 网站资源,预习第一课的字,词和课文。
    Preview Lesson One.
    Extra reading, please see attached the extract in the wechat.

  22. 一年级C 班作业:
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6) (Please see the scanned document);
    2、描写”a, o, e, i, u, ü”;
     To copy “a, o, e, i, u, ü”;
    To practice the Pinyin Song

  23. 三年级B班/3B Homework
    1) 复习《中文》第二册后面的生词、句子和笔画名称表,104-109页。
    Revise the words and sentences from page 104 – 109 on Book 2.
    Preview Lesson 1 on Book 3, link: http://www.hwjyw.com/fj/jcxz/zhongwen/3/1.pdf
    Please prepare 2 notebooks (one for dictation, one for class practice).
    4、看视频“百家姓”, Watch the video:

  24. 二年级A班作业:
    1 请家长们配合准备好中文第2册的书和两本练习册,下周上课需要。
    Please make sure get ready for books and two exercises books by Next Sunday.
    2 请继续练习自我介绍,(尽量说完整的句子)讲给爸爸妈妈听。参考以下几点:
    A 你有兄弟姐妹吗?
    Do you have siblings?
    B 你的生日是几月?
    When is your birthday?
    C 你喜欢什么运动?
    What sports do you like?
    D 你最喜欢吃什么?
    What’s your favourite food?
    E 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?
    What’s your favourite colour?
    3 看视频”愚公移山”,给爸爸妈妈讲一讲”愚公移山”的故事,并说一说你在这个故事中学到了什么。下周课上提问。
    Please watch the video, understand the story and discuss with your parents what have you learnt from this story.
    4. 预习第一课《在中文学校》的生字词和课文。Please preview the new words and text of Lesson 1.

  25. 1.请大家尽快准备好第四册教材。 Please prepare the volume 4 textbook and exercise book as soon as possible.
    2, 请学习第四册 第一课生字 ,广guǎng,平píng,信xìn, 城chéng,提tí,场chǎng,孙sūn,封fēng,邮yóu,取qǔ,每个字抄写5遍。study lesson 1 vocabularies 广guǎng,平píng,信xìn, 城chéng,提tí,场chǎng,孙sūn,封fēng,邮yóu,取qǔ,copy write 5 times
    3,如果你学过《中文》第三册课本,请做微信群里我发的Word文档。 If you have learned the volume 3 textbook of 《中文》 please do the Word documents I sent in WeChat Group.
    4. 读一读 第一课课文,想一想找出问题:read lesson one,think find out your questions。
    第一课 给爷爷的信
    您 好 !
    今 天 ,我 收 到 了 您 的 来 信 。 我 很 喜 欢 信封 上 的 长 城 邮 票 。我 知 道 ,北 京 是中国的首 都 ,那 里 有 长 城 、故 宫 、颐 和 园 ,还 有 天安 门 广 场 。 爸 爸 说 ,今 年 夏 天 放 假 ,我 们全 家 要 去北京 看 望 您 和 奶 奶 。 那 时 ,我 就可 以 去 爬 长 城 、游 故 宫 、上 天 安 门 了 。
    亲 爱 的 爷 爷 , 我 的 中 文 水 平 是 不 是 有了 很 大 提 高 ? 今 后 我 还 要好好 学习, 争 取更 大 的 进 步 !
    祝爷爷奶奶身 体 好 !
    孙 儿 亮 亮
    二 0 0 五 年 八 月 八 日

  26. 六年级B班:
    1. 预习第一课《在公园》的生字词。Preview the new words and phrases of Lesson 1 《在公园》.

    2. 参照链接里的视频,试着跟读课文。Watch the linked video and try to read the text along with it.

    3. 准备2个练习本。Please prepare two notebooks.

  27. Qian Wang
    Class YCT-A Homework / YCT-A班家庭作业:
    1. 每天练习抄写自己的中文名字三遍,注意笔画顺序;1.Please copy your Chinese name, if you have got one already or from last week’s lesson, 3 times a day. Please refer to the video clip for you which I’m sending to our class WeChat group. Pay special attention to the correct order of the strokes when writing Chinese characters.

    2.每天练习写汉字一到十,每次两遍;2.Practice hand writing of each Chinese characters from one to ten for twice each day. Refer to the link below.

    3.在父母和/或兄弟姐妹面前演唱与示范两只老虎之歌;3.Review the singing twice per day of the song <> in front of your parents and or siblings, and have fun with them together. Follow  the music from the link below.

    4.复习句型以及词语替换: 1)你好;你好吗;我很好; 2)你/我 叫什么;你/我 几岁了; 练习说这些句子,并教会父母或兄弟姐妹说,跟他们一起练习中文对话。4.Review the speech of the following two types of sentence patterns. Change relevant words logically and repeat. 1) Hello; How are you; I am very well; 2) What is your/my name; How old are you/How old I am . Learn and teach your parents and or siblings how to speak these in Chinese, have simple dialogues with them, creating a Chinese speaking   environment within your own family. Have fun and assisting your Mandarin learning.

    5.目前先准备一个用于写汉字和听写的练习本;5.As the start currently, please prepare an exercise book for hand writing of Chinese characters as well as for dictations. 

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