
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


  • 第一至第十 二课词组 Lesson 1 – Lesson 12 Phases
  • 部首表89页 Table of Radicals P89
  • 汉字笔画名称表91页Table of Chinese Characters’ Strokes
  • 写字笔画规则表92页Table of Stroke Order
  • 利用华文教育网上资料进行复习–中文第一册复习http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd1/u1/u_main.htm

2、综合练习(四)P76-79, Review 4

3、handout练习星期一至五(发到微信群),Handout in Wechat

4、背诵第十五首唐诗《金缕衣》杜秋娘 Recite the 15th Tang Poem <Jin Lv Yi>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0jqpQhtcfA


26 Replies to “家庭作业2020年7月13日至2020年7月18日”

  1. 12/07/2020 GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 12 words, make one phase words and sentences for each. For example: “尚—时尚—我的朋友穿衣很时尚。”
    2、请试着阅读《中文》课本的第10课,不会的字标注拼音,在中文书的第92页到93页。Please try to read the text lesson 10 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. In page 92 to 93.
    3、完成中文练习册B,星期一到星期三 从第79页到90页。
    Complete the Lesson 10 from Monday to Wednesday in Chinese Workbook B, from page 79 to page 90.
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each.

  2. 6B班7月12日-7月19日家庭作业:


    You can choose to complete all the compositions by drawing or painting.


    Submit your third composition: Where would you like to go on a sightseeing tour during our class trip next lesson? Or where would you like to recommend students travel to? Explain your reason.

    还没有做的同学请看一下前两次作文要求。For those who haven’t done yet, the first two composition requirements are given below.

    Submit your second composition.:We have learned the biographies of some people this year including 屈原,南丁格尔,聂耳,海伦凯勒,达芬奇 etc etc. Who impressed you the most and why?


    The first composition: My family, or my life under the epidemic.


    You can write on paper, upload photos, or type under your name on the web page.

  3. 三年级B班本周作业
    Homework for 3B(7/13-)

    1. 复习所有课文中(1-12课)的生字和词语,要求会写并理解。
    Please Review all the Characters and words from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12.Make sure you can read,write and use it.

    2. 总复习:将课本中的综合练习,以及练习册A、B中所有练习题都复习一遍,确保会做。
    Please review all the ‘Review Exercises ‘ from the text book and go through all the questions from Exercise Book A and B. Make sure you understand these questions.

    3. 熟读每篇课文,并能背诵第一课《红绿灯》, 第四课《猜一猜》,以及第七课《古诗二首》。Read aloud with all the Lessonfrom 1 to 12, and recite Lessson 1, Lesson 4, and Lesson 7.

    The Final Exam will be based on the above 3 items.

  4. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第六课生词。look at pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.
    2. 请完成第六课的练习题:6.(1),(2),(3)。(36-37页)
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) 。(page36-37)

  5. 本周作业:
    1,订正/复习 第一到第十二课所有练习。
    Correct and revise all the exercises of Exercise Book A and B.
    2, 写作:参照课文李时珍的文章结构,写一篇你喜欢的著名/伟大的人物传记。此次写作将作为期末考试的一部分。
    Writing: write about a famous People that you know, you could take reference from Lesson 12.
    3, 抄写并记忆以下字和词语:
    Copy and revise these words.

  6. A level班 家庭作业
    Complete Speaking exercise on P98.

    Complete Exercise G and exercise T on P99-P100.

    Review the texts you have studied in the textbook and familiarize yourself with various topics.
    4、背诵第十六首唐诗《金缕衣》杜秋娘 Recite the 16th Tang Poem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0jqpQhtcfA

  7. 本周作业:(总复习)
    1,订正/复习 第一到第十二课所有练习。
    Correct and revise all the exercises of Exercise Book A and B.
    2, 写作:参照课文李时珍的文章结构,写一篇你喜欢的著名/伟大的人物传记。此次写作将作为期末考试的一部分。
    Writing: write about a famous People that you know, you could take reference from Lesson 12.
    3, 抄写并记忆以下字和词语:
    Copy and revise these words.

  8. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 看图说话 look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud .
    2. 认读生词:read the words: 面包,果汁,饼干。

  9. 8年级作业
    1 把期末考试卷子里错误的改正,并修改作文重新抄写一遍
    Correct the mistake from the exam paper, rewrite the writing task.
    2 学习晏子使楚的故事,为7.26日实景课堂做准备,看以下教学视频
    3 复习GCSE 的词汇
    Review GCSE vocalbulary

  10. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 改正默写,每个五遍。
    Correct the dictation, five times each.

    Read TEXT and READING of Unit 4,Lesson 10 to Lesson 12.

    3.复习以下词语,准备下周默写。并尝试用以下 尽可能多的词语,写个小故事,看谁用得最多有最恰当。
    Review the phrases ,be prepare for dictation, and try to write a story, which you try to use most as you can.

    Draw a picture match your story.

  11. Year Two B Homework
    1, Read the Lesson 12 three times a day.
    2, Complete the ‘Learn to write’ on text book page 88-90
    完成课本88-90 页的‘描一描,写一写“
    3, Complete the exercises in Exercise book B lesson 12
    Monday: 1-6
    Tuesday: 1-6
    完成练习册B 第十二课星期一和星期二的练习

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    继续复习1-12课所学内容并完成‘期末复习题’,准备7月26日期末考试。(期末复习题已发到微信群,请家长帮助打印)Carry on revise lesson 1-12 and complete the ‘Year-end revision exercise’ from the handouts. Parents, please help to print out the handouts. Thanks.

  13. 三年级C班作业:homework for year3C:
    Complete Page 102,103,104 Exercises.

    Copy and memorize the new words in Lesson four ,five and six,get ready for dictation next week.

    3. 完成以下三句有关“爱”的句子:complete three sentences below.
    a.我能( )爱,爱是
    b.我能( )爱,爱是
    c.我能( )爱,爱是

  14. YCT2 Homework:
    1. Review lesson 1 to 11, translate the key sentences from the document I sent to our group. 复习第一至十一课,翻译我发在群里文件中的关键句。
    2. Continue learn the song of the poem, and send the video recording to me.
    3. You can also send a video of your own talent/ something you’ve been doing at home etc. 你也可以发自己的才艺录像,或者最近在家做的事情等等。
    Please send the videos by 11pm this Tuesday. 请在周二晚11点前发来录像。

    our class test will be on the last day, 26th July.

  15. 1 HSK3 第15 课 练习册第105页
    第46-50 题 辨别汉字,选择正确的汉字填空
    HSK3 Lesson 15 Workbook page 105
    Question 46-50: Distinguish the characters and fill in the blanks.
    2 根据第15课课文内容填空
    Fill in the blank based on the texts in the textbook.
    3 说说你喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。
    Talk about what you like and what you do not like.
    (1)苹果 香蕉 橙子 西瓜 桃子 梨
    (2)黄瓜 芹菜 茄子 西红柿 大蒜 姜
    (3)红色 黑色 蓝色 绿色 粉色 白色
    (4)跑步 游泳 爬山 打球 踢足球
    (5)学习 英语 汉语 数学 历史
    4 完成句子
    (1)______ 唱歌以外,她____喜欢跳舞。
    5 改写句子 Rewrite the sentence

  16. YCT3 HOMEWORK 家庭作业
    1.复习YCT3 中文第一课到第十一课的生词,请进入YCT3 CLASS 在QUIZLET的学习集,点击下面的班级链接即可。https://quizlet.com/join/Ejd42Jm85

    2.请复习Yct3第一课到第十一课的课文和小故事,熟读并背诵,准备7月26日的期末考试。2. Please review the texts and short stories in Yct3 text book lessons 1 through 11, read and recite them for the final exam on July 26.

  17. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. Revise the vocabulary of YCT5 L1-6 with the quizlet sets
    L6+5: https://quizlet.com/513333830/rg-yct5-l56-flash-cards/?new
    L6+5+4: https://quizlet.com/513366153/rg-yct5-l456-flash-cards/?new
    L6+5+4+3: https://quizlet.com/513367009/rg-yct5-l3456-flash-cards/?new
    L6+5+4+3+2: https://quizlet.com/513367694/rg-yct5-l23456-flash-cards/?new
    L6+5+4+3+2+1: https://quizlet.com/513368327/rg-yct5-l123456-flash-cards/?new
    2. 熟读第48页上”Let’s sing”, p48的歌词,注意怎样用动词+着,并模仿着用中文表达下列场景。Read fluently the lyrics of “Let’s sing” on page 48, focus on how to use verb + 着, and then imitate the lyrics to express the scenario in Chinese.
    1) 请看第48页上的图。See the picture on p48.
    a. The teacher wears a green top and blue skirt.
    b. She is standing there talking.
    c. One of the students stands, and the other three sit.
    d. There is a book bag on the table of a boy.
    e. There is a book on the table of a girl.
    f. There is nothing written on the blackboard (黑板ban3).
    2) 请看第49页上的图。See the picture on p49.
    a. This little girl is holding a camera and taking pictures.
    b. The girl is smiling while hugging (抱bao4) her dog.
    c. They two are holding an o’clock.
    3) 请看第36页上的图。See the picture on p36.
    a. They were standing outside talking.
    b. The boy’s T-shirt has a “T” written on it.
    c. The aunt Bai is holding a handbag (手提包) in her hand.
    d. The younger sister of aunt Bai has long hair.

  18. 五年级A班作业(Y5A)
    Complete the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12 in workbook B.
    Read the text twice a day.
    Reading: read the text on text book P109 and try to answer the questions below.
    C 卓别林做了什么?
    D 他唱的第一首歌是什么?他是怎么唱的?
    E 对于卓别林的表演,观众的态度是怎样的?
    4. 每天一个小故事本周打卡任务:每天看一个视频,完成后打卡,可以提交自己根据故事画的话,也可以提交自己复述故事的小视频,每天坚持打卡的,完成一个月的打卡就会得到老师的神秘小 哦 Story Daily Attendance competition:Watch a video everyday. You have to check in everyday and hand in a piece of drawing of the story or a video of retelling the story. When you continuously check in for one month,you may get a secret present from your teacher!

  19. 背诵《山亭夏日》https://youtu.be/n6gXFbpa4hA
    Mémorise Tang pomes above , draw a picture about ‘Summer’

  20. 五年级A班作业(修正):
    Complete the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12 in workbook B.
    Read the text twice a day.
    Reading: read the text on text book P109 and try to answer the questions below.
    C 卓别林做了什么?
    D 他唱的第一首歌是什么?他是怎么唱的?
    E 对于卓别林的表演,观众的态度是怎样的?
    5. 每天一个小故事本周打卡任务:每天看一个视频,完成后打卡,可以提交自己根据故事画的话,也可以提交自己复述故事的小视频,每天坚持打卡的,完成一个月的打卡就会得到老师的神秘小 哦
    Story Daily Attendance competition:Watch a video everyday. You have to check in everyday and hand in a piece of drawing of the story or a video of retelling the story. When you continuously check in for one month,you may get a secret present from your teacher!

  21. 二年级A班(Year2A)作业:

    1 继续复习第二单元4,5,6课的生字,每个生字写三遍。
    Continue to revise unite2 lesson 4,5,6 new words, write three times each.
    2 大声朗读4,5,6课的”读一读”和”对话”
    Read aloud Lesson 4,5,6 “Read aloud” and ” Dialogue “.
    3 背诵古诗《山行》.
    Recite poem 《山行》.

  22. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 将周日听写错误的字词写三遍(12日,第12课)。Correct the phrases that you did wrong in the dictation and write them three times.
    2. 完成课本第117页总练习。Finish the Exercises on page 117 of our book.
    3. 复习本学年所学内容,并完成“期末复习题-上”,为7月26日的期末考试做准备。Please review all that we have learned in this year and finish the part one of ‘end of year exercises’. We’ll have a test on 26th of July.

  23. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    1、大声朗读并抄写一到两遍第一至第十 二课生字及词组;
    Read aloud and copy 1~2 times of characters and words and expressions from Lesson 1 – Lesson 12;
    To complete Review4 on P76-79;
    1)第89页部首表; Table of Radicals on P89;
    2)第91页汉字笔画名称表; The Chinese Characters’ Strokes on p91;
    3)第92页写字笔画规则表 The ‘Table of Stroke Order’ on p92;
    * 参考链接: http//www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd1/u1/u_main.htm
    * useful link: http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd1/u1/u_main.htm

  24. 六年级A班家庭作业

    1. 复习中文书1-12课所有词组
    Continue review phrasese from lesson 1-lesson 12

    Copy the new characters from lesson 10,11and 12 from phrases using the new characters.


  25. 一年级B 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    第一至第十 二课词组 Lesson 1 – Lesson 12 Phases
    部首表89页 Table of Radicals P89
    汉字笔画名称表91页Table of Chinese Characters’ Strokes
    写字笔画规则表92页Table of Stroke Order

    2、综合练习(四)P76-79, Review 4

    3、handout练习星期一至五(发到微信群),Handout in Wechat

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